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Next week I'm on the road: 🧵

Tuesday: I'll be in Dublin speaking with @Dochasnetwork CEOs about development campaigning @JaneAnnMcKenna

Then with @GENE_GlobalEd about shifting trends in geo-politics and their implications for development. @LiamWegimont Image
Wednesday: I'll be in London at the House of Commons for a Roundtable on Multilateralism and #GlobalEconomicGovernance Reform. @liambyrnemp @CAFOD

Thursday: I'll be speaking at the @DevEngageLab conference on building support for #sustainabledevelopment. Image
Friday: I'll be in #Nairobi for the @AfricaEuropeFdn Board meeting: we'll be discussing the #AfricaEurope Partnership and engagement on #GlobalEconomicGovernance Reform.

@AranchaGlezLaya @PascalLAMYPPF @DonaldKaberuka Image
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#Menschenrecht #Wasser 💧
Das Logo am Bedienmodul gehört einer Firma der #NGO
#TheWaterProject in deren Vorstand ein ehemaliger #CocaCola-Leader sitzt.…
#Weltwasserforum in #Afrika:
(K)ein Recht auf Wasser?
#Nairobi - 22.03.22

"Auch die #Privatisierung von #Wasser spielt eine Rolle - wenn #Konzerne wie #Nestlé oder #CocaCola sich Zugang zu Wasser sichern und es dann in #Plastikflaschen teuer verkaufen."

Die Generalversammlung erkennt das Recht auf einwandfreies und sauberes #Trinkwasser und Sanitärversorgung als ein #Menschenrecht an, das unverzichtbar für den vollen Genuss des Lebens und aller Menschenrechte ist

#UNResolution 64/292, Juli 2010…

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Le 9 février 2023, une réunion des chefs d’Etat-Major des États de @jumuiya, y compris ceux du #Rwanda et #Ouganda, s’est tenu à #Nairobi.

Les 3résolutions de cette réunion révèlent à quel point @fatshi13_ est incapable de se ressaisir et poser des actions attendues de lui. 1/9
1. Alors que les FARDC repoussent le M23 et gagnent du terrain en territoire de Masisi, les autorités Congolaises acceptent l’imposition d’un nouveau cessez-le-feu immédiat.

Cela décourage les militaires engagés au front et donne du temps précieux de réorganisation au M23. 2/9
2. Les autorités Congolaises ont accordé que les armées du #Kenya 🇰🇪 , #Ouganda🇺🇬 , #Burundi 🇧🇮 et #SudSoudan 🇸🇸 se partagent le contrôle des entités Congolaises en territoires de #Rutshuru, #Masisi et #Nyiragongo dans la perspective du retrait du M23. 3/9
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How to Use Mirrors to Enhance Your Space.

Apart from checking your outfits, Mirrors offer a wonderful versatile design feature.

They add instant glamor and interest while also increasing natural light and maximizing the sense of space in your home.
1. Mirror as wall décor.

To decorate a room with a mirror, treat it like a piece of art.
A mirror's reflection needs to be carefully considered.
The reflection will, in effect become a piece of art in itself.
2. Mirrored Accessories.

Mirrored furniture, such as a mirrored dresser, mirrored bed headrest or bedside table and coffee table can add a touch of elegance and glamour to a room.
Read 9 tweets
Construction of Subways:

In many places around the world, it’s difficult to imagine life without subways. In fact, the first subway system opened on January 10, 1863, in what is now the London Underground subway station, using steam engines.
But the subway systems we all know and rely on didn’t just pop up along with the city. Detailed plans and careful construction helped develop the system that so many people know and love today. They may seem simple (they’re trains that drive through a tunnel underground).
Deep Bore;

The deep bore method uses a special tunnel-boring machine (called a TBM) to dig the subway tunnels without disrupting much of the above surface life. A TBM is inserted/lowered into a conveniently dug hole along the proposed subway line.
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November 20 in the #History of #Eritrea.
1. On Nov. 20 1989, #EPLF & the #Ethiopian gov/Derg began peace talks in #Nairobi, #Kenya under the auspices of @CarterCenter & by the invitation of President Arap Moi of Kenya. The peace talks lasted until November 29.
2. At Nairobi Peace talks, they agreed on 3 issues that weren't agreed upon in #Atlanta, cleared the way for substantive negotiations, agreed to invite ex #Tanzanian Pres. Nyerere to be co-host wz Carter during the main talks & the 2 agreed to choose the sec & support staff.
3. The most difficult issue that the Parties discussed & finally agreed was "who would serve as int'l observer" during the main talks. 7 observers, 2 by each Party & 3 by mutual consent. #Kenya, #Sudan, #Tanzania, #OAU, #Zimbabwe & #Senegal were invited & accepted the invitation
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1)Still doubting M23 is a Rwandan rebel group attacking Congo?Get to know who is Bosco Ntaganda,a Rwandan born in #Kinigi,a war convicted criminal,nicknamed terminator,ex CNDP chief of staff,PFLC General Staff,linked with to M23,rebels all created by Rwanda.Member of 🇷🇼 RPF too
2)Whenever 🇷🇼 's RPF create a rebellion to invade a neighboring country,they search people who would be used as #agakingirizo(A condom)As condoms are thrown as garbage after use,Major Will Ngoma,a congolese,if M23 was to seize power in 🇨🇩,he would be thrown as a used condom in 🗑
3)When #RPF invaded Rwanda in 1990-1994,they had #udukingirizo(Condoms),meaning those #Hutu people to be used to portray a fake image of the rebellion.Real people behind the rebellion remain a secret,until u discover who they were when it's too late!Condoms are killed after war!
Read 15 tweets
#Kenyan / #British / #Indian twitter - please boost! A Kenyan Asian family were evicted from their #Nairobi home (now demolished!) by a group of men who flashed a court order and threw belongings outside, #stealing some, after beating up the guard. Thread 🧵 #KenyaLandGrab
A British citizen who has lived in Kenya for 50 years was evicted suddenly from his home in suspicious circumstances on 4th November 2022, with valuable items being stolen. The house has been demolished now too! #KenyaLandGrab
An auctioneer by the name of Baraza + 30 people carrying crow bars and machetes descended on the property situated in Westlands at around 12:30pm. They broke in, climbing over the gate and through the neighbours fence and entered the compound. #KenyaLandGrab
Read 27 tweets
🇫🇷🇲🇱🇷🇺 Une guerre informationnelle entre la France et le #Mali sous la houlette de la #Russie et du groupe #Wagner, se déroule actuellement sur les réseaux sociaux.

Longtemps passifs, @francediplo et @Armees_Gouv se sont résolus à riposter.

🇲🇱 Souvenez-vous, le 22 avril dernier.
Une vidéo comportant des images chocs de cadavres noirs à moitié ensevelis est publiée sur Twitter.
"C’est ce que les Français ont laissé derrière eux quand ils ont quitté la base à Gossi." #desinformation
(vidéo via @lemondefr)
Pour les militaires français, aucun doute : il s’agit d’un grossier montage des mercenaires #Wagner, arrivés à Gossi la veille aux côtés des #FAMa.

Manque de bol pour les Maliens, l'@EtatMajorFR avait flairé le coup et un drone Reaper filmait le "tournage des Russes" !
Read 49 tweets
El uso de documentación falsa, en visados y pasaportes, para tareas de #inteligencia terrorista o planificación de atentados ocurre en distintas partes del mundo.

Los casos que terminaron en condenas a ciudadanos iraníes.
Las inconsistencias por las listas de tripulantes y la irregularidad en la documentación de #AsanAzad pusieron el foco en un tema bastante común en la operatividad de grupos radicales u otros grupos terroristas.
1. En 2012 la detención de dos iraníes en Kenia con documentación sospechosa y, nada menos, que 15kg de explosivos no identificados, derivó en la condena del 2013 por comprobar la planificación de ataques sobre objetivos de Israel, EEUU, y Arabia Saudí en Kenia.
Read 19 tweets
What does it take to have a video or photography shoot on the streets of Nairobi?

Let me breakdown the process I had to go through last week.

#Nairobi #Nairobae
I did a video showing the step-by-step process which you can watch here:

Alternatively, you can read along.
1. You'll need to use a registered filming agent to obtain a Filming License from KFCB. I used Zindua. You can reach them on [email protected]. For a day's photography, KFCB fees were Kshs6,000/- plus agent fees.
Read 8 tweets
Lisbon lemon fruits grow on both dwarf and tall-stature evergreen trees. Once you cut it open, it's flesh is very juicy and acidic with few to no seeds at all. It is also yellow-pale in color.

Thread 🧵

#Nairobi #wednesdaythoughts #WednesdayMotivation #agriculture
The fruits of Eureka and Lisbon are very similar. Vigorous and productive, trees and very thorny particularly when young.
Your grafted citrus seedlings and fruit seedlings plugs @mynzagric254

We deliver within 24 to 48 hours

Click this link to message us on WhatsApp:
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Excerpts from President Kenyatta's #StateOfTheNation #SOTNKe2020 address:

—Kenya assumed the Presidency of the Organization of African Caribbean and Pacific states for the period 2019-2023
—Kenya elected as a non-permanent member of the UNSecurity Council for 2021-2022
—Kenya in final stages of installing the Likoni Floating Bridge; a 824m long bridge costing Ksh 1.96Billion that will be the first automated floating bridge in Kenya
—The Kisumu Port Rehabilitation works are complete, and the new port is already processing fuel products to Uganda
—Kenya is currently ranked 56th globally and 3rd in Sub-Saharan Africa on the Ease of Doing Business Global Ranking Report, from a low of 136th globally in
—Kenya now ranks 1st in Protecting Minority Investors and 4th Globally on Getting Credit.
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#Kenya #Nairobi #Coronavirus

This weekend, the Kenyan government announced plans to perform mass tests in the capital, Nairobi.
The test drive comes as Kenya, after the government announced a further relaxation of protocols to fight the pandemic, has seen a recent increase in new cases.
The test drive comes as Kenya, after the government announced a further relaxation of protocols to fight the pandemic, has seen a recent increase in new cases.

The government will aim its research efforts in the capital through the Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS),
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1] Received the news of the demise of #Burundi #Pres #PierreNkuruzinza with mixed feelings.

Whereas i immediately felt compassion for his loved one, can't help but feel ashamed as an #African.

Like many others, his #Presidency captured what is wrong with #African #politics. Image
2] For those not aware, #PresNkuruzinza had just finished his controversial 3rd term which began in 2015.

Many #Burundians were massacred for opposing his last term.

He had become obsessed with his #Presidency like many other #African despots.

Ofcourse #AU just watched. Image
3] Before #PresNkuruzinza stepped down, he pushed #Burundi into an election in the middle of #covid_19

He recklessly held rallies all over #Burundi

@WHO officials who cautioned his reckless conduct where simply expelled from #Burundi.

For him, #covid_19 was just a distraction. Image
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#Burundi 🇧🇮 BREAKING: outgoing President Pierre #Nkurunziza has died of cardiac arrest.

In 2015/2016 Nkurunziza turned the country's fragile democracy into a de-facto authoritarian state by pursuing a 3rd term in office, killing hundreds of protesters who opposed the move Image
#Burundi 🇧🇮: it turns out that the official cause of death (cardiac arrest) is doubtful. Sources were yesterday that both #Nkurunziza and his wife were hospitalized with #Covid_19.

His wife is reportedly still in hospital in #Nairobi, fighting for her life
#Burundi 🇧🇮: Just last week #Nkurunziza was mocking the wearing of face masks at a party rally.

Throughout the pandemic his adminstration has ignored warnings by the WHO, even going as far as expelling WHO staff members
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A couple of days ago, I hit the streets of Nairobi to find out how movement restrictions had affected fellow Nairobians. From Bus Station to Wangige, Gikomba to City Market, these are

#COVID19KE #covid19kenya #Nairobi
I was joined by @BoniMuthoni on this project.

We started at Nairobi Fire Station at 0613hrs on 15th May 2020 and met John who used to work as a night shift tout, but since the curfew directive was given, feeding his wife and two children has become a struggle.
0625hrs at the Kenyatta Avenue – Kimathi Street intersection. Not sure where this gentleman was hurrying to – red mask, red bag – I hope he wasn’t red carded when he got there.
Read 44 tweets
Fruit seedlings ready for transplanting.

Grafted Hass avocado 150/=
Grafted Fuerte avocado 150/=
Grafted Tommy and apple Mango 150/=
Grafted Macadamia Muranga 20 350/=
Grafted purple Passion seedlings 50/=
#mondaythoughts #Nairobi #Willisraburu
Non grafted giant granadilla 400/=
Sweet granadilla 100/=
Grapes seedlings 250/=
Apple seedlings 600/=
Grafted pixies tangerine 250/=
Grafted Washington orange 150/=
Grafted Tangerine 150/=
Grafted lime 150/=
Paw paw  Malkia F1 @100/=
Grafted Tree tomato 100/=
Non grafted Tree tomatoes 60/=
Grafted apple seedlings 600/=
Lemon @100/=
Valencia oranges @150/=
Grafted lime @150/=
Grafted lemon @150/=
We make countrywide delivery at a small fee
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As we rounded up analysis and news on the economic impact of #COVID19 from the last week, a concerning, recurring theme that @AcostaAminaM and I observed is the impact on the food supply.

[a thread of problems and solutions 1/14]
@WorldBankAfrica's publication #AfricaPulse finds prices of staple foods rising and agri-food supply chains rising.…
Researchers at @IFPRI conducted phone interviews in #Ethiopia & find that the #COVID19 pandemic is "beginning to disrupt food value chains... impacting the livelihoods of farmers & the diets of rural and urban households."…
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Health CS: "To the police, the people should be treated humanely. However, we are not going to hold back on the enforcement measured we have so far instituted."

Kenya's Health CS appeals to Kenyans to minimize contact with the police.

Comment: But when essential staff are being beaten by folks who are behaving like thugs in uniform, how is this adding value to the fight against #COVID19? 🤦🏿‍♂️
7 new confirmed cases of #COVID19, by #Kenya's Health CS. Total case count stands at 38, as of March 28.
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🚨 Here are the recommendations I received on sex-positive #Nairobi-based gynaecologists (thread)
Dr. Wairimu Nduhiu (Ob-Gyn)

Based at Oasis Clinic, Greenhouse Mall on Ngong Road

Consultation fee: Kshs 2500

Takes insurance: UAP, Jubilee, Madison, APA and a few others

Available Wednesdays and Saturdays

Contact: 0795 601 331
Dr. Alex Bosire

Based at Nelson Awori building, Upper Hill

Consultation fee: Kshs 2500

Takes insurance: UAP, Madison, Resolution, Britam, APA, Bupa and a couple others

Walk-in appointments on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday

Contact: 0717 383 333
Read 8 tweets
Re: the installation of a #Consul in Nairobi by the National Government.
Random questions.

[1] So who gets appointed to run matters? A political name we're familiar with? A no-name bureaucrat?
[2] Is this a quid pro quo deal?
[3] If one end of a quid pro quo deal is Gideon "Sonko" Mbuvi stepping out, what's on the other end of the deal? No prosecution? Dropping of some charges? A quiet retirement?
[4] The statement covers 4 units of the Nairobi County Govt: Health, Transport, Public Works, Planning.
But, Finance, Environment Energy & Water, Education, ICT & E-Gov aren't included. Co-incidence? Assuming it's accurate, are we still using the same command structure here?
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Mercury will pass between Earth & Sun on afternoon, 11 Nov 2019 Monday. Most of #MercuryTransit2019 can be seen from all of Africa, till local sunset. @SKA_Africa @SAAOOutreach @AfricaAstronomy @Astro4Dev & others are coordinating a Africa-wide campaign for #ToM2019 #ToMAfrica
It is VERY dangerous to look at the Sun directly using telescope binoculars or naked eyes. Looking at Sun's image projected onto a sheet of paper by a telescope is safe. There r a few public events by science centres etc in Africa where u can see #ToM2019 safely (pic @samyukta_m)
An interactive map of public events in Africa for #ToMAfrica, transit timings, a free handbook on #ToM2019, posters, and a podcast on #MercuryTransit2019 are at…,… and
Read 23 tweets

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