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Today is a landmark day for #ClimateLitigation, for #HumanRights & for #ClimateJustice.

For the 1st time, the @ECHR_CEDH is holding two public hearings in #Climate cases.

CIEL's @duycks is in Strasbourg 🇫🇷 attending the hearings, follow him for updates from the ground.

What are these climate cases?

@KlimaSeniorin, @DamienCAREME & @Y4CJ_ are calling on the court to hold States accountable for not doing enough to protect their citizens from the impacts of climate change.
These are unprecedented hearings because the European Court of Human Rights will
👉 Address the duty of states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
👉 Clarify the link between #HumanRights and the climate crisis,
👉 Clarify States' obligations to #ActOnClimate.
Read 7 tweets
Make no mistake #Canada's #Budget2023 is a war budget. No other federal program received more 💰 than @NationalDefence. $55 billion for @NATO & @NORADCommand programs & more weapons ⬇️ China, Russia & Iran called threats. 1/3 🧵
@cafreeland @FinanceCanada @VOWPeace @WBWCanada Image
Canada's budget also has special feature on new fighter jets ⬇️ $19 billion for #F35s + $7B for new runways. @JustinTrudeau invests more in militarizing the Arctic than protecting it. #GroundTheF35
#Budget2023 Is Not #YourBudget.
Read: @nofighterjets 2/3 Image
Govt prioritizes Ukraine over climate. #Budget2023 has 65 references to #Ukraine, only 49 mentions of #climate though we're in a #ClimateEmergency. Lots of $ for military too little for climate. Read: #Demilitarize
#IPCCReport #StopTheWar #ActOnClimate 3/3 Image
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The full #RhodeIsland #ActonClimate 2022 update of the state 2016 greenhouse gas reduction plan is just up on line, comment quick since we basically have no time to review it before it's final. #climate…
To say we've had uneven progress is an understatement:
(in 2018)

Since 2016, electric power consumption emissions decreased by 28.0%,

heating emissions INCREASED by 13.5%,

commercial heating emissions INCREASED 8.8%,

transportation emissions INCREASED 8.8%

Lots of good policy ideas upfront. Hope this will be introduced this coming leg session: "Like the .. 100% RES"..a "renewable thermal standard to phase thermal emissions down at intervals that align with the #ActonClimate mandates." @DawnEuer @SenatorRuggerio @JoeShekarchi
Read 17 tweets
If we are in a climate emergency... It's not in lives lost due to natural disasters or an increase in geophysical, hydrological, meteorological,or climatological disasters. So where specifically is the emergency? It's in the failed predictions. #climate #ClimateEmergency
No increase in global land area burned and no increase in global major hurricane frequency. Where is this emergency I keep hearing about?
No increase in economic damage from droughts. Where is this emergency?
Read 11 tweets
No matter what the magnitude of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions has on climate (I would argue its overstated by the IPCC) the warming climate has not at all been bad for most of the planet. Yes sea levels are rising slightly (about 1/10th of the rate...
...that they rose after the last glacial) and obviously temperatures have risen (much more in urban areas due to the Urban Heat Island Effect) but people are living longer than ever. Less folks are at risk of famine or malnutrition than ever before. There has been... increase in extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, or hurricanes. The planet is greening and with that crop yields are at record highs. Vast amount of land that was unsuitable for agriculture or livestock due to cold temps is becoming available...
Read 7 tweets
This is a screenshot.
I don't want to pick at Mike, but neither do I want to lose the tweet in case I annoy him.
He says
#ActOnClimate. And he says #Renewables.
2. I just read on Twitter that 2022 was on track to be the highest level of emissions in history.
It was also, I'd be willing to bet, the #1 year for #renewables to be built, shipped, and installed.
This is not a coincidence.
Joe Biden has been bragging about jobs.
Fossil power
3. The actions the developed world is taking every day increase our demand for fossil energy every day. Directly, at far more that a 1:1 ratio. Probably more like an 6:1 ratio, but that's a guess.
But it takes way more than one gallon of diesel fuel to get a gallon of diesel fuel
Read 20 tweets
Starting now: @BOEM hearing about the future of offshore drilling in the Gulf & U.S. oceans.

We’re calling on @Interior @POTUS to #ProtectOurCoast and stop drilling leasing as soon as possible. Join us to hear from advocates, community leaders & more for #NoNewLeases.
@BOEM @Interior @POTUS Peter, a Texas resident is talking about how hot the summer’s been in San Antonio--and how that means we need to tackle #climatechange with renewable energy such as offshore wind, not offshore drilling.
@BOEM @Interior @POTUS Now, our national partner @EnvAm’s Ian Giancarlo is highlighting how transporting oil to shore can lead to spills--like last year’s Huntington Beach spill. We need #NoNewLeases so we can stop investing in this dirty, dangerous infrastructure.
Read 38 tweets
“I could not be more proud of what our state has accomplished on climate this year. The $54B climate package alone is historic & unprecedented. There has never been a year like this on climate. We have more to do, & we have momentum on our side.”

NGP's @daveregrets in @nytimes NextGen Policy Logo. Quote:...
We support the historic and world-leading climate policies enacted in CA this year by @CAgovernor. #ActOnClimate

Now is the time for our state to tackle the climate crisis - Later is Too Late! 🌎✅

Read more by @bradplumer @nytimes ⬇️
This historic investment towards climate action is a step in the right direction for CA - but there is still work to be done! Every dollar of our state government spending helps in the fight against the climate crisis! #Climate100

Join us & take action ⬇️
Read 3 tweets
A new @CarbonBubble report is a searing critique of the "dead man walking" state of global climate action, though couched very politely

Here’s - bluntly - some of what it really says

Report: “In the decade since our original Unburnable Carbon report was published, much has changed and yet nothing has changed”

Restated: In the past 10 years, governments, politicians and businesses have talked more loudly about climate action, but done incredibly little

“This report shows the absolute urgency for governments to act; for regulators to intervene; and for investors to do their job of analysing and managing risk”

Restated: Governments, regulators and investors aren't doing the work and are standing in the way of climate action

Read 10 tweets
‼️ NEW ‼️

Analysis from @ciel_tweets & @boell_stiftung: "#IPCC Unsummarized: Unmasking Clear Warnings on Overshoot, Techno-fixes, and the Urgency of Climate Justice" ➡️…

Key takeaways in this thread 🧵👇
Early this month, the @IPCC_CH published the Contributions of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report.

The subject? Mitigation of #ClimateChange.

#IPCC #ClimateReport #ActOnClimate
Like previous #IPCC Reports, this one demonstrates:
🚩#ClimateChange is a present emergency
🚩Each increment of warming accelerates the scale & severity of the crisis
🚩Phasing out ALL #FossilFuels is the quickest & most effective way to end #ClimateChaos.…
Read 9 tweets
"It’s too late for tweaks and half measures. The old line parties have had lots of time but they don’t get the job done. For real change, you need more Green MPPs at Queens Park."

- @DianneSaxe at the Health & Climate Justice Debate

@RNAO @CAPE_ACME #onpoli
"Urban sprawl is the worst source of environmental degradation and climate impacts. No more urban boundary expansions period." - @DianneSaxe

#StopTheSprawl #ActOnClimate #onpoli @RNAO @CAPE_ACME
"Youth are right to be getting stressed about the impacts of climate change. The WHO has repeatedly reported that whatever it costs us to get us fossil fuels, we’ll save us twice as much w/ health benefits."
- @DianneSaxe

Ontario Greens' plan at
Read 5 tweets
I have some big news to share…

I’ve decided to leave academia in order to work more directly on fixing climate change. Despite receiving tenure last month, I’ve felt increasingly compelled over the last yr to make a major change in how I spend the remainder of my career (1/n)
The last few years have really made climate change feel gut-level real for me, from the birth of my first child to the Heat Dome, my parents evacuating a wildfire in CA, and so much more…the time is now #DecadeOfAction (2/n)
And we know what to do to #ActOnClimate, and how to do it, and we ARE doing it, just not fast enough! I realized I needed to go help. But what to do? How to help? (3/n).
Read 12 tweets
It's pretty remarkable that reps from Maine, Florida, Hawaii, Oregon, and New York are holding up climate progress, over procedural complaints about cost estimates, considering the devastating impacts climate change will have on their states.
Hawaii - @RepEdCase, the National Climate Assessment says climate change will cause bleaching of nearly all coral reefs in HI. That's about $500 million in local economic impacts annually. Not to mention the beaches are eroding from sea level rise.
FL - @RepStephMurphy, quite the list of impacts here. Sea level rise, more severe hurricanes, ocean acidification and coral bleaching. Tidal flooding, saltwater intrusion. The list goes on and on and it will cost taxpayers billions.
Read 7 tweets
It's tweetsorm time! @GovofCO released proposed budget for FY22-23 today - and it contains transformational investments to improve air quality and #ActOnClimate. $424 million to decrease pollution in transportation, industry, buildings, + $125 in related housing $. (1/n)
Transportation is our biggest source of pollution, so that's where the biggest investment goes: $255 million. Supports electric school buses, bikes, cleaner trucks, expanded transit service, and free bus/train fares during ozone season. (2/n)
$ 150 million for electric school buses to help school districts switch from dirty diesels. For many kids, being on and around the school bus is some of their highest exposure to pollution. Goal is to move towards every school bus replacement being electric. (3/n)
Read 19 tweets
The negotiations have been failed by the environmentalists and the world’s top climatic leaders. Still, the nations are not able to cut off the level of greenhouse gas emissions.

Despite the Paris agreement being set up in the COP, 2015, it did not function enough. Thus, #COP26 is the one that aims to revise the treaties and the agreements made so far.

It is expected that @JoeBiden and @GretaThunberg, will join the conference.
The glaciers are melting, the ocean acidification and the bleaching of the coral reefs have reflected the severe impacts of the climate change-induced effects. #ActOnClimate #ActNow
Read 6 tweets
The @SanDiegoCounty #RegionalDecarbonizationFramework workshop is getting underway! Use our toolkit to call for a bold, equitable, regional approach at the scale of the climate crisis. We'll keep you updated on what's happening ... ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #ActOnClimate…
We're excited @SupNoraVargas is here to welcome us and emphasize the need for an equitable approach to achieving #ZeroCarbon and @SupLawsonRemer says we need to reduce GHGs - in 3 main buckets for the County: energy, transportation and land use
@SupLawsonRemer emphasizes that it's important that this work invests in good paying, union green jobs. We agree 👏, and emphasizes that the real work of implementation happens once the plan is completed
Read 5 tweets
Great to speak about climate impacts in the Pacific just now for @SEI_Sydney.
The climate crisis is the greatest threat to the Pacific, and there's a myriad of incredible people working to shine a light on what's needed to turn things around. Follow those threaded in for more:
Pacific voices to follow on climate justice, humanitarian aid and displacement due to climate change (1/2):
Pacific voices to follow on climate justice, humanitarian aid and displacement due to climate change (2/2):
Read 4 tweets
I can't understand how it came to be that the number of people who think "build renewables" is the solution to climate change came to be such a majority that those who think otherwise are statistically equal to zero.
How did they sell that bullshit? I guess because the rich like.
Read this thread. This is hard numbers from the World Bank. This is what our leaders promise to do "for" us.
Read the whole thing. It should change *everybody's* mind.
This is the World Bank, people.
3. Depressing, to me, is that somehow with all these facts the author of this thread still concludes that would should build this disaster.
It's impossible.
No, we should not do the impossible.
It's impossible.
Read 16 tweets
Today new details were revealed of the sleazy, cynical lobbying effort by the @ScottMorrisonMP government to stop our Great Barrier Reef from being listed as ‘in danger’ by UNESCO. How did it come to this? Here’s a thread: #auspol #ActOnClimate
What we found out today is that the Morrison government actually pressured the Australian Institute of Marine Science on a key scientific report, and selectively leaked it to the Murdoch media. Read all about it:…
Today’s revelations are shocking - but consistent with the cynical behaviour of Morrison and his predecessors over a long period of time. Let’s go through the tawdry history.
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But you’re annoyed that @ExtinctionR is going to be blocking some roads in London again. Makes sense.
#IPCCReport #ClimateCrisis #extinction #ActOnClimate
Today’s disaster is the death of more than 20 people in Hubei Province, China.
#IPCCReport #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #extinction
The aftermath of the #evia #Greecewildfires. Mile after mile of dead nature, covered in dusty ash. The ghostly evidence of admiring the climate problem for decades instead of acting on it.
#ClimateEmergency #greeceisburning #forestfires #extinction #nature
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I'm going to ramble a bit this afternoon on and around the topic of the ecosystem catastrophe we choose to call climate change.
Some of us refer to it as "The Anthropocene," but I think that's a misnomer.
Ought to be "Industriocene."
We were Anthro for a quarter million years.
2. Twitter is full of #ActOnClimate #ActNow and everybody knows what "act" means.
It means build and install a vast global electro-mechanical overlay in addition to the ones we have already built.
Can we agree on that?
When we say, "We have the technology," we don't mean,
3. you know, *have* the technology, as in, I have three donkeys. Have and can point at. Have in terms of physical reality.
We mean, "We have built a small model of the technology we think will enable us to power the entire industrial economy without emitting CO2."
Have. Not.
Read 31 tweets
1/. QUESTION: Would you buy grapes that were individually wrapped in plastic?
#EarthDay #EarthDay2021 #ClimateAction #plasticpollution #ClimateLeadersSummit
2/. You’d probably be outraged, like my friend Diane was! #EarthDay

The ‘individually wrapped grapes’ in the video aren’t real...

But this footage from Haiti is...

And so was Diane’s reaction...

And so too was the outrage you perhaps felt....

It’s time to channel that outrage into action. #EarthDay
Read 12 tweets
As #Texas assesses the damage from last week, and water + power flow again, there's going to be a lot going on this week. It's important the public stay engaged. Many are banking on you tuning out. Don't.

Here's what to watch for. A thread.

#txlege #txenergy
1/ Watch for announcements from retail electric providers (REPs) like this one from @JustEnergyUS which warns it may go under. Who will buy them for pennies on the dollar? Private equity? @nrgenergy or @VistraCorp? (btw, follow @JavierBlas)

2/ And what happens to their customers? They'll go to "Providers of Last Resort" program dominated by @nrgenergy and @VistraCorp. They're allowed to charge high prices as POLR. Hopefully, they won't do that. (Other REPs can apply by 3 today) Eyes open 👀…
Read 15 tweets
1/ I was tracing out how much carbon we should remove to get a nice climate by 2100, & found that we should realistically remove all we've emitted based cumulative emissions listed in the Global Carbon Project and wrote about it in my preprint paper:…
2/ The paper says if we act fast enough (i.e. before setting off more tipping points), we just need to remove all the CO₂ we've emitted. I ended up seeing in the experiments, was we must also stop using fossil fuels, to get to about <0.1ºC by 2100. Image
3/ The 15 tipping elements are outlined:… & quantified in the supplemental materials. Additionally, an older tipping point was highlighted by @DrJamesEHansen which is that we should definitely not exceed 450 ppm.…
Read 17 tweets

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