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Talk:Spike Witwicky (G1)

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1) I can't believe there's no talk page for this guy yet. 2) We need a disambiguation page for just Spike Witwickies now. Ha ha ha ha ha. --ItsWalky 23:56, 10 July 2009 (EDT)

We have a talk page. It just went back at the old location due to the crash and no one noticed it yet. Moved it now. Geewunling 01:42, 11 July 2009 (EDT)


Spike's age in DW continuity

I've been goign thrut he Keepers Trilogy again, and Iw ant to ask... is there (fundamentally) any reason Spike could NOT be 22 in 2002?

I notice that the re-references to the events of 'Autobot Spike' in the trilogy say Spike was a CHILD when it occoured.

Does Daniel look 7? (I'm horrible at judging kids ages.) If you say Spike was 22 in 2002, then he'd be... 18 or 19 in 1999 when the ArkII blew up. Which would make the picture on Buster's desk one of th LAST pictures of them together prior to SParkplug's death, possibly pushing many of their (1985ish originally) adventures to the late 90's. The alternative is that Buster is randomly keeping a very OLD picture of them around, and Spike is actually, um... 33 (his cartoon age in 2002.) He looks too young to be 33, and his situation is too old to be 22. (Unless, I guess, he had Daniel at a precociously young age.)

I mention his seduction by a follwoer agent- whih I think works BETTER if he's 22. The alternative (if you stick to the cartoon timeline) is that he was havign an affair, but IIRC it was Spike's first time.

I dunno, thoughts? I thinkt he Keepers trilogy implies SPike is 4 years odl when the Ark awakens. I'm just fishing for conflicts with the larger DW continuity. - 00:28, 21 May 2006 (UTC)


Does anyone know why Spike isn't showing up properly in the Humans category? - Dark T Zeratul 20:01, 12 April 2007 (UTC)

He is. You just gotta hit the "Next 200" link to see it. --KilMichaelMcC 20:07, 12 April 2007 (UTC)
Ah, I see. Stupid cutoff, right at the end of the Witwickies. - Dark T Zeratul 20:17, 12 April 2007 (UTC)

Why is Spike listed under the "Scientist" category? --Xaaron 18:09, 30 June 2013 (EDT)

Spike Witwicky, Master of Time and... well, Time

Re-watching Megatron's Master Plan, I noticed that the passage of time for Spike seemed wildly different than for the rest of the characters - and that's not the first instance. Just wondering if we can establish a pattern.

See, in the middle of the Autobots' trial, Spike decided to find the damning videotape and look for something everyone else had missed. Which he did - EXTREMELY quickly, with Ravage in hot pursuit. He found the footage of the post-cosplay Decepticons before the judge had even announced a verdict. Then Ravage caught up with Spike, and that dun-dun-duuun moment was the last we heard of him for a while.

In fact, before his next appearance, there was enough time for the Autobots to be rounded up and put on a spaceship that Berger donated, then Decepticon Day to be declared (complete with a parade). The clear visual cues of nightfall and then daylight indicate at LEAST a full day before we hear Chip saying that Spike is "still looking for clues." At that point we finally see Spike again... watching the videotape, then surprised by Ravage bursting into the room. His surroundings (and, for that matter, the content of the tape itself) do look different, but the fact that the action is identical brings up the question: Does time warp itself around Spike?

And why I say it's "not the first instance" is because of The Rebirth, when Spike managed to build Fort Max out of an alien city and get to Cybertron (which had to involve FINDING Cybertron, as it had been moved in the meantime) in what seemed to be a matter of hours. Which of course is the opposite temporal effect from before, but it's still the same principle. Now, applying the Furmanism rule, I wouldn't think of adding this cockamamie idea to the article itself, no matter how facetiously, until a pattern was established. So can anyone think of a third instance of Witwickian time-dilation?

-- Jackpot 21:36, 28 April 2007 (UTC)


Should we create pages for animated Spike and Carly considering the fact theyre named in garbage in garbage out? Ratchet gives them a ride to the hospital (Carly's having a baby) and they are called by their names. So should we create pages for them?


Is there REALLY a need to link every single episode of the cartoon that Spike appeared in? The storylinks take up more space than the text! -- Dark T Zeratul 17:18, 15 October 2009 (EDT)

I've assumed those were placeholders in case someone were to elaborate on the individual episodes. - Cattleprod 17:22, 15 October 2009 (EDT)
That's exactly why they're there. Feel free to expand upon episodes of your choosing. --Detour 17:34, 15 October 2009 (EDT)
Spike is on my list of "Big G1 cartoon continuity sections" to work on after Soundwave's. Indeed, having done Prime's, Megatron's, Starscream's and Soundwave's, Spike is probably the next-most-important guy to do! - Chris McFeely 17:41, 15 October 2009 (EDT)
Ah, gotcha. So long as there's method to the madness. -- Dark T Zeratul 17:45, 15 October 2009 (EDT)


Okay, is there any reason why my edits for both this and the Daniel article was deemed unacceptable? 16:34, 29 September 2010 (EDT)

Maybe because no one seems to have been comparing them to Amuro Ray, so the denial of similarity seems pointless. --Khajidha 16:40, 29 September 2010 (EDT) (ps: you also misspelled Ray, according to Wikipedia - I don't much about that series)
So it's okay to make a sarcastic comparison to Beavis and Butt-Head who Spike truly doesn't look anything like, but not to Amuro whom both father and son do look uncanny like. Last time I checked, besides the valuable information, was what this site was all about. 16:53, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
Those comparisons are pretty poorly-written, and again, nobody appears to have been comparing them to this "Amuro Ray" fellow. --NCZ 16:59, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
Alright, since I know nothing on Transformers humor, how should it be written to make fun of the fact that they look alike? 17:11, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
The problem is that their similarities are coincidences at best. They're pretty much just both brown-haired boys from series with similar character art styles. There are likely DOZENS of other characters that look like them. -- Semysane 17:15, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
That's my point all along, reverse sarcasm at best. Spike and Daniel don;t look anything like Amuro Ray. ;) Maybe I should have said, "For the record, let make it perfectly clear that father and son do not look anything like Amuro Ray. That goes double for his appearance in Char's Counterattack". Where they favor the most. :P 17:27, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
If we're going to mention every Gundam character they don't look like, we'd have to add an extra page. Why not mention that Spike doesn't look like Kamille Bidan or Judau Ashta either? I really don't see the point in adding the comparison at all. --Semysane 17:34, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
Hmmm, I don't really see it as much in Judau. Not like Amuro. I don't think that kind of stuff fills out a whole article. 17:44, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
BLARGH! Your sarcasm detector needs its batteries changed. The point is that Amuro bears nothing more than a passing physical resemblance to Spike. There is NO REASON to mention it. -- Semysane 17:56, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
My batteries are fine. That was me trying analyze those two example you pointed. Just because I don't give into a bit of sarcasm, doesn't mean I don't get it. Again how is one passing resemblance of Beavis and Butt-Head worth mentioning, but Amuro isn't? It too is a more obscure passing reference. Think about it, if one is good enough to be mentioned on the this wiki, then other is just as good. Or has Beavis and Butt-Head become more Transformers relevant than Amuro 18:20, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
I actually can't even find a reference to Beavis and Butthead in the article... so I'd say that NEITHER comparison is worth putting in the article. -- Semysane 18:27, 29 September 2010 (EDT)

I'm referring to this line from More than Meets the Eye, part 3, Spike writing in his journal looks disturbingly like Beavis of Beavis and Butt-Head. . I'm sorry but I don't really get that one. Again if it was Amuro, Ralph Hinkley Jr., or a casual Ronald McDonald I might could see. Can I help it if I'm compelled to call Spike a Amuro in training or Daniel a Autobot Amuro? That jumpsuit isn't helping me in Daniel's case. 18:41, 29 September 2010 (EDT)

... So, we mention that he looks like Beavis in one shot of one episode of the show, and this means his own article requires a mention of a passing resemblence to Amuro Ray? I have to say that your logic escapes me. *Goes to take some aspirin* -- Semysane 18:48, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
My problem with your (the anon, that is) additions is two-fold: 1)the Daniel one at least was very poor English, 2) you started your note with the denial of the similarity you are commenting on. Perhaps you were going for facetiousness, but it came off as a bit of a non sequiter. If you had phrased it more along the lines of "Spike bears a distinct resemblance to Amuro Ray of Mobile Suit Gundam." I, personally, would not have had a problem with it. It might still have been judged too coincidental to stay, but I would have stayed out of that discussion. --Khajidha 18:56, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
Khjidha, I've had this thing for awhile now of pointing out somebody's resemblelance by saying "...who doesn't look anything like _____". But what would be the proper way to be facetious?
The whole resemblance is too in your face when you see Amuro in Char's Counterattack. More of a teenage Daniel seeing him in the pictured flight suit. If one were to buy a scaled Amuro figure he could pass for either. I'll do that.
[Edit conflict]I could say the same thing. You say that a passing resemblance isn't worth mentioning, but we've got at least one somewhere else. One based on an observation that really isn't there. I can understand your point if such things weren't up on this very wiki. But I mean this wiki's structure is like that of The Daily Show. Where there are jokes at every turn that at your subject's expense. Much of which are nothing but passing or in another word - obscure. Don't get me wrong, I'm not condemning joke in these articles. But a lesser bit is somehow more valuable than the other. The only reason I feel it's not worth mentioning is because, Amuro is too esoteric to everybody. I see no real reason why a passing sarcastic reference can be made when the material is there. The whole thing is suppose to make fun of this and point out this fact. Amuro and father/son and Daniel look alike. Like the situation with Shaggy, Tinker, and Clamhead. And no, I'm insinuating Amuro, Spike and Daniel have the same designer, or they look like any of the Shaggys. :P It making fun of the situation, like you guys tend to do here.
Oh, please go easy on me, cause the go button of Lori here looking back at me is hard enough on me as it is. 19:58, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
I'm pretty sure the Butthead thing isn't actually being sarcastic. He ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE Butthead in that shot. -- Semysane 22:33, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
Is English your native language, because I'm not really sure what you are trying to say. Some of what you have written seems to contradict itself. --Khajidha 20:06, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
I'm sorry, it is. I just get ahead of myself. One second I'm thinking about the whole it's not worth mentioning. Next I'm thinking about my reason for adding it first place. I must be getting mixed up. :P 20:15, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
How exactly am I contradicting myself? 20:27, 29 September 2010 (EDT)
You state that you "feel it's not worth mentioning" but continue to mention it. Also, are you or are you not insinuating that Amuro and Spike had the same designer? The words as written seem to mean that you are, but the "and no" at the beginning makes it look like you meant to say that you were NOT insinuating that. --Khajidha 06:34, 30 September 2010 (EDT)

Semysane, how does he look anything like Beavis? What not seeing it? Is he show a miss-drawn overbite, flaring nostrils, squinty eyes, or more bushier hair?

Khajidha, I guess I'm not going back and reproofing myself. :P If I'm not making myself clear, then apologize. It's what I get for clumping statements. My statement "The only reason I feel it's not worth mentioning is because, Amuro is too esoteric to everybody", was my observation on a situation of a mention of preferring to mention one so-called frame that supposedly features him looking like a character that normally doesn't bare any resemblance (Beavis/Spike), over a him and son looking like another character as a whole. The idea that Amuro not be mentioned is not my view. The statement that don't believe they were designed by the same person is genuine. I don't want to suggest that their character designers are the same person, but that it eerie that they look alike. Again any statement I am to make in the article will be jab at the similarity.

The more Semysane goes into detail regarding the panel, the more it comes off as opinionated observation, meaning that no two people will make the observation. I don't see how he look like Beavis. I remember the first time I read that, I went to the Hasbro website where they stream the episode for free to see for myself and though to myself "how does he look like that?" when I couldn't find it. Yet this is more relevant than a observation of Amuro. Again my view on the situation is that you guys think that that it shouldn't be added because most people here have never heard of him. I say if you're going to include one example, then you should include all examples. If you're not going to include one example, then you you shouldn't include any of them. This idea of cherypicking information is disingenuous at best. You guys are all about delivering everybit of Transformers information using comedy as your tool. My statement in the two articles is what you guys do. Yet, you're trying to sell me snake oil; that now this kind of information is beneath even you guys???

Now, since I'm contradicting myself as you so generously stated, have I stay on target with my view or am I going to have re-clarify myself? 13:05, 30 September 2010 (EDT)

I'm still seeing a fair number of typos and odd phrasings, but your points are reasonably clear. As I said before, I have no opinion as to whether your observation is worthy of inclusion (or whether the Beavis comment is worthy, for that matter) and will remove myself from this discussion. --Khajidha 19:14, 30 September 2010 (EDT)

Separate articles?

Since there are at least 3-4 versions of Spike in G1 continuity - which have almost nothing to do with each other.

Shouldn't this be split into...?

  • 1984 Spike (G1) - possibly split into comic and cartoon versions
    • 1984 Spike (G1 cartoon)
    • 1987 Spike (Marvel)
  • 2002 Spike (Dreamwave)
  • 2015 - Spike (IDW)

I know this could get out of hand, but at very least IDW Spike is no way connected to the original "G1" Spike (other than by name).

Anyway, there's my 2 cents... Cashie (talk) 10:54, 21 June 2015 (EDT)

"IDW Spike is no way connected to the original?"...what? His dad's Sparkplug, and even if it wasn't, he's hardly the most reinvented IDW character. And we keep Marvel Blaster and Sunbow Blaster on the same page since they're the same character interpreted differently, I dunno why Spike's an issue. Escargon (talk) 11:07, 21 June 2015 (EDT)
No, that's not how we do things. Comic Shockwave and cartoon Shockwave have barely anything to do with each other, but they're still both G1 Shockwave. Comic Grimlock is very different from cartoon Grimlock, but they're both G1 Grimlock. These Spikes are all still iterations of G1 Spike. - Chris McFeely (talk) 13:17, 21 June 2015 (EDT)

Spike is a human

I can accept, separately, both the fact that Emissary's toy can represent Spike, and that some of the originally-Nebulan characters can be robots in some continuities. But Spike being similarly species-varies-by-continuity just doesn't seem right. He has been seen as a human in every major G1 continuity and many of the minor ones.

So does fiction in which Emissary is a robot belong on Spike's page? I would say no. NovaSaber (talk) 15:59, 10 September 2016 (EDT)

IMO - if Spike can be a Nebulan in the original Fort Max toy bio, why can't he be a robot sometimes too? It's not like there's a pre-existing "Generations toy universe" Spike to contradict it... Jalaguy (talk) 17:33, 10 September 2016 (EDT)
The Spike toy that was called "the Nebulan leader" was named Spike, though. (And arguably you don't have be a Nebulan to be called a leader of Nebulans. Devil Z and Violenjiger are Decepticon leaders without being Decepticons.) Emissary has a name that Spike has never been called by, and only counts as a toy of him for the same reason that the G1 version counts as a toy of Galen. NovaSaber (talk) 17:50, 10 September 2016 (EDT)
I've never been comfortable with the G1 toy being here as anything other than a repurpose. And I am leery of all these cross postings of the Titan Masters. --Khajidha (talk) 13:03, 12 September 2016 (EDT)

I think the toy fits here, but I'm kind of leery about duplicating the "Power of the Titan Masters" entry; when you get down to it, "ancient Titan Master Emissary" has nothing in common with Spike except the fact that they look the same, so I'd be more comfortable leaving the fiction solely on the separate Emissary page. --Riptide (talk) 12:02, 12 September 2016 (EDT)

Adding to this... I'm not keen on the idea of the "Sometime's he's called Emissary" line. That they share the same figure (which is fine) doesn't mean that sometimes they share the same name. I'd really like to see fiction along the lines of "in 2006 a human took on the name Emissary to form Cerebros' head" before declarations like these are made. Magaroja (talk) 16:23, 22 September 2016 (EDT)

Are we going to primarily treat Emissary as a separate character to the point that Titans Return toy links should go to Emissary's page, or should they still go to Spike's page? S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent 47 (talk) 10:13, 25 September 2016 (EDT)

To me it seems that Emissary the Titan Master is the one that the toy "primarily" represents. NovaSaber (talk) 20:31, 25 September 2016 (EDT)
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