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My long overdue tweet-through of @ONC_HealthIT's #HTI1 rule begins.
Highlights: Certification has new requirements for decision support, patient demographics, and observation and electronic case reporting (eCR), + updates to USCDI. #HTI1
The TOC provides more highlights: B. Summary of Major Provisi...
Read 134 tweets
1/ Ever wondered how the 4th industrial revolution (#AI, robotics, and big data) is reshaping healthcare? šŸ„ šŸš€
Let's dive into some fascinating facts and insights I found in the #book "Deep Medicine" by @EricTopol
2/ šŸ’»šŸ‘Øā€āš•ļø Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are mostly designed for billing, not for physicians' ease of use, contributing to doctor burnout šŸ˜©
How can we leverage #AI to improve the EMR and serve both purposes effectively? #HealthIT
3/ā±ļø Did you know? If physicians make a #diagnosis within 5 minutes, they have a 95% chance of getting it right (System 1 thinking). This rate can drop to 25% afterward!
How can we harness #AI to assist in faster, more accurate diagnosis?
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Read through tweet through now starting on @alissaknight's PLAYING WITH #FHIR: HACKING AND SECURING FHIR APIS report.

I'm going to read and give you my stream of consciousness as I'm reading. I'll blog about it later.

These are my notes, and the tag is #HackingFHIR
P1: "Alissa Knight has spent the last year focusing on hacking
Fast Healthcare Interoperability and Resources (FHIR) APIs,... #HackingFHIR
Yup, I read her last report on a related topic, and can attest there's a big investment in time, and her credentials are solid as a white hat hacker #HackingFHIR
Read 54 tweets
MYTH: ONCā€™s rule to encourage the sharing of health information, which went into effect on April 5, 2021, is also called the ā€œOpen Notesā€ rule

FACT: ONCā€™s rule is called the ā€œCures Act Final Ruleā€ šŸ§µā¬‡ļø
The 21st Century Cures Act was an overwhelmingly bipartisan piece of legislation signed into law by President Obama in 2016. Information sharing is central to ONCā€™s Cures Act Final Rule and, as a result, some refer to the rule as the ā€œinformation sharing ruleā€.
Some also (mistakenly) refer to the Cures Act Final Rule as the "Open Notes Ruleā€ but this is inaccurate. Though ONC supports the concept of 'open notes' and the work being done by @myopennotes, the Cures Act Final Rule and ā€˜open notesā€™ are not synonymous.
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1/ Please send all your #HealthIT eAsy fiXeS to @mickytripathi1

He'll love receiving & responding to them

The more the merrier! Make sure to include "just"

I'll start! ("likes" will demand a thorough response from @ONC_HealthIT)

>You should just get everyone on the same EHR<

>You just need to create a universal patient identifier<

>You just need to stop messing with the free market, industry will figure it out<

And introducing my guest speakers @DavidBlumenthal @HealthIT_Policy @HealthPrivacy @Fridsma @amalec @claudiawilliams
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The IRRESISTIBLE FORCE is patients' rapid uptake & high satisfaction with #telehealth & virtual care.

The IMMOVABLE OBJECT is healthcare incumbents' economic interests that align with the pre COVID-19 old normal.

This thread will be of interest to people who follow a range of hashtags:

3/ PART ONE: Telehealth as the IRRESISTIBLE FORCE:

A. Rapid Uptake
B. High Satisfaction
C. Strong Intentions for Future Use
D. Quality
E. Patient Safety
F. Additional Benefits
G. Glowing Reports
Read 37 tweets
Over the next month I'll be sharing thoughts from the 32 articles in our new special issue of @PXJournal: Sustaining a Focus on #HumanExperience in the Face of #COVID19.

Generous contributions of action & hope from authors around the world. Stay tuned: Image
Starting my review of @PXJournal special issue with our editorial "A Commitment to Hope" co-authored by our Assoc Editor Geoffrey Silvera of @AuburnU.

"In this moment, the humanity of healthcare continues to shine."

Read more:ā€¦

#HumanExperience #COVID19 Image
Next in @PXJournal: #Leadership matters: A conversation w/ Dr. @JamesEKHildreth

Need to start having honest conversations. They're difficult to have about who we are, what motivates us, but the results could be really powerful.ā€¦

#COVID19 #humanexperience Image
Read 35 tweets
Kudos to @SavageMeHealth @AaronNeinstein @j_r_a_m for a terrific piece calling for accountability measures for @ONC_HealthIT #Interoperability rules.ā€¦ #healthIT @UCSF
@SavageMeHealth @AaronNeinstein @j_r_a_m @ONC_HealthIT @UCSF Importantly, they start by saying that we need to measure if 'Patients Can Access A Full, Structured, Longitudinal Set Of Electronic Health Informationā€™; the rule is clear on this pointā€¦ and we need to see that it is being achieved. @HugoOC @ePatientDave @TheLizArmy @BraveBosom
@SavageMeHealth @AaronNeinstein @j_r_a_m @ONC_HealthIT @UCSF @HugoOC @ePatientDave @TheLizArmy @BraveBosom They go on to recommend that we determine and be accountable for whetherā€¦ 'Patients Can Contribute, Or ā€œWrite,ā€ To Their Health Recordā€™ Again something that should happenā€¦but does it?
Read 8 tweets
If we want to control this outbreak, we need to strengthen the connection between health care providers, labs and public health agencies

There are lots of problems, but some real low-hanging fruit too

We assembled an A+ team to find them and make a planā€¦
2/ We had 2 principles:

*Focus on the next 30-90 days: Immediate needs call for immediate solutions.

*Use existing systems rather than building new systems: There's been more progress in #healthIT than people realize. Let's use it.

Building new systems in a pandemic won't work
3/ The team was truly phenomenal.

epidemiologists @CSTEnews
public health officials @ASTHO
privacy experts @HealthPrivacy
public health lawyers @networkforphl
standards gurus @amalec
health information exchange @paul_wilder
..and many more informal advisers

No one said no
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As someone who works within #MedicalQuality, works to improve the care we provide our patients, and has a degree in #informatics and #HealthIT I am very familiar with national quality measures.

#NursesSpeakUp #DoctorsSpeakUp
One of the most common forms of libel AVers through at anyone who disagrees with them is that we are simply doing it for the money, that we are #bought, or #Pharmawhores.

One of the examples they give as an example for this is a HEDIS Measure, CIS.ā€¦
They purport that physicians are receiving bonuses for each vaccinated child, and that physicians also receive extra moneys for achieving a higher percentage of children who are vaccinated on time. They will often show a document from BC/BS which seems to support this.
Read 14 tweets

Large assessment of 1,400 patient/family reports examining patient/family experiences and safety concerns related to visit notes.

Most common concerns:
āœ”ļøDescription of symptoms
āœ”ļøHealth problemsā€¦ #ptsafety #opennotes
@fcbourgeois @RasuShrestha @BIDMChealth @cmd418 @AtriumHealth @BostonChildrens @jhalamka @TheIHI @AMIAinformatics Paraphrase:

"About 1/4 of šŸ˜·/šŸ‘Øā€šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘¦ā€šŸ‘¦ using an online reporting system identified potential documentation inaccuracies in visit notes, of which more than half were considered 'important' by šŸ˜·/šŸ‘Øā€šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘¦ā€šŸ‘¦ AND šŸ‘©ā€āš•ļøšŸ„."

šŸ‘ to @fcbourgeois and team.

#ptsafety #opennotes
@fcbourgeois @RasuShrestha @BIDMChealth @cmd418 @AtriumHealth @BostonChildrens @jhalamka @TheIHI @AMIAinformatics Why is this important?
"... highlights the possibility... clinicians & patients/families may further enhance the ability to effectively capture potential safety issues."


As #HealthIT transparency grows, orgs need ways to capture & respond to patient feedback about EHR errors.
Read 4 tweets
Today's article in @TheKenWeb contemplates "what ails" Indian #ECG Companies and concludes "Plenty as it turns out, starting with #healthcare providers themselves."ā€¦

I have heard these sort of comments a lot in various flavours from different #HealthIT
What usually happens is a group of highly skilled, honest, hardworking Engineers or Management Graduates #Startups develop a product or service, test it and find it successfull but when they want to market is doctors don't buy
They start blaming doctors, directly or indirectly saying that this is a magic solution which will revolutionalise health and save 20 crores people per year, but this dull headed docs are not able to see the potential and / or afraid of technology
Read 44 tweets

An interesting wrinkle of #CuresAct

Adhering to contractual requirements is *not* one of the 7 exceptions to information blocking.

Tagging the smartest health policy lawyers I know:

@HealthPrivacy @JodiDaniel @SavageLucia

(Joy Pritts has no Twitter handle?)

Historically, when BAA terms or other contractual terms conflicted with rights possible under #HIPAA, BAA terms have been deemed to hold.

E.g., famously, even though a clearinghouse is a HIPAA CE & has all the rights and obligations of a CE...

...Clearinghouses *also* act as BAs and receive data under a BAA.

Other #HealthIT entities are pure BAs but are also deemed #HealthIT by Cures and this NPRM
Read 8 tweets
Starting at page 221 with the regulation itself (see how I do this...I skip to the regs first, Iā€™ll go back through the preface material later) #PatientAccessā€¦
In the following, mom is simply how I think about the phrase "Medicare Enrollee". It could be dad, uncle Fred, my buddy Glen et cetera. #PatientAccess is about the patient.
So, mom's MA organization has to provide APIs that allow her to use an app (after mom approves it) to access standardized claim data, adjudications, appeals, provider payments (remittances) and co-payments (cost-sharing) within one business day of claim processing. #PatientAccess
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#CuresNPRM Information Blocking deep dive.

As a reminder, the PHSA defines "provider" broadly & "permitted purposes" are purposes that are, well, permitted.
Therefore, unless there are specific exceptions noted, the legislative intent of #21CC could be interpreted that....

...if I ask a, say, pharmacy or physical therapist for information to justify a CQM or risk score for a patient we both share (both permitted payment/operations uses)
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1/ There was a very important speech today by @SecAzar today at the @FedAmerHospital that I'm going to annotate for you.

Anyone whoā€™s been waiting for a clear declaration of this Administrations beliefs and intentions re #ValueBasedCare - here it isā€¦
2/ @SGottliebFDA is killing it at @US_FDA
and everyone loves @NIHDirector precision medicine stuff
who's to say @SeemaCMS can't make delivery reform happen faster?

---->"This is no time to be timid"
(translation, some people aren't going to like this, and we don't really care)
3/ Our spending on Medicare and Medicaid has tripled since I was last at the Humphreys Building, and while I understand that sounds fantastic to all you hospital folks, I assure you, we're not happy about it.
Read 20 tweets

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