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The Battle for Planet Earth

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This article is about the Pickwick audio adventures. For the Marvel Books storybook, see Battle for Earth.
Tf battleforplanetearth.jpg
Here's hoping there's something left of Earth to fight for.
The Battle for Planet Earth
Publisher Pickwick International
First published 1985
Writer  ?

The Battle for Planet Earth is a series of 4 audio-only adventures. All 4 stories take place in the same continuity, one after another, over a period of a few weeks. Pickwick International were Ladybird's collaborator on the audio adaptations of their books, and "The Battle for Planet Earth"' includes the same opening theme music as the Ladybird tapes. Unlike the Ladybird audio adaptations, these 4 adventures don't feature a full cast of actors, instead having Ladybird narrator Peter Marinker voice all the characters.



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