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Spaceshot is a Decepticon Micromaster from the Generation 1 continuity family.
I'm SO angry at this cannon right now that my face is turning PURPLE!

Spaceshot is an unflinchingly courageous soldier who'll fight for even the most hopeless causes - such as the cowardly Blackout, whom Spaceshot insists is a valiant and fearless Decepticon warrior despite all evidence to the contrary. The siblings combine into a B-1 bomber jet; Spaceshot forms the back end. Together, they pilot one of the "most powerful Decepticon weapons of all time".



Beast Wars: Uprising

Spaceshot and Blackout were sisters, and among the few Decepticons who remained mobile on a post-war Cybertron thanks to their more energy-efficient Micromaster bodies. As part of Hot Rod's team operating out of Micropolis, they helped counter the efforts of the Resistance, who sought to overthrow the current Cybertronian government, dominated by the Builders of Cybertron.

The sisters were called to attend a meeting after the rebel Maximal Grimlock managed to steal a potent weapon, the G-Virus. After Spaceshot brought her commanding officer up to date on the situation, Hot Rod dispatched his team to help guard what he foresaw as being the terrorists' most likely target: Tesarus Arena during the upcoming gladiatorial games.

Hot Rod's prediction turned out to be accurate. When Grimlock and his team's intrusion was detected, Hot Rod had Blackout and Spaceshot accompany him to confront the trespassers. After dodging an ion disc lobbed at them by The Man Terror, Spaceshot, and Blackout occupied themselves with the Predacon and his fellow rebel, Snapper, while Hot Rod tussled with Grimlock himself. Spaceshot was defeated and dismembered by the Man Terror, leaving her unable to see the fight through to its conclusion. Micro-Aggressions

In the final days of the Grand Uprising, Blackout and Spaceshot remained part of the Micromaster command team as the Resistance made their final push on the High Pavilion of Iacon. In jet mode, they made a pass over the marching troops and confirmed at least 50-100,000 Resistance, compared to the 17,000 Micromasters and Cyberdroids under Builder command. Ratbat and the Builder Assembly insisted the Micromasters continue fighting the Resistance all the way to the Pavilion, though it meant guerrilla tactics or even open warfare in civilian areas. Anything to slow the Resistance down until the Vehicons hordes arrived from the rear.

Blackout and Spaceshot objected to the idea of accepting innocent casualties for a delaying tactic. Hot Rod agreed and, with a silent nod from Countdown and Drillbuster, claimed communications were breaking down in order to ignore the Assembly's orders. Derailment


The Transformers

I'm SO sick of Blackout's piloting style that my face is turning GREEN!
  • Anti-Aircraft Base (Micromaster Combiner Anti-Aircraft Base, 1990)
  • Accessories: "Anti-Aircraft Base" tank, "scout vehicle", ramp, 2 cannons, bazooka, communications dish, "radar drum", missile launcher
Released in the seventh and final year of the original The Transformers toyline in the US (sixth and not-final in Europe), Spaceshot transforms into the rear half of a blue and gray B-1 bomber jet, designed to combine with his partner Blackout to form a complete jet. As a Micromaster Combiner, Spaceshot can combine with any other Micromaster Combiner, Combiner Transport, or Micro Trailer to form new and excitingly unworkable vehicle modes
He and Blackout were only available packed in with the Anti-Aircraft Base vehicle.


  • "Spaceshot" was also a preliminary name for Cosmos.
  • Spaceshot and Blackout's original Tech Specs completely lacked any kind of pronouns. Although Dreamwave's More than Meets the Eye profile comics applied male pronouns to the characters, Jim Sorenson and David Bishop made them female in their Beast Wars: Uprising prose stories.
  • Dreamwave's profiles accidentally reversed the character models for Blackout and Spaceshot, portraying Spaceshot as the front half of their combined vehicle mode and Blackout as the rear half. This error was carried over into the bio text as well, so it is entirely possible that the personality assigned to Spaceshot was intended for Blackout, and vice versa.
  • That mistake reappeared almost ten years later when, for reasons unknown, Spaceshot was featured in a character lineup on's Generation 1 cartoon page, visually represented by Dreamwave's erroneous Blackout art.[1] Neither one of them had any business being there, as they didn't even exist until three years after the cartoon ended.


  1. Generation 1 cartoon page on
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