Saturday, at the API Team Roping, I ran into a young friend
with her newborn daughter. She was watching her husband, her daddy and her uncle rope. This mommy and daughter were beautiful together. They were surrounded by both
sets of grandparents, and an aunt and uncle. (The family that ropes together
stays together!)
I’ve known this young lady and her family for years. I’ve watched she and her sister grow up and
mature to be beautiful, responsible adults. I know their parents are so proud of
both of these girlies, and this new little one has captured all their hearts.
I was asked to have my camera with me yesterday to take winner photos, and snagged a couple of shots. When I uploaded these
images last night, my heart swelled again to see the love this young mother has for
her beautiful daughter. I thought you'd be blessed to see the love, as well.
I am so very thankful that the Lord has given me eyes to see, and the talent to capture what I see.
Matthew 13:16 “But blessed are your
eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear.