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Our Christian students will be celebrating a #holiday this weekend—not Shavuot but “Pentecost,” which means “50th” in their holy language of Ancient Greek, held on the 50th day after Yom #Easter, which always falls on “Sunday,” the Christian name for Firstday.
The Pope Gregory #calendar (the #religious #calendar used by Christians) ensures that “Pentecost,” commonly referred to as Christian Shavuot, also always falls on a “Sunday” (Firstday). You can learn more about the “Gregorian” calendar at
Although “Pentecost” falls on the 50th day after Yom Easter, and this period is more popularly known as the Third Christian Omer (sometimes called “Eastertide”), Christians do not have a custom of counting the days between these dates, with a bracha or otherwise.
Read 29 tweets
CLIMATE CRISIS: Spain is currently flooding and we're nearly in JUNE. Holidays are being 'ruined' as a result: as i said the other day it's over: this whole 2019 lifestyle is over: never coming back: done. Will get much worse…
BENIDORM in Spain, which has long been a hotspot for boozy Brits looking for cheap holidays is going through huge flash floods right now: as is illustrated by the hashtags here at the bottom of the video: it's 'ruining' ma HOLIDAYS:… #severeweather #typ #fup #f...
Read 16 tweets
Dear Chagall Elementary School Families,

We have exciting plans for our schoolwide end-of-year/holiday celebration!
Sivan break begins on Fifthday this week, so please take a break from your yom tov preparations and join us this evening for some #seasonal family fun at Chagall Elementary.
Our schoolwide celebration this Sivan will feature games, foods, and activity stations. Parents and guardians are encouraged to take a break from yom tov prep and join us on Fourthday evening to make our #holiday #party special!

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During the #busy #holiday #season it is important we not overlook our #Christian #minority in their celebration of Yom Saint Patrick Ha’Kadosh.

Although it coincided with Purim last year, Yom Saint Patrick Ha’Kadosh is not the Christian Purim.

Yom Saint Patrick Ha’Kadosh is the yahrzeit of Saint Patrick Ha’Kadosh, a Christian tzaddik who died on 20 Adar II, 4221.

His yahrzeit is celebrated according to the Pope Gregory #calendar on 17 March, which this year falls today, on Adar 24th.

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#Success in life comes down to the choices we make. In this thread, we'll explore the impact of our #choices and how they shape our path to success. $QUACK
#RichQUACK #Choice #decisions

THREAD 🧵👇 Image
1/5 The importance of #priorities: Our choices reflect our priorities and values. Let's take a look at some examples:
Start a #business: $3k - too much
#Holiday payment: $3k - no problem
Our choices show what we value more – a long-term investment or a short-term pleasure. $QUACK
2/5 Our daily decisions, no matter how small, can add up to have a significant impact on our success. Let's take a look at some examples:
Healthy groceries: $200 - too much
Going out: $200 - no problem
Our choices reflect our priorities & our well-being in the long run. $QUACK
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#Chag #Purim sameach to everyone!

As you may have noticed, as your Christian colleagues ask for numerous days off again, we are now in the midst of yet another #Christian #holiday #season.

As we all celebrate Purim, Christians are celebrating the Christian holiday of Christian Purim! Christian Purim is observed the last day before the beginning of the Second Christian Omer, which is also called Christian Elul.

The #Pope #Gregory #calendar used by #Christians is manipulated to ensure that Christian Purim always takes place on Third Day (which is referred to by Christians as “Tuesday”).

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Tomorrow some of your Christian students may be observing the Christian holiday of Yom Saint Valentine Ha’Kadosh, more commonly known as Christian Tu B’Av.

It is one of their important religious ‘Feast Days’ that even the least frum observe.
The holiday falls on Shvat 23rd this year, which is 14 Febuairiy according to the #Christian #holy #calendar #of #Pope #Gregory.
Even though we are all accustomed to celebrating love on Tu B’Av in the summer, Christians have a tradition of celebrating Yom Saint #Valentine Ha’Kadosh as their own #cultural #day #of #love #and #friendship in the bitter cold of winter.
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This week some Christian students may be absent during the #Christian #holiday of #Candlemas.

It falls on the second day of the “Gregorian” month of Febuairy each year; this year, the date falls on Shevat 11th.
Consult for the date of Candlemas in future years.
"Candlemas," more commonly known as Yom Groundpig, is a #holy #day for Christians that commemorates the pidyon ha’ben of the prophet Yeshu, founder of their religion, and also of the prophet’s mother bringing her korbanot to the Beit ha’Mikdash following the prophet’s birth.
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Just a brief reminder from #HR about our company's #holiday leave policy.

Recently, certain employees were taking excessive numbers of days off for their #religious #holidays.
The employees who came to work as usual had to work three times as hard to make up for all the absences. We are a welcoming company that supports the religious observance of all of our employees, including those who belong to #minority #religions.
However, if you need to take off a day for a religious holiday, you must bring in a letter from your religion’s rabbi to confirm that this is an authentic holiday.

In addition, so-called “travel days” before and after holidays may not be accommodated.
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Dear Geveret Smith,

I am writing to address some concerns that you expressed in your letter about the class #holiday activities held over the past week.

First of all, I want to express that our #PublicSchool loves ALL our #students.

We have a #diverse #student body, we hold #diversity training every year, and we prioritize being good #allies to our #Christian students.

Naturally, we were surprised to receive such a long list of complaints from you about our #winter #holiday #programming, considering that we go so far out of our way to accommodate our #Christian students.

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Some of your students may be requesting a day off to celebrate the Chag Milat Yeshu, also known as the Pope Gregory Rosh Hashanah, and is observed by Christian people as the #Christian #NewYear.

Although Rosh Chodesh has already passed, #Christians do not observe our secular Rosh Chodesh. Instead, Christian people follow a #religious #calendar established by Pope Gregory, and the Pope Gregory Rosh Hashanah does NOT coincide with a new moon.

(Christian #holidays are set according to the Pope Gregory Calendar, which is not a lunisolar calendar like the normal one, and is why most of their holidays move around the year.)

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This thread is for all those people #traveling stuck in #airports with ruined #holiday plans. I am a seasoned global traveler who has encountered almost every ridiculously inconvenient #travel scenario. A few tips I wish I'd had as a less seasoned traveler 1/
1. Take a few minutes and have a meltdown. Cry, yell/scream into your blanket or coat. Let out the rage then stop. Take 5 to 10 deep breaths and remember people unexpectedly died today or this week. It's better to be unimaginably inconvenienced than gone. 2/
2. Please do not yell at the counter agents. They are in unimaginable pain & stress. Some aren't equipped to handle it. Everyone is dealing with something @ home & @ work. Do it for them to be unlike the 1000s of others who won't heed this advice & take out their rage on them. 3/
Read 13 tweets
A #Christmas / #Holiday #Wish: May your Flutter Precede Magnificently Beneficial Nonlinear Dynamical Results in #Resilience and #Flexibility. 🙏

#ProTips on how to talk about NeurOptimal®. 🙂

1. How to pronounce NeurOptimal®: Neur Optimal (no double “o”). 1/
2. Be careful in using the terms “neuroplasticity,” or “neurological pathways” as there is no direct data in support of, or contraindicating the use of NeurOptimal® in this regard.

3. NeurOptimal® only provides information to the brain about its own electrical activity. 2/
It does this by measuring your brain’s electrical activity at the scalp, through the sensors and the zAmp (one way measurement only and nothing is input into the brain). It is Training, it is not treatment. 3/
Read 39 tweets
1. BUY GIFTS EARLY: Global supply shortages are delaying deliveries so order early. More tips:…

#CyberMondayAmazon #CyberMonday #finance #Blog #MONEY #mondaythoughts #holiday #shoppingstar #Investor 1. BUY GIFTS EARLY: Global ...
2. SET A CHRISTMAS DAY BUDGET: Plan ahead & ask family to bring supplies. More tips:…

#tuesdayvibe #finance #blog #blogger #WritingCommunity #christmas #holiday #budget #MONEY #Investor #timidbee 2. SET A CHRISTMAS DAY BUDG...
3. PUT MONEY ASIDE FOR HOLIDAYS: Save for the holidays in a separate account. More tips:…

#wednesdaythought #Wednesday #holiday #MONEY #finance #blog #WritingCommunity #christmas PUT MONEY ASIDE FOR HOLIDAY...
Read 6 tweets
#Justin | சோழவரம் ஏரிக்கு நீர்வரத்து அதிகரிப்பு

சோழவரம் ஏரிக்கு நேற்று 214 கனஅடியாக இருந்த நீர்வரத்து இன்று 327 கனஅடியாக அதிகரிப்பு

#SunNews | #Rain | #Holiday | #WeatherUpdateWithSunNews
கண்ணன்கோட்டை ஏரிக்கு நீர்வரத்து சரிவு

கண்ணன்கோட்டை ஏரிக்கு நேற்று 155கனஅடியாக இருந்த நீர்வரத்து இன்று 133 கனஅடியாக சரிவு

கண்ணன்கோட்டை ஏரியின் மொத்த கொள்ளளவான 500 மில்லியன் கனஅடி முழுமையாக நிரம்பியுள்ளது (1/2)

#SunNews | #Rain | #Holiday | #WeatherUpdateWithSunNews
பூண்டி நீர்த்தேக்கத்திற்கு நீர்வரத்து சரிவு

பூண்டி நீர்த்தேக்கத்திற்கு நேற்று 280 கன அடி வந்து கொண்டிருந்த நிலையில் இன்று 190 கன அடியாக நீர் வரத்து சரிவு (1/3)

#SunNews | #Rain | #Holiday | #WeatherUpdateWithSunNews
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#BREAKING | கனமழை காரணமாக மயிலாடுதுறை மாவட்டத்தில் பள்ளி, கல்லூரிகளுக்கு இன்று விடுமுறை!

#SunNews | #Rain | #Holiday | #WeatherUpdateWithSunNews
#BREAKING | கனமழை காரணமாக கடலூர் மாவட்டத்தில் பள்ளிகளுக்கு மட்டும் இன்று விடுமுறை. (1/2)

#SunNews | #Rain | #Holiday | #WeatherUpdateWithSunNews
#BREAKING | விழுப்புரம் மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள பள்ளிகளுக்கு மட்டும் இன்று(03.11.2022) விடுமுறை அறிவிப்பு (1/3)

#SunNews | #Rain | #Holiday | #WeatherUpdateWithSunNews
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#BREAKING | கனமழை காரணமாக விடுமுறை அறிவிப்பு!

#SunNews | #Rain | #Holiday | #WeatherUpdateWithSunNews Image
#BREAKING | திருவண்ணாமலை மாவட்டத்தில் பள்ளிகளுக்கு மட்டும் விடுமுறை அறிவிப்பு!

#SunNews | #Rain | #Holiday | #WeatherUpdateWithSunNews
#BREAKING | திருப்பத்தூர் மாவட்டத்தில் கனமழை காரணமாக 1 முதல் 8ம் வகுப்பு வரை பள்ளிகளுக்கு விடுமுறை அறிவிப்பு!

#SunNews | #Rain | #Holiday | #WeatherUpdateWithSunNews
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By the way, this game offers the Buy Feature that allows you to buy into the free spins bonus and control how many wilds you can see per spin.

#holiday SPIRITS
holiday-spirits-image31606829911Ebenezer Scrooge and his old business partner Jacob Marley came to #lifestyle in this… 3-reel classic that has only 5 pay lines but Play n’ Go has stuffed it with extra features. All symbols can appear as a stack while Scrooge is wild and likes to give away multipliers to boost your wins. He is often visited by the ghosts of Christmas… Past, Present, and Future (oh yes, they do exist!) that use their powers to guarantee players a win.

Special Win Spins are triggered by landing two stacked reels of the same symbol and being awarded a multiplier on a non-winning spin. Reel 3 will just
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Soon, it’ll celebrate St. Valentine’s Day and we can’t wait to see the romantic edition! To make things even better, this first-ever shapeshifter will change its “skin” to every big day of the year whether it’s Easter, Halloween, St Patrick’s Day, Oktoberfest, or another #holiday… According to people from BGaming, Fruit Million is going to amaze slot buffs with at least six different looks throughout the year, which makes it a great game to play all year-round. Of course, this virtual one-armed bandit offers more than just a… Designed in a traditional style, Fruit Million has a 5x4 layout with enough space for 100 pay lines and all the scrumptious fruits and famous lucky charms. This online slot offers a great combination of medium-high volatility and a generous RTP of 97.1%,
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1. #Travel? #Holidays? #COVID19?

During this #COVID I am going to create a rolling thread about key issues and articles of interest, just so as you can see the evolution toward a return to normality in 2022, 2023, 2024 or 2025; according to predictions by #Aviation!
2. #Travel? #Holidays? #COVID19?

Interesting article about #staycations and their price!!

The attitude of some UK h/makers, is I'm afraid, a common feature found in holidays abroad. I've heard many a tale about the Master vs Serf behaviour of some Brits!…
3. #Travel? #Holidays? #COVID19?

It's not done with us yet:

"...hard to anticipate what the timeline will be for the expected shift of COVID-19 to endemicity..."…
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what did you think about Mt Bromo in Indonesia exactly in East Java?
Travel Agent 1001Panduan Turis
Tour Guide
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#2NE1 Image
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The team was out shopping for #FoodHampers today! All of us are super busy!

We delivered sixteen #hampers just today alone with tomorrow being our day off!

We are in #desperate #need of donations whether it be a financial #donation or gift cards.

Tomorrow we will be planning out all our holiday hampers! But we are still in need of donations small or large, as daily we get calls, emails, texts and messages on our social media.

If you can help, please donate via our website at:

There’s a link in the drop down menu for #Donations.

For etransfers, they can be sent to:

[email protected]

Please help the 111 families we currently have on our #holiday list this year! #charity #ad #GivingTuesday2020 #Christmas #Alberta #Calgary #FeedYYC
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