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So many different Right-$ groups inflating evidence for #schoolvouchers itā€™s impossible to āœ‹šŸ›‘ all of them. #txlege #gapol #neleg #INed #ksleg

But hereā€™s the general pattern, using this EdChoice table as an example (there are many more):
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First is the absence of abysmal negative OH, and IN results by teams led by Figlio and Berends, respectively.

Those studies use panel data and methods and find terrible statewide at-scale voucher effectsā€”hugely relevant to legislation today.
But #schoolvouchers advocates drop them from tables like the šŸ‘† because theyā€™re not lottery-based studies. Itā€™s true that lotteries are gold standard evaluation toolā€”but have well-known limitations re: scale and generalizabilityā€”key issues today.

Any case, you donā€™t drop them
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Thereā€™s a #schoolvouchers link to the #January6thReport. It centers around attorney Cleta Mitchell who led Trumpā€™s GA pressure efforts after the vote. #BigLie

Mitchell is all over the final report:
Mitchell is also Board Secretary for the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, a huge #schoolvouchers backer out of Wisconsin thatā€™s given $millions to voucher research and advocacy.

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The Bradley Foundation is also financially the ā€œextraordinary forceā€ behind #BigLie efforts, per @JaneMayerNYer reporting @NewYorker.

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AšŸ§µ on why the #KYed ruling last week against #schoolvouchers tax credit scheme matters @NPEaction @Network4pubEd @PV4PS @BadassTeachersA @edvoters

First: a winā€™s a win. Itā€™s good to see #schoolvouchers stopped anywhere. The push to privatize is so relentless, so well-funded by such a narrow swath of backers, it can feel like swinging in the dark against it.

But more concretely: the KY Court found that #schoolvouchers tax credit shell game was a budget commitment even though itā€™s not a direct appropriation. Reducing revenue by $10 is the same as spending $10.

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The push for #education privatization #schoolvouchers is now a cruel update to longer efforts to separate single out and separate children. @carolburris @Network4pubEd @NPEaction

Heritage announced its #EducationFreedom strategy early in 2022:
And Heritage has been branching out on this tactic by adopting itself as a pseudo sex-science shop

The goal here is to underscore differences as ā€œchoiceā€ and ā€œvaluesā€ #lgbtqia #LGBTQ
With longstanding antipathy to #DEI baked into an #EducationFreedom agenda that in their telling is good for kids of color

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Donā€™t let the Right define opposition to #SchoolVouchers

Itā€™s their way of setting up targets to shoot down. @DianeRavitch @rweingarten @Network4pubEd @NPEaction @PV4PS @palan57 @BadassTeachersA

The problems are:

āŒ Tax-giveaways for those already in private school
āŒ Horrific academic outcomes for kids who actually do switch to #schoolvouchers

āŒ A revolving door of children in and out of private schools promising long term academic stability

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Another glaring gap between the actual Fordham #ohioed #schoolvouchers results and the spin from its Forward is on student achievement.
@NPEaction @Network4pubEd @PV4PS @OhioPEP @StephenODyer @CLub_edu @SchlFinance101
The actual researchers clearly say their results are due to changes in student compositionā€”with #schoolvouchers by design drawing more lower income students (ie also lower ave test scores) away from districts.

So districts didnā€™t actually improve #education due to vouchers
They just lost lower scoring kids.

ā€œBut wait!ā€ #schoolvouchers activists may say, ā€œthat shows vouchers are admitting poorer kids!ā€

True enough but thereā€™s no evidence voucher programs know how to *serve* those kids.

Quite the opposite:
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Itā€™s the #schoolvouchers two-step playbook:

āŒ set up a bar they know theyā€™ll pass by saying ā€œcritics sayā€¦ā€
āŒ barely pass and celebrate.

But thereā€™s never discussion of relative effects:

For example there is vastly more and stronger evidence that funding public schools has substantial and long-term effects that dwarf the tiny ā€œcompetitive effectsā€ on public schools that some #schoolvouchers studies find
#schoolfinance @SchlFinance101 @dsknight84

And Fordham glaringly ignores its own previous study showing that students who actually use #schoolvouchers had test score drops ~ 4x the test gains by competition in the new study @Network4pubEd @OhioPEP @PV4PS

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A few general comments on this new Fordham report on #ohioed #schoolvouchers:
@Network4pubEd @PV4PS @NPEaction @NEPCtweet @pfpsorg @OhioPEP

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First and most important: the study presents a ton of zero impacts and tiny effects. Mostly this is #schoolvouchers report about statistical noise, packaged as a win. The beauty of null results is one can see what one wants.

But in whatā€™s become a trend for Fordham, its house-written Forward makes way more of the externally done results than it should.

Basically the argument goes

ā€œ#schoolvouchersā€ critics say vouchers hurt but we find no evidence of vouchers doing anything! Critics are wrong!ā€

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Imploring #edchat journalists to ask these data questions of current/proposed #SchoolVouchers schemes.

Itā€™s how we know the so-called #COVID19 exodus for private/#homeschool will come back.

5-year voucher exit rates *before* COVID were near šŸ’Æ

There are 3 groups of #schoolvouchers usersā€”each giving lie to #EducationFreedom:

šŸ¤‘ long-standing #privateschool parents cashing inā€”far the largest group

šŸ¤” voucher-curious kids leaving soon after (most of the rest)

šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« some stray sortersā€”often susceptible to recruiting

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There is NO evidence that #schoolvouchers give long-term ā€œlifelinesā€ out of so-called failing schools. Theyā€™re a tax-giveaway to parents already sending kids privateā€¦

ā€¦and for the rest a crypto-like short-term gamble that they usually back out of soon after enrolling.

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Why have #schoolvouchers programs persisted and expanded despite a more lopsided base of objective evidence against them than nearly any other current #edpolicy #education initiative?

A few reasons šŸ§µšŸŖ”

First is that today #schoolvouchers activists are directly part of the larger #trump-style revanchist and anti-democratic turn in American politics since Obamaā€™s second term.

Politically their success is intertwined.
But as a policy matter too we see #schoolvouchers linger around even as #education research has tried to place itself in an #evidencebased position to inform policy.

If evidence were all that informed #edpolicy then vouchers would have been dead a decade ago.

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One reason #schoolvouchers are still described as having ā€œmixedā€ outcomes is the success of advocates propping up shoddy studies to flood the zone and offset quality evaluations showing dreadful impacts.

But itā€™s also because few people know what ā€œmixedā€ truly looks like.

But another reason is non-researchers donā€™t know what ā€œmixedā€ truly looks like. #SchoolVouchers outcomes are mixed compared to a standard of ā€œall results show bad outcomes.ā€

Most doā€”and all recent doā€”but not all studies ever show negative.

But thatā€™s not the question. Relative to other #edpolicy questions #schoolvouchers research over the last decade is entirely one-sided.

I could tell a data-driven story on either side of many #edpolicy questions. Where you have to decide the general tendency not an absolute

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"#ALECā€™s proposed Free Speech in Higher Education Act debated by members this week would ban public universities from using bias reporting systems to prevent or punish ā€œoffensiveā€ or ā€œunwantedā€ speech by students, faculty, staff, or guests."ā€¦ #HigherEd Image
#ALECā€™s FORUM Act "has passed in multiple states with the help of the hate group Alliance Defending Freedom, aims to address the manufactured free speech ā€œcrisisā€ being hyped by the Right, often by sending extremist provocateurs to speak at colleges and universities." #HigherEd Image
The real reason for the attack on librariesā€¦ This "has always been about keeping people uneducated and ignorant. Suppressing diverse ideas has always been the hallmark of conservatism, and free libraries stand in the way of their goal."
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The #schoolvouchers crowd loves to site my decade old PSJ paper using matched Milwaukee data to show small positive effects on attainment.

But they ignore my 3 other studies in far better journals that look awful for vouchers and are more informative to policy today

First up in @EEPAjournal: in ā€œLife After Vouchersā€ we show low-income and Black students exit #schoolvouchers at higher rates and DO BETTER once returning to Milwaukee Public Schools @DianeRavitch

Next up in @aerj_journal in ā€œGoing Publicā€ we deep dive into those kids who give up #schoolvouchers and show they are historically underserved and come from ā€œpop upā€ voucher schools founded to take tax $

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The folks I mention here are already pushing back on this piece @DianeRavitch so in lieu of direct social media battles Iā€™m going to just ā€œreply allā€ with a new point:

Letā€™s talk ā€œpeer review.ā€ The #schoolvouchers crowd has made use of this fuzzy term for years.

ā€œPeer reviewā€ can mean a lot of things. For example this paper by Corey DeAngelis in something called the ā€œJournal of Free Enterpriseā€ is ā€œpeer reviewed.ā€

Sorry but thatā€™s just not JPAM or AEJ: Policy or EEPA and anyone credible knows that. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

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And a number of ā€œpeer reviewedā€ studies come from the working paper series at UArk that Jay Greene founded, whichā€”at least when I reviewed for them years agoā€”paid $250-500 a pop.

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šŸšØA new front has opened up in the push to privatize #schools.šŸšØ

At Fox News Jeb Bush explicitly cited #soldastory as a reason we need #AZEd #schoolvouchers. @edvoters @BadassTeachersA @Network4pubEd @PV4PS šŸ‘‡

#Reading is going to be the new wedge issue to pitch #schoolvouchers /ESAs to parents understandably frustrated at #scienceofreading issues but who were turned off by the voucher culture war pitch.

Just days before writing this Fox column and citing #reading as a reason states need #azed style #schoolvouchers Bush was honoring voucher hero @DougDucey at the annual ExcelInEd meeting

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And #schoolvouchers activists exploit parent frustration over whatā€™s often real inadequacy of some public districts to meet special needs.

But vouchers as a fix are based on a theory of action assuming district neglectā€”when really districts themselves are under-resourced.

#schoolvouchers advocacy organizations stand up parents of these kids like other Right-wing groups go plaintiff-shopping in legal cases. Promising them vouchers as a cure-all.

The name of the game for political #schoolvouchers activism is to build coalitions of support based on false promises, when the reality delivered will be a narrow constituency of families already in private school.

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Hey šŸ‘‹ #educators and defenders of #publicschools:

Got an angry #MAGA family relative at your #Thanksgiving šŸ¦ƒ table who likes to yell at you about #publiceducation?

Hereā€™s a short ā€œwell actuallyā€ sheet to šŸ‘ back:
@Network4pubEd @NPEaction @PV4PS
ā€œIā€™m sick of just throwing money at #schools that just waste it!ā€

Well, actually, Aunt Betsy, investing in #publiceducation is one of the best things taxpayers can doā€”more $$, better outcomes. @KiraboJacksonā€¦

ā€œAnd all this crime you damn liberals have going around too!ā€

Well, actually, spending more $$ on #schools helps reduce long term #crime rates too! @fordschool @BrittanyEdPol @JasonBaron4

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Before he was peddling #schoolchoice as a ā€œsolutionā€ to woke:

Jay Greene/Heritage less than a year ago explicitly argued the Right should fuel culture wars to advance a fringe agendaā€”mainly #schoolvouchers
@Network4pubEd @NPEaction @PV4PS @pastors4txkids @BadassTeachersA

Greene also pushed pseudo-science arguing against health care for #LGBTQ+ kids.

Using as a flimsy an evidence base as the #schoolvouchers data heā€™s flooded the zone with for 20+ years

Itā€™s critically important to understand the links between shoddy #schoolvouchers research showing positive impacts, and these pseudo-studies.

Two sides of the same @BetsyDeVos -based agenda.

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So much of edu-Right is cult-like.

āŒ First is the weird hero-worship of figures like Bush, @BetsyDeVos, @DougDucey even lesser names like Rhee, and collection of Broad-supts #education #privateschool @DianeRavitch @NPEaction @PV4PS @mrobmused

āŒ Second are the villains, which every extremist group/cult needs to project its weird grievance on

For the edu-Right itā€™s
āœ”ļø#teachersunions specifically @rweingarten
āœ”ļø#woke/#DEI / #CRT ā€œagendaā€
āœ”ļø Trans-kids/ #LGBTQ adults
āœ”ļø who the hell knows what else

āŒ Third, related to villains is stoked fear:
āœ”ļø perceived threat to way of life
āœ”ļø fear of ā€œthe otherā€
āœ”ļø imagined threats to own children coupled with willingness to actually put them at risk

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šŸ§µ for #MIpol reporters: all fall I called Ducey MVP of #schoolvouchers and here heā€™s getting that actual award from Jeb Bushā€™s ExcelInEd

That group damage to #miched is huge. Theyā€™re behind 3rd Grade Fail modeled on #FloridaEd. Snyder gave them literal seat at the table

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ExcelInEd will lead the fight against repeal of 3rd Grade Retention in the new #mileg. @PaulaMEAPres @mrobmused

Expect bogus ā€œinsideā€ stories like this one, which got started pre-Whitmer #migov and then released early in her term to keep foot on gas

ExcelInEd *seems* safe because theyā€™re moderate relative to crazy Dixon-type book ban howls today and have impressive array of moderate funders youā€™d expect from a Bush-led org.

And as an org in many ways they are. Iā€™d take them over @BetsyDeVos any day.

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Itā€™s a big edu/policy research conference week (#APPAM2022 #ASHE2022 #UCEA22) and hereā€™s a short thread on ideological diversity in edu-research and edu-journalism #edchat using the Greene/Heritage studies as a hook

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Some formal edu research/journo communities have tolerated increasingly far-Right stuff for years, in part because of a genuine commitment to multi-perspectives, and also out of fear of being labeled ideological or against free speech themselves

And in the #edchat journalism space there is some of the notorious #bothsides pressure too, to give voices to the Heritages and Catos if the world.

This is why people like Corey DeAngelis routinely are quoted as expert researchers when theyā€™re really political activists

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NO the evidence for #schoolvouchers isnā€™t ā€œmixed.ā€

Voucher ā€œempiricalā€ research showing positive academic effects are no less a political tactic than this piece of garbage hereā€”and by the same organizations.

Heritage, Goldwater, Cato and EdChoice form the entire favorable base of evidence for #schoolvouchers.

No reporter would consider a study like this a neutral ā€œstudyā€

No reporter would consider this anything but a politically motivated ā€œstudyā€

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QuickšŸ§µ on vouchers and fringe campaigns:

The common link between @gretchenwhitmer @katiehobbs is both ran against fringe #schoolvouchers candidates #Election2022

Whitmer ran against @BetsyDeVos handpicked avatar @TudorDixon who made #schoolvouchers and ā€œparentsā€ the centerpiece of her campaign

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Hobbs ran against @BetsyDeVos choice Kari Lake, who made AZā€™s recent #schoolvouchers expansionā€”the largest in the USā€”her own centerpiece

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For non-MI folks:

A Sunday thread šŸ§µ on the history of Let MI Kids Learn, the pre-packaged name for @BetsyDeVos #schoolvouchers in #miched

@DianeRavitch @saribethrose @vicpasquantonio @Network4pubEd

Among the dozens of #schoolvouchers plans Iā€™ve seen, this was the worst in terms of transparencyā€”alongside #azed and #floridaed.

In particular no failsafe against Chatfield-style allegedly abusive schools.

Whitmer actually vetoed the plan originally a year ago. And as early as then, the state GOP didnā€™t expect to win the #migov (save for a more recent post-primary fever dream) in #Election2022

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