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Who aren't #Anons tweeting about the #DurhamReport having 4567 pages?
I just found this out thanks to @bmanfree71 and it's incredibly significant, yet it seems no one is on this.
Q456 is Washington crossing the Delaware.
Q4567 is about HRC and the CF: Crimes against Children ImageImage
Q4567 was posted 1044 days before Durham handed his report to AG Merrick Garland.
This is 🔥🔥
Q1044 is the net kill drop:
"Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.
Net will be paused.
On the clock."

DurHAM - MERrick Garland.
The HAMMER 🔨 ImageImage
On the clock=636/106=Much Wow
That 58 could have a second meaning:

4567 is the 619th prime.
619 🔄
Now I'm going to speculate on dates.
6/19 is day #170, 60 days from 4/20 (zero day?). 60=BELIEVE
6/18 is day #169 🔄
6/17 is day #168, 58 days from 4/20. 58=HAMMER
Read 8 tweets
(1/9) The main argument "The Science" says is the mRna made #Covid_19 spike proteins from the #CovidVaccine can't leave the cells that make them, & the body can use them to defend against covid. This latest study by Harvard just proved that 100% false…
(2/9) The reason is, each of those cells with foreign/synthetic mRna is deemed irregular by your immune system. When your T-cells (white blood cells, the body's bouncers/army) destroys the, now deemed intruder foreign mRna infected cells are targeted for cellular death...
(3/9) The result being all the covid spike protein that the synthetic mRna programmed the cells to make are then released into the bloodstream.

Now the unsaid concern here in general is that those spike proteins release into the blood, because there is gaining evidence...
Read 10 tweets
The 10 Days of darkness just happens to be a palindrome.

1.20.21 to 1.29.21

A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward.

They just happen to proof to Q drops😁

1.20.21 = 303 = 282
= Shutdown > Day 1 ⚔️
Palindrome proof for 1.21.21

1.21.21 = 313 = 101 = 838

[R] USSS name for Hussein = Renegade

Graphic confirmed

Times on ⏰
12:00 > 6:00

1+2 = 3
6+2 = 8

838 drop = BOOM.


Who is BM or MB? 🤷‍♀️

1.22.21 #palindrome 👀

1.22.21 > 323 proofs to @POTUS45 timestamp ✅

1:11 pm > 111
Oct 11, 2012 > 10.11.2012
10+11 = 21
21012 < ~ palindrome proof ✅

4th quarter, Patriots 🥳
We fight together.
Read 21 tweets

@replouiegohmert reveals US Army (CIA?) team raid on Scytl server facility in Frankfurt, Germany to recover  "extremely compelling" data detailing vote switching.

THREAD for updates 👇🏻
You're probably asking yourself...

Who is Skytl?
Why is a Spanish company counting US votes in Germany?
Isn't this company bankrupt?
Are they involved with fraud in other elections?

Kudos to @GreatGameIndia for a good article on this shady company.
. @Forbes highlighted Skytl in their 2017 article "Nine Companies That Want To Revolutionize Voting Technology"… Image
Read 40 tweets
Have any #anons dug in the past of Ted Wheeler? His resistance in bringing in the national guard has reached a point where he has to be part of ANTIFA and is protecting them. Portland has the oldest active ANTIFA group in the US. Is he protecting ANTIFA bc he IS ANTIFA?
What coincidental timing. The year he entered politics in Portland, ANTIFA was formed there also. Here we are today and he is now protecting them...

...he IS them? ImageImage
In this article written in July 2019 about the brutal attack on @MrAndyNgo, the author points out Wheeler’s blatant enabling of ANTIFA. This is nothing new. The question is...why?… Image
Read 3 tweets
@HelenClarkNZ @ @UNDP know #GhislaineMaxwell??
#Ghislaine spoke @ the @UN 20+ times.
[25 Jun 2013]#Ghislaine #Maxwell, Founder of the TerraMar Project and H.E. Mr. Stuart Beck, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Palau, Speak at @UN press conference…
How long was @HelenClarkNZ @ the @UNDP
(MINURSO), is not only accused of sexual harassment in a previous @UN post, but is about to benefit from a cover up by the UN boss “to protect another UN official”…
[email protected]
Dat:Fri,Jun 28, 2013 at9:38 AM
Sub:The TerraMar Project To: matthew.lee, It was a pleasure to meet you. As promised, here is some information on the TerraMar Project – you can see all the latest…
Read 21 tweets
So this thread came from a thought I had about Adrenochrome and the cannibalism of children that the evil elite partake in.

This isn't going to be easy to read, but I sure hope you find it as interesting as I did. #WWG1WGA #QAnon #Qarmy #FreedomFighters
The thought I had just hit me out of nowhere.

When and where did cannibalism/adrenochrome start?

Sure, there are numerous times in history where cannibalism was survival, but when did it have regular practice?
Then I remembered this odd story I had read in one of those click-bait slideshow type articles. You know, the ones that prolong what would otherwise be a short story by repeating previously mentioned things, making you load a new set of ads each time you click next? yeah, that.
Read 21 tweets
Hey #Anons #Q !!

I was recently doing some digging on the Q posts to try and decode and I found something very interesting...!!!

AnyOne can explain me this logically ??

So as per my theory Jun 2020 Connects to April '18 Dec 18' and Oct 19'
But there are no Q posts from...
...Aug 01 2019 to November 3rd 2019...!! So I thought I was wrong...No October Q posts...but while seeing the April 2018 posts o found this !!

#Castle_online #Castle_green similar to Which Q posted a couple of days back #CastleRock_GodSpeed
Also i just googled the numbers in the post...just out of intuition...and it lead to these search results !! #RedSparrow #RedArrows with the first two results being Dept of Defense's tweets...!!
Read 8 tweets
I Think The Events Going On Now Are Got When U read the Q drops from


As in...Q started October 2017 and supposed to End November 2020 ( 11.3 11.4 11.11 - All Important Markers)
By That Logic We are in Feb'18 going in Reverse...Mid point May 06 '19
Yesterday it Was BIG Today it's About Jobs and Security...!! U see Trump's tweets connections with Q posts of Feb'18 ??
If We keep Going back in Feb'18 Q drops...We Have this Next !!! #Anons Safe ? #MindContolled Shooters maybe next on their Plan !!
Read 13 tweets
Follow up on #DaytonaDonald twats from earlier, missed the mirrors for everything! (Total Rookie Move!)
1. Q+ takes stage @ 14:33 military time so 3341 = [JA] Under Protection / Key to DNC Data Leak = Relevant to Roger Stone Case
Modular Arithmetic All Mirrors diff divisible by 9
2. So 3341-1433=1908/9=212 = “Elon Musk Rocket Man” is this reference to his Emerson twat yesterday and 1 year Delta on rockets? Just a thought. 212 is also a palindromic number which is derived from palindrome... Race Car is also a palindrome word.. Coincidence?
3. 62 mirror 26 = “The Only Way is Military” Marine made the shot where Q+ started speaking plus fighter jet flyover which leads to
4. 62-26=36/9=4 = 100% Insulated & to sit back and enjoy the show = The Great American Race
Read 6 tweets
So as I’ve been watching the news and digging there is a very big picture being painted. ITs Habbening!!! #PatriotsAwakened #TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide
While we have been watching impeachment hearings, other things have been occurring and it all ties together. This is going to be a thread to help you see how it ties together. #PatriotsAwakened #TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide
On January 15th, @realDonaldTrump and China signed the first stage of an Epic trade deal #PatriotsAwakened #TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide…
Read 22 tweets
Thoughts and a small message for today. I’m sure this won’t teach many but it will reach those who were meant to hear it. #TheGreatAwakening #q #DarkToLight #anons /1
God is ALWAYS in control, ALWAYS 🙏 there are many messages being put out currently and some quite scary, unbelievable, and mind boggling. Trust your heart in all things. #TheGreatAwakening #q #DarkToLight #anons /2
Remember that God is LOVE and is always in control and knows infinite. God shows us the way by showing the good, the light. God loves you and always listens He always knows. #TheGreatAwakening #q #DarkToLight #anons /3
Read 8 tweets
James Madison discussed the problems that factions pose to a republic. Factions, he explained, are groups “united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate /1
interests of the community.” Factions are a problem when they obtain political power because they put their interests above the common good.#WWG1WGA time to rise up against this coup and tyranny of the Democrats #qanon #impeachment #maga /2
We can no longer be quiet. We must act and let our voices be heard. This country will not be destroyed by the coup against our president @realDonaldTrump the hate of the Democrats is an obvious Faction of coordinated dem plans #wwg1wga #qanon /3
Read 7 tweets
Hong Kong Protest continue on the 70th Anniversary of the
Rise of Communism in China 🇨🇳

LIVE: Unauthorised march takes place in Hong Kong on National Day of China via @YouTube @Ruptly


@beldandolo @AutistMember @PhillyQ_ @mbees39 @Rainncloudy
Procession of Flags


#StandwithHK ImageImageImageImage
Read 66 tweets
1) A nice tidbit from the very last Q post about an hour ago. Please read. John Huber is a federal prosecutor acting as a special prosecutor in Utah with a staff of 470.

#QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS #GreatAwakenening #redpill #PatriotsFight #walkaway
2) Q tells us that FOIA does not cover FISA. For FOIA to include FISA it must be declassified according to Section 5.2. The public has been given clear evidence that the warrant was bunk.

#QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS #GreatAwakenening #redpill #PatriotsFight #walkaway
3) Note that @POTUS personally thanked @TomFitton in a tweet, an indication this was coordinated or at least suggested that he file for it.

The redactions remain because of Huber's investigation, meaning it has criminal implications.

#QAnon #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakenening #WalkAway
Read 5 tweets
1) #NXIVM again. In my tweet storm here 👇 I mentioned this could go in 100s of directions, but never expected this one. Incoming 💣

#QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS #GreatAwakenening #redpill #TheStorm #TheStormIsHere #MEtoo #ExposeAllEvil #ThesePeopleAreSick

2) So the #Anons have been bouncing this back and forth all day, but yes, someone we all know has the #NXIVM brand on them. And it will hopefully discredit her forever.

#DrainTheSwamp #DeepStateinPanic #DrainTheDeepState #DeepState #DeepStateAgenda #QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS
3) These images are direct from my screen captures. I had to suffer thru this porn film to get them, but they are mine, authentic and real. Many other anons have done their own versions and independently verified the same.

#DrainTheSwamp #DeepStateinPanic #DrainTheDeepState
Read 21 tweets
@dbongino expressed that the once the FBI had the evidence, it is EVIDENCE and belongs to the DOJ to use.
covert way to introduce evidence, and think of all the evidence Mueller has to have by chance on #HRC, #BHO #DNC
Muel may not charge it but DOJ CAN!!
#Qanon major post...……… <<<Where #anons go to search for sealed indictments.… <<because he doesn't have to investigation over.…
Q trying to suggest Mueller is on @Potus team all along?
Covert action, after all the d's demanded the investigation...
If R's had started it everyone would scream bias, and consider it a HRC hunt………
Read 7 tweets
Remember wikileaks, podesta spirit cooking email, cut middle finger eat the pain...
#Qanon singing like a bird...
Read 13 tweets
1) This #CDAN blind looks solved & exposes yet another sicko crime network, this time #SoutheastAsia. It connects several interesting items to #QAnon #crumbs. Don't eat while reading.

Lets unravel it.

@entylawyer #GreatAwakenening @potus #WWG1WGA #ThesePeopleAreSick #redpill
2) Starting with the country in question, it's #Laos. This is the Kings Romans Casino in a remote corner of Laos. Matches the #blind. Poverty? Dead poor. Ranks 9 of 10 in the region, and #135 globally. More about the casino...

#TheStorm #TheStormIsHere #WeThePeople #QArmy
3) The blind says that "about a decade ago" it was funded. See below, the lease with the government was signed in 2007, that fits. It's a 99 year lease. And the government gets a 20% cut. Ding ding ding.

#QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS #MAGA #GreatAwakenening #TheStorm #TheStormIsHere
Read 16 tweets
1) Friends, #Q post from yesterday indicates a plan to discredit #QAnon is being deployed. Here is what to watch for and expect.

They're panicked & desperate, recent events are starting to zero in on the #cabal's deepest secret. Some thoughts...

2) The recent #NYTimes op-ed on #Qanon was huge. Our response was magical. Measured, fact based, not R v D, and polite. #WeThePeople did a brilliant job. At last check it was over 700 comments and very few retwteets.

#GreatAwakenening #QArmy #Q #MAGA…
3) Keep this tactic alive. The new wave, per #Q's drop, will be coming from the ever grumpy #4chan which goes absolutely mental over any mention of #QAnon. So the tactic will be pitting the #Anons against each other, using #mediamatters in a coordination with the #MSM. #FakeNews
Read 10 tweets
1) Today Whistle-blower #ChristopherWylie appeared in front of #British #MPs.

Did he inadvertently connect the dots on the very strange and developing relationship between the #democrat party and #MuslimBrotherhood?

#QanonPosts #Q #QAnon @POTUS #TheStorm #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp
2) Wylie was testifying about his work for #CambridgeAnalytica and while testifying, he revealed his predecessor was found dead in a hotel room... in #Kenya. Why does that matter?

#Africa #QAnon @POTUS #DrainTheDeepState #CORRUPTION #MurdochMysteries…
3) Recall recent #Q post regarding #Kenya.

His predecessor Dan Mursean died mysteriously in Kenyan hotel room in 2012 working for President Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election campaign.

Look at #QanonPosts below.

MB = #MuslimBrotherhood.

Something's swirling.

#MAGA #Weird #QAnon
Read 20 tweets
1) Brilliant theory being discussed on the boards: The #military are now funded... to build a defensive wall along Southern border? 🙏

A wall planned using the @USArmy Corps of Engineers. Their logo? #Q posted #RED_CASTLE 1 hour before @POTUS went on TV.

#Qanon #BuildTheWall
2) By having the #military build the wall, there is no need for #SwampCreature subcontractors and #kickbackRats, so who cares if the full wall is not funded?

@POTUS may have just checkmated the #Democrats.


#TheStormIsHere #Qanon #BuildTheWall #GreatAwakening #4dChess
3) @POTUS's favorite wall sample was from a small company that could not do it on it's own. How could a little company would be able to fulfill such a contract? It doesn't have to. It will receive compensation for the design concept.

#Qanon #Army #Navy #AirForce #Marines
Read 10 tweets

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