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violence in fist of the north star and akira isn't impactful cuz it shows gore #medialiteracy
nah it's not that it's just some pretentious guy saying "less is more, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." in the most beta voice
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I just watched the [uncensored] Part 2 of the #PumpRules S10 reunion and my #MediaStudies brain is on 🔥! These reunions could easily be in a series in and of themselves. Special shoutout to the editors for that. 1/

An abbreviated reaction to Part 1:
I will be watching both reunion episodes again later, as there is much to unpack, esp. in terms of the liminal space between "reality" and the real lives presented. What an excellent study for TV fans & scholars alike! 2/
As w/Part 1, James is still on 🔥. Unpopular opinion: His "bathroom breaks" actually reflect a move toward maturity in him trying to take himself out of the picture when overwhelmed. He truly is a highlight of the season & Part 2 of the reunion develops that beautifully. 3/
Read 13 tweets
I went to a "progressive" high school in Boston in the 90s. Their recent PR is more & more showy as far as big 😁 unmasked faces in school & at alumni events incl. a BIG in-person tribute to a recently deceased teacher. 🧵 1/8 #MediaLiteracy #CultureIsOrdinary #StorytimeWithTamar
My comment on their social media page highlighting the unmasked students, faculty & alumni at the event included my condolences & pointed to the fact (for the unmasked + the folks with masks ON THEIR CHINS) that #CovidIsNotOver. Perhaps it wasn't the right moment to mention, 2/8
but a day school smack dab in the middle of Boston inviting EVERYONE to join them w/barely 3 ppl. who are masked in photos of the many participants shows terrible judgment/understanding of where we're at with #SARS & with #Community.

My comment was removed from the page. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3/8
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1/ Censorship is a tactic historically associated with fascist regimes and ideologies. Fascists often seek to suppress dissent and opposition, and may use a variety of tactics to censor or limit the free expression of ideas that conflict with their own. #fascism #censorship
2/ This can take many forms, including censorship of the media, control of public discourse, and suppression of opposition political parties and social movements. In fascist regimes, the state often maintains strict control over information and communication channels.
3/ For example, Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler implemented strict censorship laws and policies, controlling what could be said, written, or published in the media. The regime used propaganda and censorship to promote its ideology and worldview, and to silence dissent.
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1/ 🧵 In today's era of fast-paced social media and the internet, it's easy to be inundated with misinformation and fake news. However, social media grifters and even #MSM news orgs intentionally use misinformation and sensationalist opinions to increase their reach and exposure. Image
2/In the world of politics, the power of information and ability to sway public opinion is crucial for gaining support and popularity. That's why many pundits and movements are using people being more prone to correcting information they believe is incorrect to their advantage.
3/ By spreading lies and half-truths, these “influencers” can generate controversy and encourage engagement from both their supporters and detractors. This leads to conversations/arguments in comments which spreads the lies even further, becoming more polarizing in the process.
Read 9 tweets
We're thrilled to see a number of Australian media literacy resources launched recently to support adults and young people develop their critical media literacy abilities. Here are a few of them...
#GlobalMILWeek2022 #medialitwk #MediaLiteracyWeek #medialiteracy
1. Squizkids launched NewsHounds this week for primary students. Students develop media literacy over eight podcasts, using a fun board-game style digital learning experience @thesquiz
2. Media and Me at the National Film and Sound Archive is a facilitated media literacy program for students aged 9-13 that examines storytelling through animation, advertising, gaming, social media, film and music. @NFSAonline…
Read 6 tweets
Wie kann man so krass abstĂźrzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
Read 297 tweets
I'm seeing a lot of memes related to gas prices being shared today. It makes sense. Not only are high gas prices a source of extreme frustration, but memes are an easy and satisfying way to capture and share what are often complex ideas and feelings. 🧵1/
Most people don't think twice about engaging with these informational amuse-bouches. They often seem harmless and dismissible - which may be one reason why these image based info-nuggets have become a popular tool for spreading disinformation & hate. 🧵2/…
"For years there's been growing concern that deepfakes (doctored pictures/videos) would become truth's greatest threat. Instead memes have proven 2B a more effective tool in spreading misinfo b/c they're easier to produce & harder to moderate using artificial intelligence." 🧵 3/
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Heads up #DigitalDetectiveSquad! Here's a quick #infolit lesson ripped straight from today's trending topics.

As I type this, the #mayoclinic is trending (on Twitter).
A quick look to find out why leads you to headlines like this one. For some time, this story (from NBC News), was the top result in the #mayoclinic feed. However, scroll down just a bit and the same headline, from dozens of other outlets, is repeated & shared thousands of times.
Here's what's missing from that headline: the #mayoclinic employs over 70,000 people. 700 people = less than 1% of its total workforce.

The headline to this story could have read "Vaccine mandate at Mayo Clinic results in employee firings of less than 1%"

News outlets make...
Read 12 tweets
1/9🧵 It's grievous #CDNmedia won't do its job so it appears I'm betraying my gender for contributing the facts

But problem with this narrative is they're omitting the part where Chu met the girl at a bar & that's what everything hinges on due to Supreme Court precedent #Thread
2/9🧵 Reason it matters that Chu met her at a drinking establishment is because Supreme Court ruled it's reasonable to ascertain someone is an adult, due to the pub's legal onus to check IDs to permit entry. Chu can't be prosecuted for luring a minor since she misrepresented age
3/9🧵 Now, with the amount of people who don't know the first thing about #CDNlaw + #CDNmedia failing its due diligence to inform, everyone is hopping on a political bandwagon to seek vengeance & claim the system is completely broken

💥This discourages women from reporting💥
Read 39 tweets
One thing that #PandemicTwitter™ has convinced me of is that media literacy is a spiritual discipline we as a Church sorely need.
And you know what? The #MediaNuns are going to do something about that this summer!
The Pauline Center for Media Studies (@PaulineMediaEd) is offering two Virtual Film Retreats on the theme "Graced Encounters." Do one, the other or both! (Each session features different movies. I mean "films.")
Info and signup at

If you have the time and the resources, you can work on a Certificate in Media Literacy and Faith Formation. Also available for audit.) Info and signup here:
Read 4 tweets
This is an incredibly important #medialiteracy thread that I want to add one note to. The data collection described here is also a contributor to radicalization. In this example, the targeted content was toothpaste, but what if dude's mom had been a...
while supremacist or radical conspiracy theorist? (I'm sure she's none of those things, BTW). The algorithms don't care if they're pumping us full of toothpaste ads or filling our feeds with memes that encourage violent insurrection, they simply use the data we give them...
(willingly) to surround us with content that they've predicted we'll engage with. What's most important about this thread is the understanding that we don't have to search for that content, or erroneously click on something in order to tell the algorithms to give us more. As...
Read 9 tweets
If you’ve ever read, watched, or listened to a one-sided article, social media post, news segment, video, podcast, etc. presenting a black & white narrative and felt that something seemed off, it’s because something was. ↓
Anyone telling a black & white story is presenting only a piece of a puzzle.

Even in cases where there seem to be obvious “good guys” and “bad guys” there’s always nuance to any occurrence. ↓
There are at least two sides to every story—more if there are groups of people involved in the story or if there are witnesses.

A story lacking in nuance is nothing more than a one-dimensional story. ↓
Read 46 tweets
#MTBoS Has Germany caught up to the US in COVID-19 deaths? If you move from California to Wyoming, do you really have 3.6 times more voting power? The new #Eventmath wiki pairs current events with #math lesson plans to help students fight misinformation. Retweet for numeracy! Title: Eventmath Tagline: C...
Eventmath is a free and open resource that we build together. Interested in contributing or using lesson plans? Want to be a part of the community? You can add your Twitter handle to Community Members in this Google Doc:…
We have big plans, but we're starting with a humble Google Doc. If you’d like to make and share your first contribution now, we have a prioritized list of tasks. The smallest takes only a few seconds. Just head on over to the To-Do List in the Google Doc to make a difference!
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Teachers/staff: We support you.

It must be hard to watch this interview.

A good lesson for kids in #medialiteracy #civics and campaign finance reform & ethics though. #sschat #apgov

With $500 mill spent on campaign, how much could have gone to vaccines & ventilation systems?
Bloomberg said virtual learning was a joke in this interview w/ MSNBC’s @SRuhle.

Educators @heymrsbond @withCourtney helped us at PBS produce this piece in which teachers across the country shared the excellent teaching that is taking place every day.…
@Cleavon_MD @saribethrose @Prof_Katz joined teachers & staff across the country in this PBS Zoom to let them know that they’re not going crazy, their fears are justified and to support them at a time when teacher bashing is reaching new heights.…
Read 5 tweets
1. So Campaign Research devises this polling question [notice: "vaccine manufacturers" is not an option, and given the federal government is in charge of procurement, the choices available naturally steer the answer in one direction]...

#CdnPoli #PoliticalLiteracy #medialiteracy
2. "How could this escape quality control?", you ask. "Why would a 'reputable' polling firm go out in the field with a leading question such as this?'

Perhaps because Campaign Research is run by... Image
3. Well when such a question then gets taken up by the Toronto Star, that then uses it to comment upon the Globe and Mail doing something remarkably out of the ordinary...

Read 4 tweets
#medialiteracy thread: These are not "protestors." They're violent, avowed, white supremacist, domestic terrorists. The only accurate word news outlets should use is "terrorists." It's not a "demonstration"--journalists must report accurately as an armed insurrection/coup attempt
This coup is coming from inside the (White) House. They incited it. They welcome it. So this fascistic would-be dictator and his administration enablers did nothing to prevent it. Snipers and Nat'l Guard would've been on call if these domestic terrorists were Black/brown/Muslim.
Far right, Nazi sympathizing domestic terrorists have been promising a coup attempt for weeks, yet nothing was done in advance to prevent it. And today there was no substantive effort to quash them from breaching the Capitol, Senate floor endangering lives, liberty, democracy.
Read 3 tweets
This is an extraordinary example of who & what media serves. This media event was viewed by millions. Perhaps billions. See man who steps behind Thunberg, to the right. No one - not 1 journalist or media outlet reported on who this man was - that accompanied Thunberg EVERYWHERE.
ClimateWeekNYC was created for The Climate Group by communications specialist Callum Grieve. #WWF identifies Grieve as a co-founder of #WeMeanBusiness. Grieve was the 3rd person to respond to Rentzhog's Aug 20 2018 first Greta tweet, tagging 9 others.

#Storytelling #UN ImageImageImageImage
The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: They Mean Business [Volume II, Act IV]

"If power dominated through hierarchy & coercion – the emergent "new power" model dominates w/ influence & persuasion."…
Read 9 tweets
EdMedia + Innovate Learning -konferenssipaperimme on julkaistu,

ja sen voi ladata kokonaisuudessaan:…

Paperissa käsittelimme tutkimuksiimme perustuvia suunnitteluperiaatteita ikäihmisten medialukutaidon opettamiselle. 1/
Ikäihmisten medialukutaidon opettamisen tulisi:
•kattaa kaikki medialukutaidon ulottuvuudet,
•oltava oppijan tarpeisiin perustuvaa,
•oltava saatavilla useiden sidosryhmien kautta,
•kunnioittaa iäkkäiden ihmisten erilaisia elämänrooleja,
•soveltaa erilaisia pedagogisia lähestymistapoja,
•sisältää vahva sosiaalinen tuki,
•olla käytännönläheistä,
•olla yksilölähtöistä,
•hyödyntää vertaisopettajia,
•korostaa osallistujien minäpystyvyyttä,
•tapahtua turvallisessa ja rauhallisessa ympäristössä,
Read 5 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 11/06/2020…
Health disinformation & social media: The crucial role of information hygiene in mitigating conspiracy theory and infodemics…

#SocialMedia #disinformation #ConspiracyTheory #infodemics #InformationHygiene
How the Coronavirus Could Create a New Working Class…

#compensation #PostPandemic #populism #work
Read 6 tweets
I've been receiving a lot of questions about how parents should be talking to their teens about #misinformation related to the #election. At @mediawise, I lead our Teen Fact-Checking Network, and I work with teens daily to debunk viral claims. Here are some tips
First, a look at what my teens are flagging. We're seeing a lot of out-of-context photos and memes, manipulated videos and screenshots lacking context taken from one platform and posted to another. Here are some tips you can give your teen (and use yourself):
First, have them question how the post makes them feel. Outraged? Shocked? Disgusted? Posts that are designed to spark an intense emotional reaction *could* be misinformation.
Read 10 tweets

Reading first few chapters of @tomburgis new book #Kleptopia (very good so far!)

On the story arc, Och-Ziff Hedge Fund mentioned & their bribery for contracts/mines/elections in Africa.

Saw some interesting connections to #FinCENFiles current story...

#PoliticsAndMoney ImageImage

Ziff brothers are the favourite financial bogey men of Putin/Kremlin.

#OchZiff referenced in 2016 #TrumpTower meeting challenging #Magninsky act championed by #Browder

Effectively Kremlin saying "Listen Don Junior, here's the dirt on Clinton for your Dad to use...(cont)" Image

"Hillary is funded by Ziff Bro's / Browder & they are the real crooks! They illegally bought shares in Gazprom as foreigners, failed to pay tax due in Russia & used elaborate offshore schemes to 'loot Russian assets'"

They then counter the $230m tax fraud #Magninsky story... Image
Read 18 tweets
If you didn’t fact-check this tweet from @JimDabakis, you might be a bit confused by the news that @MittRomney plans to vote on a Supreme Court nominee.

This tweet popped up hours after RBG died Friday. Did you question it using #medialiteracy?

Sure hope ya did!

When you see someone making controversial claims -- things that make you react emotionally -- you gotta check the facts.

So how to verify this one? Look to primary sources.
@MittRomney’s Twitter is a great place to start. He tweeted his condolences Friday, but didn’t share his voting plans then.

Today @SenatorRomney (second account) put out a statement making it clear that he is willing to vote on a nominee before election day.
Read 6 tweets

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