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(1) Thread: Andrew Mountbatten-Windsor, #YoureFired.

#EDKH #JusticeIsComing #DrainTheSwamp
(2) First, let's remember that this man's campaign for justice is the reason that Epstein was re-arrested in 2019 at all, opening this can of worms across the Atlantic in London.

His DOJ has seen thousands of innocent young people rescued so far.

#Hero #ToughOnCrime
(3) But but Trump went to the same parties as Epstein and Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and... wait, what?

Two words: Flight logs.

Andrew didn't just fly to Epstein's Island... he took his family there too. Ill-judged, indeed.
Read 26 tweets
💰Tom Barrack - Saudi Nuke Deal

Emails show that Barrack, a close friend of Trump had access to high-level officials in Trump’s Commerce Dept and used this access to share materials that were part of a plan to share nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia…
Some advocating for this plan stood to make money from it.

The correspondence shows Manafort’s partner Rick Gates was enlisted to help arrange a meeting w/ ComSec Wilbur Ross shortly after these materials were shared, & the meeting was a priority for Ross…
The House Oversight committee released a report detailing concerns about efforts w/in the WH to provide nuclear tech to Saudi in  2017. Those involved in advocating for the plan–from both inside and outside the govt–apparently stood to make money from it.…
Read 35 tweets
💰George Nader💰

George Nader, the disgraced & recently indicted child sex trafficker & child porn aficionado is in the thick of Team Trump global shenanigans from the notorious Seychelles meet to Qatar Blockade to Psy Group & more.

Trump’s lack of prep’n for victory & disorganized transition created a vacuum that, as RU/ME sought out access & influence, was quickly filled by a number of people eager to portray themselves as access brokers or to generate personal biz opportunities.…
But prior to the 2016elex in addition to RU’s efforts to influence the American electorate in favor of Trump, ME foreign actors also assisted w/ the SocMed influence ops to help Trump & harm Cruz/HRC.

Nader among others were key to these influence ops to swing the elex to Trump
Read 35 tweets

Prosecutors rebut Roger Stone:

📌U.S. caught RU elex hackers red handed.

Prosecutors reveal in new STONE case filing that they have plenty of evidence showing GRU officers hacked the DNC, published the docs & transferred files to Wikileaks”(Org 1)


Gov’t investigators independently verified that RU operatives hacked the DNC in 2016 & did not rely on Crowdstrike’s findings.

2017 Chat logs btwn MANAFORT & HANNITY unsealed in Manafort's DC case.

Logs reveal they believe their utterly cray conspiracy theories.

Hicks says Trump campaign felt ‘relief’ from WikiLeaks release of hacked info damaging to Clinton

The RNC is paying Hicks's legal fees

Justice Dept review of intel in Russia probe fuels fears of politicization

Trump Nominates Mark Esper to Be SecDef.
Read 71 tweets
Prosecutors Intensify Scrutiny of Trump Fundraiser Elliott Broidy

Federal probe examines foreigners who attended inauguration at invitation of top Trump fundraiser…
Federal prosecutors have stepped up a criminal investigation into possible efforts by longtime Republican fundraiser Elliott Broidy to profit from his connections to the Trump administration, according to people familiar with the matter.…
📌Investigators are examining whether Broidy, a top fundraiser for Trump in 2016 who was later tapped as deputy finance chairman of the RNC, was paid by his firm’s foreign and prospective clients to give them special access to attend the 2017 inauguration.…
Read 33 tweets

📌Global threats multiply: similar to lead-up to World War I

Petraeus & McMaster: Russia & China

Napolitano: climate change, cyberattacks & gun violence.

Panetta: cyber threats

Monaco: deadly pandemic.

📌Trump is like a 20th-century fascist, says Sadiq Khan

The Most Powerful Arab Ruler Isn’t MbS, It’s MbZ

Active probes:

Operatives & go-betweens working for MbZ who sought to influence Trump

Trump campaign contacts w/ PsyGroup who has worked for MbZ

Rick Gates Sought Online Manipulation Plans From PsyGroup

Active probes:

UAE used cyberespionage techniques from former American operatives to spy on American citizens.

SCO also questioned Rashid al-Malik, an UAE real-estate developer who is close to MbZ & to his brother — the head of UAE intelligence.
Read 57 tweets
Trump: Day 532
-123rd Day at Trump Golf Club
-166th Day at Trump Property
-Will Miss DDL 2 Reunify Families
-Lawyer Uses "Dog Sitting" Excuse
-Seeks 2 Hire 61 Foreign Workers
-Less Likely 2 Sit 4 Mueller Interview
-Won't Visit London on UK Trip
-Trade War Hurting Middle America
Day 637 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 489 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama. #fakenews #TrumpLies
Read 53 tweets

Putin wants a date with Trump in Vienna, how romantic!🤮

Macron & Trudeau disTrump at the G6 + 1; 45 pissed.

Facebook ‘bug’ set 14 million users' sharing settings to public🙄

Papa’s RU contact dis’ him as “unprofessional’😂

Curt Weldon newbie in the treason fest

Manafort steered $2.4M to a company run by two journos re Yanukovych, but they flipped on him.

Expect nuclear grade fireworks when the Cohen treasure trove is revealed 🍿

Naturally Trump & Cohen seek order to keep contents secret.🙄

Next week will be lit! 🍿🍿🍿

Trump will bail early on the G7-chicken!

DOJ persecuting a former Wasserman aide? Stinky.

DOJ seized NYT’s Ali Watkins’s email & phone recs in leak inv.

Schiff blasts Nunes for not releasing investigation transcripts

Mueller got Manafort Texts from London’s FBC
Read 70 tweets

Putin Trump summit? I don’t think so!

Feinstein releases prelim report.

MSM: Trump may be under sealed indictment(s); 🙄 1st rpt’d by LM & CT 5/14/17.

Stone’s side Jason Sullivan grilled by GJ

Kush’s pal Gerson under Mueller scrutiny.

Brennan trolls 45 eloquently.

Days BEFORE the 2016 E, hackers ID’d by NSA working for RU attempted to breach US voting systems.

Blumenthal, et al. v. Trump re Emoluments Clause.

Trump Org to turn over items re Trump hotel’s internal ops.

Rear Adm. Fears tapped new homeland security adviser.

Trump picks winners & losers in business & not free market. #Pay2Play

Southern Co., CVS, Dow Chem Funding Trump Dark Money Group Tied to Racist, Anti-Semitic Views

DHS find surveillance devices for intercepting cellphone calls & texts operating near WH (SS7 exploit)
Read 55 tweets

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