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Varus VI

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Varus VI is a planet rife with conflict. There are two races of Varusians, each native to one hemisphere: the yellow-skinned southerners and the green-and-blue-skinned northerners. The Varusians have built up a civilization based on steam power, and utilize weird contraptions like coal-burning exoskeletons and mechanical centipede-walkers to carry out their endless wars. One presumes it is one planet up from Varus V.


Spacewarp's Log

During her time on Varus VI, Spacewarp angered a local pit boss under mysterious circumstances that totally weren't her fault. She was rescued from a pair of giant clockwork enforcers by Odysseus himself, who explained why he was still alive on an alien planet centuries after he should've died.

When asked about how the Varusians could build such advanced gizmos using nothing but steam, Spacewarp admitted that she had no clue. Spacewarp's Log, 17/1/2016

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