#1: I'm not ready for you to not like me. You still both like to hang out with you parents and you prefer if no other siblings besides the two of you are with us. Natalie you still are trying to find a way to attach yourself to me and since you haven't figured out a way to do that in the last 12 years you instead try to be me. We battle but not because you don't like me but because I don't spend every waking minute with you. As much as I want some distance I still really think it's cool that you both enjoy your mom and dad and I have a feeling at some point during your teen years this may change.
#2: Hormones. I can't deal with kids whining or throwing fits as they do when they are toddlers or even school age so there is no way I am going to handle the slamming of doors, eye rolls, pure crabbiness or the tears that come with teenagers over silly things as not having pants to wear. Yes, I know about this because I can tell you during my teen years I cried many school mornings because I had no pants that I liked to wear to school and I am sure Grandma Pat still remembers these mornings very well! Dealing with teen emotions is something I am going to have to find the patience for during the next 12 months.
#3: Your wings are continuing to stretch til you will someday fly. You have heard mom and dad joke about what life would be like without kids and though it is fun to day dream about how we could be off on vacations or go out to dinner anytime we want the reality is we would be miserable. The joy that all 7 of you kids bring to our family is something we won't be able to truly grasp for many years and may be even more pronounced as you all leave home. I am not ready to not see you every day or to see you interact with your brothers and sisters. I like knowing what is going on in your life and I know as you become teenagers your wings start to open even more than they already are. You will begin to have a life that doesn't include mom and dad as much. Yes, you will come to us when you need money or really need a ride somewhere but you will take on a life that your mom and dad will not be included in all of the details. It is part of parenting that I know I have to let happen but it scares me. I do pray that the two of you continue to have the relationship you have always had. If you hang onto one another you will always have a person to turn to even when your mom and dad have no clue what life is like today since we are so old. I am not ready for you to gain your wings of independence but I will slowly let you open them a tad bit wider because I know you have the values, the will and the drive to do so many good things in life. Don't loose who you are to the pressures you will run into during your teen years because you are someone so special.
#4: I am not ready for you to lose your innocence. I truly believe the choice we made years ago to send you to a small Catholic school has really kept your innocence longer and I love this. I am not naive but I am not ready for you to have to handle this big world we live in. I would keep you living in the land of unicorns and rainbows forever if I could because some of the things you will go through will be tough and as a mom I want to protect you from all of this.
Natalie & Aubrey the last 12 years I have grown into someone else than I was even the day prior to your birth. On April 2, 2008 I got the title of mom but you and your siblings have helped me grow and change into the mom and person I am today. I can't wait to look back in 5, 10 and even 15 years and see how much more I change because of the joys and trials I get to experience because of you. Continue to fly baby girls because you are both amazing, beautiful and God-loving and I am so proud of both of you.