Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Pride

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As we begin to wrap up for another academic year @edinburghcoll , we are delighted to share our Annual Impact Report 2022-23.

Read the full report at or continue on this 🧵for our Top Ten from the year that was!
Our Breakfast Club has helped serve almost 20,000 breakfasts to students across the 4 campuses, operating 8.30am to 9.30am, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
2/12🧵 Image
We had 226 nominations submitted for 109 individual staff members in our Big Student Thank You Awards, recognising the incredible work of teaching and support staff across the College…
3/12🧵 Image
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Many in 🇨🇳China’s gay community are strangers to Western #LGBT cultures, and Westerners are unfamiliar with their Chinese counterparts’ lifestyles

Using Western metrics like #pride month & #rainbowcapitalism 🏳️‍🌈 to weigh their joy is intellectually flawed…
#Homosexuality existed throughout ancient China, but #gaypride is a modern American celebration → its irrelevance here is nothing to be appalled about

Demanding Asian policies to be more Westernised reinforces the harmful narrative that homosexuality is a Western “lifestyle” 👬
Gay venues and activities in China are unlike those in the West. E.g. In #Chengdu, teahouses are a popular LGBT integration space 🍵

Allies should NOT assume that they are oppressed based on a limiting framework that reduces the West to #liberalism and the East to #conservatism
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🌈 Hey Rainbow Readers! Happy Pride! We have several fun genre lists heading your way this month. All of these lists will feature between 10-20 books and all books on it will have under 5,000 Goodreads ratings, with a handful on each being under 1,000! The background graphic is o...
Our goal is to introduce you to new books you might have never seen otherwise. These will be a mix of indie and traditional books; and range in age category!

Our next list is queer fantasy romance novels!
This is for readers who loved books like A Court of Thorns & Roses by Sarah J Maas, Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree, and So This is Ever After by FT Lukens! For this list, we defined fantasy romance books as any work of fiction with fantastical, magical, or non-human elements,
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Happy #Loving Day. 56 years ago today, SCOTUS affirmed Mildred and Richard Loving's right to marry, ensuring that marriages like my own were legal in all 50 states. Forever grateful for them! The GOP would see this undone.
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Loving v VA was cited in the Obergefell v Hodges decision which affirmed the right for same-sex couples to marry. Appropriate that Loving Day is during #Pride month. If my son every marries, he too will owe a debt to them. 3/3 Image
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@iltasanomat #Vantaa-#HellOnEarth
'Pahoinpitelyn jälkeen nuorisoporukka poistui paikalta juosten kohti Länsimäen kirkkoa.
Rikosnimikkeinä toimii tällä hetkellä törkeä #ryöstö ja törkeä #pahoinpitely.'
@iltasanomat @kokoomus @Demarit @vasemmisto @persut @keskusta @KDpuolue @sfprkp @vihreat #Koraani.
#IslaminPerusteet - #mus­limi on määrätty #taistele­maan fyysisesti myös #väärä­uskoisia vastaan.
Muhamma­din vaikuttava #sotilas­ura on todistuk­sena siitä, kuinka keskeisessä asemassa #sotilaal­linen toiminta #islam'ssa on.
Read 12 tweets
Yesterday AxP visited @Tate Britain's #QueerAndNow2023 festival, billed as a celebration of "the powerful role of LGBTQIA+ art and culture in the UK", to find out what contributions from these multiple communities Tate thinks are most worthy of celebration... Image
We were particularly keen to find out what the conspicuous absence of the words lesbian, gay and bisexual from the programme would mean for the art, artists, histories, ideas and politics being presented on such a prestigious, publicly-funded platform 🤔…
Despite a glaring lack of political/intellectual diversity in the program, Tate is obviously not oblivious that such diversity exists across the "LGBTQIA+" - they hired Vibe Checkers!

To...ensure all our "vibes" align?

Well, they have been out of work since the fall of the GDR ImageImageImage
Read 30 tweets
🌈 Hey Rainbow Readers! Happy Pride! We have several fun genre lists heading your way this month. All of these lists will feature between 10-20 books and all books on it will have under 5,000 Goodreads ratings, with a handful on each being under 1,000! The background graphic is o...
Our goal is to introduce you to new books you might have never seen otherwise. These will be a mix of indie and traditional books; and range in age category!

Our next list is queer gothic novels!
This is for readers who loved books like Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher and Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu!

For this list, we defined gothic books as writing that employs dark and picturesque scenery,
Read 10 tweets
"Pride" has 2 different meanings. Acceptance of LGB people (good) and fetishistic queer theory promoting p*dophilia (bad.) This is a shirt for sale from multiple retailers featuring trans 'drag kid' Desmond is Amazing, it says "trans kids are sexy" #LGBWithoutTheT #Pride ImageImage
All of this is suspicious. If anyone has more information on the background of this design, please let me know.
Read 5 tweets
Wie soll ich formulieren? Halte es auch für wichtig, dass 🇩🇪 Flagge "erobert" wird, im Sinne von: pers. Beziehung zu ihr entwickeln. Im Grunde jedes Land hat zu eigener #Flagge alltägliches bis pos. Gefühl. Warum will Deutschland sich da ausnehmen? Falscher #Stolz.Falsche #Scham.
☝️Gleichzeitig entspräche dem eher ein freier Akt an Stelle bloßer (Gegen)Reaktion.
Frei sein, selbstverständlich selbstbewusst sein. Kein Trotz. #Emanzipation💪.

Nein: das ist kein #Nationalismus, das ist ein Stück Identität, das implizit #Achtsamkeit anderen ggü. in sich trägt
☝️Ein würdiger Akt reagiert nicht bloß auf etwas außerhalb - er entsteht in einem Spannungsfeld nach Innen & formt einen ureigenen Werdeprozess.

Ich will mich nicht als "nicht-du" definieren. Sondern ich selbst sein.

Jenseits von Gruppenzwang, Hashtags und Vorgaben - #Stolz
Read 7 tweets
The Biloxi VA put up a rainbow flag so naturally the entire state is fixin to don the robes and white hoods to attack *checks notes*... disabled veterans.
From the VA:

"VA takes care of more than 1 million Veterans who identify as LGBTQ. Gay and bisexual Veterans face increased health risks and unique challenges  in accessing quality health care."
Additionally, a Vietnam Era Veteran, Gilbert Baker, designed the LGBTQ flag.

Currently WLOX and WXXV in Biloxi are covering this story.

I'm calling on all our Gulf Coast allies to mobilize to support the Biloxi VA, and reject the attacks on our veterans.
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Wer hätte Lust und Zeit am 16. Juli an unserem CSD-Stand in Mönchengladbach zu unterstützen?

Wie schon letztes Jahr ist auch 2023 unsere Regionalgruppe Mönchengladbach mit einem eigenen Stand auf dem Christopher Street Day in MG-Rheydt vertreten. (1/4) Stand der Tierschutzpartei ...
Wir benötigen hier jedoch dringend noch Unterstützung, um mit den Besucher:innen ins Gespräch zu kommen. Dieses Jahr planen wir auch einige Spiele, um unsere politischen Ziele und Ideen zu vermitteln. Hättest DU Interesse, Teil unseres bunten Teams zu sein? (2/4)
Dann melde Dich gerne per Direktnachricht in unseren Social-Media-Kanälen oder per Mail an [email protected] - Gerne organisieren wir auch Mitfahrgelegenheiten oder Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten. (3/4)
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This weekend, I went to a controversial #Pride event in deep red Franklin TN, asked “What is a Woman?” – and promptly got booted out by security.

(Thread, 1 of 11)
Amid all the controversy over corporate Pride campaigns targeting children, and with Matt Walsh’s #WhatIsaWoman racking up tens of millions of views after @elonmusk promoted it, I drove down to the Franklin Pride Festival to see what the fuss was about.…
I suspected I wouldn’t be allowed to stay at the event for long, even with my press badge, when I walked up to witness a guy in a “Jesus Changed My Life” shirt being handcuffed and placed in a police cruiser after being asked to leave.
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@WHDLASD just brutalized and arrested 3 queer volunteers at #wehopride. The Sheriffs were making fun of the booth and the volunteers responded “This is why we don’t like cops at Pride” The sheriffs then attacked them and are filing bogus charges. Will update here 🧵
Demand the immediate release of the WeHo 3 and to drop the bogus charges!

The Mayor @SepiShyne
WeHo Sheriffs Station where they’re being held: (310) 855-8850
An earring was ripped out of Abbeys ear. Zodiac was tackled. They have been being held in custody in West Hollywood since noon today.

They were in the middle of helping set up the Equal Means Equal booth that advocates for the passing of the Equal Rights Amendment.
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Combating Homophobia: Lessons from Prophet Muhammad :

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us the importance of love and compassion towards all people, regardless of their sexual orientation. This Pride Month, let's explore his teachings and how they can guide us in…… Image
Prophet Muhammad emphasized the value of treating others with kindness and respect, irrespective of their differences. His teachings remind us to embrace diversity, challenge prejudice, and foster an inclusive society where everyone feels safe and accepted.
Homophobia goes against the spirit of Prophet Muhammad's teachings, which emphasize justice and fairness for all. Let's stand against discrimination, advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, and create a world where everyone can live authentically without fear of judgment or persecution.
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Last week, I promised to share a🧵dismantling the Navigating Differences (ND) queerphobic statement recently released by a group of Muslim leaders. I will draw from the Quran & hadiths to substantiate my arguments while offering some resources.
#Islam #LGBT #Pride #Women
First, this statement dehumanizes queer people just by mentioning "LGBT-centric values", "practices" & "proponents". It's like condemning "female proponents". The existence of our queer kin, & our obligation to love & respect them are not up for debate (2/).
The first surah/chapter of the Quran, Al-Fatiha (The Opening), also refers to the opening of the heart/mind. It is a du'a/supplication that begins by emphasizing Allah's mercy/compassion, gratitude & asks for Their guidance. We read it at the start of every prayer (3/).
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Why the Family Proclamation is actually pro-trans, a 🧵 in honor of #Mormon #PRIDE

If you're someone who thinks trans identity isn't of God, please read this—I hope to provide a framework to understand trans folks and their place within our currently revealed doctrine. Image
The Family Proclamation, in its second paragraph, states that sex is an essential, eternal part of our identity.

(The Proclamation calls it "gender", but church authorities have since clarified that what they meant is "biological sex", which is how I'll be referring to it) Image
The doctrine of a physical, sexed God is a key part of Mormon theology—it's central to the plan of salvation, which lays out our understanding of the narrative and purpose of eternity.

God being a literal parent is a distinguishing part of our theology, and we're proud of it.
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"NHS row as staff plan #Pride march through grounds of Scotland children’s hospital"
It's difficult to explain the disbelief we experienced when reading this story. A political march through Edinburgh's Royal Infirmary, past the Sick Kids??…
@NHSScotland bosses have waded into the “toxic” debate over transgender rights by allowing activists to organise an “ideological and political” march through the grounds of one of Scotland’s largest hospitals.
The country’s second-largest health board is facing accusations of undermining the impartiality of the health service by allowing the #PrideMonth2023 event, at which staff have been urged to brandish banners and placards, at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh on Friday afternoon.
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Morning folks!! #PrideMonth has finally arrived. Follow this thread throughout the month for top tips on how to celebrate #Pride in a meaningful way at your charity 1/? #Pride2023
#CharitySoStraight Image
Firstly, it doesn't have to complicated! Focus on what #PrideMonth is about: celebration + protest. Think about content that helps readers learn something about your organisation, but more importantly, the people in it and the people you work with. 2/? #CharitySoStraight #Pride
You have a platform. Use it for good. Enable Queer voices to be heard. Offer them a platform. This is not a time to amplify corporate voice. #PrideMonth is the perfect time to offer a platform to your Queer stakeholders, employees, volunteers or partners #CharitySoStraight
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Cada día estamos más cerca mes del orgullo #LGBTIQA+, un momento para celebrar, brillar visibilizarnos, pero también para reflexionar.

Compartiremos varias razones y asuntos para reflexionar y vivir un mes del #orgullo consciente)...

¡Vamos con este hilo🧵! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💪🏽✨
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1) Hasta octubre de 2022, sólo 34 países permiten el matrimonio igualitario, de modo que personas del mismo sexo y género puedan formar una pareja reconocida en derechos civiles.

Alemania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bélgica, Brasil, Canadá, Chile...(sigue)
🧵2/10 ImageImageImage
...Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dinamarca, Ecuador, Eslovenia, España, EEUU,​ Finlandia, Francia, Irlanda, Islandia, Luxemburgo, Malta, México, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Países Bajos,​ Portugal, Reino Unido,​ Sudáfrica, Suecia, Suiza, Taiwán y Uruguay.

¿Y tu país?🤔
🧵3/10 Image
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1/5 Last June I was interviewed by @SarahAshtonLV
for a piece in "LGBTQ Nation." Sarah is an extraordinary journalist and I was honored to participate. But we never met in person.

#Pride #pridemonth #SlavaUkraini #StandWithUkraine Image
2/5 After months of covering the war in Ukraine, Sarah did what few others would have the courage to do - she enlisted in the Ukrainian Army.
3/5 Sarah is a person of profound integrity. Whip-smart. Brilliant analyst. Powerful advocate. Great listener. And because she is trans, she is also a favorite target of Russian media. Russian hate and bigotry are not a surprise, of course.
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Two British Black girls sucking on a hot dog in a supermarket.

A White Supremacist bigot riffs on "degeneracy" and "Think of the CHILDREN!!!"


It's a HOT DOG, not a double-headed dildo. Image
Even more hilarious is the absolute jumping to conclusions that two young fully dressed women sucking on and biting a weiner is the equivalent of a full-on GG paid Only Fans sex scene; or the pronounced fear that the former would corrupt children with "bad ideas".

I mean....SERIOUSLY.

We Black folk rightfully decry lynching and abuse when it's done to us by others, but the millisecond our Puritan sexual radars are even slightly pinged by implicit acts, we go straight to the "We gotta BEAT THEIR ASSES and PUT THEM UNDER THE JAIL!!!" card. Image
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Dear @Target:
I raised my kids in a Christian home.
Yet, somehow, all 4 of them turned out to be LGBTQ.
Yeah, seriously.
You're the only store that provides gender-affirming & #Pride related merchandise for all ages, at lower prices.
Your partnership w/ @tomboyx helped me new clothes when one of my kids came out as trans. I want you to do whatever you have to do to keep your employees safe. Just know, I can't pull the gayness from my kids to keep THEM safe. 💔 And it scares me.
If a company as powerful & prosperous as @Target can't protect
...their people from right-wing hate, how on earth is a family like mine supposed to stay safe? I don't have a 100th of the resources you do. 💔

Please consider this when you decide where you stand.
Read 4 tweets

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