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Now CAs are making so much hue & cry about losing the autonomy of ICAI (and formation of IIA's)
(after the possibility of losing Statutory Audits of Small Companies through NFRA consultation Paper, after losing GST Audits & Reduction of Tax Audits, very recently)
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CAs are looking to do Dharnas & petitions for the same
My Humble request to all of you:- Don't resort to all this else you will be called:- AndolanJeevis by our PM
You'll be called Khalistani/Pakistani by IT cell trolls
You'll called Anti-national by IT cell impacted people
Karma' seems to be hitting hard on us because we were the same people who supported Govt when Farmers were called AndolanJeevis #FarmersProtest
We supported when Liberals & Muslims were called Anti National #citizenshipamendmentact #caa
Read 6 tweets
Ideologically speaking, till now West has looked upon India as a country with an imposed Western democracy, a democracy that requires oversight by the West, to make sure India lives up to the liberal democratic ideals as perceived by the West.
West doesn't see India with an own democratic culture as West sees democracy itself as a Western (Greek) invention.

In this regard, it was important that on Feb 8th, 2021, Modi gave this clarification in Indian Parliament.

Check: @ 2:25

PM Modi said, "Our democracy is not a western institution. It's a human institution. India's history is filled with examples of democratic institutions. We find mention of 81 democracies in ancient India."…
Read 14 tweets
CAA is a benign piece of legislation, narrowly tailored to address a specific issue: Centre to Supreme Court #CitizenshipAmendmentAct #CAA_NRC_Protests #CAA
Centre's affidavit starts by quoting the Passports Act of 1920 and a host of other legislations. It also refers to the Nehru Liaqat Agreement was signed by Heads of Governments of India & Pakistan to protect religious minorities. #CAA_NPR_NRC
Due to theft of holy relic in Hazratbal Shrine in J &K on 27/12/1963, there were large scale communal disturbances in East Pakistan from 03/01/1964 in which there was widespread lawlessness, arson and huge loss of life and property of the minority community. (Pic: Kashmirlife)
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Fresh stone pelting was reported in Maujpur and Brahmpuri; #AmitShah held a meeting last night to discuss the law and order situation in #Delhi.

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#ArvindKejriwal will meet #AAP MLAs and officials from areas affected by the #DelhiViolence at 10.30 am at his residence; fire dept await police protection as fire rages on in Karawal Nagar's tyre market.

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Union Home Minister #AmitShah on Tuesday has called for a meeting at 12 pm to discuss the prevailing situation in National Capital after violence broke out in #NortheastDelhi yesterday.

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With protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act continuing unabated, @TheQuint traces the journey of this movement to see how the events have unfolded over the last 60 days.

(Part 1/4)
#CAA #protest #India #CitizenshipAmendmentAct
60 days of CAA Protests (Part - 2/4)
60 days of CAA Protests (Part - 3/4)
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Public discussion on CAA, 2019-NRC-NPR to begin shortly at the Music Academy, Chennai.

Justice (Retd) AP Shah, N Ram, Chairman of The Hindu Publishing Group, Legal Scholar, Usha Ramanathan and Rohini Mohan, Journalist to speak at the event.
@nramind : I don't think we need to exaggerate this movement (referring to Anti-CAA demonstrations).... against this unjust and indeed an outrageous piece of legislation...

There is no question that the students have come to the fore in this movement, says @nramind

#CAA_NRC_NPR #CAA_NRCProtests #CAA_NRC_Protests
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Majeed Ullah Khan (@MBTparty President) Statement on #SupremeCourt Refusing Interim Stay on #CAA; Challenges @AmitShah to Visit Ongoing #ShaheenBaghProtests to Face Public Instead of TV Debates. #CAA_NRC_Protests Read Full: /1
He contended that #ConstitutionofIndia is “Common Sense” codified. It's clear that #CitizenshipAmendmentAct goes against numerous Articles. It's appalling that Court deferred hearings in refusal to put interim stay on draconian #CAA and modified #NationalPopulationRegister /2
People’s trust in a truly secular, non-partisan #SupremeCourt is wavering. Moreover, refusal on interim #CAA stay has common public concerned regarding growing, free reign of a bigoted, right-wing #RSS-#BJP specter looming over nation that we continue to battle on all fronts. /3
Read 14 tweets
Citizenship Amendment Act: Supreme Court to take up for hearing a batch of over 140 petitions concerning the controversial CAA today. #CAA #CitizenshipAmendmentAct #CAA_2019 #SupremeCourt
Over 140 petitions relating to the CAA listed today, most challenging the validity of the Act with a handful in support of the Act. Centre's plea for transfer of similar matters from His to SC is also likely to be heard #CAA #CitizenshipAmendmentAct #CAA_2019 #SupremeCourt
The Bench of CJI SA Bobde with Justices S Abdul Nazeer and Sanjiv Khanna has assembled and will begin hearing the matter shortly.
Read 32 tweets
I ask you @capt_amarinder to clarify if you are opposed to giving relief to persecuted Sikhs under the #CitizenshipAmendmentAct and whether you are fighting to get the entire Act rejected to end the relief given to Sikhs under the #CAA. /1 Image
Opposing the #CAA does nothing except fulfilling the anti-Sikh agenda of the @INCIndia. If you are really serious about giving relief to persecuted Sikhs in Pakistan and Afghanistan @capt_amarinder you should join the @Akali_Dal_ in seeking inclusion of Muslims in the CAA. /2
Rather than trying to befool Punjabis and create a smoke screen to divert attention from the abysmal failure of your government on all fronts @capt_amarinder you should tell Punjabis how Muslims will gain if the Sikhs are denied benefit under the #CAA. /3
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As a part of door to door campaign to earn support for #CAA2019 The leaders of Thiruvananthapuram BJP went to the house of a man named Mohanan Nair.

Before letting them into house He asked.

Nair: Is there any Brahmin in your group?

BJP: No!

Nair: Is there any Nair(another cast) in your group?

BJP: Yes ..!
*Two raised their hands*

Nair: Only you two can come in!

BJP: *Hesitated*

Nair: Don't you hear me?

BJP: This is insulting. You can't make them sit outside just because they are not from a particular cast.

Nair: This is exactly what the #CitizenshipAmendmentAct is..! Indian constitution doesn't permit you to discriminate people in the basis of race colour or religion.

BJP: 😵😵😵


Credits: @vdsatheesan
Read 3 tweets
@singer_shaan Heard your comment on Know the Nation that #CAA2019 is for *persecuted *religious *minorities!! Have you not read the act itself & gave the three * words a great miss in fine print. Only in speech of our Home Minister @AmitShah Ji said so.…
Above link to read the #CitizenshipAmendmentAct carefully & take assistance of your legal counsels too. @RanvirShorey @PrahladKakar @ritesh_sid @prasoonjoshi_ @kunalkohli @vivekagnihotri @AnupamPKher

Its not about you all learned men not read but simply don't believe in hearsay
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Please read the text of the #CitizenshipAmendmentAct before you believe or disbelieve gurus. It's barely 3 pages.
If you aren't clear why NPR (national population register) and NRC are connected, here, read this:
Step 1: Section 14A, Citizenship Act 1955, on creating a nationwide citizens register and issuing national identity cards. It was added in the Act in 2003.
Read step 2 next.
How are NPR and NRC connected?
Step 2: Read Citizenship Rules, which detail how the citizens register will be made.
This is a little longer but easier language.
Note: The 1st time population register is mentioned ever is in these rules on how to make citizens register.
Read 5 tweets
Watch Live: Home Minister Amit Shah speaks amid protests on #CitizenshipAct…
"BJP did not start #NPR. Rule was made by UPA in 2004": Home Minister Amit Shah.

Watch live…
"Want to assure Owaisi saab as Home Minister that there is no link between #NRC and #NPR": Amit Shah.

WAtch live…
Read 15 tweets
ভাৰতীয় সংবিধানৰ 5ৰ পৰা 11 অনুচ্ছেদ নাগৰিকত্বৰ ওপৰত । 1955 চনত নাগৰিকত্ব আইন প্ৰনয়ন হয় । এই আইন বিভিন্ন কাৰণত বিভিন্ন সময়ত সংশোধন কৰিব লগীয়া হৈছে । 1986, 1992, 2003, 2005, 2015 আৰু 2019 চনত সংশোধন হয় । @TapanChangmai1 @abhinabsharma11 @himantabiswa @sarbanandsonwal
1947 চনত ভাৰত আৰু পাকিস্তান ধৰ্মৰ ভিত্তিত বিভাজন হৈছিল ।
জন্ম সূত্ৰে ভাৰত এখন হিন্দু ৰাষ্ট্ৰ । পাচত ভাৰতীয় সংবিধানত প্ৰক্তন প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী ইন্দিৰা গান্ধীয়ে ধৰ্ম নিৰপেক্ষ শব্দৰ সংযোজন কৰি ধৰ্ম নিৰপেক্ষ দেশ কৰে ।
#Assam #CAA2019
বিভাজনৰ সময়ত বহু সংখ্যক হিন্দু, শিখ, জৈন, বৌদ্ধ আৰু পাৰ্ছী লোক পাকিস্তানত থাকিল আৰু কিছুসংখ্যক মুছলমান ভাৰতত থাকিল । বিভাজনৰ পাচত হিন্দু আৰু অন্যান্য ধৰ্মাৱলম্বী লোকসকলৰ ওপৰত অবৰ্ণনীয় অত্যাচাৰ চলিল, বহু লোক আহি ভাৰত সোমালোহি ।
Read 37 tweets
#PIB brings you a series of tweets on some of the most pertinent questions asked on #CitizenshipAmendmentAct

#CAA has nothing to do with any Indian citizen in any way (1/10)
@HMOIndia @AmitShah @PrakashJavdekar @MIB_India @DDNewsLive @airnewsalerts #PIB brings you a series of tweets on some of the most pertinent questions asked on #CitizenshipAmendmentAct

#CAA is relevant only for Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi and Christian Foreigners (2/10)
@HMOIndia @AmitShah @PrakashJavdekar @MIB_India @DDNewsLive @airnewsalerts @MEAIndia #PIB brings you a series of tweets on some of the most pertinent questions asked on #CitizenshipAmendmentAct

Know how does #CAA benefit Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi, and Christian foreigners
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Lead story now on

The cities where protests have so far not been disallowed include Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata and Bhopal.…

#NDTVLeadStory #CAAProtests #CitizenshipAmendmentAct
Road No. 13A between Mathura Road and Kalindi Kunj is closed for traffic movement. People travelling from DND or Akshardham to reach Delhi: Delhi Traffic Police.

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A thread explaining the provisions pertaining to #Citizenship in India and some concerns regarding the #CAA2019:


Citizenship of India can be acquired by Birth, descent, registration, naturalisation or incorporation of territory.

Any foreigner on becoming eligible can acquire citizenship by registration or by naturalisation irrespective of his country or community.


#CAA2019 enables foreigners of 6 minority communities from 3 countries to apply for citizenship on basis of religious persecution

It does NOT amend any existing legal provision which enables any foreigner to apply for Indian citizenship through registration/naturalisation.

Read 12 tweets
The smoke surrounding #CAA debate has everyone outraging but hardly anyone understands the historical, legislative or humanitarian context to it. I came across certain facts on why the CAA is the right step after a long delay which I summarise here. 1/n
#CitizenshipAmendmentAct is not an Act that the BJP or @AmitShah came up with to set some communal agenda. It was a just demand made by political parties across spectrum. Here is a letter CPI(M) General Secretary wrote to PM Manmohan Singh on May 12,2012 on Bengali refugees. 2/n
The letter by Prakash Karat rightly pointed out how “lakhs of families are affected, the majority of them from Scheduled Caste communities like namashudra, pondra khatriya, majhi etc.” 3/n
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- I can no longer fix cabinets posts.
Practically no terror attacks & no sensitive information to pass on. I’ve lost my star status 😢

- No one takes me seriously after MSG. The less said about my spouse the better.
- I have a stable of pedestrian writers but they’ve all been called out. Since my piece de resistance of one foggy winter night things haven’t looked good at all.

- My colour coordinated gamcha & my lazy voiced lawyer friend have lost our touch, it seems
- My boyfriend is locked up.

- From communist/atheist to a demure (I try) head covered Bibi I’ve been keeping count of the days we’ve been denied the internet but no one is listening.
Read 8 tweets
Protests against #CitizenshipAmendmentAct | Waseem Khan, Chief Proctor of the #JamiaMiliaIslamia, said, "Police have entered the campus by force, no permission was given. Follow LIVE updates:
A political science student at the #Jamia University claimed that the police entered the library, hurled smoke bombs and baton charged the students.

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"Police ran after the students. They could have at least asked us but they just entered the university. They broke open our library and troubled our students," alleges #Jamia V-C Najma Akhtar.

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Why this 1943 literary classic is Kalyan Krishnamurthy's business guide of sorts.

Author Chitra Banerjee on books that helped her write better.📚

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Vinita Bali on books that foster inclusivity and sustainable growth.

Read 17 tweets
देखिए #CitizenshipAmendmentAct2019 को लेकर फैलाए जा रहे भ्रम की वास्तविकता #NorthEast #CAB #CAB2019
@HMOIndia @AmitShah @PIB_India @PIBHindi @airnewsalerts @AkashvaniAIR @PIB_Guwahati देखिए #CitizenshipAmendmentAct2019 को लेकर फैलाए जा रहे भ्रम की वास्तविकता #NorthEast #CAB #CAB2019 #Mythbusters
@HMOIndia @AmitShah @PIB_India @PIBHindi @airnewsalerts @AkashvaniAIR @PIB_Guwahati @PMOIndia देखिए #CitizenshipAmendmentAct2019 को लेकर फैलाए जा रहे भ्रम की वास्तविकता #NorthEast #CAB #CAB2019 #Mythbusters #CitizenshipAmendmentAct
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Curfew in Assam's Guwahati relaxed from 9 am to 4 pm today, reports News agency ANI.
Curfew in Assam's Dibrugarh relaxed from 8 am to 2 pm today: News agency ANI quotes Dibrugarh Deputy Commissioner Pallav Gopal Jha
#JustIn | Curfew relaxed in Shillong from 10 am to 10 pm today.

More on NDTV 24x7 and
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