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Why does the GOP break the law, again and again, to gerrymander?

Because their extremism would never survive in a world of fair districts and competitive elections, and they know it.

And a new survey shows that the numbers prove it!


Here’s a link to the survey:…

Best way to stop this? Support @JenniferBrunner @vote4JudgeZayas and @Jamison4Justice right now! They can stand up against future attempts to gerrymander.

Read 3 tweets
Let's do what we can to help save our democracy since we are all still here! This awesome newsletter @chop_carry has phone calls to make & resistbots to send... let's get going and SOUND LIKE THE VOCAL MAJORITY. (And keep writing those #PostcardsToVoters)
Call your senators (202)224-3121. Tell them to counteract the profound damage our rogue Supreme Court is doing in regards to pass meaningful climate legislation, pass an assault weapons ban with universal background checks & pass the Women’s Health Protection Act. NOW
Call your Rep (202)224-3121. Tell them to fight like hell to pass an Assault Weapons ban. & repeal the 2002 Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq.
Read 6 tweets
We've been writing #PostcardsToVoters to Florida Democrats encouraging them to enroll in Vote By Mail for years.
I don't want to repeat myself or occupy your time with with information you've already read about why Florida's Vote By Mail program is the best way for...


...volunteer-handwritten postcards to make a meaningful difference. However, I do envision a table to compare all of the various states' Vote By Mail programs to illustrate why Florida's is the easiest to enroll and the best one for Democrats because it covers a term...

...that can be as long as two years (depending on when the voter enrolls relative to the next Federal election).
But, I do want to share NEW things in this post that maybe haven't gotten so much attention.

There are 67 counties in Florida. We wrote to all of them once.
Read 18 tweets
It's a season of giving. Why not make it a season of saving?

Big savings* on #PostcardsToVoters from

Buy 1 set, save $1
Buy 2 sets, save $3
Buy 3 sets, save $6
Buy 4 sets, save $10

*One coupon per order. Thru 12/31/21. Coupon codes and links below.
Big savings* on #PostcardsToVoters from

Buy 1 set, save $1, click:…

Or type the coupon code Buy1Save1 in the Etsy checkout process.

*One coupon per order. Thru 12/31/21.
Big savings* on #PostcardsToVoters from

Buy 2 sets, save $3, click:…

Or type the coupon code Buy2Save3 in the Etsy checkout process.

*One coupon per order. Thru 12/31/21.
Read 5 tweets
Write #PostcardsToVoters for @Norton4Delegate. Text Join to 484-275-2229.

Virginia Grassroots Candidate of the Week: Finale Johnson Norton via @YouTube
Finale Norton is running for Delegate because our communities in District 100 deserve better representation in the General Assembly.

Let's put our working families first.

Let's flip this seat BLUE!
Finale Norton is the 1st woman to run for Virginia’s House of Delegates in District 100! She believes people should feel secure in their jobs, be treated fairly, and supports solutions to keep our homes & communities safe.
#KeepVABlue @Norton4Delegate…
Read 5 tweets
If you're the type who thrives on the "how __ is made" and behind-the-scenes scoops, this thread's for you.

#PostcardsToVoters is a labor of love for the 120k+ volunteers. We've never charged any of the 300+ candidates for our grassroots support.

So, how do we do it?


Since our volunteer writers cover their own costs for pens, postcards, and postage, that helps us operate with practically no overhead. We don't rent office space, have a Board of Directors, or anyone on salary. Everything to promote #PostcardsToVoters is word of mouth.

We use social media (not always as fully as we ought to) and we have some neat automated and interactive technology that helps us scale and which has been resilient for our growth and election surges. Volunteers help us manage 100% of the onboarding and ongoing maintenance.
Read 37 tweets
Remember the test #PostcardsToVoters cardstock which was glossy on both sides? Inks like gel and rollerball pens would easily smear and smudge.

Well, 2nd test coated only on the front. The blank back is uncoated. Flying Banner style.

Sets of 50 for $7 at Image
This was a small test run so supplies are limited. When these run out, there will not be any more coming for this type of cardstock and finish.

Last week, we sold all of the test cardstocks that had coating on both sides. The shipping costs I set were too low. =(
This time, the shipping for one set is $2.50 and each additional set's shipping will add $1.25. I hadn't counted on the weight being more than the cotton linen these designs usually get printed onto. Sorry for the difference.
Read 5 tweets
Important new research about postcards to voters, with evidence they can backfire & *reduce* turnout among recipients. I hope national groups that have used postcards as a central part of their volunteer (& donor) recruitment read this & take it seriously
The authors suggest the postcards' focus on a down ballot race may have "distracted" recipients, causing them to ignore other sources of info about more important congressional races also on that (2018) ballot for which they otherwise would have showed up to vote.
Hmm... maybe? ImageImage
I'm more inclined to see these results as potentially in line w/fact that feeling like you "don't know enough" is one reason people choose not to vote/get involved.A postcard pitch can remind me how much I don't know, & who shd I trust, & where even start?… ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
I have had two periods where I was out of work for 10 and 11 months respectively. Grueling periods for me that saw my savings depleted each time. I suffered from what my PCP called situational depression. Each time, I emerged employed in a great new job for which I was...


...uniquely suited. Perfect fits.

When I got a new job requiring me to move in 2013, I drove my ‘99 Camry from Dallas to Atlanta. It broke down on me in Louisiana. The repairs were easily triple the Blue Book value and I was set to begin my new job before the work could...
/3 done. So, I left it there with the keys and a verbal agreement to sell it to one of the mechanics for $300.

I went to a dealership in Georgia as soon as I arrived and arranged for a loaner. I ended up buying a Kia Sorento completely unplanned.
Read 11 tweets
Thousands of #PostcardsToVoters written. Phone calls made. Texts sent.

Thank you for all of your #grassroots support for our Bridges to the Local candidates. This is how we build the bench & ensure a #BlueWave across our nation.

Now one more ask: donate.
A candidate who will stand up for all Texas children and their families. A candidate who entered politics determined to fight for access to education. A candidate focused on uplifting hardworking families.

Please support @candacefor24. #FlipTexasBlue…
It’s time Florida works for all Floridians. It’s time to invest in healthcare. It’s time yo invest in small businesses. It’s time for common sense gun reform.

It’s time to send @VoteforRicky305 to the Florida State House.

Support 👉… #Florida
Read 11 tweets
So, I just hit one of those #PostcardsToVoters milestones. And I'm not sure I can put into words what this organization has meant to me. /1
The election in 2016 absolutely crushed me - mentally, physically, emotionally. I've never felt anything like it. /2
Once people started fighting back - calling their senators and reps - I felt completely left, living in DC. Thankfully, I saw someone here on twitter mention writing postcards to voters. /3
Read 8 tweets
THREAD: Gerrymander Alert:

Folks, this video is the warning. Their plan is to rig elections for another decade if they can. To keep people like Jim Jordan in office

But in Ohio & elsewhere, we can stop them. By Electing Dem candidates to statehouse and state senate seats..

....and by securing the majority of the OH Supreme Ct , we can cut off any effort to gerrymander Ohio for the next decade.

But...they will fight hard to stop us. Karl Rove is even involved

A few days ago, I challenged the twitterverse to help us end gerrymandering by....

2/ whatever you can to a fund that is intended to flip the Ohio Court.

Think of it as our fund to end gerrymandering and get rid of people like Jim Jordan.

Hundreds responded. We raised almost $18k, but our goal is to get to $25k.

Read 5 tweets
"How do I start?"

[Sent them the "Welcome" email with instructions on how to write their sample to join #PostcardsToVoters which for now, has a message for our current Ohio Supreme Court campaign.]

"I want to send pro Biden postcards."

We only write to Democratic voters...

...and even if the message has the names of two amazing Judges running to flip the Ohio Supreme Court majority to Democrat, every voter we succeed in reminding to vote will absolutely positively definitely vote for Joe Biden at the top as their first vote on the ballot...

...before they do way down further on the ballot to vote for these two named judges. Biden/Harris do not need space on a tiny postcard to improve their name recognition. Democratic voters won't forget and accidentally skip past the very first contest on their ballots.
Read 5 tweets
What is #TextBanking but Electronic #PostcardstoVoters, am I right?
I've pulled together all the links to volunteer to Text Bank for Senate Candidates...because we MUST #FlipTheSenateBlue #FlipTheSenate

THREAD 1/8 Image
Jon Ossoff…
vs GOP David Perdue

Raphael Warnock…
vs GOP Kelly Loeffler

Paulette Jordan…
vs GOP Jim Risch

Theresa Greenfield…
vs GOP Joni Ernst

THREAD 3/8 Image
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#PostcardsToVoters writers are currently boosting @KathyLewisforFL in FL State District 20; paired with the Democratic candidate @AlanMCohn for US Congress #FL15

Medicare, Medicaid & SocialSecurity are on the line during the COVID19 pandemic. Support Kathy & Alan in #Florida
US Congressional District #FL15
Read 3 tweets
Want to help get out the vote for Democrat candidates around the country from the safety & comfort of home? Join us in writing fun, friendly #PostcardsToVoters! I’ve been doing this for 2.5 years & I find it extremely rewarding. I put info in this thread to help you get started.
Write only when you have the time and supplies. All you need are stamps, postcards, and a pen. Get postcard stamps at a post office or from the U.S. Postal service online:…
Start by texting JOIN to 484-275-2229. You will receive instructions on how to write a postcard and how to email it back for approval. If you don’t use text messaging, you can join by emailing [email protected]. (This method is slower as it relies on volunteers to reply.)
Read 21 tweets

You’re going to love it.

After you’re approved, post a photo of your first postcard with the hashtag PostcardsToVoters saying that you’re a new writer. There’s a cheering squad. 🤣

Keep your first one simple. It can even be an index card.

Here’s are some of the things #PostcardsToVoters writers use to write their postcards. Use what works for you.

Pre-made postcards
110 lb paper printed w. Templates
Index cards 4x6 inches
Cereal boxes
Pre-stamped USPS postcards
Card Stock
Old file folders
FREE POSTCARD TEMPLATES at #PostcardsToVoters website!

These are EASY to print on 110 lb paper easily found in most big box stores.

Give the coloring postcards to kids!

Write with us:
Text JOIN to (484) 275-2229 or email [email protected]
Read 4 tweets
There will be 42 municipal offices up for election in Pinellas County, FL on March 9, 2021. You won’t need to write new #PostcardsToVoters to Democrats there because you’ve already helped them enroll in VBM. Which means they will receive ballots in the mail automatically!

In all 67 Florida counties, fun, friendly #PostcardsToVoters have succeeded in boosting VBM enrollment among Democrats since we began this focused project two years ago. The benefits of this enrollment windfall can be counted for years to come.

As casual voters who newly...

...enrolled in VBM begin receiving ballots for all types of elections large and small throughout the years to follow, their habits of voting will grow stronger. Just having the ballot appear without needing to ask for it will boost participation.

Imagine all the extra Dem...
Read 6 tweets
What a discussion as we began "Part 3: How To Make America A Democracy Again" of @danpfeiffer's "Un-Trumping America" on Monday night.

Follow along for a recap, but if tl/dr, sign up for our final week: #BookClub #Democrats #Grassroots
Q1: “The best way to fix our elections is to win more elections at the state & local levels.” What state/local candidate are you providing #grassroots support to?

A1: @katejbolz, @ACampaNajjar & @CharlieCrist were mentioned.
A1 (cont): Some of our #BookClub members have joined us for #PostcardsToVoters. You too can support candidates like @candacefor24, @ChristinePMarsh, @BrendanTJohnson & more. #Grassroots #Democrats

Tuesdays 👉
Sundays 👉
Read 23 tweets
If you aren't actively involved in get out the vote efforts, please know that the results of this election rest on the shoulders of ALL OF US! It will take each one of us in these next 100 days to get our country back.... if you need ideas on how to get started.... I have many..
JOIN #postcardstovoters and help handwrite friendly election reminders to dems across the country to help remind them to vote! It's fun, you can join our zoom parties and it makes a difference. Text join to 484-275-2229.
Go to and register to volunteer as a phone banker or a text banker or just get a yarn sign for a campaign contribution or whatever suits you.....
Read 5 tweets
How can we get involved this election season, despite the pandemic?

@swingleft co-Executive Director @toritaylor and #PostcardsToVoters founder @DemocratWit answered this question and more on the new episode of my #OnTopic podcast, out today! Image
Check out past episodes, learn about our guests, submit feedback, and learn how to gain access to more content at our website (link below).

We'd love to get your feedback and suggestions. Suggest other topics, or leave feedback, here:
#OnTopic is available on all major podcast apps. Here is the iPhone link:…
Read 5 tweets
Once upon a time, (actually this has happened twice that I know of for a certain fact), a campaign received stacks and stacks of volunteer-handwritten #PostcardsToVoters mailed to them in bundles from all over the country. They hadn't asked for these cards.


But, well-meaning volunteers wrote them, put stamps on them, and then bulk shipped them to the campaign for them to be mailed locally to get local postmarks so that voters would think they'd been written by their neighbors.

These two campaigns didn't have time to proofread.

With all the critical work they had on their plates, they couldn't spare anyone to sort through the stacks of postcards to remove any that were illegible or contained problematic language or images.

So, discretely, instead of taking them to be mailed. They were disposed of.
Read 8 tweets
Tony The Democrat @DemocratWit, founder of Postcards To Voters, and a group of his volunteer writers. Postcard to Voters wrote #GOTV #postcardsToVoters for the State Supreme Court #elections in #Wisconsin today. His thoughts:
“This morning, Wisconsinites awaken to a reality where their elected officials bring a somber new dimension to the word deadlock. Democratic Governor Evers and the Republican leaders of the State Legislative branch were
unable to reach agreement on how to safeguard the health of voters and poll workers. Their inability to find any common ground is akin to not only throwing out the baby with the bath water, but also the wash basin, the soap, and the towel.
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"We're losing the Wisconsin Supreme Court to the Right Wing."

Judge Jill Karofsky is running to restore justice to the WI SC.

"I don't want to wait until November. I want to do something about it right now."

The election is April 7.

"But, it's a primary, right?"



"I don't know what I can do to help. I don't like to speak with strangers."

You can write #PostcardsToVoters.

"Why remind Republicans to go vote?"

This group only writes to Democrats.

"I don't know what to write."

They give you the message to write.

"But, it's an entire state. What I would be able to write would barely be a drop in the bucket to make a real difference."

It all adds up. Since they started writing to WI, they've assigned 29,175 addresses to 1,700+ volunteers just like you!

"Wow, that's a lot!"

Read 6 tweets

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