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Hmmm, Prowl killing five Constructicons. Some kind of cosmic karma, given the way Prowl was killed off in Transformers: The Movie. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by BlackKnight75 (talkcontribs) 02:05, July 30, 2012 (EDT).

Wrong Title?

Should there be a "Notes" note about the title? "Devisive" isn't a real word, but "Divisive" is. It looks like this got missed in copy-editing. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Russellestate (talkcontribs) 06:53, October 8, 2012 (EDT).

Barber clarified in the issue commentary on the TF Facebook page that it's a deliberate pun. Not a particularly great one, admittedly, but not an error, anyway. - Chris McFeely 08:58, 8 October 2012 (EDT)
In that case, is it worth noting that the title's a pun? I think it would... --Detour 09:00, 8 October 2012 (EDT)
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