Showing posts with label basic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basic. Show all posts

A Go-Ready vagrant setup


I hope you know what is a Vagrant. If you don't , please visit

For a Vagrant setup Vagrantfile is important. In the Vagrantfile we can define so many parameters for the VM we would like to build, for example IP Address, Hostname, Port Forwarding and while spinning the VM itself we can install the new packages and make our development or testing environment ready when ever we want.

I dont write Installation of Vagrant here, because their documentation is excellent and I dont want to duplicate it. If you want to install Vagrant , look at and VirtuboxVM is one of pre-requisite for Vagrant and I hope you know how to install VirtualBox, if you dont know then look at

Now I assume , you have installed Vagrant and VirtulBox.  Whether you are using Windows or Linux commands are same , just use your senses at path format which is different for Windows and Linux.

Here I will show you how to generate a new Vagrant file and how to use it as per our requirement.
Open you command prompt or powershell prompt depends on the OS and type as

mkdir vagrant_1
cd vagrant_1
vagrant init

Here vagrant_1 is the directory name where I have initialized the vagrant and you can replace it with anything you want. If you see contents of vagrant_1 directory after executing vagrant init , you will see a file with name Vagrantfile.

This is our main file. Open it with your favorite editor like Sublime, Atom , Brackets or any other you like.

Now observe carefully. Remove everything between

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|

Now lets define some configuration.

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.define "vagrant-centos01" do |vc01| = "centos/7"
vc01.vm.hostname = "vagrant-centos01" "private_network", ip: ""

Lets go through each of them ,

1. With Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| , we saying to Vagrant that use Vagrant from 1.1+ to 2.0.X.

2. With config.vm.define "vagrant-centos01" do |vc01| we are saying as define or create a new VM with name as vagrant-centos01

3. With = "centos/7" , we are saying as for use centos 7 box. if you centos-7 not available locally , Vagrant download it from Hashicorp.

4. vc01.vm.hostname = "vagrant-centos01" , says what is the hostname

5. "private_network", ip: "" , says what is the private IP or static IP and this is similar to Host-Only adapter at VirtualBox.

Thats it, A very basic VM setup is ready with hostname and Private IP. After saving this configuration use command as

vagrant up

and then

vagrant ssh 

To login into that machine. And this is very basic Vagrantfile setup. The deeper you dive the complex and beautiful it will.

For more information on building a Vagrantfile , check

Hope that helps.

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