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Twin Spin

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Twin Spin is a Renegade from the GoBots continuity family.

Twin Spin is an evil Renegade. He turns into a Boeing CH-46 Sea Knight tandem rotor helicopter.




RenegadeRhetoric Farewell TwinSpin.jpg

During the Diaspora, Twin Spin was dispatched to Level 69 along with an assortment of Rock Lords and Renegades. Cultural Appropriation

Renegade Rhetoric

When the Renegades discovered a mystical gemstone was in the possession of a wealthy theatre enthusiast, they performed a showing of The Pirates of Penzance for his pleasure. Twin Spin had a serviceable role as the Police Sergeant. The Show Must Go On Cy-Kill created an alternate universe by removing Luther Unum from the past before he could become Leader-1 of the Guardians. Twin Spin was one of the Renegades in this reality who was charged with guarding the Time Portal used in Cy-Kill's scheme, but a resistance force of humans and Guardians managed to get past him and set the timeline right. Renegade Victory Part 2 Twin Spin, Blades, and Pincher attacked a UNECOM facility on Mars, but were driven off by Doctor Braxis and his new invention, the Destabilizer Cannon. Once Braxis Twice Shy Part 1 While marooned on Axiom Nexus, Cy-Kill recalled for his audience Twin Spin's role in Zero's mutiny. Renegade Rhetoric 2015/10/15 He also cited Twin Spin as a good example of GoBot diversity when it came to alternate modes, especially compared to Transformers. Renegade Rhetoric 2015/10/14

Echoes and Fragments

For their own amusement, Sideways and Gong played with reality so that elements of a Gargent stream blended in and out of a Primax stream. In this amalgamated universe, Twin Spin was a Renegade who attacked a Command Center on its way to Autobot City on Earth. He dodged an acid pellet launched by Prowl and fired back, eliminating the Autobot soldier. Echoes and Fragments

Go-Bots comic

Twin Spin was among the Renegades who took Cy-Kill's side against Leader-1 during the Go-Bot uprising. Go-Bots #2

An eon later, Twin Spin was among the Renegades when they made an assault on the stationary Command Center. However, as he reached the Guardian base, Leader-1 ordered it converted to its spaceship mode, causing the walls to close in. Cy-Kill tried to pull Twin Spin to safety but the closing Command Center sliced him neatly in half, leaving Cy-Kill holding the top half of his body. Go-Bots #3

External links

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