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Talk:Commercial/Generation 1

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There are an awful lot of dead links cropping up on this page, due to the flighty nature of Youtube hosting (users removing videos or having accounts closed, voluntarily or otherwise). Is there any feasible alternative available? I don't just mean a different video hosting site, but perhaps a TFWiki Youtube account so we can host as many of the ads as possible with a greater degree of long-term certainy? I assume hosting the videos on the Wiki itself wouldn't be feasible for legal and bandwidth reasons. Danja 15:57, 11 March 2012 (EDT)

Many problems

The videos for "Technobots/Computron and Scorponok" through "Punch/Counterpunch and Clones" as well as the first two pretender commericals, "Powermaster toys", "Powermaster Prime and Doubledealer" "Quickswitch" "Double Targetmasters" "Classic Pretenders(first link)" "Mega and Ultra Pretenders" "Mega pretenders" "ultra pretenders" "Pretender Monsters(1989)" "Action Master vehicles(short ver)" "Hot Rod Patrol and Construction Patrol" "Micromaster Combiners/Combiner Transports" are gone because the uploader(s) closed his/her/their account(s).

The orginal version of "Powermaster Optimus Prime" and "(2007) Metrodome The Transformers: The Movie 20th Anniversary Edition DVD Preview" is copyright claimed.

"Micromaster Combiners" is private.

The 1988 seacon commercial videos are both exactly the same.

Might be more problems but I didn't see all of them... -- 16:07, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

Vids With Multiple Commercials

I was trying to fix some links recently, and realized that some of the "missing" commercials are actually on Youtube, but only as part of of larger collections, usually about 10 minutes long.

The one where Megatron's playing with the Micromaster Combiners on a table and gets shot in the face by the cherry-picker, for example, is the last commercial in one vid, and I'm tempted to link to it but put a note in the listing saying what timecode to skip to. I found part of the minute-long Pretenders commercial in the middle of another, but most of the unique first half is missing, leaving just a glimpse of Weirdwolf and Brainstorm, so even I wouldn't push too hard for that one.

Or if there are some genuine legal problems with some of these vids, could linking to them just provoke the removal of some collections by Youtube? It's nice to link where we can, but maybe this page should be mostly about documenting them with the best descriptions possible so anyone interested can do their own hunting.

Didn't used to have their own, non-Youtube, commercial archive until a few years ago? Did fansites get into legal trouble for that? Just trying to figure out this page's options. Someone just put up the Ultra Magnus commercial with the beginning intact and seemingly in HD, so I'll probably link to that soon. Bumblevivisector 00:35, 23 April 2013 (EDT)

It's possible to create YouTube URLs such that the video loads already skipped to a chosen timecode, so I don't see that using compilation videos would be any problem. Click the 'Share' bit under the video and there's a 'Start at:' tickbox to modify the shortened sharing URL. Jalaguy 05:24, 23 April 2013 (EDT)
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