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There is a lot of confusion on this #UPI charges and its being made to spread multiple 'fake news' in a area where there is clarity. This directly stems from fact - who is allowed to price on what?

#CashlessConsumer will attempt to decode this in a 🧵
1. What is being announced?

NPCI will charges #MDR for transactions above ₹2000 - when the payment mode by user is a wallet.

Note - this is not the same as using PhonePe / GPay.

It is applicable only when you use Wallet - PhonePe / PayTM are popular wallets still exist.
It is not applicable when you use UPI via banks.

2. Who is making this announcement?


3. Can NPCI make this announcement?
All Payment operators are at liberty to price payment products - except ATM interchange - which @RBI actively regulates.
Read 13 tweets
Real Data against Fakery :

#PMModi in his latest address at the India Today conclave said “that over three crore houses had been delivered under the #PMAY Urban/rural scheme and that, “These houses with basic facilities have also become a symbol of women empowerment today.”
He also claimed in his tweets 13 crore toilets have been constructed under #SwacchBharat mission & 55 crore people in 5 years have been made open defecation free #ODF.
He claimed that in 4 years since 2014, 12 crore LPG connection have been given under #UjjwalaYojna #PMUY with total household coverage increasing to 90% from 55% before 2014. The facts on ground are saying something else.
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Decades of neuroscience research on the ketogenic diet have shown that it:
- changes neurotransmitter systems
- decreases brain inflammation
- alters calcium channel regulation
- improves mitochondrial function
- increases mitochondrial biogenesis (1/13)
Obviously, this can have powerful healing effects for individuals with mental and neurological disorders. (2/13)
So if you start a ketogenic diet, how long until you see improvements? Well, just like medications, it doesn't generally work overnight. (3/13)
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BPD - what is it? A handy guide:

Typically major symptom is emotional dysregulation - which means feeling emotions at 150%-200%. But paradoxically folk with BPD struggle to define the feeling they are feeling..

Also typical - complete lack of self worth. Worthlessness. But how?
It's trauma. Chronic trauma (typically childhood) combined with parents either absent or ill equipped to support their child. Sexual abuse is common. This can lead to a child developing a heightened sense of parent's emotions to avoid negative consequences - becoming an "empath".
Diagnosis is typically a long road - the industry avoids these patients and will go so far as to avoid mentioning traits in notes in an effort to shield the patient from said stigma - ultimately unhelpful. BPD folk like to 'woo' healthcare providers as another major symptom is...
Read 17 tweets
🧵(@manijadegarcia) Whew, responding to the twitter chat from yesterday stirred up a lot for me. After a break I will return to discuss some ideas for survival, stress management, joy & healing. I used the acronym ACCESS to organize the ideas.

#DEHEM21 #TainoSalud

1/ Light blue background. Image on top left of a dandelion with
(@manijadegarcia) #Acceptance is a key feature of many eastern belief systems (e.g. #Buddhism & #YogaPhilosophy) & shows up in some Western therapies (e.g. #mindfulness #ACT & #RadicalAcceptance in #DBT).

Acceptance has many layers that apply to #MentalHealth & #Disability

(@manijadegarcia) Important point: #acceptance does NOT mean to agree with or like something. It's about doing your best to accept the REALITY of something, including the emotions it may stir.

Acceptance may not always feel good, but I have found it to be good for me.

Read 8 tweets
#eRUPI #UPI Vouchers for benefits is a radical departure from #DBT. Purpose and person aware #G2P payments are here. #SaveOurPrivacy… is digitized food stamps, but crucial digitization difference is it converts a bearer instrument like stamp / coupon into a person / purpose specific instrument, embedding automatic data emission about beneficiary upon use.
The naming of this is curious. When countries around the world are discussing #CBDC / issuing new digital currency, naming a private payment instrument #eRUPI is sign of things to come (?). One can only speculate at the moment.
Read 17 tweets
Hausaufgabe meiner Psychologin:

In die Altstadt gehen, mindestens 20 Minuten durch gefüllte Straßen laufe, sich Zeit lassen, achtsam sein, anschließend in einem Café etwas trinken. Klingt cool, oder?

Was für die meisten Menschen wie ein normaler, schöner Nachmittag klingt
Bedeutet für mich maximalen Stress.

Bei dem Gedanken das zu planen, muss ich bereits beachten, in keine Panikgedanken zu verfallen.
An dem Tag selbst werde ich vor Anspannung kaum ansprechbar sein und in dem Moment in dem ich durch die Straßen gehe oder in einem Café
Sitze, werden in meinem Kopf Bilder und Szenarien ablaufen, die für viele surreal klingen mögen, für mich aber reale Angst und Panik bedeuten. Es kann passieren, dass ich 3x um das Café herumgehe, ehe ich mich traue, mich zu setzen, es kann auch passieren, daß
Read 9 tweets
Acheter la rumeur, vendre la nouvelle.

Ce vieux dicton boursier a bien fonctionné avec @DbtGroupe. Mais les particularités de ce petit scandale touchant le monde des micro-capitalisations valait bien un thread.

C'est parti.
Le point particulier de cette affaire, c'est que la rumeur est venue du groupe lui-même, via un tweet publié par son compte officiel, que voici :
On a ici un cas d'école de CE QUE NE DOIT JAMAIS FAIRE une entreprise cotée : communiquer en pleine séance boursière.

Le tweet est en effet daté du 20 janvier à 16h55, soit un peu plus d'une demi-heure avant la clôture.
Read 13 tweets
🧚‍♂️Something that I love about my work as a psychologist is how learning about emotions and the human brain has helped me in my personal life. In grad school, I learned how to effectively LABEL emotions – and it was life changing. Today, I want to share those insights with you.
We have emotions for 3 main reasons.

1⃣communicate to us
2⃣communicate to others
3⃣organize action
It sounds kind of weird, but, yes, our emotions are how we communicate to ourselves! Our emotions also communicate to others through facial expressions and body language. (Let’s put a pin in “organize action” to first discuss specific emotions.)
Read 13 tweets
a collabo feat @spbail and @tayloramurphy via @coalesceconf
because....of course rap and data pipelines intersect 🎵🎶

Data in this warehouse
there's some data in this warehouse
there's some data in this warehouse
there's some data in this warehouse
I said, certified geek
Seven days a week
Make that cron-job game weak, woo
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, you messing with some write-audit-publish
Bring some SQL and a job for this write-audit-publish
Query everything you’ve got with this write-audit-publish
Read 23 tweets
Jan-Dhan bank accounts have played an important role in the 'JAM trinity' that enabled direct bank transfer to the Jan-Dhan account beneficiaries.

Savings to the tune of Rs 1.7 Lakh Cr have been achieved due to eliminating middlemen & ghost accounts.

Over 63% PMJDY account holders are from rural areas.

Over 55% PMJDY account holders are women.

Over 29.75 Crore #RupayCards have been issued which enhance

Overall, PMJDY ensures that money from Govt. Schemes reaches the intended beneficiaries through #DBT.
PMJDY has been a prime example of a success story of #DigitalIndia.

e-Governance initiatives,Digital India vision & JAM trinity led by PMJDY go hand in hand

During lockdown, Jan-Dhan bank accounts ensured credit of Rs. 30,705 Cr in bank accounts of millions of women under PMGKY
Read 3 tweets
COVID-19 is an unparalleled economic crisis in modern history. My colleague @tulsipriya_rk and I have been tracking the macroeconomic effects of it on India’s economy on a weekly basis. Sharing some of the visualisations here in this thread.
#MacroOfCovidIndia Image
Globally, India’s workplace mobility rising relatively faster from a low base since Lockdown 3.0. Mobility levels to retail and recreation still 70% below baseline. #MacroOfCovidIndia @tulsipriya_rk Image
India's mobility to work places, grocery, pharmacy and transit stations picking up since 3rd May while visits to parks, retail and recreation spots remain low. @tulsipriya_rk Image
Read 22 tweets
Based on 👇

Land,Labour,Liquidity&Laws that are not isolationist but inclusive

Ease of Doing Business

DBT,JanDhan,Aadhar, Micro Insurance,Ujjwala Yojana, Ayushman Bharat, PM Awaas Yojana,PM FasalBima Yojana,Krishi Sinchai,Swachh Bharat--Key Landmarks
GST,IBC&PSU Bank Recapitalisation in last 6 yrs,have been big reforms

52606Cr given via #DBT to 41Cr #JanDhan holders

Free wheat&rice to 69Cr ration card holders

18000Cr tax refunds given

Free cylinders to 8Cr #Ujjwala holders

#20lakhcrores #COVIDー19
Project DevelopmentCells,working for Promotion of Champion Sectors,in States

#MakeInIndia&Upgradation of Industrial Infra,a success&more will be done to #Decongest economy

3376 SEZs&IndustrialParks with 5 lakhhectares,to be ranked& mapped,in terms of readiness for competition
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#CashlessConsumer @[email protected] is at #AadhaarTribunal and is talking on intersection of #Aadhaar and #DigitalPayments / #Fintech.

#CashlessConsumer makes the following demands to seek a reform in #DBT / payments infrastructure
1. A thorough #CAG audit on #DBT infra to officially document the reasons for exclusions (untraceable payments referred in #NITIAayog Poshan report) and detailed report on #APB, compensate the beneficiaries who are denied welfare benefits with interest
2. Policy decision to gradually migrate #DBT to use #NEFT (run free of cost by RBI wef 1.1.2020) instead of NPCI owned #APB infrastructure which charges ministries implementing #DBT delivery.
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Putting 12 stage roadmap to cashless economy presented in mid 2015 in #ThanjavurKalvettu
More, this one on #FASTag . In 2015, FASTag + EWB integration was 'imagined'. I will leave it to you on who is ruling the country.

As for their execution skills, we all no better now.
This is awesome. VoterID linking with #Aadhaar was too imagined in the book
Read 18 tweets
This thread will list down the 75 reasons why everyone should vote for @narendramodi and @BJP4India

Thanks to @muglikar_ and @IndiaPeCharcha for coming up with these brilliant 1 minute videos.

My effort here is to list all the 75 reasons in a single thread
#Reason1 - @BJP4India MPs work for you.

👉 #Attendance #DiscussBills
👉#PassLaw #75ReasonsToVoteForModi #PhirEkBaarModiSarkaar

#1MinuteTalk by @muglikar_ and @IndiaPeCharcha -

#Reason2 - Electricity for All

👉 100% Rural Electrification #DeendayalGramJyotiYojana
👉 Electrification of 100% households #Saubhagya

@PiyushGoyal @grameenvidyut

#75ReasonsToVoteForModi #PhirEkBaarModiSarkaar

#1MinuteTalk @muglikar_
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हाँ #MainBhiChowkidar हूँ।

जो 60 साल तक नामुमकिन था वो अब पीएम श्री @narendramodi जी के नेतृत्व में मुमकिन हैं। #ChowkidarPhirSe

1). जितने गैस कनेक्शन देने में कांग्रेस को 60 साल लग गए, उतना गैस कनेक्शन सिर्फ 5 साल में दे दिया क्युकी मोदी है तो मुमकिन हैं। #ModiHaiToMumkinHai
जिस जीएसटी #GST को कांग्रेस 20 साल तक लागू नहीं कर पाई, उसको सिर्फ 5 साल में अच्छी तरह से लागू करके टैक्स कलेक्शन 1 लाख करोड़ के पार पहुंचा दिया।

जो कांग्रेस सैनिकों को वन रैंक वन पेंशन #OROP नहीं दे पाई, उसको 5 साल में दे दिया गया क्युकी मोदी हैं तो मुमकिन हैं। #ChowkidarPhirSe
4).बांग्लादेश के साथ सीमा विवाद को जो कांग्रेस 60 साल में हल ना कर सकी, उसको 5 साल में सुलझा लिया गया।

5).जिन परियोजनाओं को कांग्रेस 60 साल में पूरा ना कर सकी, उनको 5 साल में पूरा करके राष्ट्र को समर्पित कर दिया गया क्युकी मोदी है तो मुमकिन है।
#ChowkidarPhirSe #MainBhiChowkidar
Read 14 tweets
🇮🇳Namo Namo🇮🇳
Here I am starting a long thread which will list down hundreds of reasons why we should all vote for @narendramodi and @BJP4India in the coming general elections!!!
#ModiOnceMore #ModiAgain #AbKiBaar400Paar
@ModiOnceMore @Youth_4Modi
All are fact based data. Appropriate links are provided to validate every achievement. #Modi4NewIndia #MainBhiChaukidar
(1/n) Fragile five to Fastest growing economy - India listed in Fragile five in 2014 - Fastest Growing Economy in Jan 2019
#ModiOnceMore #ModiAgain #AbKiBaar400Paar
@TeamNamoBrigade @namo_bharath
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#56MonthsOfTransformingIndia #56MonthsofModiGovt
🔹More than 1.24 cr Subscribers in #APY #AtalPensionYojana
🔹1,23,300 Grampanchayats connected by Optical Fiber
🔹Rs 5,98,161.30 cr transferred by Direct Benefit Transfer #DBT
🔹All households electrified in 27 out of 29 states. In remaining two states also 99% homes electrified. Only 87K homes remaining to be electrified in India #SauBhagya
🔹1,92,513 kms of rural roads built under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana since FY 2013-14
🔹33.89 cr bank accounts opened under Jan Dhan Yojana
🔹5.47 cr citizens enrolled under Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana #PMJJBY (low cost life insurance with Rs.2 L cover and Rs.330 pa premium)
🔹2,45,29,000 pensioners benefited by #JeevanPraman
Read 9 tweets

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