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Terragator is a Predacon from the Beast Era portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
All tremble before the Ass Cannon!

Terragator is a stinking Predacon. As in, he smells offensive. Where some 'bots just have some sort of problem, or a bad job, Terragator loves nothing more than being in the filth all the time. And if he can't wade through a sewer or a swamp, he'll just find a good pile of something unmentionable and have a nice roll around in it. On the plus side, his disgusting habits mean he blends in well in the swampy environment that both aspects of his beast mode call home. Unsuspecting Maximals never smell him coming until it's too late.

In battle, this Fuzor wields a diamond-hard shield that also does double-duty as a shell in beast mode. Given his unpleasant habits, anyone would be forgiven for thinking his blaster, which stores away in the rear end of his alternate mode, might extrude something ghastly. Mercifully, it just shoots concentrated heat-rays, which cook their targets from the inside out.

However, Terragator's love of filth can backfire. His systems aren't really meant to deal with whatever he's so fond of stepping in, and without care they can mess up his circuits something bad.



2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity


On Cybertron, the Maximal Terragator specialized in trekking through sewer tunnels and other unsavory environments. Beast Wars Sourcebook #4

Magmatron came to prehistoric Earth to create an army from the Axalon's abandoned protoforms. Terragator was presumably among the protoforms that were successfully turned into Predacons. Magmatron ordered his forces to seek out the Maximal spy Razorbeast and his small group. The Gathering #2 Within a few days, the Predacons had located the Maximal base and engaged. During that battle, Terragator got stomped by Polar Claw. The Maximals won, and the surviving Predacons were driven into the wilderness. The Gathering #4

Terragator later participated in a last ditch attempt to attack the Maximal base. The Ascending #1 He got tail-whipped at least twice by Grimlock, so when the Pack arrived to back the Maximals up, he switched targets and tried to ride Mach Kick instead. The Ascending #2 Then Lio Convoy stomped on him. The Ascending #3

When the Blendtrons, the dread heralds of Shokaract turned up, Terragator was among the Predacons left behind to fight them. He was against joining the battle against them, pointing out to Optimus Minor that none of them were in any shape to fight. The Ascending #4

Beast Wars: Uprising

Terragator was on the Predacon team in the fateful final match of the Games, during which he started off close to Maximal combatant Sonar and fired on her with his shoulder-mounted missile launcher. They were paralyzed mid-combat by Lio Convoy who, having assassinated game overseer Supersonic, used their battle as an example of how the potential of Maximals and Predacons was wasted on the Games. Broken Windshields


Legends comic

Terragator was part of a pack of Blentrons who were searching for Angolmois Energy and attacked Blue Big Convoy and Big Junior. The villains were destroyed, but the elder Convoy was fatally wounded in the process. Bonus Edition Blue Big Convoy


Beast Wars

Truly, a shellformer in every sense of the word.
  • Terragator (Basic Fuzor, 1998)
  • Accessories: Tail/gun, shell/shield
  • Known designers: Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
Part of the second wave of third-year Beast Wars Basic-class Fuzor toys, Terragator transforms into a fusion of an organic alligator and a snapping turtle. In robot mode, his shell becomes a removable shield, and his tail is revealed to be a combination cudgel and double-barreled blaster, complete with dangling croc-half beast mode rear legs attached to it by ball-joints. In beast mode, pushing the tail section forward opens the gator's mouth, letting it snap shut once released.


Foreign names

  • French: Terragator (Canada)
  • Spanish: Terradrilo (Latin America)
  • Italian: Terror Caiman
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