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I remember @mikrowie: you told us 2020, those who want you to get herdimmunity don't trust them it's not your individual health their aim
#SARSCoV2 is airborne & mutating
@InfektioDE you are failing your duty just yesterday 💥 like many other institutions
This will bite us & you
Read 19 tweets
Vocês viram, nas notícias recentes, o pleito dos servidores da #ABIN para a retirada da Atividade de #Inteligência da estrutura militar da Presidência da República? E já se perguntaram como são as estruturas dos órgãos e comunidades de inteligência em outras democracias? (1/11)
Nos EUA, os serviços de inteligência nacionais, entre os quais destacam-se a CIA e a NSA, estão subordinados à Diretora de Inteligência Nacional, autoridade #civil diretamente ligada ao Presidente, responsável por coordenar a Comunidade de Inteligência do país. (2/11)
No Canadá, a agência de inteligência nacional (CSIS) está subordinada ao Ministério de Segurança Pública, órgão #civil responsável pela segurança interna. (3/11)
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The Moplah Revolt of 1921.

What is revealed is how rapidly the  All India  #Congress retreated whenever the masses were in motion, and how in this case a strategic political retreat necessitated a communalist rather than class view of an important peasant (1/25)
The #Moplahs were #Muslim peasants in Malabar (now part of the state of #Kerala ) on India's west coast. In 1922 it had a population of 400,000, of which 163,328 were Hindus and 236,672 were Muslims. The Moplahs were amongst the most heavily exploited (2/25)
peas­ants in the entire subcontinent. Most of them worked as wage-labourers either on the land of others or on the rubber plantations. The #landlords in the region were virtually all upper-caste #Brahmin Hindus. In the century preceding 1921, there had been a total of (3/25)
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Those of you who know my work on #privacy, #identity, and #HumanRights in #data these past 18 years - mostly through @NO2ID & @medConfidential, and in other areas besides - won't be surprised at my involvement in @WEDF_foundation.

This [Thread] is an invitation to join us...
...and help define what I believe is one of the most crucial discussions of our time; on the #personal, #civil, #political and #planetary consequences of the #world(s) we are building - and the #values we want to underpin them. Image
I spoke at last year's @WEDF_forum about '#Engineering for #Ethics', just a couple of months before the #GPDPR #GPdataGrab was announced in May.

My talk was an attempt to reflect on and draw lessons from my years of campaigning and work around #data...

Engineering for Ethics  Big...
Read 10 tweets
PAKISTAN’S PREOCCUPATION WITH SECURITY may have its roots in the fact that the #military was the only fully functional institution inherited by the country at the time of the country’s founding. The handicaps that #Pakistan started out with are well known and widely (1/10) Image
documented. Khalid Bin Sayeed points out: ‘ #Muslims lagged behind #Hindus in administrative services, in commerce and finance, and in political leadership.’

The All-India Muslim League was woefully unprepared for running a country and some of its choices around the (2/10)
time of Partition had added to Pakistan’s difficulties. Many of the new country’s politicians and civil servants had to start from scratch, dealing with issues such as finding residential and office space in #Karachi or #Lahore. But the army was already a going concern (3/10)
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Being Nilotic (Dark skin) in #Ethiopia

Growing up in #Gambella, I have always been curious about the second-class citizen treatment the #Anuak people have always faced. We were never seen or treated equally with the rest of lighter skinned highlanders. The same thing could be 1/
said for the dark-skinned people of #Benishangul who have also faced genocide and mistreatments from the #TPLF and Derg regime. Why are the Nilotic treated differently in Ethiopia? This goes back to the Abyssinian Empire. During the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie in Ethiopia,2/
dark skin people including the Anuak, had faced kidnapping and they were forcefully taken to the capital Addis Ababa and other towns as slaves. This continued until the early twentieth century, when the #Anuak land and kingdom came under #British rule. The British abolished 3/
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Visítanos en la calle 19 #5-73, oficina 208A, Centro de Pereira, Risaralda, WhatsApp 3117588671, correo electrónico [email protected].

Conoce un poco de la conciliación 🧵

#conciliacion #equidad #abogadoscolombia #abogadospereira #abogadosejecafetero #laboral #civil
Serán conciliables todos los asuntos que no estén prohibidos por la ley, siendo principio general que se podrán conciliar todas las materias que sean susceptibles de transacción, desistimiento y los
derechos de los cuales su titular tenga capacidad de disposición.
Para la procedencia de la conciliación no será necesaria la renuncia de derechos.
En asuntos de naturaleza laboral y de la seguridad social podrá conciliarse si con el acuerdo no se afectan derechos ciertos e indiscutibles. 👇
Read 5 tweets
.@ZelenskyyUa, DEJA DE MENTIR‼️

Ministerio de Defensa de #Rusia:

▪️El 14 de julio fue realizado un ataque con misiles de alta precisión contra la "Casa de Oficiales" de la guarnición de #Vinnytsia, donde en aquel momento tenía lugar una reunión, en la que estaban presentes ...
2. ... suministradores #extranjeros de #armamento, negociando la entrega a #Ucrania de aviones, municiones y piezas de repuesto, así como organización de reparación del parque aéreo militar.

▪️El resultado del #ataque fue la aniquilación de todos los participantes de la reunión.
3. #Zelensky, de nuevo, está intentando pasar un #bombardeo de objetivos militares por ataques contra #civiles. 👹

Tres #misiles "Kalibr" #rusos de alta precisión impactaron en #Vinnytsia, destruyendo la Comisaría y la Casa de Oficiales (o sea, Club de #Ejército) ...
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The #Crumbling #Empire & its #EU #Vassals are #Locked in an #Economic #War of #Attrition with #Russia, which it did NOT #Expect & against which it has NO #Plan on how to #Win it.
The #Increase of ever #More #Sanctions on #Russia are #Hurting both the #US & even more>>
the #EU-part of the #Empire more than #Russia,
in a steady #Rising way, creating more & more #Resistance against it, both in the #US as in #Europe.
In the #Battlefield- #War-#Theatre however, its clear that the #Russian #Allies are slowly, but #Decisively & #Grindingly>>
#Destroying the #Ukraine #Army & its #Infrastructure, that was #Constructed, #Armed & #Trained by the #NATO-allies in the 8 years since the #Maidan #Coup & #Start of the #Ukraine #Civil #War in 2014.
When the #Policy of #Fighting instead of #Diplomacy continues,
Read 6 tweets
1. Hello Radix’ers, @akgungor_c here. I’m glad to be with you this week. It will be a pleasure for me to post here. My thing is to generate and “mobilize” information & knowledge to assist organizations and communities with respect to emergencies & disasters.
2. An eternity ago, I defended a Ph.D. thesis in political science in which I had mainly focused on #disaster and #sociopolitical #change. At that time, I thought I would not spend a single more minute on that text but instead leave it to collect dust in the French archives.
3. And after I walked away from academia, I literally forgot about it for a long period, until a couple of years ago. In fact, I’m catching myself -more and more- thinking about some of the conclusions I had drawn back then.
Read 8 tweets
Some IMP Course for 👉

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Read 4 tweets
#Civil and intelligent conversation That involves #criticalthinking skills,self-regulation, #reflection, mutual respect respectful debate, direct conversation are #socialskills all research based Scientific evidence is highly encouraged here. I encourage this on my
Twitter feed to engage in civil #discourse
To #question everything, to be self-aware and insightful,
to allow open #transparent #ooen conversations & discourse free of denial, not listening, talking over others, not letting them finish their sentences, being angry and rageful.
These #behaviors do nothing to advance any cause. #Safeguarders & mediators are very important to the well-being of children miners and disabled adults. when it comes to #childsafety anyone who mocks child safety needs to seriously reflect and/or take A child safety course.
Read 15 tweets
#Interesting #DefenseIndustry nexus here - #Iraq and #UAE. #Iraq's @Nina_news_1 reports that the head of the Military Industrialization Authority, Muhammad Sahib Al-Daraji, received the Ambassador of the #UAE (Salem Issa Al-Zaabi) to Baghdad yesterday:…
"A statement by the Authority stated that during the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries and ways to strengthen them, as well as the issue of the UAE's investment in industrial cities in Iraq...
"which will contribute to strengthening the bonds of cooperation in the #defense #industries between the two countries and benefiting from the #UAE #PrivateSector to supplement industrial investment in #Iraq on both sides, the #civil and #military."
Read 7 tweets
[Manifesto. #1 One]
#CivicWave is an #informalgroup of the #progressist area, on Twitter, but attentive to movements on other #social and off-network that, aware of the importance of active #participation, intends to take...

We call it #gentlerevolution.
[Manifesto. #2 Two]
Joining #CivicWave #OndaCivica is compatible with all progressive Italian and international hashtags, including:
#FR, #6000sardine, #Forumalcentro,
#FBPE, #FBPEGlobal, #FBR.

The symbols in bio are:
#OndaCivica🌊🌊🌊 #CivicWave🌊🌊🌊,
or for short #OC🌊
[Manifesto. #3 Three]
#CivicWave promotes the #civil and prolific confrontation of ideas and experiences, in #respect of the diversity of views, to reduce #conversions and protagonism, in the conviction that #dialogue is stimulus and richness and allows to highlight # common...
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On now, Dave Perkins of @dialogues360 presenting results of study on 5 #ASMecosystems in #SouthAfrica. #Data variability is a persistent research challenge and also needs coordination across partners in the ecosytem. @DelveASM confirms this as a problem of global scale.
Cost of compliance, lack of access to capital, markets & weakened institutional support to #ASM sector in #SouthAfrica are validated as barriers in this sector. Impact of these factors pale in comparison to the policy/ reg vacuum w/in whichsector operates. Policy schizophrenia.
.@dialogues360 argues, and I concur, that time is of the essence in influencing the new policy process launched by the government of #SouthAfrica on formalizing the #ASM sector, ideally convened by a neutral, honest broker party.
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Engineering a City #thread
Having spent my entire childhood in #Kochi (#Cochin ), it feels criminal to not know the story of how the city came to be the #metropolis it is today. Putting together a thread to trace the journey of the city which has been so endearingly mine (1)
Part 1: The #Malabar Mud-Banks
The story of Cochin is not just about how an engineering marvel can change social fabric, but also of many tenets of #British #Colonialism in India which is often taken for granted, passed off lazily as exploitation, missing nuance (2)
As with any coastal town, the cultural and economic history of Kochi is intertwined with maritime trade routes since the time of the Early Romans and Arabs. Thanks to the #biennale , most of us would now be familiar with the term #Muzuris (3)
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#NationalSecurityStrategy #Credibility #DualisticTrdPol Bearing costs is the only credible way to signal a change in policy. Higher tariffs & NTBs on imports from China are credible, precisely because they also impose some cost on ourselves. Empty Talk is cheap and non-credible.
2/lad #Ladakh This thread seems credible given the clearer maps:
2/nss In a #democracy, a #voluntary #private #boycott of #CCPchinaInc organized by #civil #society, can be a powerful instrument, if and when, 100s of 1000s of free people voluntarily bear the higher cost of not buying cheap chinese goods. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Read 5 tweets
"It is increasingly clear that much of the blame for the seriousness of the #coronavirus’s spread can be placed on the culture of lying & covering up bred by #China’s deeply flawed & highly corrupted Marxist-Leninist system 'with Chinese characteristics.'"…
"Yet it’s also worth reflecting on the limited tools that the #Chinese government has to deal with the situation due to its parallel wars on both #religion & #civil society. The two are closely related as across the world the Catholic Church, Protestant denominations, Islam..."
"Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism & most other organized religions play an outsized role in civil society through religion-backed organizations & charities devoted to humanitarian services. The Catholic Church has traditionally been very active in providing such services..."
Read 13 tweets
#Germany #Bundestag #Hezbollah

On Thursday, December 19, 2019, the @Bundestag voted on three proposals that deal with the #Lebanese organization "#Hezbollah". A joint application was accepted by the CDU/CSU, SPD and FDP with the title
"Effective action against #Hezbollah" (19/16046) while abstaining from the other three parliamentary groups.

However, an application by Alliance 90 / The Greens entitled "Strictly enforce a #ban on #Hezbollah and break up its networks in #Germany, #assist #Israel,
support #civil #society in #Lebanon" (19/16050) was #rejected. In addition to the Greens, some members of the Left Group voted in favor of the #bill, but the vast majority of the Left abstained.
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🚨 This thread provides info about the largest #opioid indictment & settlement in U.S. history whereby Indivior was charged w/ marketing #fraud of #Suboxone. The docs are lengthy but essential reading for all #CPP who have & are being tapered or terminated from their #RxOpioid.
The following is the DOJ announcement of the indictment in April 2019 and had Indivior been found guilty they would have been required to pay $3 BILLION in fines, fees, etc.…
In July 2019 a settlement agreement of $1.4 BILLION was reached that allowed the parent company of Indivior... manufacturer of #Suboxone (an #RxOpioid used to treat #Addiction and #ChronicPain) to resolve its potential #criminal & #civil liabilities.…
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Australasia BricsCAD Conference 2019 #abc2019 part 2. Peter Clarysse from @Bricsys starts his presentation with a brief history of his involvement.
Heidi says hi! #abc2019
Pieter (not Peter) explaining how @BricsCAD #BIM uses machine learning algorithms to help make a bunch of dumb 3D solids into a detailed BIM model. #ABC2019
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I open a discussion about #law
Law in civil systems is such a weird thing. The legislative power do not have separation from the judicial one, since decide what is law and how to apply it in the courts. In common law, is the people, the lawyers and the judges that creates law. But how?
You do something, and these thing creates a controversy. Then, a lawyer will study all the precedent cases and will try to explain how your case might be solved. Is going to base their decision in the costume people and judges have created.
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