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The truth about students learning to #read in #Florida from a REAL #PublicSchool Parent in the wake of the recent #bookbans. A 🧵
#Teachers in K-8 utilize what’s called the Accelerated
Reader Program. #TruthMatters
K-8 Students search for books within their tested reading level that they are interested in reading. Books in the #library are divided up by Book Level so students can easily find a book within their reading level. 📚
Students can also utilize the AR Bookfind website to find books within their tested reading range. With each book they read, they take a test in order for that book to count as a book that they read for class. If they don’t pass the test, they have to take it again. 📚
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At the Extremism’s Impact On Public Education forum, hosted by @indivisibletx24, I talked about the money, ideology, cannonballs into the deep end, and ripples that come from it. (1.1) #WhiteChrisitanNationalism #publiceducation #bannedbooks
At the Extremism’s Impact On Public Education forum, hosted by @indivisibletx24, this clip is where I delved into the cannonball and specific ripples. (1.2) #WhiteChrisitanNationalism #publiceducation #bannedbooks
At the Extremism’s Impact On Public Education forum, hosted by @indivisibletx24, it’s Patriot Mobile time. With a lot of money. Going after school boards. (2.1) #WhiteChrisitanNationalism #publiceducation #bannedbooks
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The push for #education privatization #schoolvouchers is now a cruel update to longer efforts to separate single out and separate children. @carolburris @Network4pubEd @NPEaction

Heritage announced its #EducationFreedom strategy early in 2022:
And Heritage has been branching out on this tactic by adopting itself as a pseudo sex-science shop

The goal here is to underscore differences as “choice” and “values” #lgbtqia #LGBTQ
With longstanding antipathy to #DEI baked into an #EducationFreedom agenda that in their telling is good for kids of color

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First and most important: the study presents a ton of zero impacts and tiny effects. Mostly this is #schoolvouchers report about statistical noise, packaged as a win. The beauty of null results is one can see what one wants.

But in what’s become a trend for Fordham, its house-written Forward makes way more of the externally done results than it should.

Basically the argument goes

#schoolvouchers” critics say vouchers hurt but we find no evidence of vouchers doing anything! Critics are wrong!”

Read 11 tweets
Why have #schoolvouchers programs persisted and expanded despite a more lopsided base of objective evidence against them than nearly any other current #edpolicy #education initiative?

A few reasons 🧵🪡

First is that today #schoolvouchers activists are directly part of the larger #trump-style revanchist and anti-democratic turn in American politics since Obama’s second term.

Politically their success is intertwined.
But as a policy matter too we see #schoolvouchers linger around even as #education research has tried to place itself in an #evidencebased position to inform policy.

If evidence were all that informed #edpolicy then vouchers would have been dead a decade ago.

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Hey 👋 #educators and defenders of #publicschools:

Got an angry #MAGA family relative at your #Thanksgiving 🦃 table who likes to yell at you about #publiceducation?

Here’s a short “well actually” sheet to 👏 back:
@Network4pubEd @NPEaction @PV4PS
“I’m sick of just throwing money at #schools that just waste it!”

Well, actually, Aunt Betsy, investing in #publiceducation is one of the best things taxpayers can do—more $$, better outcomes. @KiraboJackson…

“And all this crime you damn liberals have going around too!”

Well, actually, spending more $$ on #schools helps reduce long term #crime rates too! @fordschool @BrittanyEdPol @JasonBaron4

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It's been quite a year.
A 🧵.
Today marks one year since I was fired for explaining TN's mature minor doctrine to physicians who were vaccinating teens against #COVID19. It's been a long, disturbing, challenging year. TN continues make things hard for Tennesseans.
Since my firing, TN has continued to be near the bottom for #COVID19 vax rates overall (43rd). Among children 5-11 it's (47th) w/ 0% improvement since 6/15. Among 12-17yo, it's 49th w/ 0% improvement since 6/15. TN is among states w/ the highest counts of MIS-C.
>26,500 Tennesseans dead-- that's 1 in 257 Tennesseans. Nearly half a million cases and 42 deaths in Tennesseans under age 21. Pfizer vaccine is now FDA approved for 12+ and authorized for 6mo+. Vaccines reduce hospitalization and deaths.
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/18/2022…
Protein tweak makes CRISPR gene editing 4,000 times less error-prone…
#CRISPR, #GeneEditing, #Cas9Protein, #ErrorCorrection
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/13/2022…
Is the media still stifling the lab-leak theory? - UnHerd…
#MainstreamMedia, #NarrativeControl, #COVID19Source
FBI: Ransomware gang breached 52 US critical infrastructure orgs…
#FBIWarning, #RansomwareHacking, #InfrastructureOrganizations
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/15/2022…
Doomsday Glacier in Antarctica Could Collapse Soon: New Research - Rolling Stone…

#ThwaitesGlacierCollapse, #antartica, #IceShelf, #ClimateChange
America’s Divisions May Have Passed the Tipping Point…

#PartisanPolitics, #tribalism, #polarization, #TippingPoint, #CivilWar
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Breaking: #Ontario


@fordnation, @Sflecce and @celliottability are collaborating to destroy

And more…

The cracks are beginning to show

Sure, there are some partisan apologists who justify this travesty

While we suffer…

Lack of proper #VaccineMandate

Allowing large groups to congregate unsafely

Refusing #PaidSickDays

Passing #bill124

And more…

Now our hospitals are overwhelmed, HCPs at the breaking point, No ambulances for emergencies


No #VaccineMandates

Insufficient #PPE

Hiding cases of #COVID19 from #parents and #students

No access to #PCRtest and limited #RAT kits

Our #children are at risk

They will get #Covid19

Some will get VERY SICK


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1/2 ‘Christocrat’ Rick Scarborough Has Big Plans to ‘Take Over’ School Boards All Across Texas… thousands of Texan pastors will activate their congregations to ensure that conservative Christians “take over their local school boards” all across the state
2/2 "Rick Scarborough, a self-described “Christocrat,” strident anti-LGBTQ activist, and longtime critic of public education" sits on the Board of Governors of the Council for National Policy. #CNP #LGBTQ #publiceducation

Are you surprised? Image
“If Every Church Said, ‘We Will Take Over Our Community'”: The (Christian Right) Revolution Starts Small and Local… "the Christian Right is seeking to ignite a grassroots political revolution beginning with local offices."
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/15/2020
Magnitude, demographics and dynamics of the effect of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on all-cause mortality in 21 industrialized countries | Nature Medicine…

#demographics #dynamics #mortality #magnitude #pandemic
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Thread / rant: school board meetings where people invoke how much residents pay for housing when talking about their right to demand (_insert demand here_) from the local public school system. /1
Children are entitled to a good education b/c THEY EXIST, not because their parents pay a lot for housing. Think about the inverse - kids in lower-priced areas deserve less? renters? families who are behind on their taxes? families who inherited their homes? transfer students? /2
I get it - people who can afford it buy expensive homes for "better" districts, and they want to be able to make demands. By all means, demand a great education for your kids. But do it because *all* kids deserve a great education. Not because you paid a lot for your house. /3
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Just had a student, who finds reading a challenge, return 90 Packets of Instant Noodles by @DebFitzpatrick2, telling me he was able to focus on it & read the whole book, and how much he loved it. Now I have to find another one just like it!
I taught this boy a couple of years ago, and the fact that he has read and loved an entire novel by himself, without "having to" for class, is a huge achievement. I'm keenly nervous to find a great book for him to follow up. I'm thinking maybe one by Nick Earls. @nickearls
He liked the realism of 90 Packets, and how the boy had to fend for himself against difficult challenges. "He was a really good character, Miss," he said. This is why we do what we do. #ilovemyjob #studentsneedschoollibraries #LoveOzYA #teachinglife #publiceducation
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Breaking: @TDSB Chair says Community Use of Schools grants have been cancelled.... and outlines cost to at risk and vulnerable students because of #FordGovernment cuts. memo to trustees released tonight... excerpts below. #OntEd #Onpoli
This is a further $1-million cut to Canada’s largest school board and will reduce access to school facilities for community organizations/activities, particularly in high-need neighbourhoods. Devastating #ONpoli @OntEdu
@TDSB also warning that #FordGovernment failure to commit to funding the #FocusOnYouth Summer program is putting the program at risk. Last year 600 young people were employed in this program, 11,000 children/youth participated, w proven results! #Onpoli #OntEd
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@VanTaylorTX @TexasGOP @GregAbbott_TX @candynoble @MattShaheen @Susan_Fletcher @leachfortexas @CollinCtyVotes @CollinGOP @Scott_SanfordTX Let's see, Van ... We're presently #5 in teen birth rate (per @HHSGov), & the state ed #abstinenceonly policy seems tailor-made to make us #1 there. In fact, the stats say almost one-in-five of US births to girls <15 were right here in Texas. #winning 1/
@VanTaylorTX @TexasGOP @GregAbbott_TX @candynoble @MattShaheen @Susan_Fletcher @leachfortexas @CollinCtyVotes @CollinGOP @Scott_SanfordTX @HHSGov In your quest for first, Van, you'll be glad to know we're #1 already for #uninsured people AND #1 when it comes to least #HealthcareAccess (incl. DC!). We do have a little ways to go on cost; we're only 6th #mostexpensive. Keep denying that expansion! 2/…
@VanTaylorTX @TexasGOP @GregAbbott_TX @candynoble @MattShaheen @Susan_Fletcher @leachfortexas @CollinCtyVotes @CollinGOP @Scott_SanfordTX @HHSGov Wanna be the worst place for #children, Van? Texas is almost there! According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation #KidsCount assessment, we're the 3rd-worst for family and community (#47/50) & 9th-worst for #childhealth. Isn't that exciting? /3…
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