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@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll YOU "dgaf" about what #ScottAdams ACTUALLY said or meant

Preferring to #VirtueSignal your #Woke credentials by joining racist "liberal" #CancelCulture #TwitterMob #DogPile on him

He ACTUALLY said "Choose Love instead of Hate"


Bravery over fear

Thoughtfulness over anger
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll #ScottAdams said he lived in a mixed neighbourhood

Next door to a Black man

And he said if you live in a neighbourhood (of any demographic) where up to 50% of the residents don't like you

And too large a proportion are criminals

Move out

And to judge people as individuals!🤦‍♂️
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll As I said to another #Woke #VirtueSignalling #ScottAdams #CancelCulture #TwitterMob #DogPile on #Troll

He's often said every local party goes to is very mixed race (& marriage)

Hasn't & didn't mean "Run Away"

He's a comic

It's a joke

Here's the demographics of where he lives
Read 28 tweets

"Ya Allah, berikanlah shalawat kepada pemimpin kami Nabi Muhammad, dan sibukkanlah orang-orang zhalim agar mendapat kejahatan dari orang zhalim lainnya, selamatkanlah kami dari kejahatan mereka, dan berikanlah shalawat kepada seluruh keluarga
dan para sahabat beliau."

#SahabatHandal mudah-mudahan kita semua yang bersholawat mendapat syafaat Rasulullah Muhammad SAW dan juga mendapat manfaat keutamaan dari bacaan sholawat asyghil ini diantaranya, dihapuskan dosanya oleh Allah SWT, diangkat derjat kita,
dicintai oleh Rasulullah, menghindari berbicara kejelekan orang lain dan mendapat pertolongan Allah SWT dalam banyak hal dan keperluan.

Mari di jumat yang penuh berkah ini, kita senantiasa tingkatkan iman dan taqwa, berserah diri dalam keikhlasan kepada Allah SWT,
Read 4 tweets

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It’s you & I old man.
Read 5 tweets
I Tried showing this whole time, meeting in the middle is & always has been the only way ..

Under The #RED Hood
Forgiveness was the only way ..

For the longest time the people have had no idea who or what they’ve been fighting for.

Now it all becomes crystal clear,
The people figure out The Son has been right in front of his people this whole time waking everyone up on social media—The one who this entire world has been waiting for & is #WH-Y EVERYONE on the world stage has been SHOWING & DOING all that they have been for 1 “Nobody”.
Read 16 tweets
After I demonstrated why @ChrisGiles_ of the @FT was wrong when he tweeted a misleading chart with the tag line I hear #Brexit is going swimmingly” he doubled down with another tweet tagged “#I still hear Brexit is going swimmingly”....
....& directed people to a recent FT article for a serious piece of analysis on the failings of Brexit.
Below is my rebuttal to this article. Taking each @FT claim and explaining where & why it is either wrong, taken out of context or deliberately misleading.…
Read 12 tweets
Dear Oakland - I’m writing today with a grave concern. While I don’t agree with many of the mayoral candidates positions - I can at least respect most of them as decent human beings trying to do what they believe is best for our Town. There is one candidate however that is
Particularly dangerous. Dangerous and violent. Who aligns with right wing white supremacist ideology. Who regularly espouses hate for women of color and threatens them with violence. Who regurgitates misinformation as though they were facts.
Part of what makes him dangerous is he is a Black man - so some folks may be confused that he is a warrior for the people - let me assure you - he is not - he is a pawn for the status quo. His job in this election is to be anti progressive anti the people anti the left
Read 25 tweets
1. I recently saw a post by a YouTube content provider claiming to be Ukrainian, who said that it was illegal for Ukraine to take out the dam at Nova Kakhovka. Here is the Geneva Protocol #I on the issue:
2. Russia is using the dam for transport of forces and weapons. The dam is also maintaining a reservoir that allows water to flow to occupied Crimea, the operational logistics hub for Russian forces attacking in the south. Moreover, looking a the down-stream geography,
3. I question whether a destruction of the lock gates that would cause the water level to fall sufficiently at the gate feeding Crimea to stop the flow of water would cause any appreciable harm to civilian interests downstream. Engineers should look at it to confirm.
Read 5 tweets
There is something SINISTER about this picture...

I have often found this pix very intriguing.

Trust me, I am 150% in agreement, but, somehow, I have some reservations with d 1st statement... "It doesn't matter what she did"

I feel this isn't balanced in the real sense of it. Image
I have witnessed a woman slap her husband while trying to mediate in a domestic issue, yet, the man kept his cool and honoured those of us there by not matching the slap with a corresponding slap or blow...not all men are this patient...

I have witnessed a woman break the
windscreen of her husbands car because he came home late from work the previous night.

I once mediated in domestic violence where the wife hit her mother inlaw because, she (wife) could not stand the attention her hubby was giving his mum...

I have also seen several extreme
Read 6 tweets

This is directed to young entrepreneurs who follow me on twitter.

It must be difficult time for many of you who are dreaming and aspiring for better and bigger things in life especially in the area of business. A young man shared his fears with me week!
He said i have realized that business growth in uganda attracts a lot of haters and I don't want to aspire for anything serious anymore. I was heart broken for him especially from his facial expression. I told him Uganda needs him to work hard, needs needs him creating jobs
As a young person trying to build a business, you must know that not everyone will spend their time fighting you, partly because everyone has his own issues to sort out. Some people who know your potential will support and you must look out for those. The haters are actually few
Read 13 tweets
S.H.I.T. Wins !!

.@CoreyTaylorRock, People = #S outh #H armon #I nstitute of #T echnology

Some will take this the wrong way but I don't care.
People = S.H.I.T. actually means something good.

I love ALL Humanity, I love all our S.H.I.T. heads !

Whatever all have to do
Read 4 tweets
Good Morning!

So I have A very special reQuest, I Am asking ANY & ALL artists out there to do me A HUGE favor ..

I don't ever ask for much so I'm in hopes someone will really take this seriously & really put

The Man Comes Around via @YouTube
their heart & soul into what I Am asking..

What I Am asking is, would it be possible if someone could take the song above & put A little TWIST to it?
What do I mean by this? Let me explain. This thread may bay A little long, so I do hope ANY & ALL artists out there have the
So what I mean by this is, 'When the Woman comes around' ..
One of THE MOST IMPORTANT things in life that God has taught is HOW to fall back in LOVE with LIFE again & fall back in love with YOURSELF again. So many songs were written about what God had to do
Read 32 tweets
Au cœur de l’enfer.
Avec @CapriFini @Twinnette75 @AlexSamTG Image
Fouché, du haut de ses paraboles et de ses anecdotes, insulte les soignants « ils n’ont pas soigné » et récupère la pandémie pour s’imposer comme prédicateur.
Richard Boutry fait la pub de son nouveau merdia : dont le mot d’ordre sera « spiritualité »
Read 22 tweets
With the Court announcing new circuit allotments today, I know what you're thinking - huh, what is the story behind these allotments? Well have I got you covered! Here’s a little judicial administration history thread (with much of the underlying info c/o @FedJudicialHist).⚖️🧵1/
Let's cast our minds back to 1789...remember that the Justices initially had responsibilities on the circuit courts. Specifically, the First Judiciary Act created 3 geographical circuits (Eastern, Middle & Southern) to which the Justices were assigned for circuit riding. 2/
A few years later (in the Act of April 13, 1791) Congress mandated that the Court issue a written order at each session, indicating the circuits to which the Justices would be assigned. Seems totally fine, right? Well... 3/
Read 16 tweets
Le Nombre est l'Ombre du Nom.

"Computer" veut dire "Compter" en vieux français.

"Fenêtres" = "Windows" = Belle vue

Le siège de Microsoft était initialement à Bellevue (État de Washington)

"Oz" veut dire "Force" en hébreu.

Wind Eau / Wind Oz / Feu Naître
"Bill" est le diminutif de "William".
William = Will (Volonté) I Am

"Gates" veut dire "Portes"

Pour s'élever, franchir les portes, il faut le vouloir. Tout ce qui est dans ce monde est le résultat de la Volonté.

#Will #I #Am #Gates
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Ich war gerade bei Netto.
Der mit dem Hund.
Die Verkäuferinnen und Verkäufer laufen ohne Masken durch den Laden, viele Kunden ebenso.
Keinen interessiert es mehr.

An der Kasse hängt ein Aushang, dass eine Maske getragen werden muss.

Ich spreche den Kassierer darauf an.
#Ich *zeige auf den Aushang: Gilt das hier nicht mehr?
#Kassierer: Ähm. 🤷‍♂️ Ja. Hmm. Für die Kunden halt.
#I: Sieht nicht so aus, hier rennen viele ohne Masken rum und keinen interessiert es.
#K: Ja, na ja. 🤷‍♂️
#I: Und, dass Sie andere infizieren können, ist Ihnen egal?
#K: 🤷‍♂️
#I: Das ist doch scheiße!
#K: 🤷‍♂️
Ich bezahle und er quatscht mit dem nächsten Kunden - der keine Maske trägt.

Da haben die Einzelhändler Angst vor dem Onlinehandel und dann liefern sie selbst Argumente dafür, anstatt zu punkten!
Ich verstehe das nicht!
Read 3 tweets
This journey is started in year 2008, when #Rpower IPO launched, I was not aware of share market till 2008, I just opened demat account for this IPO and applied for 2 lots and (un)luckily got both. Along with it I started Intraday trading without any knowledge of TA or FA. As
usual I lost in many trades and gain in some trades, working methodology was like it is going up then buy and going down then sell it, that was the way to trade. this run till 2009, then I went for my Masters @ IITKGP so I took a break of 2 years till 2011
Read 17 tweets

You’ve found a job that looks promising. You’ve got the required skills and experience. You’ve crafted a cover letter & polished off your resume.

Now all you need to do is to make a great impression and land that interview!

1. Your email address

Making a good impression starts with the email address you are sending your job application from. This is not the time to use that inappropriate email address you’ve had since you were 13.
If you don’t have one yet, now is the time to set yourself up with a professional sounding email address. A simple, yet good-looking option is to use a close variation of your full name. For example: [email protected]
Read 11 tweets
What a year! Here’s a way too long twitter thread about all the things we have done as the planet drew yet another circle around the medium-sized star commonly known as “the sun”.
Our source plugin for @gatsbyjs! The first with keystroke level instant preview that also prevents accidentally missing fields while featuring CDN-backed gatsby-image support and that uses only 2 API requests to build your entire site.
We brought the above to Vue.js developers by shipping our source plugin for @gridsome. And had a lovely chat co-founder @tommyvedvik at our global summer meetup.…
Read 29 tweets
226) I started in Boston in 1993. If you really hustled and were willing to occasionally drive 4 hours round trip, you could get on stage every night. This was invaluable. If you can manage it, find or create your Boston. #WriteNow
227) I get a lot of DMs asking for specific advice. I don’t have time to respond to all of them but I can lend you some maxims to reduce anxiety. I used to write on the cover of every notebook: 1)“Don’t worry. WORK.” 2) “I’ll figure it out.” #WriteNow
228) Assuming a Persona/Character onstage?

Once again @Kurt_Vonnegut says it perfectly:

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be very careful what we pretend to be.” - Mother Night
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Just to be clear. Patrice’s talent should have left him rich beyond all of us.
117) Headliners, consider doing a meet and greet after your shows. The audience really appreciates it and it feels pretty good. Mine rarely take more than 45 minutes so it’s not a huge time issue. Don’t charge for pictures or autographs. That’s super tacky. #GulManTip #WriteNow
118) Last night @iamcolinquinn filmed another magnificent Special. Standup veterans, you can continue to do great work and reach greater heights if you write diligently and prepare like CQ. This weekend, PREPARE! #GulManTip #WriteNow
Read 180 tweets
¿Por qué somos bastante papanatas para las citas?

Ejemplo no. 1: "Me gustas pa' vainilla"
#J: "Pst! amor, me están cayendo súper bien"
#I: "A mi también, ya hasta estamos platicando de los niños, las escuelas..."
#J: "O sea que..."
#I: "Not..."
Ejemplo no. 2: "Háganse aún lado, novatos"

Chateando en WhatsApp los 4
Nosotros: "¿Y qué es lo que les gusta hacer?"
Ella: "¿Les dices tú o yo, amor?
El: "Tú, mi vida"
Ella: "Ok!" (llegan 400 fotos de BDSM)
Nosotros: "😲😮😲😮"
Ejemplo no. 3: "No eres tú, soy yo"

#J: "Él está bien, ¿no? Y ella súper guapa"
#I: "Sí, pero creo que le gusto más yo que tú"
#J: "Pe-pe-ro, puedo..."
#I: "Not. Ya me dijo que sólo quiere conmigo"
Read 7 tweets
Medición del rendimiento:

¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre
y otros tipos de métricas?

#HiloKPI #Analitica #CuadrosDeMando 😎
1⃣ Toda variable es un métrica, todo indicador es una métrica pero no toda métrica es un indicador.
2⃣ Un indicador necesita una cuota; una métrica, no (en un indicador necesitamos al menos, el mínimo y el máximo, el 0% y el 100%)
Read 10 tweets

Today ⬇️:

"Our agencies have been making preparations for nearly TWO YEARS IN ADVANCE of these elections & are closely engaged with officials on the ground to help them ensure the voting process is secure."
"Americans can rest assured that we will continue to stay focused on this mission LONG AFTER polls have closed."

Two Years Ago: "As the hours ticked by on Election Day, teams at the FBI, DHS & the Office of the Director of National Intelligence held conf calls every 3 hours with a team at the Situation Room in the White House to discuss possible problems."

Read 5 tweets

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