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🎤🎵 Unmatched Lyricism: "#TheEminemShow" showcases Eminem's unparalleled lyrical prowess. His clever wordplay, rapid-fire delivery, and raw honesty captivate listeners, making each verse a lyrical masterpiece

#HipHop #Rap #MusicReview #RapGod #WithoutMe #TillICollapse #TES
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🎯🎶 Diverse Range of Tracks: The album offers a diverse range of tracks, each with its own unique flavor. From intense and aggressive songs like "Without Me" and "Business" to heartfelt and introspective tracks like "Cleanin' Out My Closet" and "Sing for the Moment,"Versatile Em
🎭🎶 Personal and Emotional Depth: Eminem's ability to delve deep into his personal life and share his raw emotions is a standout aspect of the album. Tracks like "White America" and "Hailie's Song" offer glimpses into his struggles, successes, and his role as a father.
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Excited to share our new manuscript on a novel #neuropeptide family that regulates #feeding across #evolution. Kudos to @Pat_TFrancisco for tackling this challenging project and coming up with the name @marmite . #homeostasis… 1/22
Also kudos to all our collaborators @TastekinIbrahim @EzraGili @fern1_ana @BartDeplancke @albinojorgemai @alisson_gontijo which allowed us to expand the scope of our study and contributed critical insights. It takes a village 2/22
The sequencing of #genomes has been a major milestone in #biology. We have precise maps of the #genome of animals and we think that we know all the major players. Especially the conserved ones which are so important that most animals have them. But is it really like that? 3/22
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The possible collapse of twitter has made me super sad and reflective about what this site has meant to me and how it shaped my work as a literacy researcher and educator and now as an early platform ceo.

i have 45 minutes and i'm about to tweet my guts out.
i was thinking of pitching like a "eulogy for twitter" to @TeenVogue but i'm gonna tweet first instead, unroll it later, and see what i can do with it.

this is off the dome first draft material, we'll see what themes come out. stay with me.
i want to think through how i've used twitter since i made my first account in 2008, how it impacted my teaching and research, what i wish this site could've been, the rise of the multiracial patriarchy whitelash, and ultimately how and why i founded @germnetwork this year
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This will be my thread for the #Uncool50 rundown of 2022! My favorite 50 formally released singles between December 1976 to now.

Come along for the ride it’ll be fun! My personal guardrails for it were a big help w/ hard choices (see below)
#hiphop Image
See here for the rules and other players. Then come back each night to see my next entry - some obvious, some niche, and everything in between!

Much thanks to @nonoxcol for getting this going and giving it clarity!
Chronological order, so not the lowest/highest ranked, but the first (and a trailblazer!). It still sounds like little else and can make me cry. #RIP you legend

1. @DavidBowieReal - “Heroes” (Sept. 1977)

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#HipHop #Rap by @spazio_nello NYin the 90's
NY raramente è stata l'epicentro di una scena musicale, può decretarne il successo, ma difficilmente un nuovo genere si afferma a NY, troppa critica, troppa competizione, niente unisce i newyorkesi come parlare male di altri newyorkesi. Image
a questa ineluttabile verità sfugge l'hip hop rap, nato a NY, cresciuto nei 5 quartieri, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island, germogliato in tutti gli States e nel resto del mondo, nei 90 diventa la colonna sonora della città
Bastano poche rime e ogni fan capisce da quale quartiere l'MC provenga, un ascolto veloce dei #MobbDeep e del loro fondamentale The Infamous, 95, per capire che Prodigy e Havoc vengono dal Queens come Nas e Raekwon, ospiti qui:
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Can't believe I did the art for this single by @MarlonCraft almost 2 years ago! 100% of the proceeds from this song went to @Kaepernick7 's nonprofit @yourrightscamp . Happy to have played a small part. #hiphop… Image
My drawing is based on William Walcutt’s painting “Pulling Down The Statue of George III at Bowling Green” which was painted in 1857.
The original painting depicts the destruction of the monument by New Yorkers and George Washington’s troops following a public reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 9, 1776.
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Latinos did NOT help “create” #HipHop. At all. In fact it definitely seems in the early 1970s, Latinos had very #RACIST views of Hip Hop. This is Dj Charlie Chase 🇵🇷. One of the 1st #Latino DJ’s.

“Hispanics were telling me… what are u doing playing that Jung!e Bunny music?”
This shows ppl in the 1970s knew #HipHop was BLACK music. W/ a FEW #Latinos who participated in BLK culture. & it shows the racism from the Latino community in NY. Here again Dj #CharlieChase says fellow Latinos would tell him…

“What R u doing playing that Jung!e Bunny music?”
& much respect 2 the Legend Dj Charlie Chase 4 being honest. Especially w/ #LIARS like #FatJoe trying 2 rewrite history 2 say Latinos were Co-Creators w/ Blacks in Hip Hop. Even saying it was “50/50.” Trying 2 slowly #EraseBlacks.

Disrespectful White Supremacist #Colonizer sh*t.
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Petit délire du jour

J'ai généré de fausses #pochettes d'#albums #vinyle avec #DallE (outil de generation d'image par #IA) en couvrant quelques genre musicaux

Voilà quelques exemples de ce que j'ai obtenu :
#pochette d'album de #rock #psyche 60's #IA
#pochette d'album de #metal 70's #IA
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Chill Rob G needs to be talked about a lot more. 30+ years later and his flow is still tight af. #hiphop
Amazing history about this song (which is under the group name "Power Jam" (and not "Snap!") (info courtesy of Discogs):
Power Jam was the first name under which German producers Michael Münzing (Benito Benites) and Luca Anzilotti (John Virgo Garrett III) were noticed [1/5]
for their 1990 Hit "The Power".
The first version of "The Power" was an amalgamate of samples. The beats were taken from Mantronix's "King Of The Beats Lesson #1" (from their 1990 album "This Should Move Ya"), the vocals were taken from "Let The Words Flow" by rapper [2/5]
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Why do (international) fans (or critics) expect #kpop to somehow espouse strong social positions?
1). Koreans get their pointed social criticism in music from independent Korean music. Being independent means you actually can express your ideas as you choose, right?
2). Idol pop performers are often young and working incredibly long hours-- they may not have time to stay up to date on issues and make an informed statement. That issue may mean the world to you, but they're under so much pressure with their job, and their job is performing.
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Shock G is a legend. He is a towering icon of Hip Hop culture, and quietly, one of the most groundbreaking artists of all time. If you didn’t know this—if you only knew Humpty, or that he discovered Pac—it’s ok, most people didn’t know.

But let me tell you a story... #ShockG
I once went to Rakim’s house, and on his studio wall, he had an amazing poster-sized cartoon of himself on top of a giant cement block, crushing all the other MC’s beneath it. At the top, it said “The Master Poet.”

When I looked closer, I couldn’t believe my eyes. #ShockG
Rakim told me the story: in 1989, a kid had waited outside his dressing room in Oakland for an hour after a show, hoping to give him this giant cartoon. The “kid” was Shock G, but Digital Underground hadn't come out yet.

Three months later, "Doowutchyalike" blew up. #ShockG
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After debuting on the classic #hiphop album #OnlyBuilk4CubinLix is revealed he's an essential contributor to @WuTangClan legacy growing up with them on Staten Island he's an official 10th member of #WuTangClan
#Rapcity the Kitchen Listening Session Edition
1)One way to Zion @REALCAPPADONNA #Culture
2)Milk the Cow @REALCAPPADONNA @methodman #TrueMaster
5)Listen to Cappadonna @REALCAPPADONNA
6)A a like B a like C a like @REALCAPPADONNA
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@WuTangClan @WuTangOnHulu The world greatest mind #BobbyDigital known as a super producer in #hiphop #themanwiththeironfists in Hollywood hits like #CutThroatCity his reputation precedes him as an author & spiritual master
#Rapcity the Kitchen Listening Session Edition
@RZA Vol 2 Image
6)Marvel @RZA @GhostfaceKillah
7)The Grain @RZA @GhostfaceKillah
8)Windpipe @RZA @GhostfaceKillah @ODBWuTang
9)Rushing Elephants @Raekwon @TheRealGZA @RZA #WuTangClan @RealMastaKilla
10)Be a Man @RZA
11)Dollaz and Cents @RZA @pharoahemonch
12)Show u Love @RZA
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yesterday was an important day for all females, and nobody knows how or why yet.
if u happened to be paying attention, there is a way for me to show u, how everything works.
Iam censored + isolated on Twitter, so iam waiting on other things.
problem is, I have2duet2day
People think they know what iam up to, but that is actually not possible, because I do knot pre plan anything, and just work with the flow.
that doesn't mean iam not affecting things, but I never challenge who is, + if u have been paying attention, u know:
If I wait any longer2give u this gift, I risk missing this deadline, and won't ever be able to use this way again.
Today is special because:
#Numerology Is the most prominent #Religion existing.
#Numerology dictates what is #Universal #Law because so many accept it.
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how it started how its going ImageImage
The historic #BlackBottom neighborhood in Detroit, destroyed via racism and urban renewal.
Here’s a clip from our Detroit Hip Hop Architecture Camp music video, where youth focused on replacing the expressway with a modern day Black Bottom!

These two future urban planners/ architects got bars! #HipHop #BlackBottom
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Nueva edición del informe #InfiniteDial @edisonresearch y @TritonDigital sobre audiencia y consumo de #radio en USA. Significativos los indicadores sobre hábitos y preferencias según dispositivos y sistemas de distribución. #Hilo con datos relevantes↘️

Con respecto a contenidos y géneros musicales:

➡️ Se imponen los formatos #HipHop, #Country y #Rock
➡️ #Dance e #IndieRock son los menos escuchados
➡️ #HipHop y #RockAlternativo, favoritos de jóvenes
➡️ #Noticias y #Hits, los preferidos por adultos
¿El dispositivo de escucha influye sobre formato de #radio elegido? ¡Sí!

➡️ En transistores dominan emisoras de #Heavy, #Noticias y #RockClásico
➡️ En altavoces inteligentes se eligen #Deportes y #Top40
➡️ Con auriculares los oyentes prefieren radios #HipHop y #RhythmAndBlues
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/29/2020…
Opinion | Marc Benioff: We Need a New Capitalism - The New York Times…

#capitalism #economics
Reopened Schools Find Health Risks in Water After Covid-19 Lockdowns - The New York Times…

#risks #water #health #schools #lockdown
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"Older People in Lockdown"

(to the tune of "Alexander Hamilton")

With thanks to this article which inspired me:…

With apologies for lyrical shortcomings - improvements gladly accepted!
#hiphop #medicalethics #Covid_19 #lockdown
How does an ageist journal article go
Say “selective lockdown of the elderly” is ethical
In a prestigious journal printed unchallenged?
A shocker! We should all give a zero to this scholar.
Older people, our (great) grandmothers and grandfathers
Are a lot greater, stayed working a lot harder
Than us so-called smarter
Us so-called self-starters
But I mean, they gave us all we need, and all that matters
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We celebrate that dance is a place where people of different backgrounds can come together around a common love for self expression through movement. But we are watching our dance communities crumble under the divisive ideology of critical theory/identity politics.
There are still racial injustices in the world. We believe that the best way to fight them is to work together as a community and as equals, regardless of skin color, sex, sexual orientation, gender, etc.
We see the racism happening in the classic sense, but we also see the racism happening within woke ideology and we are standing apart from it.
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Revisiting 2010 👇#thread

Check this list, and the honorable mentions - no doubt you will discover some great #hiphop albums you've never listened to before.

40. Brotha Lynch Hung - Dinner And A Movie

39. K-Rino - Annihilation Of The Evil Machine

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#KulturePro Top 5 East HipHop;
1. @eLVeektor – Igbo Landing
(Nsukka – Enugu State)

He teams up with Igbo Rap veteran And signature Head honcho Bosalin on this incredibly significant track called “Igbo Landing” off his new EP.

Elveektor is a force. Get familiar. Image
#KulturePro Top 5 East HipHop;
2. @olaedoparagon - Ndeeri
(Enugu State)

She is A Nigerian Indigenous femcee. She has constantly churned out dope HipHop records and her lyrical prowess earned her some new heights in 2018 as she won Zoros “mbada challenge”. Image
#KulturePro Top 5 East HipHop;
3. @iAmKlarge - Gbado anya
(Abia State)

K Large Beh beh! (As he usually chants on his records) is known for his ferocious, fast paced Rap style similar to that of the legendary Busta Rhymes. Image
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#KulturePro Top 5 South HipHop;
1. @drbarzhimself - Corona Plandemic
(Port Harcourt)

Dr Barz is a revered and fierce Rapper straight outta the Amazing and ever Bubbly PH city!

He is also known for his creative flows and intriguing stage performances. Image
#KulturePro Top 5 South HipHop;
2. TWest – Country people.

Westy comes through with that typical Grit and conscious down south flow on this song dubbed “Country people”. The song is lifted off his just released Project- Westy EP. Image
#KulturePro Top 5 South HipHop;
3. @corizo_el - Down.
Corizo is a Grimy and confident story teller who reps the Legendary Benin City.

He put out his Rap Project “Chronicles of Corizo” this year and has since had his name buzzing. Image
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Have you ever wondered about how Hip Hop integrated into S. Korea?

Do you know the artists Seo Taiji along with DrunkenTigerJK??

How have Kpop idol rappers and K Hip Hop artists integrated??

#SeoTaiji #HipHop #DrunkenTigerJK #BTSResearch #BTS 👇 Image
"Debate of Authenticity in Korean Hip Hop" by Ariely M., Allie C., Mia C., Eryk S., & Isam T.

Please note that this article is to inform & research purposes.

#SeoTaiji #HipHop #DrunkenTigerJK #BTSResearch #BTS
Seo Taiji invited @BTS_twt to join him during his 25th Anniversary Time: Traveler concert in 2017.

@master0221 #BTS #BTSARMY #SeoTaiji #HipHop #BTSResearch

COME BACK HOME by Seo Taiji ft. BTS
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I don’t like posting depressing posts but I think it’s time. When this all began, I would walk into the #COVID unit with the energy of a #hype man at a #hiphop show. I hate COVID19 but I love being an #ICU doctor & getting people better. Today I am mentally & physically exhausted
Other than my AM commute, I’ve seen daylight only once this week - today when I had a few minutes for a #coffee break. Today was also the first time I got home before 10 pm, but before I even had a chance to take my #decontamination shower... Image
I got called about yet another complex #COVID admission by my even more hard-working #PCCM fellows. The amount of face-to-face time required to take good care of these patients cannot be truly appreciated unless you’ve worked in an #ICU. The days are long & the work is relentless
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