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1)🚨AI Accountability Policy Request for Comment🚨

Comments Due 6/12/2023 -

Don't forget to get your comments in regarding #NARXcare #PDMP…
2)The PDMP: Raising Issues in Data Design, Use and Implementation ~ Terry A Lewis

"How machine learning, algorithms, and poorly designed data collection combines to create vicarious harm to health care users"

An excellent article with multiple links…
3)"How Artificial Intelligence Can Deepen Racial and Economic Inequities" ~ @ACLU

"These algorithms use data such as eviction and criminal histories, which reflect long standing racial disparities…
Read 13 tweets
Concern re: #NARXCARE proprietary algorithms, machine learning & AI?
RFC seek comment ⤵️
AI accountability/policies.

AI Accountability Policy Request for Comment
Federal Register
Agency/Docket No. 230407-0093
06/12/2023…… Image
“Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights,” a non-binding whitepaper intended to support the development of policies and practices that protect civil rights and promote democratic values in the building, deployment, and governance of automated systems.”
“In America and around the world, systems supposed to help with patient care have proven unsafe, ineffective, or biased.”…
Read 5 tweets
Spent the afternoon flying high bc I was helping so many people understand ADHD, or realize they could have ADHD. Just rapid-fire answering questions & giving perspective. It's my hyperfocus so I felt capable & useful, I felt clear-headed & happy using my knowledge
Now it's night, the thread has died down, it's quiet & my drive is depleted. Now I just feel sad, bitter, angry, & scared. Because I know no matter how much I help others I can't help myself. I'm never going to get ADHD treatment. I don't deserve it bc my #NarxCare score is bad
I'm a reasonably insightful person. When I get into something its all-consuming. I put in expert level effort into learning everything I can. But I don't work or go to school bc I can't manage basic being alive routines. I can put together clear arguments, but not remember dinner
Read 6 tweets
Gaslighting of CPP’s is atrocious. #medtwitter- if you are scared to give opioids for pain, then say so. Stop telling a patient their illness shouldn’t hurt. Just stop. PSA for ER doctors: your line that kidney stones don’t hurt unless completely obstructing urine is a lie.
Every day I read stories on the kidney stone page bc I get chronic kidney stones. The last year has been insane for people w kidney stones. Kolodny loves to say NSAIDs work better for them than opioids. @CDCInjury keep lying to yourself that this isn’t happening bc of your GL.
@CDCInjury states, hospitals, medical practices, have written into law and policies that nobody can be over 90 mme. You did this. #DEAth goes after doctors who rx over 90. #Narxcare marks anyone one over 90mme in the top 1% for overdose risk. This country has gone insane.
Read 4 tweets

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