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1/6 🌍 Today is #CleanAirDay, and I am so thrilled to have spent my morning at @HBInfants School interacting with the children the power of science and technology in combating air pollution! This was covered by @itvcalendar on tv tonight at 6pm. A thread 👇 #AirQuality Image
2/6 🧪 The highlight of my day was interacting with these bright young minds and introducing them to the world of air pollution sensors. Their questions on how the sensors work were a pleasant reminder of the curiosity and wisdom that comes with youth. #STEMEducation
3/6 🤔 One intriguing question was, "Why this specific school?" Well, Hunters Bar Infants School serves as a living example of how proactive measures can mitigate the effects of air pollution on a local level. @HBInfants #LocalHeroes
Read 8 tweets
@CO2Coalition To understand how CO2/temp relate, we need to explore #physics,
& the chem properties of the #carbondioxide molecule.

Learn about CO2’s #DipoleMoment & how change in energy balance affects DENSITY, & behavior.

Shit, I burnt my toast.
#STEMeducation… ImageImageImageImage
@CO2Coalition Dipole moments are the change in energy between atoms.

Think of this energy change as a soccer ball w a force towards a specific direction. This “pulls” naturally on atoms when they join together to make molecules.
Its based on the atoms’ electrons.

@CO2Coalition Electrons ‘spin’ around the nucleus of an atom (similar to planetary orbits)…
The closer the electron to the center, the faster it has to spin. #MolecularOrbitalDiagrams for CO2 show us where electrons spin based on energy available.… ImageImageImageImage
Read 21 tweets
With all the rage about ChatGPT, have you ever wondered about the differences between AI and more classical technologies? Join me for a brief tour, with its relation to Aerospace. @RedDivulga, @filarramendi, @uc3m y @doctoradoUC3M.  @PhDAaeroUC3M #PhD #Aerospace #Engineering
ChatGPT, and its equivalents work like buttonsmashing. You have a bajillion buttons, and them you mash, tweak, and tune them randomly. Like this young Alien Stu is doing in the Pixar short movie Lifted.
Stu is trying to learn how to abduct humans. I know, a very Aerospace oriented scenario. Consider him as Chatgpt in its beginnings. He pushes random buttons, and not surprisingly, nothing really works. However, the more he tries, the more he learns the buttons
Read 17 tweets
@yessmanstu @GeraldKutney @goddeketal Military or no military,
the climate is changing fast
bc of increased carbon dioxide
in the infrared zone
of the atmosphere.

The physical properties
of carbon dioxide
include interacting
w long wave infrared energy
passing through.

FAQs here…
@yessmanstu @GeraldKutney @goddeketal This is a similar explanation to how other molecules (with different properties) absorb different wavelengths of light (energy)
#physics #STEMeducation
Every molecule is different, and it has to do w how many electrons can move and change their orbitals…
@yessmanstu @GeraldKutney @goddeketal Molecular orbital diagrams talk about where electrons likely are in any given combination of elements.…
For CO2 the way the electrons spin depends on how much energy the molecule has, and the levels look like this (MO diagram from…)
Read 13 tweets
Presentacion final de los proyectos STEAM de los alumnos de la @FacEducacionUAH. Pasen y vean lo que el alumnado del grado de Primaria es capaz de hacer, por si había dudas. #STEM #STEAM #STEMEducation @UAHes Image
Proyecto "No energy, no party". Enorme proyecto de tecnología, ciencia y con actividades enfocadas desde el diseño de ingeniería. ImageImageImage
Proyecto "Salvemos Hawkins". Foto de la maqueta. Mucha tecnología, formas de energía, poleas, huerto y todo con un enfoque muy motivador. Image
Read 7 tweets
Yr 13 | Medic Applicants
BMAT results 2022
So how do the relevant Unis use the BMAT in the selection of applicants for interview?
Find out in this 🧵

Brighton & Sussex
•Assign marks to the BMAT;
•rank applicants according to scores;
•fill interview places with the top scorers who also meet these minimum scores:
Section 1: 3
Section 2: 6
Section 3: 2.5 C
Do not use personal statement (PS) at all.

Do not share a specific method of selection.
They take a holistic (though heavy weighting on academic) approach which Includes:
•GCSE results
•BMAT score

Read 9 tweets
It's easy to include broader impacts in your research with the "coding for broader impact" framework developed by students @TempleUniv in @ESAFrontiers (1/4)…
#DataScience #coding #ClimateCrisis #Sustainability #environmental #RStats
Coding for broader impact addresses key challenges to effective public communication by developing personalized stakeholder reports along side tasks needed for publishing a paper (2/4) #publicspeaking #STEMeducation #peerreview #science #publishorperish
The #rstats coding for broader impact workflow is in this repository (3/4)
Read 6 tweets
My students in S&P have their first problem set due at the end of this week, so here's some examples of the kind of stuff I want them to work on this week. First, the goal: Practice with dot-products, vectors, trig, and using formulas. Time to calculate stuff! <1/n>
Many of the problems are quite dull: Here are some dot-products, practice multiplying and adding. Here are some trig functions (and inverses) to calculate. Here are two points - calculate the Euclidean distance between them. Hopefully this is re-awakening old skills. <2/n>
Next, I almost always introduce them to the formula for calculating visual angle in one way or another. The easier way to do this is to give them the formula and ask them to explain why it is what it is. The point is to practice reasoning about math and talking about it. <3/n>
Read 11 tweets
Ah, #AdamSmith on education. Something to aggravate every. single. reader. Let’s go! (V.i.f) #WealthOfTweets #SmithTweets
Providing educational institutions is part of the duty of the sovereign, but those institutions can be made to produce some of the money needed to maintain them. We naturally do that already, because we pay teachers and endow colleges. (V.i.f.1–2)#WealthOfTweets #SmithTweets
BUT Smith isn’t a fan of endowing schools.
Or at least, he has a lot of questions about how much the endowments have improved the education students get. (V.i.f.3)#WealthOfTweets #SmithTweets
Read 32 tweets
It's Wednesday so it's time for Wednesday's Weather Word (an exclusively online subsidiary of the #ScienceBehind series)
Today's word is "analemma"

#13newsnow #STEM #STEMeducation #STEMed #astronomy
Our friends (because we're all friends in science) at Stanford put together this cool site with some analemma plots from Greece ☀️…
#13newsnow #ScienceBehind #STEM #STEMeducation
Well.. wouldn't the position of the sun remain the same all year?
No! And that's thanks to the combination of the Earth's tilt and our non-circular orbit around the sun.
#13newsnow #ScienceBehind #STEM #STEMeducation
Read 5 tweets

Iremos compartiendo algunos de los pequeños proyectos realizados por nuestros alumn@s en el Centro. Cualquier cosa : [email protected]

(Gracias a @jljcolorado por su saber/inspiración). Image
1. Proyecto Ventilación :

-Diseño Pedagógico Preliminar
-Punto 0: Pregunta de Investigación…
Punto 0: Pregunta investigación… Image
Read 44 tweets
Good morning! Someone sent me a photo to ID last week and I thought it'd be a perfect time to bring back Wednesday's Weather Word (a subsidiary of #ScienceBehind)

#13newsnow #STEMeducation Image
Hard to spell
Difficult to say (at least for me)
And sometimes even challenging to see.

This sight is usually seen better around sunrise or sunset, due to the scattering of light during those times.
#STEMeducation #ScienceBehind
Anticrepuscular rays are often dimmer than their counterpart: crepuscular rays

The latter term comes from the Latin for "twilight". Crepuscular rays occur when sunlight streams through breaks in the clouds (some other objects can cause this, too)
#ScienceBehind #STEMEducation
Read 11 tweets
Good morning!
Last week we talked about aphelion and this week I've got something I call #WednesdaysWord (an obviously extremely creative name for a subsidiary of #ScienceBehind).

So let's do some science, shall we?
#STEMeducation #STEMed
Last week, we spent time in space so let's bring it a little closer with noctilucent clouds

☁️ (the clouds don't really look like this but twitter emojis just ain't there yet so we make do 🤷🏾‍♀️)

#13newsnow #STEMed #stemeducation Image
So where exactly do these clouds form? It's in an area of the atmosphere called the mesosphere

We live in the troposphere and that's where our weather happens. Noctilucent clouds don't produce any weather, however

#sciencebehind #STEMed #stemeducation Image
Read 11 tweets
If you caught the 6pm, then I mentioned that it took 2 days for me to give up perfectionism and give y'all a graphic.

Over 48 hours.
Tonight is a #FullMoon 🌕
Check the southern sky to see the "buck" moon after sunset.

#Jupiter and #Saturn🪐 will also be close to the moon (Jupiter appears closer to the moon, btw)

#13newsnow #astronomy #STEM Image
Tonight is also a #PenumbralLunarEclipse
Aka ☀️🌎🌕

The moon clips the outer part of Earth's shadow, called the penumbra. This area of the shadow is fainter than the umbra.

#13newsnow #STEMeducation #astronomy Image
Read 6 tweets
Y'all remember my series #ScienceBehind that used to air on Wednesdays? It's cool if you don't - a LOT has been going on.

I don't have a new video but let's do a new installment via tweet thread (I know it's not an innovative idea but I remembered there's science this week)
Okay so on New Year's Day, we aired a segment on perihelion 🌍. Shameless plug here if you want a refresher

#13newsnow #ScienceBehind #STEMeducation
Fast forward 6 months (hey, that's today!) and now we're 3 days out from the opposite of perihelion [☀️➡️🌍] -- aphelion [☀️➡️➡️➡️🌍]

Emojis not close to scale so don't come for me.

#13newsnow #sciencebehind #STEMeducation
Read 11 tweets
Of the 22.8 million out-of-school children in Pakistan 53 per cent are girls and 47 per cent are boys. Pakistan cannot overcome its education crisis without ensuring at least 12 years of education for every Pakistani girl. #InvestInGirlsEdu
The present public schools’ enrollment of girls between 5 to 16 years (Grade 1-10) is 7.73 million and the number of out of school girls is 8.96 million. #InvestInGirlsEdu #STEMeducation
There are fewer girls’ schools as compared to boys’ schools at every educational level in Pakistan. #InvestInGirlsEdu
Read 22 tweets
Sharing knowledge in the spirit of #Humboldt: papers from last year's symposium @Macquarie_Uni now available in special issue open-access, Journal of Royal Society of NSW about challenges of #research #Communication @AvHStiftung… Image
Ingrid Piller @MQLinguistics reflects on #Humboldt’s legacy as a #research communicator and identifies
contemporary #challenges of research #communication, #dissemination, and #impact…
Gabrielle McMullen explores #Humboldt's
achievements and impact as explorer, scientist and author, on the occasion of his 250th birthday…
Read 11 tweets
After some reorganization we're back to somewhat regular programming! Raise your hand if you're looking for some #DistanceLearning & #SchoolsOutScience about #ocean, #stem, #STEMeducation?

Today we're promoting some cool accounts to watch in prep of a big announcement tomorrow!
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Looking for an indoor #ecology game? Try this card game! Would be good for #STEMeducation at several levels Image
I played the single player game and went with these two #biomes first

Temperate #forest Image
Here’s the #marine biome I finished with Image
Read 4 tweets
Time for the jellybean illusion! You don’t actually need a jellybean, just some type of chewable candy, preferably with different colors & flavors. M&M’s: NOT be a good choice, gold bears: fine.

#teaching #classroom #Scichat #STEMeducation #illusion #perception #scicomm
Get comfy, get your candy out, and choose two pieces of different colors/flavors. Pick up one of those two, it doesn’t matter which.
Now, STEP 1: PINCH YOUR NOSE so you can no longer breathe in or out through your nose. You can use a swimmers pincher or even a clothespin too, but using two fingers is probably more comfortable and pretty easy.
Read 12 tweets
I use interviews as an educational opportunity—for me and a future #UndergradInTheLab. I start each interview by saying, “You’re already qualified for this position-- after all you’re in college.” Then I focus on learning about them.

@NewPI_Slack My interview goals are to determine

1) If the student is genuinely interested in the available research project

2) If they will likely achieve their goals through the overall experience

#ScienceTwitter #AcademicTwitter
@NewPI_Slack Determining these, however, can be complicated. Often, students don’t have a well-defined goal beyond landing an undergrad research position. Or sometimes they have unrealistic expectations of what research will be like & what they’ll accomplish in a semester.

Read 19 tweets
#TrueValuesChallenge Day 3
You know the rules.

Vote on the value that matters most to you.

Reply with your 'why’ or an example from your life.

Consider yourself and what you value in others.

You can like both of these (I do!) but you can choose only ONE.

Be honest 🙂
#medtwitter hashtags - please add to whatever I'm missing and invite everyone over to the #TrueValuesChallenge! Day 1 and 2 polls are still open :) #NurseTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #hcldr #STEMeducation #Ilooklikeasurgeon #feminEM #SheMD #meded #healthcare
Seeing early responses, here's a clarification:

These values are not intended as opposites or mutually exclusive.

'Recognition' doesn't mean 'undeserved recognition without contribution'

Just asking for a forced rank of what's most important.

Carry on :)
Read 3 tweets

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