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#binance #playbook wasn't just used by #binance. It was literally cookie cut by #FTX
It was until I saw @AureliusValue link to Miami Dade County, Florida's resolution for #FTX's stadium rights (Mar 2021) that the penny dropped.
When you look at the disclosed beneficial ownership of FTX,
Read 28 tweets
The criminal thug street gang/#Jan6 #insurrectionists/election deniers, the Proud Boys, are fully-embedded inside @MiamiDadeGOP, and working as poll workers in #MiamiDade. This is why @GovRonDeSantis and Little @marcorubio won’t denounce them. #VoteBlueForDemocracy 👇👇👇 Image
@MiamiDadeGOP @GovRonDeSantis @marcorubio #Miami is BLUE. What do you think these freaks will get up to next week? I predict nothing good.
@MiamiDadeGOP @GovRonDeSantis @marcorubio “That’s right, you heard it right, I’m working the poll, cry some more liberals,” said Gabriel Garcia in a video obtained by Twitter user Joshua Ceballos and the Miami New Times. He was bragging about his role as a poll worker."…
Read 11 tweets
On April 23, 2022, I registered with Florida Department of Corporations
Entity Name: 1equal1, 1=1, #1=1, One Equal One, 1e1, 1ae1, ONE EQUAL ONE, One_Equal_One, ONE_EQUAL_ONE, Inc.
@threadreaderapp unroll
(as proof of Payment; undeterred by delays. happy to comply with #consumerprotection #law #regulation)

[Mirror] (…)

Today, May 17, 2022 I had the courage. I applied for a #Grant @OpenSea.
My submission for #grant

1equal1 is……
with the Power of #NFTCommunity
@threadreaderapp unroll

1equal1, the project is a personal commitment and movement to advance civil rights and social justice by inspiring, advocating, and mobilizing via digital art in the blockchain.
Read 18 tweets
Were these 2 Florida counties also compromised by Russia (Broward & Miami Dade)?! DSW’s response to the election supervisors’ denials is unsettling: “The information I have is classified (nervous laugh), so I’m not sure what folks have told you...” WTF?!
Via @johnhenrydale from his interview of me before the 2020 election.
I don’t believe these numbers were ever debunked.
Read 9 tweets
#Florida Cong. Matt Gaetz is now tied to shill candidate in a state senate election. This thread shows how *that* ghost candidate is directly connected to two So Fla shills we busted last Nov.
It’s in the money trail that led to Frank Artiles arrest.
Here we go:
The three shill candidates planted in three #Florida state senate races last November are:
Celso Alfonso (in D39 #MiamiDade), Alex Rodriguez (in D37 #Miami Dade), Jestine Iannotti (D9 Central FL - no pic) ....

All 3 filed as no-party-affiliation, did no campaigning, no fundraising, nothing. And yet they were backed by two Political Action Committees: “Our Florida” and “The Truth”. Both PACS were created the same day, Oct. 2nd - a month before the election.
And that’s just the start..
Read 8 tweets
2020 Electoral College Forecast Map
Donald Trump vs Joe Biden
October 25~ 2020.
My Analysis Post:…
Post will continue to be updated.
#ElectoralMap #ElectoralCollegeMap2020 #Election2020
#Forecast #Election2020Map #ElectoralCollege
Wisconsin: Trump vs Biden
Gravis , 10/23. 677 LV.
My Analysis Post:…
#Election2020 #Wisconsin2020 #WI2020 #swingstates
(Fixed error)
Nevada: Tilt R.
I don't get it why ppl are saying NV is Lean R on my map.
Read 29 tweets
THREAD on #MiamiDade Mayor race.

1/11-In March, most people told me they knew it was going to be @penelasformayor vs. @XavierLSuarez1 in runoff. That began to change about 2-3 weeks ago. Here's a look back at some key reasons why it's now @votedaniella & @SteveBovo in November.
2- Miami-Dade voters picked two lesser known partisans over well-known moderates.

@votedaniella and @SteveBovo worked their plans. In post-Obama world partisanship works. They had a better chance at winning if they made the race partisan and they messaged to make it that way.
3- DLC and Bovo found money. As soon as Donald Sussman and @RepJoseOliva came in, they could at least *compete with the @penelasformayor fundraising juggernaut. Reporting by @doug_hanks and @NewsbySmiley.……
Read 12 tweets
Takeaways from @JacksonHealth CEO Carlos Migoya to #Miami Dade Commish cmte:
“Can we stay 3-5 mo’s? Yes, but challenge is, can we long term?”
Can handle 50% #covid19 patients with no census change, eliminating elective surgeries, using offsite recovery facilities
1/ Image
2/ urges ..(demands) public responsibility:
“Some say shut down? That is not answer... We shut down for 8 weeks & the moment we opened, everyone went out w/o masks (etc) & that’s where we are today. We have a behavioral issue. People are not complying...”
Despite $81M in #COVID19 related losses (+more expected), JHS is in ok cash position 🙏🏼👉🏼federal relief $ (want more) & untouched line of credit.
“JHS not in a situation of closing...but we can’t sustain w/o government money. Credits @marcorubio & @DonnaShalala working on it.
Read 6 tweets
WATCH LIVE NOW: @GovRonDeSantis coronavirus news conference at @FIU…
2/ New trend: Median age of positive #covid19 cases is going down. Median age from today’s results:
#Broward 33yo & #MiamiDade 41yo
Per @GovRonDeSantis 62% of positives today are <45yo , expects that trend to continue. Many of those testing positive are asymptomatic
3/ results indicate there is more #covid19 community spread
In ages 18-34 - more positives regardless of # of tests

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🚨Confirmed : US Bureau of Prisons Riot Squad checked into The Grand in #Miami.
County brass says they “told them to go home”
@WPLGLocal10 #MiamiProtest
2/ #MiamiDade Mayor told the commish there was no federal law enforcement in #Miami ... said news reports were wrong. Request is in about whether / why he was not briefed by Trump administraton prior to Riot Squad’s arrival ⏩
3/ After a briefing at the meeting, #MiamiDade Commish Chair acknowledges that a federal Riot Squad is staying at The Grand #Miami
Mayor then thanks the feds for contributing to #Miami economy (which would actually be taxpayers contributing..)

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#Miami Dade County is preparing to be one of the first to do scientific “surveillance”, a field study, to get a clear picture of where #COVID19 exposure is located in the county.
Threading here details from a convo with @MayorGimenez
@WPLGLocal10 #coronavirus
1/ Image
2/ #MiamiDade is expecting a shipment of 10,000 blood test kits from an American company in China. They are currently in Charlotte, NC - due to arrive in the next day or two.
3/ The pin-prick blood test will determine presence of #coronavirus antibodies. The results take 15 minutes. @MayorGimenez says this type of test is not as accurate as the swab tests underway at the testing centers, but adequate for the surveillance purposes.
Read 4 tweets
Watch @joesstonecrab -dining room now officially closed, & scene of a press conference about to begin .. #Miami Beach & county decision makers will detail how much they can and will close down to #flattenthecurve #coronavirus
@WPLGLocal10 #Miami #MiamiBeach #COVID19
”We are a community built on *stopping* social distancing, so this is turning us on our head”-Miami Beach @MayorDanGelber announcing closure of pretty much every non essential biz + gatherings of >10 people. Exempt: Pharmacies groceries banks hospitals hotels gas
This morning Miami Dade @MayorGimenez signed an Executive Order (from self isolation) - As of 11pm tonight, closure of all alcohol & restaurants (Kitchens open for take out) throughout the county
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*The worst kept secret is now official *
Freddy Ramirez appointed new @MiamiDadePD Director by @MayorGimenez
He’ll succeed the retiring @JPerezMDPD
Ramirez is currently #2 in command, part of an (official/unofficial) succession plan
@WPLGLocal10 #miami #MiamiDade #police #news ImageImageImage
2/ We’ve seen Ramirez as DepDir. standing at @JPerezMDPD side for years ... We asked what he expects it to be like to have it all on his shoulders. Clearly, he has considered the weight of the role .. Listen⏩

3/ After @MiamiDadePD Dir. @JPerezMDPD gave an impassioned speech on #police / community collaboration, we wondered what’s next for him... Running for office, maybe?
He did not say ‘no’!
Watch ⏩
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