From Transformers Wiki
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{{GreaTFWarmanga}} is a template for the description and copyright-notice of a panel scan from the The Great Transformer War comic series. It puts the image into the categories The Great Transformer War manga images and Images by Ban Magami.
To use the template, copy-paste the form below and fill it out.
{{GreatTFWarmanga |description= |issueno= |pageno= |panelno= |letters=("yes" or "no") }}
For example, take a look at File:DoctorDalton01.jpg, which has the form filled out like so:
{{GreatTFWarmanga |description=Doctor [[Dalton]] is being forced to use his genius in the [[Decepticon]]s' service. |issueno=1 |pageno=1 |panelno=1 |letters=yes }}
Which describes the image like so:
Doctor Dalton is being forced to use his genius in the Decepticons' service.
From The Great Transformer War #1, page 1, panel 1.
- Art: Ban Magami
- Script: Masumi Kaneda
- Translation: Abby Lehrke
- Sound effects: Brandon Bovia
© 1987 Kodansha and Takara
© 2002 Million Publishing and Takara
© 2020 Viz Media and Hasbro
This image is a panel or sequence of panels from the The Great Transformer War comic series, the copyright for which is owned by Takara. It is believed that low resolution pages or small excerpts may be used on Transformers Wiki under the fair use provision of United States copyright law. See Copyrights.