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The biggest gains will come from projects enabling Interoperability.

I have read over 250+ white papers so you don't have to.

Here are my top 5 Interoperability projects, in no particular order, for maximum gains in the #bull run. đŸ‘‡đŸ§” Image
The value of an entity can be predicted by the sheer amount of energy/data that is directed towards it.

Why do you think Social media platforms become so powerful?

Humanity is interacting with one another creating an interoperable world.
This is going to be no different in #Crypto.

The biggest issue Crypto faces is that so much of the tech is siloed.

Resources are spread thin and investors, projects and customers simply cannot interact across the space with ease.

The projects that enable this will win BIG.
Read 12 tweets
Interoperability is the future.

Today, I added some $ROUTE to my portfolio alongside $CHNG.

I believe this GEM has great potential and could be a HUGE runner in the coming #bull market.

100x is FUD with these use cases

Here's why đŸ‘‡đŸ§” Image

Router Protocol ($ROUTE) is a decentralised interoperability protocol that connects different blockchain networks, enabling cross-chain communication and seamless transfer of digital assets.

Router Chain is a Layer 1 blockchain built using Cosmos’ Tendermint Consensus. Image
The Problems:

❌ Liquidity in the decentralised space is all over the place
❌ So many different L1 and L2 networks that lack cross chain
❌ Projects cannot leverage multiple blockchains when building
❌ Blockchains cannot work in symbiosis which limits progression
Read 13 tweets
Bitcoin is the most predictable & valuable asset in the world; understanding a few key events can help you make these predictions accurately 🔼

As $BTC crossed 26k - here’s all you need to know to prepare for this #bull đŸ”„đŸ§” Image
The next Bitcoin halving is set to take place in 2024 almost one year from today.

The $BTC price usually starts moving upward one year prior to the halving date and time. (as we’re seeing rn). The current price action is a perfect setup for history to repeat itself. Image
But what makes #Bitcoin halving this important?

With every Bitcoin halving, the reward for mining a block is cut in half = less $BTC flooding into the market = making its value surge over time.

Supply & demand 101.
Read 6 tweets
(1/8) Due to the #crypto market's volatile nature, it is feasible to spot patterns and trends in #marketcycles. This thread will examine the main signs of a #bull market and discuss how to take advantage of them. đŸ§”
Read below to learn more: đŸ‘‡đŸ»
(2/8) When the market is generally bullish, and #investors are confident in purchasing and hanging onto their assets, a #bullrun happens in the bitcoin market. đŸ€© 🎉
#Zignaly #LLTS
(3/8) A bull run is characterized by a significant increase in #stock prices, active purchasing, greater #liquidity, and higher levels of #trading activity. 💯 âšĄïž
#Zignaly #LLTS
Read 8 tweets
In a #Bull #Market, new stocks break out on high #Volume every day. One of the challenges of a #breakout trader is find the best #BreakoutStocks to buy because they go up so fast that often it is hard to get a low-risk entry.

Here's a thread on one way to go about doing it.
1) To find the best #breakoutstocks, one has to focus on the right sector and then monitor #stocks within that sector for #volume #breakouts. Eg. #PSU Banks did a very strong #breakout recently with most of the stocks within #NIFTYPSUBANK index giving a 50% gain in a short time!
2) First let’s see what happened in this sector in terms of the sequence of #breakouts. #NIFTYPSUBANK broke out of a sound base on 24th Oct, 22 as below. The leaders within this sector broke out even before the index broke out, e.g. INDIANBK, CANBK, UNIONBANK, BANKBARODA. Image
Read 9 tweets
5,7 milliards d'euros.C'est le "cadeau" de la France à #ATOS et ENEDIS en échange de l'installation de 35 millions de compteurs Linky, opération industrielle catastrophique dont l'absurdité a été démontrée par la Cour des comptes, et qui continue de faire scandale jour aprÚs jour Image
Qui dirigeait ATOS et a fait usage de son entregent pour en tirer prĂšs de 2 milliards d'euros ?Un certain M. #Breton, candidat de Monsieur Macron Ă  la Commission EuropĂ©enne, aprĂšs l'Ă©chec de Mme. #Goulard, retoquĂ©e - cela ne s'invente pas - pour corruption et conflits d’intĂ©rĂȘts!
Combien #ThierryBreton a-t-il touchĂ© depuis son arrivĂ©e Ă  #ATOS, "miraculeusement redressĂ©e"selon les mĂ©dias grĂące Ă  cette opĂ©ration, entreprise oĂč il a Ă©tĂ© propulsĂ© aprĂšs avoir Ă©tĂ© ministre de l'Ă©conomie?

Plus de 40 millions d’euros. Et combien de stock-options lui reste-t-il?
Read 7 tweets
The last #bull run saw HUGE gains for new Ecosystem projects such as $BNB & $MATIC.

Right now, the new wave of Ecosystem projects are building, & many will absolutely MOON in the next #Bull run.

Here are my top 3 picks all under $150m Market-cap

Potential 50-100x 👇
#Crypto moves very fast.

In an industry this young the tech is evolving rapidly!

80% of the top 20 projects at the end of the last #bull in 2018 are no longer there. This can happen again.

Now is the time we find the winners of the next run for the best price!

2018 list 👇👀
1. @Aleph__Zero $AZERO

Aleph Zero is a Proof-of-Stake public blockchain that aims to become the first #decentralised Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) platform with 100+ nodes.

$AZERO solves current DLT issues with superior speed, validation time, scalability, and security.
Read 17 tweets
ES Short Squeeze - Stock market lookin good,
#Cryptocurrency #Market/#Bitcoin market analysis 9/9
So, there was a short squeeze. A really, really big one. A lot of weird crap happened, but a lot of people keep looking in the wrong place.
Why? Because it's the $SPY that gapped up on it's futures, not some magic $BTC move as BTC follows the SPY these days.
Notice the $ES moving up here, hours before BTC follows. Why would anyone wait for this or even care? But I digress, that's not what we're here for. How is all that doing anyway?
Read 16 tweets
Ehi there #Crypto and #macro Twitter

Time for #market analysis #Number12!

"Quiet, before the storm"

I will explain here what happened since last week, and cover the broader #economy as it breaks

I will start from #onchain #BTC, going into #Technical Analysis + #macrođŸ§”
First of all, if you want to have a deeper insight in what happened the week before, you should check my last #weekly #analysis

I'll put the link here for you:

But let's start digging into this week, should we?
Last week we experienced a rally in #crypto with #Eth leading the way with a speculative date on the merge happening on September 19th.

BTC managed to rally breaking the trendline at resistance and the realized price, but failed to maintain those as support ImageImageImage
Read 23 tweets
The Bull, This is the part of the Movie/Show where THE BULL does not get banged up on to where THE UNDERTAKER has to choose, WE ALL WALK TOGETHER !!!

I REFUSE to play the same games so many others choose to play, #REDEMPTION !

The second to last STUNT in JACKASS FOREVER,
Johnny Knoxville pours MILK into A Hat 

“The Milk was supposed to disappear” as he gets hit by the Bull.

Then the last scene was A group of cast members on A carousel surrounded by other cast members dressed up as Military personnel, armed with PAINT ball gunS.
Those who
Played the game, hurt humanity, trafficked children, kept humanity enslaved or committed treason/sedition are SHOWN to the world 

The Booms drop, there will be no war.✍
Peace = The Prize !

Why the rest of the world/Most can’t see what it is others have been SHOWING
Read 22 tweets
àžȘàžŁàžžàž› : àčàž™àž§àž—àžČàž‡àčƒàž™àžàžČàžŁàž›àžŁàž°àč€àžĄàžŽàž™àž„àčˆàžČ #Bitcoin àžˆàžČàžàžŁàžČàžąàž‡àžČàž™àž‚àž­àž‡ Ark Invest (30 Dec 2021)

1. àč„àžĄàčˆàč„àž”àč‰àžŠàž”àč‰àž™àžłàžàžČàžŁàž„àž‡àž—àžžàž™
2. àč„àžĄàčˆàč„àž”àč‰àžšàž­àžàžŁàžČàž„àžČ àčàž„àž°àč„àžĄàčˆàžĄàž”àžàžČàž§
3. àž­àžČàžˆàžˆàž°àžĄàž”àž‚àč‰àž­àžœàžŽàž”àžžàž„àžČàž” àžȘàžČàžĄàžČàžŁàž–àžšàž­àžàč„àž”àč‰ àčàž„àž°àž„àž­àž‡àž­àčˆàžČàž™ replies àč€àžœàž·àčˆàž­àžĄàž”àž„àž™àžĄàžČàžŠàčˆàž§àžąàčàžàč‰àčƒàž«àč‰
4. àžąàžČàž§


1) Ark Invest
àžˆàž±àž”àž—àžłàž‚àž¶àč‰àž™àžĄàžČàžŁàžČàžąàž‡àžČàž™àč€àžžàž·àčˆàž­àčƒàž«àč‰ "àž™àž±àžàž„àž‡àž—àžžàž™àžȘàž–àžČàžšàž±àž™" àž«àžŁàž·àž­ àž„àž™àž—àž”àčˆàžȘàž™àčƒàžˆàč„àž”àč‰àž”àžčàž‚àč‰àž­àžĄàžčàž„àč€àž›àč‡àž™àčàž™àž§àž—àžČàž‡àč€àž—àž”àžąàžšàžàž±àžšàžȘàžŽàž™àž—àžŁàž±àžžàžąàčŒàčàžšàžšàž”àž±àč‰àž‡àč€àž”àžŽàžĄ

àč‚àž”àžąàžˆàž°àčàžšàčˆàž‡àžàžČàžŁàž›àžŁàž°àč€àžĄàžŽàž™àč€àž›àč‡àž™ 3 àžŁàž°àž”àž±àžš
1. Network : àč€àž«àžĄàžČàž°àžȘàžłàž«àžŁàž±àžšàž—àžžàžàž„àž™
2. Behavior : àč€àž«àžĄàžČàž°àžȘàžłàž«àžŁàž±àžšàž„àž™àž–àž·àž­àžąàžČàž§
3. Valuation : àč€àž«àžĄàžČàž°àžȘàžłàž«àžŁàž±àžšàžàžČàžŁàž”àžčàžȘàž±àžàžàžČàž“àžŁàž°àžąàž°àžàž„àžČàž‡-àžȘàž±àč‰àž™
2) àž—àžłàč„àžĄàž•àč‰àž­àž‡ #bitcoin

1. àžŁàž°àžšàžšàžšàž±àžàžŠàž”àž—àž”àčˆàč€àžŁàž”àžąàžšàž‡àčˆàžČàžą àž•àžŁàž§àžˆàžȘàž­àžšàč„àž”àč‰ (UTXO)
2. Code àč‚àž›àžŁàčˆàž‡àčƒàžȘ àž•àžŁàž§àžˆàžȘàž­àžšàč„àž”àč‰
3. Node àž—àž”àčˆàžĄàž”àž›àžŁàž°àžȘàžŽàž—àž˜àžŽàž àžČàžž

àž­àž±àž™àž™àž”àč‰àž‚àž­àžȘàžŁàžžàž›àč€àž­àž‡àžȘàž±àč‰àž™ àč† àž§àčˆàžČàžĄàž±àž™àč€àž„àžąàč€àž­àžČàž‚àč‰àž­àžĄàžčàž„ on-chain àž­àž­àžàžĄàžČàž„àžŽàž” àž„àžłàž™àž§àž“àč„àž”àč‰ àčàžŸàžŁàčŒàč€àžàžĄàžȘàčŒ àč„àžĄàčˆàžĄàž” insider
Read 18 tweets
I am #bullish on #BTC because the overall trend in fundamentals and Onchain remain firmly bullish.

There are points of #bull market invalidation for Onchain and technicals. It will require LTHs, large miners, and older coins to start a trend of selling to invalidate the bull...
Thesis. #BTC will have to close below the 21 week, 21 week EMA, 200 day, and 41.3k, to invalidate technical structure and trend.

If we get a stock market crash and the Onchain and technicals reach invalidation points, then the bull market will be finished.
As of now, the Onchain and technicals are no where close to invalidating the bull market, so I remain #bullish.

Anything is possible, so we have to be ready for all scenarios.
Read 4 tweets
#BTC #bulls have a much stronger thesis than the #BTC #bears. Bulls have solid data driven analysis confirming trends in real time. Bears are using technical charts that ignore Onchain conditions with little to no acknowledgement of what’s happening on the network.

I would like to make it clear, I acknowledge the #BTC #bear case, and it’s possible, but the current #bullish trending Onchain data, fundamental strength, and improving technicals make the bear case weak and less likely to occur.
The bears calling for a bull trap have almost no data driven analysis to back up their claims. Long term holders and entities holding older coins (which is majority of supply) are not selling, but are accumulating and holding. Yes they can sell, but we aren’t seeing that.
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Wild #crypto #bull and #bear market idea thread:

There won’t be much bear market anymore like we saw back in 2010-2019; why?

1. Too many people know this #digital #asset now; with 1% high net worth will do anything in their power to buy the dip (ask their fin. advisor)
2. #Bitcoin become real reserve in many companies and few small countries now, ok, it can dip down even to 20-30k still in the future with bad news and regulations
3. With 2. if #BTC drawdown a lot from now (45-50k range), #altcoin will take hits too; of course, with bad #shitcoin they will likely drop 40-99%. pick your asset carefully! but the winner will retain value; 20-50% drop may happen; #HODL! if it's good #fundamental!
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Here is PART 2 of my #BTC Price Target Series. This is my #BULL CASE price target for this #bullmarket. My targets are time based and condition based, while blending multiple forms of analysis. All opinions are my own, I am not factoring in other people’s price targets.

Disclosure: this is my opinion. This is not financial advice, DYOR. With that said, let’s jump in.
In order for #BTC to enter my #BULL CASE, we need to avoid seeing large selling pressure from long term holders, large miners, and entities holding illiquid supply especially if price is testing 100k. Low signs of selling pressure form these entities at 100k and ideal technical..
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As promised, here is PART 1 of my }#BTC price target thread. This thread is for my BASE CASE price target for #BTC on this #bull market. It is a time based, condition based target, which blends multiple forms of analysis. Think of it as a moving target.

Disclosure: this is my opinion. This is not financial advice, DYOR. I am keeping my proprietary methods private, as I have spent years researching and refining my analysis. Thank you for understanding. With that said, let’s jump in.
I use a variety of technical indicators and have my own proprietary methods to chart out highly confluent technical targets to the upside. I also apply sentiment indicators and onchain to help identify signals of euphoria and incoming selling pressure.
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Posting few charts in this thread explaining-
#BB trap
#Bull/Bear trap
Using #Bollinger bands.
Concept learned from d book Bollinger on Bollinger bands by John Bollinger.
Will suggest to read over this weekend! ImageImageImageImage
“head fake.” This occurs when prices break a band, then suddenly reverse and move the other way, similar to a bull or bear trap. ImageImageImageImage
Tomorrow, I Will share few more learnings about Bollinger bands.
Till then enjoy the weekend!đŸ˜ƒđŸ€— ImageImageImage
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#TechnicallySpeaking - Signs of #exuberance warn of a #correction.
An update of #margin #debt is sending off warning signals that we haven't seen since the last corrective cycle. Also, why this is NOT a #new #bull #market.

Repeat after me: March was not a #bearmarket.
‘Corrections’ generally occur over short time frames, do not break the prevailing trend in prices, and are quickly resolved by markets reversing to new highs."

Reason 2 that March was not a #bearmarket
#Exuberance in terms of investors allocation to #equities takes years to recover following a real bear market.

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Weekend Learning Thread : Rectangle or Range or Box Pattern

-The pattern is formed within a horizontal support line below and resistance line above.

-Minimum two touches on each side is required for the pattern to be valid.

-It can also be seen as a horizontal channel.

(1/7) Image
-As shown in the above image, shortfall is seen majority of the times which helps to identify the breakout side.

-For instance, the prices touched the resistance but couldn't come down to support line. This implies the sellers are weak and buyers are pushing the price up.

Best Pattern :

-More the price touches on the lines, better the breakout will be

-Volume decreasing throughout the pattern

-High Volume on breakout

-Pullbacks and throwbacks preferable

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#Grizzly #VS #Bull
Who would win?
Bears are pound for pound stronger and tougher than Big cats, though not as fast or as agile. They are also smarter, their intelligence being on the level of primates (if not some apes). Their sense of smell is several times greater than a bloodhounds, and their paw swipe can
not only knock a bull down, it has been known to kill Bull Moose (just 1 shot), and Moose are about the same size as some bulls. Their claws are not as sharp as those of a big cat, but they are larger and serve as clubbing as well as tearing weapons. A bear can grab a bull's
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There's far too much #bull being rattled around this ref. proposal. Wake up #Ireland folks; yes, we need to amend wording to reflect reality, ensure equality of responsibility is norm; no, it would be terminally stupid to throw it all out altogether,reduce legal standing of all/1
2/ from potentially exploitative employers' points of view. Amendment should not mean rescinding basic tenets on protecting #economic position of wo/men w children & of childrens' rights to home & care there, it should mean updating in line with values & mores of us now & ongoing
3/ See the shiiiiit-stirrrrring for what it is: #brexit deflector #Border deflector #EU agreement deflector #criminalcase going down deflector #Referendum #Women of #Ireland you're way brighter than that, get a grip. And trolls can just bot off with themselves. Hi @TransparentRef
Read 11 tweets
Why you should still tweet with me after #BB19: a thread
#Survivor is back next week and no one is safe from the shade. Give us good gameplay or go home!
#Bull is back next week to get you off 😇 @M_Weatherly
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