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Crypto Has A Bad Name Because:

1. 99% of #DLT Tokens Are Scams W/ No Utility🚨
2. 79% of Crypto Influencers Are💰Motivated & Invest On Hype
3. Mainstream Media Says It's💩

This Should NOT Distract You From The Technology Transformation Currently Taking Place.
-A 🧵 of Threads- Image
I hope you can set some time aside to research!

I donated 5 hours to create this🧵to help others see topics around new era technology. 🧠

As I am tired of Mainstream Media covering up important things around the future of our global monetary system.
1. Research Technology & DLT Projects With Real🌎Utility
Not Up Hyped Meme Coins ⛓

The content I cover is:
• CBDC's
• Crypto
• IoT + IoV
• Big Data
• Payments
• Innovation
• Paperless Trade
• DLT Interoperability
• Payment infrastructure
• Industry 4.0 Technology Image
Read 48 tweets
It's a bird..
It's a plane..

No - It's a DLT research care package containing a map of connections within the traditional finance system

Every partnership you can research using google. #connectthedots
#DLT #TradeFinance #Reseaerch #topics #digdeep #Regtech #IoV #ResearchTopics
"Where do I Start" 🧵
1. I started with the @ITFAworldwide. Who they are and what they do within the traditional finance market
2. What is their part and partners in the global system of trade finance/legacy banking?
3. Why they🤝 @XinFin_Official #XDC
4. You start to learn about an ecosystem of traditional finance players partnering to help utilize digital documents/trade instruments between SMEs, corps & banks.

They are helping innovate the expensive, antiquated and silo'd trade finance industry
Read 11 tweets
A citizen's vision on the future of the global trade finance industry and some of the main players leading the 4th Industrial Revolution in the global supply chain🌎⛓️

This is a technical deep-dive thread on regulated technology initiatives

#globaltrade #Finance #DLT #fintech
Digitalization of documents will automate and remove the mess and expense of paper (eTRs). It will also create an auditable fraud detectable ledger of transactions in which will collect big data that AI can learn from to improve efficiency
#DLT #Blockchain
Digital documents create a "Digital Twin" that is fully trackable through the lifecycle of the trade documents journey. Paper documents could not do this.

This will allow ports and shipping companies to see where their items are in transit and what to expect

#Supplychain #dDOC
Read 21 tweets
What is XDC Network and why is it going to be a successful regulated trading network used by banks and SMEs globally? Let's start off with Xinfin company that created the XDC network partnering with the ITFA. What is the ITFA? See pics below $XDC #fintech #education #blockchain ImageImageImage
So we see XDC network is partnered with an association that deals with major banks. XDC has a .00001 XDC transfer fee which settles in less than 4 seconds, it can run EVM smart contracts, so anyone thats getting robbed from ETH fees can swap their Dapp over to XDC to save on fees ImageImage
XDC has @AndreCasterman on their team as an Advisor. From his resume, he's a legend for what he's done in the banking industry. 25 Years working with swift, @wto board member, and works with the @iccwbo #networksofnetworks #beauty #innovation #genius ImageImageImageImage
Read 22 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/21/2021…
How opium led to ‘the banality of evil, the birth of megacorporations, the foundation of empires’…

#opium #tea #GlobalTrade #BritishEmpire #history #india #china
Read 8 tweets
Our #GlobalTrade Outlook Series webinar, a joint event between #MerseyMaritime @WUBusiness @MaritimeUK and @NBSOmanchester is underway. We are focusing on opportunities between the #UK and #Netherlands today. Follow this #thread for more information.
We are delighted to be joined by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the #Netherlands to the #UnitedKingdom @KvanOosterom as our keynote speaker this morning. His Excellency will focus on #Brexit matters: the current state of play, the reality on the ground and future opportunities.
"The #Netherlands will continue to invest in our friendship with the UK, our family ties, our cultural links, our business connections, including in the #maritime industry and our strong naval co-operation." A positive message from @KvanOosterom to our #GlobalTrade webinar event.
Read 7 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/05/2020…
Study: Countering hate on social media | Santa Fe Institute…

#SocialMedia #hate
Comparative host-coronavirus protein interaction networks reveal pan-viral disease mechanisms | Science…

#comparative #disease #networks #interaction #protein #science
Read 8 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/01/2020…
A New AI Study May Explain Why Deep Learning Works | Psychology Today…

#learning #deep #psychology
Geometry Reveals How the World Is Made of Cubes…

#geometry #world
Read 8 tweets
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This section is called: Building A Fair System of International Trade for Our Worker. Only one party has a specific plan for rebuilding the great American #MiddleClass. ..the other has a loyalty pledge to a lying con man. 1/11
For too long, the global trading system has failed to keep its promises to American workers. Too many corporations have rushed to outsource jobs, and too many countries have broken their promises to be honest and transparent partners. 2/11 #DemPartyPlatform #GlobalTrade
The #COVID19 pandemic has shown the risks of relying too heavily on global supply chains, as shutdowns and shortages have created chaos for workers and consumers and made our public health response even more challenging. 3/11 #DemPartyPlatform #Shutdowns
Read 11 tweets
@McKinsey_MGI has a report out titled; '#Risk, resilience & rebalancing in global value chains' it holds some good insights into trends in #GlobalTrade...Here are some takeaways...1/4 Large companies has global #SupplyChains w. 1000s of suppliers, disruption risks varies...
2/4 #Globalisation has been changing in the last decade, sector concentration varies between industries, poten. losses from #SupplyChain disruptions can be as high as 42% of 1 years EBITDA..Supply chain #shocks are becoming more frequent & severe...
3/4 Overviews of global production distribution of select industries - #Automotive, #Semiconductor & #Pharma...Concentration can be a key source of vulnerability...#SupplyChains #Risk #Macro #GlobalTrade
Read 4 tweets
A great deal of the focus on #CovidCrisis #economic recovery, understandably, is centered on national-level data, but it’s also interesting to see how world #trade volumes have been affected.
In summary, world #trade volumes declined 1.1% in May, following on a 12.2% decline in April. Overall, #GlobalTrade has declined about 17% year-to-date as of May and resided at October 2010 levels. Image
Within this dynamic, however, we’re witnessing some significant month-on-month #dispersion, with #Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand displaying improved #trade volumes, while the U.S., Latin America and much of Asia and Africa languish. Image
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The USCC takes a look at "trends in #US multinational enterprise activity in #China 2000-2017" & brings some interesting insights up:…
#GlobalTrade #FDI #Geopolitics #Macro Some takeaways...1/3
2/3 Overview of #US corporate's investments & operations in #China, the rising income derived from selling to the Chinese market via local operations...#GlobalTrade #Macro ImageImageImageImage
3/3 #US corp's expanding operations in #China are partly due to the emergence of China's consumer class. "China's disposable income per capita surged nearly 6-fold between 2000 & 2017." R&D expenditure has also risen. Capital expenditure in #Semiconductors rising...#GlobalTrade ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
@HJS_Org has put out a report looking at 'Breaking the China Supply Chain' it makes some interesting points & suggests some paths forward:… #GlobalTrade #TechNationalism #GeoPolitics Some takeaways...(1/5) ImageImage
2/5 Some interesting lessons from history from the perspective of the so-called 5-eyes nations...(Report lacks in presenting the perspective from other nations, namely China, which is needed 4 a constructive dialogue on these important dynamics) #GlobalTrends #GeoPolitics Image
3/5 Overview of the data on the level of #China dependencies among the '5-eyes' nations...#GlobalTrade #SupplyChains #Manufacturing #GeoPolitics ImageImageImage
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The @McKinsey_MGI crew has put together a good overview of the #Corvid_19 situation in reference to the #GlobalEconomy -… #GlobalTrends Some takeaways...(1/5) Feb. 24th an inflection point...General overview Image
2/5 #Covid_19 'leading indicator dashboard - #China specific.. #GlobalTrends #GlobalEconomy Image
3/5 Three Scenarios for how #Covid_19 situation could evolve...#GlobalTrends #RiskAssessment Image
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