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The Transformers: The IDW Collection Phase Two: Volume 1

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The Transformers: The IDW Collection
The Transformers: The IDW Collection Phase Two: Volume 1
Publisher IDW Publishing
First published September 3, 2014
Writers James Roberts and John Barber
Artists Nick Roche, Josh Burcham, Alex Milne, Andrew Griffith, Casey Coller and Livio Ramondelli
Colours Josh Burcham and Josh Perez
Letterers Shawn Lee and Chris Mowry
Editors Carlos Guzman and John Barber
Continuity 2005 IDW continuity
ISBN ISBN 1631400401
ISBN 978-1631400407
Page count 272
Price $49.99 USD

The Transformers: The IDW Collection Phase Two: Volume 1, published by IDW Publishing, is the ninth in a series of hardcovers aiming to reprint the original IDW Transformers stories in a "suggested reading order". Rather than being called "Volume 9", this edition is a jumping on point for newer fans. It starts with the one-shot "Transformers: The Death of Optimus Prime", out of which the two sister ongoings begin: More than Meets the Eye and Robots in Disguise. Also giving "Phase Two" a different look from the preceding volumes is new cover art (of Optimus Prime/Orion Pax) by Saren Stone.



  • After "The Death of Optimus Prime", the IDW continuity splits into two parallel ongoings. These collected editions handle this by hopping back and forth between arcs. After "Liars, A to D", we get the first five issues of Robots in Disguise. Then it's back to More than Meets the Eye for the Delphi two-parter, and finally the first part of Robots in Disguise's "Syndromica" arc (a side-plot featuring Orion Pax with art by Livio Ramondelli).
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