Stunticon (Prime)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Stunticon" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Stunticon (disambiguation). |
- The Stunticons are a Decepticon subgroup from the Aligned continuity family.

The Stunticons plot to take over planets' roads in any way they can. Whether that be searching for Cybertronian weapons that can help them or setting up posts at different roadways controlled by one of their individual members, it doesn't matter. As long as they can take over the roads, they'll be satisfied. After all, the roads are their turf.
They are currently focusing their attention on Earth, but unfortunately a group of stupid lawbots are constantly interfering with their plans in order to defend the squishies. Stocking up on Cybertronian relics is the only way they can defend themselves and the tracking device they found will certainly help.
The group includes:
- The rough and tough leader Motormaster, obsessed with being "ruler of the roads".
- The brutish and overconfident Heatseeker, who fires heat-seeking missiles.
- The confidence-lacking Wildbreak, who can emit painful energy waves through the air or ground.
- Wildbreak's "buddy ol' pal" the scheming and opportunistic Dragstrip, who leaves enemies in the dust with his nitro boosts.
- The snobbish and snarky Slashmark, who literally tears up the roads with his energy-emitting tires.
The Stunticons are accomplished combiners with multiple tricks up their sleeves. They can double-up to share power: Dragstrip and Wildbreak have been known to form Dragbreak while Heatseeker and Slashmark form Heatmark. The entire group can also combine into the fearsome (if extremely unstable) titan Menasor.
Breakdown and Wildrider are also known to be Stunticons.
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2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon
Prior to arriving on Earth, the Stunticons had committed many crimes, including somehow destroying an entire planetary system. Moon Breaker Bumblebee and his team first encountered Heatseeker, who had claimed Grand Valley in the name of the Stunticons. When Sideswipe and Strongarm arrived and engaged him, they realized that there was a nearby waste disposal site that posed a danger. King of the Hill (Part 1) Though Heatseeker was ultimately defeated by the Autobots, he managed to secure a device for detecting Cybertronian technology which he returned to Motormaster with. King of the Hill (Part 2) Drag Strip and Wildbreak later borrowed the device, intending to use it to find some tech to impress Motormaster. This led them to one of Windblade's caches in the city of West Rock, however the Autobots also happened to visit the cache and the resulting battle meant that the two Stunticons had to flee empty-handed. Bee Cool
Drag Strip managed to secure a Gravitic Adjuster, despite the Autobots' interference. Motormaster sent him to cause chaos with the device, however Drag Strip was eventually defeated by the Autobots while he was attacking a remote trooper station. The Great Divide All four of the Stunticon cars entered the Crown City Grand Prix, believing the winner's title of "Ruler of the Roads" was meant literally. Though the intention was for the three others to help Drag Strip win by eliminating the other racers, ultimately the four Stunticons' efforts were foiled by the Autobots when some of Heatseeker's missiles ended up hitting them instead of the intended target. Disordered Personalities Motormaster was not enthusiastic about his subordinates' efforts to date in conquering Earth. The Golden Knight
After they encountered a high-speed maglev train, Motormaster ordered the other Stunticons to secure whether it used as a power source. Although the four 'Cons succeeded in breaching the rail yard and getting to the train, they ended up battling the Autobots on its roof as it barrelled towards Crown City, and were all of them knocked off. They were forced to return in disgrace to a very unhappy Motormaster. Railroad Rage Motoromaster berated his men at length over their inability to defeat the Autobots, however he had a new plan. The Stunticons lured the Autobots to a desert location and combined into Menasor. After knocking the Autobots from a cliff, Menasor headed to a nearby military base with the intent to capture a satellite dish which was part of a meteor deflection system. The Autobots, however, beat him to it while he was fighting the base's automated tanks, and the battle ended with them using the dish to knock Menasor flying into the distance. Combine and Conquer
When Slashmark and Wildbreak stumbled on the Autobots' scrapyard base in time to see their foe blasting off in Optimus Prime's ship, Motormaster saw the opportunity to mount a surprise attack in space. Though the attack didn't got as well as hoped, the Stunticons detected Windblade's cache on the moon and broke off to investigate. The Stunticons reached the cache, despite the Autobots' best efforts, and combined into Menasor to breach the cache's formidable defences. They successfully obtained a plasma thermal accelerator module from the cache and paused to use it on the Autobots before heading back to their ship. There, they again merged, intending to destroy Prime Force One which had been left parked next to their ship, however the merged Autobots caught up with them and destroyed the plasma module in Menasor's arm. The outraged Menasor fought back, but his conflicting components resulted in him freezing up, and the Autobots punched him so hard he decombined into five unconscious Stunticons. The team was later loaded into stasis pods so Optimus could take custody of them. Moon Breaker
- Mentioned in the Japanese bios only.
Robots in Disguise (2015)
- Heatseeker (Legion, 2017)
- Drag Strip & Wildbreak (Crash Combiners, 2017)
- Heatseeker (One-Step Changer, 2017)
- Menasor (Team Combiner, 2017)
- Until their appearance in the third season of Robots in Disguise, the only information regarding the Stunticons came from the toy bio of the Japanese-original Stunt Wildrider, which notes Wildrider and Breakdown as being members.
- Even prior to that, Motormaster appeared exclusively in the DS version of War For Cybertron while Dragstrip appeared in most versions of the game and its sequels Fall of Cybertron and Rise of the Dark Spark alongside Breakdown.
- Wildrider's toy include a unique Stunticon logo among its optional decals partly derived from the Team Stunticon symbol developed for BotCon 2011's "The Stunti-Con Job" comic and box set.
- By coincidence or design, Breakdown, Wildrider, and Dead End (the three more "traditional" Stunticons who appeared in Prime or got toys in the accompanying toyline) are the very same three who would be "replaced" later on in Robots in Disguise.
Foreign Names
- Japanese: Stunticon (スタンティコン Sutantikon)
- Mandarin: Tèjì Hǔ (特技虎, "Stunt Tiger")