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"I have seen war.
I have seen the dead.
I have seen blood running from the wounded.
I have seen cities destroyed.
I have seen children starving.
(Franklin D. #Roosevelt, 1936. New York)

#StandYourGround #VNV

@ZelenskyyUa @MelnykAndrij

Winston #Churchill 1940

we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;

This is your world
These are your people
You can live for yourself today
Or help build tomorrow
for everyone

Das ist deine Welt
Das sind deine Mitmenschen
Du kannst heute für dich leben
Oder für alle die Zukunft von morgen aufbauen


Read 8 tweets
Keine Sterne in Athen und keine #Leopard2 in #Ukraine


"Deutsche Waffen und Deutsches Geld morden in aller Welt"

haben Chefs von Deutschland entschieden

"die andere Wange oder Ohr auch noch hinhalten"
in "Jesus von Nazareth", "Ben Hur" und "Live of Brian M. #Python"
also im Kino fand ich "The Last Temptation of Christ" schon deutlicher angenehmer zu gucken als dieser blurünstige Prachtschinken von Mel Gibson "The Passion of Christ"
aber was ich schon?

Wenn ich wüsste,
dass ich nichts weiss,
dann wüsste ich weit mehr,
als all das, wass ich weiß.

Bo, n Date mit Simone de Beauvoir im Jahr 1968 im Straßen-Cafe auf MontMartre würd jetzt echt gut tun.
Read 5 tweets
Shout out to all the men…
the men who;

Never fell for the lie of face coverings,
Never scanned in to gain entry,
Never got the you-know-what,
Never stopped speaking up,
Never stopped standing up.
Shout out to all the men…
the men who;

Will never eat their bugs,
Will never wear a dress for fashion,
Will never wear make up,
Will never be confused about their gender.
Will never forget the legacy of our forefathers.
Shout out to all the men…
the men who;

Still open doors for ladies,
Still give their seat to a pregnant woman,
Defend their communities in times of trouble,
Have the eyes to see straight through this divide and conquer agenda.
Read 8 tweets
1/ One of the most stressful days of my career was when I found out that we lost ownership of our domain at @xdotai
2/ Having a domain issue is worse for us since was both our marketing website and our product. Customers schedule meetings using our personal assistant by emailing [email protected] or [email protected]
3/ I was at some NYC entrepreneur lunch thing when my Slack started blowing up. Our DevOps team noticed that our app's error rate was shooting up. They have been debugging for 1/2 hr without a sense of the root cause.
Read 18 tweets
(1) Historic. One of his best messages ever. If he was reading some of it, that didn't show. Authentic, warm, heartfelt.

Some context below re "...there's never been a great leader that would've done that."

#Courage #MAGA🇺🇸
(2) When he said those words I had to re-listen a few times to be sure of what he meant. No doubt, our opponents will exploit the ambiguity.

He means: I had the option of hiding away, or moving to my offices here, and I moved here because (many reasons, including:)
(3) That his decisions are always based on what is best for the USA and the world. Those two audiences could really do with an optimism boost right now.

Think about the character of the Chinese regime, and want they wanted out of this pandemic. (Whether LIHOP or planned.)
Read 9 tweets
BREAKING|| Catalan independence movement @tsunami_dem blocks border with France in La Jonquera.
Plan is to block the border for 3 days.

#IndependenceForCatalonia #SpainSitAndTalk #SpainIsAFascistState
Road block is already 10km long. People leaving their cars and joining the protest.

Four weeks ago today, Spain sentenced to 100y prison 9 Catalan leaders.

In 4 weeks of protests, Spanish police has injured hundreds and jailed >40 activists.

Today, the Catalan revolt continues with the closure of the border with France.

#LaForçaDeLaGent ImageImageImageImage
Read 28 tweets
Amtsgericht Sinsheim 2. HVT
Tatvorwurf: „Dietmar Hopp, du Sohn...“
#Beleidigung #Strafverteidiger
Es wurde zahlreiche Beweisanträge, ua. auf der Grundlage Art. 6 III d MRK, zur Vernehmung des Herrn Hopp gestellt. Nun Unterbrechung zur Entscheidungsfindung des Gerichts.
Bei dieser Gelegenheit, ausdrücklichen Dank für die Unterstützung des @FanprojektDD
// cc @Fanhilfe_Do #LexHopp
Read 7 tweets
(1) The Prime Ministership of the UK.

Tonight in London, the ruling Conservative party voted on whether to keep Theresa May as PM. The outcome will be publicly known within minutes.

Below is info about how the British system works & what might happen next.
(2) Live updates on the Theresa May vote here:…
(3) The UK uses the Westminster system of government, which is more or less the same system used in Canada, Australia, NZ and many other countries.

Unlike the US, the head of govt can be selected by the legislature at any time, and does not necessarily trigger an election.
Read 26 tweets
(1) Thread: The Yellow Vest protests in France and elsewhere.

It's complicated.…
(2) It's evening in Paris, and I expect the worst of the violence to occur in the middle of the night. Then, I assume, they will do it all again on Sunday.

Currently nearly 1,000 arrested, 50 injured... I am sure the injury numbers are under-reported.
(3) I don't support the protests, bc they have passed from protests to riots. They are no longer "peaceful protests." which are the only kind I support, unless you're in a country like Iran at the moment.

Yes, the French people have a legitimate grievance.
Read 33 tweets
(1) #TeamTrump #PhotoThread from April 18, 2018.

🇺🇸Previous thread includes first half of Japan PM visit to Mar-a-lago:

🇺🇸30+ previous threads like this one:…

🇺🇸Unrolled versions:

(2) Special thread: Japan PM visit:

(3) When the French President and First Lady visit next week, they will be treated to a private dinner at historic Mount Vernon. This is going to be epic! Followed the next night by a State Dinner at the WH.🤵👸 

America's oldest friend. #ViveLaLiberte🇫🇷 #MAGA🇺🇸
Read 39 tweets

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