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The Autobot Run

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The Transformers ep 23
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers ep 65
Transformers: Generation 2 ep 6
Hey, look! Diaclone Sunstreaker!
"The Autobot Run"
Production code #700-22
Season 2
No. in season 7
Production company Sunbow Productions
Airdate October 31, 1985
Written by Donald F. Glut
Animation studio AKOM
Continuity Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Yt icon rgb.png Watch this episode on YouTube

When the Autobots perform a race for charity, the Decepticons take the opportunity to trap them in their vehicle modes.



A collection of character models gathers around the Decepticons' new weapon.

While watching a car race, Spike and Chip comment on how cool it would be to see the Autobots perform in a race as well.

Meanwhile, in an old west ghost town, the Constructicons have completed the Transfixatron, a new device that will lock a Transformer in the mode they currently occupy (usually vehicle mode). Laserbeak arrives, informing the Decepticons about the Autobot race.

Starscream complains that Megatron is wasting time with the device instead of leading an attack. In response, Megatron tests the device on his whiny subordinate, and it's a success. Starscream is stuck in jet mode and begs to be released, saying he'll do whatever Megatron wants and he's too valuable to the Decepticon cause. Megatron gets bored of Starscream's pleas and frees him. Satisfied with the test, Megatron orders the Constructicons to start working on a second device whose purpose will be revealed later.

The guy at the finish line wonders where the Hell his car went.

Chip and Spike suggest their race idea to the Autobots, and Optimus Prime agrees, as long as it's for charity. Huffer complains that it's a waste of time and a bad idea (as usual), but the Autobots decide to do it. Huffer, Brawn, Ratchet, and Wheeljack remain to guard the base.

The Autobots arrive at the track and wait at the starting line in robot mode before they compete "in the greatest automobile race in history." Some numbskull in the audience wonders aloud where their cars are. The Autobots transform, and the race is on with a whole lot of trash talk. Jazz, Sunstreaker and Mirage rush ahead of the slower vehicles like Trailbreaker and Ironhide.

During the race, Skywarp teleports to a position over the track and uses the Transfixatron on the Autobots, who don't notice. The Autobots near the finish line, but they're kicking up so much dust it's impossible to tell who won. "The real winners are us, folks!" says the announcer.

Next up, the Autobots line up to do some stunts and make "Evel Knievel look like a kiddie car driver", according to Spike. But Sunstreaker's attempt to jump the other Autobots falls short and he has to be saved by Windcharger's magnetic powers.

Before they can do anything else, the Decepticons arrive. The Autobots attempt to transform, only to find that they are all stuck in vehicle mode. Optimus orders the Autobots to ram the Decepticons, but they simply shoot out the Autobots' tires, fire rays to make their engines overheat and disable their radios. Helpless, the Autobots are herded away by the 'Cons.


Bumblebee takes Spike and Chip back to the base, hoping Ratchet and Wheeljack can figure a fix for the Transfixatron ray. As usual, Huffer complains, but a massive bearhug from Brawn gets him to shut up, while Ratchet and Wheeljack get to work.

At the ghost town, Megatron forces Optimus Prime to watch his soldiers die one by one in the Constructicons' second device, a horrific crushing machine, starting with Ironhide. The Autobot leader dispatches Roller to distract Megatron, allowing Prime to ram the crusher, which frees Ironhide. Hound manages to send a signal to Teletraan I, just as Ratchet and Wheeljack finish working on a device which will allow the Autobots to transform...a grenade. (Real good thinking there, guys.)

Unfortunately for Chip, he was five minutes late refilling Ravage's bowl.

Spike and the other Autobots arrive to save their comrades, but Soundwave dispatches Ravage to deal with them. After a game of keep-away with the grenade, Chip manages to get it close enough to release its energy, allowing the Autobots to transform to robot mode.

The Constructicons form Devastator, but Cliffjumper and Wheeljack fire the Transfixatron at the giant Decepticon, causing the Combiner to separate. The Decepticons retreat, and the Autobots destroy the Transfixatron.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"No, Megatron. You can't mean to—"
"What's a test without a guinea pigatron? Transform, I say!"

Megatron selects Starscream as the test subject for his latest device.

"Hey! Where are their cars?!"

—Someone who somehow hasn't heard of the Autobots, yet turned up to a race for them.

"Uh, probably just energy evaporation from all the speed, maybe... I hope..."

Bumblebee fails physics forever.

"If you're going to do what I think, Sunstreaker, you've got boom-glitches in your brain garage."

Mirage's colorful terms for Transformer anatomy.

"I'm gettin' a sunburn on the inside!"

Ironhide falls victim to Thundercracker's incendaries.

"I knew the racing bit was bad news, but would anyone listen to me? Oh, noooo!"
"Stifle it, Huffer, or I'll put my footio in your audio!!"

Huffer being an aft and Brawn looking to kick some.

"Ironic, isn't it, Autobots, that after so many valiant battles, you will meet your end in the crushing jaws of this device so lovingly fashioned by my Constructicons."

Megatron's concept of irony is off.

Autobotrun ironhide carcrusher.jpg

"Later, guys. It's been really great knowin' ya."

—Headed for the crushing device, Ironhide accepts his fate.

"Hey, what's that?"
"I'd call it a TARGET!"

Thundercracker and Starscream spotting Roller.

"I'm transforming! I see my true beauty emerging!"

Sunstreaker, vain as always.

"We're outnumbered!"
"Let me guess: we retreat?"

Starscream knows Megatron all too well.


Production information

  • Dialogue recording: 8th January 1985

Continuity notes

Pre-Prime version pictured. The Prime version features Union Jack wings.
  • This is Roller's third and final appearance.
  • This is the first episode where the Transformers formally refer to themselves as Transformers.
  • Ironhide references astro-seconds.
  • Megatron orders Devastator to extinguish the Autobots' laser cores forever.
  • Wheeljack and Cliffjumper give Devastator a taste of the Decepticons' own "electro-medicine".
  • Gadgets and powers:
    • Jazz's speaker levels jump from seven to eleven eight hundred. Or maybe he was just tuned in to an AM station.
    • Megatron can shoot laser beams from his eyes, especially when he wants to scare away earth germs.
    • This is the third and final episode where Skywarp uses his teleportation powers, after "More than Meets the Eye, Part 3" and "Divide and Conquer". Megatron had also taken advantage of them via Skywarp's power-chip rectifier in "Heavy Metal War".
    • Thundercracker uses his incendiary guns to overheat the Autobots' engines; while the blasts are animated as simple purple lasers, Prime explicitly refers to them as "incendiary blasts." The simplified description of Thundercracker's weapons included in the series Production bible didn't explain exactly what these guns were supposed to do (per his bio, they shoot bullets containing highly-flammable material) which has resulted in them being depicted as flamethrowers in previous episodes.
    • Skywarp uses his heat-seeking missiles.
    • Devastator's eye beams can magnetically lift a robot into the air. He can also fire lasers from his fingertips.
    • Wheeljack surveys the battlefield by using the rocket jets in his forearms, an ability mentioned in his bio appearing here for the first time in the cartoon; he previously flew without visibly using these jets in "S.O.S. Dinobots" and "A Plague of Insecticons".
  • Where does the trailer go?
    • When Optimus Prime transforms after the Autobots are fixed by Wheeljack's grenade, his trailer shrinks into his back rather than rolling away as usual.
  • A bizarre robot of made-up design appears on the screen as Chip begins researching the Transfixatron's effects. It's loosely based on Optimus Prime, but has a yellow body, Prowl/Bluestreak's doors as wings, and parts of Starscream mixed in.
  • When instructing Starscream to transform out of vehicle mode, Megatron tells him to return to his "root mode". This was almost certainly the result of a typo in the script that was supposed to say "robot mode", but it makes a charming amount of sense as a term.
  • Thundercracker actually displays his Bio's described antipathy to the ground-bound Autobots, calling them "earth-crawlers".
  • The idea of a device to keep a Transformer frozen in one mode would be revisited over the years in other fictions, with Tarantulas's Transformation Lock Lens, Megatron's transformation lock virus, the Protectobots' mode lock used on Blaster, the various incarnations of the inhibitor claw and an experimental weapon created by Shockwave.
  • The Autobots seem to learn from this experience; many future episodes such as "The Master Builders" and "The Revenge of Bruticus" show them to be armed and dangerous in their automotive forms.

Real-world references

  • Spike references Evel Knievel, a famous daredevil stuntman.
  • Spider-Man makes a cameo on a kid's T-shirt.
  • Star Wars sound effects:
    • As Megatron orders the Seekers to attack the Autobots, they emit the TIE Fighter engine noise when they fly over a wooded area.

Animation and technical errors

AutobotRun Brawn picks up Huffer.jpg
  • Being one of the Season 2 AKOM episodes, "The Autobot Run" features several unusual animation models:
    • Optimus Prime's "backpack" is white instead of red.
    • Huffer has a white outline around his eyes.
    • Gears' truck mode is mostly red instead of mostly blue.
    • Megatron's gun barrel is dark gray instead of light gray.
    • Laserbeak's beak is (sometimes) the same dark gray as the rest of his head.
    • The "disk" on Bumblebee's back is dark gray instead of yellow. Bumblebee also has two random dark gray squares on the back of his vehicle mode.
    • Prowl is a medium gray instead of white.

Of course, AKOM found lots of less-excusable things to mess up, too:

  • This episode's transformation sound effects are oddly applied, stopping and starting halfway through and even playing over the wrong transformation type (i.e., vehicle-to-robot vs. robot-to-vehicle) at times.
  • Ignoring the big, paved driveway right next to him, Bumblebee arrives at the race track by driving across the grass.
  • That's okay, though, because as the race finishes, Chip nonchalantly turns his wheelchair and rolls across the grass.
  • Chip then rolls into Bumblebee, and sits in the driver seat, while still in his wheelchair. Huh?
  • Appearing/disappearing Autobots:
    • After a dialogue section where Huffer complains about the race idea and Optimus orders him to stay and guard the base, he is seen transforming and rolling out to the race. He is not at the race and is later back at the base. However, a number of other characters who do not roll out and are not shown at the base during the discussion turn up at the race.
  • For the duration of this episode, actor Michael Bell performs Scrapper with a very different voice than normal, sounding...well, frankly, quite normal, compared to Scrapper's usual hoarse rasp.
  • Scrapper's faceplate doesn't move as he reports the Transfixatron's completion. In fact it doesn't move at all the whole episode.
  • Coloring errors:
    • Thundercracker's feet are blue instead of black, and Soundwave's eject button is blue instead of white, as they watch the completion of the Transfixatron.
    • As Laserbeak enters Soundwave's chest to report, Soundwave's eyeband is colored white like his faceplate, while his forehead is colored red like his eyeband should be.
    • A moment later, in jet mode, Starscream's right air intake is colored as if it extends way back into his fuselage, and has some black details that shouldn't be there; the left intake isn't colored to match. He also has extra stripes on his tail fins. In a wider-angle shot, both intakes are colored with the long length and the extra black parts.
    • In the first shot of the Autobots, Ironhide's entire torso is red. In the next shot, the top of his chest is red instead of red/gray.
    • The entirety of Trailbreaker's lower legs are white as he listens to Prime, instead of just the stripe down the middle. The error repeats as the Autobots stand at the race track.
    • Prowl has no black detailing on his car mode as Jazz passes him. He's also his correct white color instead of the light gray that AKOM usually colors him.
    • As Wheeljack flees, he fires at Starscream and Thundercracker. In the next shot, his target is a pair of Thundercrackers. One of them teleports away (indicating that it was supposed to be Skywarp.) When he re-materializes, he's colored like Starscream, but still speaks in Skywarp's voice.
    • A second later, Skywarp has a yellow stripe down his back where there should be black.
    • Thundercracker's "gloves" are white instead of black as he transforms above Ironhide.
      Chip Chase always did have the luck of the Irish.
    • When Chip is trying to locate the Autobots, Teletraan I is colored green instead of orange.
    • Soundwave's head changes colors between shots as he destroys Hound's turret gun. (Hound manages to stay off-screen until he's in robot mode later in the episode, sidestepping the need for the animators to remember his gun is destroyed.)
    • When Soundwave ejects Ravage, the inside of his chest is grey.
    • When the Autobots are un-transfixed and transform into robot modes, Brawn is shown transforming with them.
    • Long Haul's eyeband isn't colored red as we pan across the Constructicons prior to them combining.
    • Windcharger's face is the same dark gray as his head as Ironhide threatens the Decepticons, and his mid-torso is red instead of gray. The same error repeats during the repair lineup at the end.
  • In the first pan over it, the Old West "town" has no streets! Subsequent shots show it with many more buildings than the handful shown in this shot.
  • Missing Seeker insigina:
    • Starscream has no insignia as he watches Laserbeak report back to Megatron.
    • One of Starscream's insignia disappears as he backs away from the Transfixatron. The other disappears as he transforms a second later.
    • When Thundercracker turns from blasting Optimus to fire on Ironhide, he has no back wing insignias.
    • He still has none as he walks off with the captive Autobots.
    • Starscream's missing an insignia as he fires on Roller.
  • Starscream is missing one of his wings prior to the Transfixatron test. The other wing is abnormally large. The same overlarge wing shape shows up on Thundercracker later in the episode.
  • Even if Shockwave was supposed to be standing behind Megatron (see Continuity Errors below), he and Scavenger were not standing anywhere near Megatron just a shot or two earlier.
  • AKOM reuses the same scrolling cloud background at least four times behind Starscream. To be fair, it would actually make sense for him to be flying in circles at this point.
  • Instead of being provided by Neil Ross as usual, Bonecrusher's single line in this episode is supplied by Michael Bell, using the same nondescript "normal" voice as he uses for Scrapper. The temptation, of course, is to peg this on an animation error that mistakenly depicted Bonecrusher instead of Scrapper, but the script for the episode actually called for Bonecrusher to speak the line.
  • Responding to Huffer's constant complaining back at the Ark, Ratchet's line "Tell ya what, Huffer!" cuts off at the very end - even if it's hard to notice at first.
  • For whatever reason, the screen flickers when Optimus transforms for the first time in the episode.
  • As Skywarp transforms to robot mode over the raceway, he pulls the Transfixatron out of nowhere, despite it being as large as he is.
  • When Skywarp uses it on the Autobots, the Transfixatron beam effect is not properly animated to glow.
  • Transfixed Sideswipe essentially becomes a red Sunstreaker (which would be Diaclone-accurate) as he tries to transform - the transformation scheme is Sunstreaker's, as are the details of his vehicle mode once he's in mid-transformation. He then morphs back to Sideswipe when he reverts fully back to vehicle mode.
  • After the Autobots discover they're locked in vehicle mode, when Megatron laughs the other Decepticons just sort of... vibrate.
  • Megatron's eye lasers are the slowest-moving lasers in the universe.
  • The Seekers transform and start rolling across the race track. In the next shot, they're suddenly in the air.
  • Wheeljack's ears do not flash in time with his speaking at first.
  • The crusher's lights flash multiple colors as it first activates, but later they only flash white. While the lights could change colors, it really raises the question of why it needs bizarre flashing lights in the first place.
  • Wheeljack and Ratchet gather around Chip at the computer two times in a row.
  • As we pan across the captive Autobots at the ghost town, Wheeljack and Bumblebee are among the crowd, despite both being back at Autobot Headquarters at this point. In the same pan, two Starscreams are guarding them. Also, the ghost town has gained a couple of streets and several extra buildings.
  • Maybe not an error, but definitely bizarre: Hound gets Optimus Prime's rifle sound effect as he "fires" his hologram.
  • As Wheeljack explains the grenade, his ears flash, but aren't properly backlit to glow.
  • As Spike and company arrive at the ghost town, Ironhide is shown arriving and transforming instead of Ratchet.
  • Ironhide's tires aren't flat anymore when he falls out of the crusher's claw.
  • Bumblebee has no headlights as the newly arrived Autobots transform.
  • A series of shots shows the grenade's radiation as concentric circles radiating out. The center point stays in four successive shots, despite only one of them being the point where the grenade exploded.
  • As the grenade does its work, a series of vehicle-mode Autobots flash into existence out of nowhere.
  • Devastator's combining sequence is screwy. First Scrapper and Mixmaster are shown forming Long Haul's portion of the combiner robot in addition to their own. Long Haul then forms Devastator's upper torso, instead of the lower torso (the chest plate is green at first, then turns its correct purple.) Hook then forms a tiny part of the upper torso, including the head, and... Bonecrusher's bulldozer kibble.
  • Devastator has two small eyes instead of an eyeband as he fires lasers from his hand.
  • He has two large eyes as he looms over Wheeljack and Cliffjumper.
  • As Cliffjumper zaps Devastator with the Transfixatron, the shot suddenly jumps to a slight close-up of Devastator from exactly the same angle as before. In the closer angle, the glowing animation effect is missing from the Transfixatron beam.
  • Thundercracker is drawn with his cockpit on the bottom of his jet mode as he and the other Seekers retreat.
  • The commercial bumpers for the second act break feature the theme music for G.I. Joe, not The Transformers.

Continuity errors

  • Why the heck are Spike and Chip watching the race from next to the grand stands, instead of, y'know, inside them? Almost certainly because the stands aren't wheelchair-accessible. Besides being easier to animate, the show might have been very subtly making a point.
  • Shockwave appears twice in this episode: first when Megatron is gloating about the Transfixatron, then when the Decepticons arrive at the race. Of course, it's possible that Shockwave came to Earth during this episode, but the idea of him just popping up and hanging around in the background seriously goes against the established notion that he always stays on Cybertron as its full-time guardian.
  • Why does Megatron pick up the Transfixatron to aim it at Starscream, when a moment later he can just pivot it on its base?
  • The race gets started VERY quickly. Chip and Spike come up with the idea, go back to the base, tell Prime, and apparently the Autobots just show up and demand to race for charity. Granted, some time could have elapsed in between, but still. The Decepticons, meanwhile, are just hanging around in this Old West ghost town.
  • How does the dust at the finish line get ahead of the Autobots?
  • Ratchet stays behind to guard the Autobot base, but is later briefly seen at the race track driving alongside Sideswipe.
  • Speaking of Ratchet staying behind, he earlier tells Huffer that he and Wheeljack will stay behind to keep him company. However, it was Brawn who delivered the line about "staying behind" and Ratchet leans in like he's addressing Brawn when he says they will also stay behind.
  • When Chip gets Teletraan I to analyse the data on the transforming process, among the images which flash up is a picture of Megatron's crusher. What has that got to do with transforming?
  • Hound can shoot a hologram? For miles? And have it land inside a volcano? What the hell?
  • Flying Autobots:
    • Cliffjumper gets a rocket sound effect as he comes flying out of the debris.
  • Is the elaborate claw/tentacle mechanism on the crusher really necessary?
  • At the end of Act 2, Ironhide is a few feet away from the crusher's jaws, presumably mere seconds from being crushed. A minute or more elapses in Act 3 before Prime comes to his rescue.
  • Wheeljack states that the Transfixatron will "cancel Devastator's robot mode", though one would really expect it to just transfix Devastator as Devastator. If the intention was that the Transfixatron traps Transformers in their vehicle mode rather than in their current mode, then that wasn't made clear (especially since Megatron ordered Starscream into his vehicle mode before testing it on him).
  • So... did the Decepticons just leave the transfixed Constructicons sitting there in a pile? They aren't shown retreating.


  • This was one of twelve episodes of the original cartoon released as audio adventures by the German company Karussell Musik und Video.
  • To catch the grenade, Chip stands up from his wheelchair. It should be noted that Chip's precise medical condition is never explained, so we have no way of knowing why he uses a wheelchair or how much use of his legs he actually has. A close inspection of the animation shows him apparently pushing himself up with his arms, but it's really not conveyed very well.
  • This is one of three episodes from Season Two which were animated by AKOM (the others being "The Core" and "City of Steel"). They share similar art and animation styles (lots of one-point perspective action shots, scrolling backgrounds, and random zoom-ins), prominent use of the Constructicons, slightly more juvenile plots than usual, and a set of character model oddities such as Megatron's dark gray gun barrel, Optimus Prime's white backpack, and Chip Chase's blue jacket.
  • AKOM also has a strange habit of showing vehicle-mode close-ups with painted artwork instead of typical flat colored cel art. Witness Gears getting shot by Soundwave, and Sideswipe and Jazz's dashboards. The same thing can be seen in "The Core", as Chip leans out of a painted Wheeljack.
  • Another unique trait of AKOM's animation in Season 2 is how often the animation models are directly traced onto the animation cels for crowd shots, instead of drawing original linework for each character.
  • A one-time-only bit of Westernish background music, presumably culled from Robert J. Walsh's enormous archives, plays across the opening scene in the Decepticons' ghost town.
  • Stores in the ghost town: Liquor Saloon, Harrys Bakes, Sonata 3, Cows(?), Hotel, Saloon, Grain Feed, Livery, Glass (which in a visual gag is the only building in its row of three to survive the battle), and RC P&W(?).
  • Signs at the race track: Grand Prix, Irel(and?), XAM, HO KY, New Year Tires, Dav-Mac, A&E O(il?), (Go?)od Year Tires, and Fenzoil Lubes. The "XAM" is very likely a reference to the animation company XAM! ("Ex-Ahern-Marshall"), who included their company initials in the background art of various 1980s animated series, The Transformers among them.[1]
  • The synopsis for "The Autobot Run" included in the series production bible reveals that the Transfixatron was originally named the "Stasitron". On its model sheet, it is misspelled "Satsitron".
  • In an unfortunate foreshadowing, Sunstreaker remarks that when they made him, they 'broke the mold'.
  • Wheeljack uses his wrist rockets to fly, which is one of the few times it's shown correctly.

Foreign localization


  • Title (European French broadcast): "Le neutralisateur" ("The Neutralizer")
  • Title (European French DVD release): "La course des Autobots" ("The Autobots Run")
  • Title (Canadian French broadcast): "La grande course" ("The Great Race")
  • Original airdate: ?
  • The usual voice effect for the robots is absent from the episode, all the Transformers speak with the voice actors' raw voices.
  • Georges Atlas is back and takes back all his characters. However, he inverts the voices he did for Ratchet and Skywarp in all previous episodes.
  • Again, some dialogues happening in vehicle mode are not dubbed. Among those are the one between Ironhide and Trailbreaker at the beginning of the race, or the one just after, between Mirage and Jazz. However, Jazz still has his line "Okay Mirage, you wanna play fancy?".
  • Optimus Prime's line "Now, while Roller has his attention" is absent from the dub.
  • Ironhide's line "I knew you'd come through, Prime, and not an astrosecond too soon" is translated by "I knew you would make it, Optimus Prime, and you're not an astrosecond late, for once". Rude.
  • To avoid pronouncing the name, Wheeljack's line "Cliffjumper, reply! Are you still functioning ?" is dubbed by "Watch out! Fall back!".


  • Title: "Wer ist der schnellste Autobot?" ("Who Is the Fastest Autobot?")
  • Title (Generation 2 dub): "Die Geheimwaffe" ("The Secret Weapon")
  • Original airdate: June 9, 1989


  • Title (dub 1): Corsa automobilistica ("Car Race")
  • Original airdate: ?
  • Broadcasting-wise (considering this to be episode 42 of the series) this episode uses the second group of voice actors for the second time after Blaster Blues (not considering A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court and The Golden Lagoon since it's unknown if they even got a dub at the time). This group will remain until the end of the season.
  • In one scene, Spike clearly calls Soundwave "Memo", despite his Italian name being "Memor".
  • Title (dub 2): La corsa degli Autobots ("The Autobots Run")
  • Original airdate: ?


  • Title: "Transform o Tomero!" (トランスフォームをとめろ!, "Stop the Transforming!")
  • Original airdate: October 31, 1986


  • Title: "Qìchērén Sǐ Lǐ Táoshēng" (汽车人死里逃生, "Autobots' Narrow Squeak ")
  • Original airdate: ?

Brazilian Portuguese

  • Title: "Fuga dos Autobots" ("Escape of the Autobots")
  • Original airdate: ?
  • This episode did not air in the 1980s and was first released on DVD with a different dub from the rest of the show.


  • Title: "Gran'pree "Avtobot"" (Гран-при "Автобот", "Grand-prix "Autobot"")
  • Original airdate: ?

Home video releases

All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted.

Japan 1995Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers — Megatron Set (Takara) — Japanese audio only.
Japan Carly sucks, right? 1999The Transformers — Decepticon Edition (Pioneer LDC) — Japanese audio only.


Japan 2001The Transformers — DVD Box 2 (Pioneer LDC) — Japanese audio only.
United States of America 2002The Original Transformers — Season 2 Part 1 (Rhino Entertainment)
United States of America 2002 — The Original Transformers — Season 2 Part 1: Vol. 1 (Rhino Entertainment)
United Kingdom 2003Transformers — Season 2 Part 1 (Metrodome)
France 2003 — Transformers — La Course des Autobots (UFG Junior) — European French audio only.
United Kingdom 2004Transformers — Bumper Collection Special (Metrodome)
Australia 2004 — Transformers — Collection 2: Series 2.1 (Madman Entertainment)
United Kingdom 2006Transformers — The Complete Generation One Collection (Metrodome)
Australia 2007The Transformers — Complete Collection (Madman Entertainment)
Germany 2007 — Transformers — Box-Set (3DVDs) (Flex Media) — German audio only.
Italy 2008Transformers — Volume 03: Stagione Due Parte Prima (Medianetwork Communication) — English and Italian audio.
United Kingdom 2009Transformers — Season Two: Part One (Metrodome)
Australia 2009 — The Transformers — Complete Collection: Decepticon Edition (Madman Entertainment)
United States of America 2009 — The Transformers — Season Two, Volume One: 25th Anniversary Edition (Shout! Factory)
United States of America 2009 — The Transformers — The Complete Series: 25th Anniversary "Matrix of Leadership" Collection (Shout! Factory)
United States of America 2011The Transformers — The Complete Original Series (Shout! Factory)
United States of America 2014The Transformers — Season Two, Volume One: 30th Anniversary Edition (Shout! Factory)
United Kingdom 2014 — Transformers — The Classic Animated Series (Metrodome)

External links


  1. [1] "NEWS from me: March 5, 2003"
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