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Transformers sometimes use whips as melee weapons or as 'motivational tools'. Should a problem come along, then said Transformer will be well-equipped to deal with it by whipping the target well.



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What's needed: need sources of whips being used in fiction. More examples wouldn't hurt either
Want to see you with it
Sho' could treat you right
Give me just a minute
Of your time tonight

Generation 1

Trannis used a lightning whip during his days as Decepticon leader. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/05


The Electromagnetic Nunchaku favored by the Breastforce could be used as whips. A Fierce Battle!! The Asteroid

Beast Wars

DreamMix TV World Fighters

While not a Transformer himself, Simon Belmondo used a special whip called the Vampire Killer to battle his opponents, including Optimus Prime and Megatron. DreamMix TV World Fighters

Transformers Animated

Ask Vector Prime

Swindle, Swindle and Swindle offered a large variety of whips and chains for sale, great both on and off the battlefield. Ask Vector Prime

Live-action film series


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If you build it, they will play.

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The Transformers

We'll get into groovin
Love your body language
Baby, let me know
You've got me sort of anxious
  • Cloudburst (Pretender, 1988)
  • Cloudburst was packaged with his lightning whip, usable only by his Pretender shell and not by his inner robot.

Beast Wars

  • Transmetal Cheetor (Deluxe Transmetal, 1998)
Cheetor comes with a whip that becomes his tail in beast mode
  • Transmetal Rattrap (Deluxe Class Transmetal, 1998)
Rattrap comes with a whip that becomes his tail in beast mode.
  • Transmetal Megatron (Mega Class Transmetal, 1998)
Megatron's tail becomes a cutlass/whip in his robot mode, which he is able to hold.
We both are here to have the fun
So let it whip
So let it whip
  • Optimus Minor (Basic Transmetal 2, 1998)
Optimus Minor's tail becomes a whip, which he is able to grab in his right arm in robot mode.
  • Dinobot II (Deluxe Transmetal 2, 1999)
Dinobot II comes with a skeletal tail that becomes a whip in robot mode.
  • Transmetal Tigatron (Botcon exclusive, 2001)
Being a redco of Cheetor, Tigatron carries over his whip.
  • Metals Jaguar (Beast Wars Metals Deluxe-sized toy, 1999)
Being another redo of Cheetor, Jaguar carries over his whip-tail thingy.
(let's whip it right)
Get a grip
(let's whip it baby, work it all night)
  • Colada (Deluxe, 1999)
Colada's tail becomes most of his right arm in robot mode. The tail is segmented and can easily be used as the "Hand Byūto" (ハンドビュート).

Beast Machines

  • Rattrap (Mega Class, 2001/2004)
New series, new body, new tail-whip! As per usual, Rattrap's tail turns into a hand-held whip.


  • Rapticon (Deluxe, 2001)
Rapticon, a redeco of Dinobot II, has the same tail whip.


Armada used several Beast Wars molds and added Mini-Con ports to them, which resulted in several characters being armed with whips.

  • Predacon (Max-Con, 2003)
Predacon, being a retool of Beast Wars Transmetal Megatron is also armed with a whip/claw/arm cannon.
  • Cheetor (Super-Con, 2003)
Cheetor is still armed with the other Cheetor's whip.


Now that you can see
How you groove with me
What else can I do
To get closer to you
  • Leobreaker (Voyager Class, 2005)
Leobreaker's tail turns into a claw-blade-whip in robot mode.

Universe (2008)

  • Leo Prime (Voyager, 2009)
This toy of Lio Convoy, a redo of Leobreaker, still has the blade-whip.

Transformers (2007)

  • Megatron (Leader Class, 2007)
Megatron's Flail weapon (formed from his claw) is also referred to as a "chain whip."

Revenge of the Fallen

  • Rampage (Deluxe, 2009)
Rampage's rubber treads become arm-mounted whips in robot mode.


  • Ghost Rider (Marvel, 2010)
Ghost Rider has a chain whip weapon. The mace of the chain can be inserted into the front wheel of his left arm, revealing the spikes, much like the Cyber Keys of the Cybertron figures.

Movie Advanced Series

We both are here to have the fun
So let it whip
  • Jolt (Deluxe, 2014)
At long last, one of Jolt's toys has actual whips! These whips can plug into his vehicle mode via 5mm post.


  • In Japanese fiction, many whips are called some variation of "Byūto" (ビュート). This is a neologism invented by Himitsu Sentai Gorenger for the "Red Byūto" whip. It is believed to be based on byū to tobidasu (ビューと飛び出す)—"shooting out with a whoosh", as a whip does.
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