Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts

29 October 2015

Let´s go on!

The ESL Times starts the new course 2015-16, providing a site to share your works in English (news, art and entertainment, storytelling, school life, opinion). We want to continue helping teachers to show and share both their work and their students'.

You can participe with your students. We are sure they´ll learn and enjoy.

Find more about this project in the infographic below.

Don't be shy and join us! .

3 November 2014

Do you know The ESL Times?

Today we want to share with everyone a great job about this project. 

It's a presentation that has been made by Eva Bombin Orgaz (@BurMagisterio), Jairo García, Cristina Ibañez and Laura Galarreta from Burgos University (first grade of Primary Education)

20 March 2014

A cien por año!

Casi sin darnos cuenta, hace unos días se publicó la entrada número 100 en The ESL Times y ahora se cumple un año de la publicación del primer post.

Aprovechamos para celebrar con vosotros, queridos lectores, ambas efemérides. Creemos que este periódico es ya un proyecto consolidado y queremos que siga siendo durante mucho tiempo el escaparate donde profesorado y estudiantes de inglés como LE, puedan mostrar sus trabajos, sus ideas, propuestas didácticas, etc. Y también que, con las aportaciones de todos los colaboradores podamos igualmente ofrecer un amplio banco de recursos de ‘fabricación propia’ ya sea para el uso en el aula o como material de autoaprendizaje.

Estamos muy orgullosos de las casi 50.000 visitas que ha tenido el blog en este tiempo así como de la presencia y seguimiento en las principales redes sociales.
Queremos dar las gracias a todos los colaboradores que son la razón de ser de este proyecto y sobre todo al alumnado de diferentes lugares y niveles educativos que ha trabajado duro hasta ver sus trabajos publicados en nuestro particular “Times”.

Con vuestra ayuda y colaboración, esperamos seguir cumpliendo más años y más ‘cientos’.

A hundred a year!

Time goes by very fast; just a few days ago we published our Post #100 at The ESL Times and now we are celebrating our first birthday, one year has gone since our first post and we do not really know how come that we have been into this e-project for a year now.

Anyway, we’d like to celebrate both events with you all, dear readers. We sincerely believe that this e-journal is now a solid project and we’d love to keep it up for a long time, turning it into a web room where both teachers and students of ESL can display their works, ideas, proposals and so forth. We also wish that, thanks to all collaborators’ contributions, we can also provide a wide bank of original resources for both autonomous learning and classroom usage.

We are very proud of having nearly 50,000 visits to our blog all along this year and of all the follows at the various social networks where our project has been regularly disseminated.

Of course, we would like to celebrate with you all with our warmest appreciation for all your contributions. Your collaboration is the reason why this e-project is alive, especially the contributions by the students from the various places, schools and different educational levels, who have worked very hard to see their outcomes published in our personal ‘Times’.

Without your help, a hundred a year would have never seen the light, and we would have never been one year old. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!

With your help, we hope to go on celebrating birthdays and posting hundreds and hundreds.

7 January 2014

La Zafra Virtual Zoo

That is the name of our latest Project. Students of ESO1 at IES “La Zafra” have been looking for information, writing drafts, choosing pictures… for the last few weeks, in order to make a report about their favourite animal. We have done most of the work on the classroom wiki but the workspaces there (proyectos)  are password protected and you cannot see them ☹ So, we have copied our texts on THIS PADLET so you can have a look and learn about dolphins, dogs, parrots, caimans or even about the strange “Pangolin” :-)
Most of the works shown here have not been fully revised after the teacher’s correction and suggestions, so you can find some mistakes. As we willl keep improving them, please, feel free to send coments with your suggestions about spelling, gramar or vocabulary mistakes that you might find and we will try to correct them as son as we can.
Thanks very much for your attention and enjoy the visit to La Zafra Zoo ☺

24 December 2013

Happy holidays!

The ESL Times board wants to wish everybody a happy holidays and Merry Christmas.

Thanks to all participants in this collaborative project, we'll come back next year 2014.

8 November 2013

My Dream Classroom

Have you ever wished to have a jacuzzi in your classroom? Or, maybe a tennis court, a piano, some clothes shops and, of course, plenty of computers and mobile phones everywhere?
Students of ESO1B at IES La Zafra in Motril have had the opportunity of designing their ideal classroom. Most of them are in Hawaii, but we also have classrooms in New York, London and even...Jupiter!!! Five to ten students per classroom as average and most of the times, with no teachers. (...)
They have even been allowed to chose the subjects taught in those Dream Classrooms and, of course, the winner is: Wassap. One hour everyday, followed by lessons of tuenti, shopping, football, and, of course, PSP, XBox... No need to have a recess as you can sit comfortably in the huge sofas placed everywhere or have a swim in the huge swimming pools that you can find in almost all of our classrooms. And, believe it or not,  in mid november, in Motril, most of the classroom didn't forget to install... Air Conditioned!!
You can find more details about the process of building those classrooms as well as the evaluation rubric on our CLASSROOM BLOG
And here is a little sample of our work so far:


10 July 2013

Our project in Novadors 13

Last Friday 5th July we were in Castellón (Valencia) at Novadors 2013 meeting. There, some members of the group (Diego, Anna and Manuel) were introducing The ESL Times project

We wanted everyone to participate, so we proposed as the final activity, they had to write "in English" their opinion or a message. Here you can see the video we recorded.
A good experience. 
Thanks everyone! Thanks Novadors!
I hope you like it!

20 June 2013

Hard Rock Cafe II

Today, some reporters of ESO4 at IES La Zafra in Motril, present a second post about the "HRC Project" they did a few weeks ago. The post was meant to be a radio program including some interviews to some of the people who took part in the project, but finally they have decided to include some pictures and turn it into a video. Here's the result. We hope you like it:

And just to better understand the development of this activity, here's another video that this same group included in their official presentation:

Thank you, HOMOBE Inc.