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Soundwave (Cybertron)

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The name or term "Soundwave" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Soundwave (disambiguation).
Soundwave is a Planet X Decepticon from the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
"The rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat."

Soundwave is possibly Planet X's most physically intimidating warrior, but his true talent and the real threat comes from his "mad skillz" at creating confusion. His audio-altering abilities let him change his voice to sound like virtually anyone, or focus devastating sonic attacks. He also seems to be able to create illusions, though of limited duration, to further confuse his targets. The abilities of his companion Laserbeak only increase Soundwave's ability to confound and crush.

Even his speech seems to be geared towards throwing people off-balance; though his tone is often a deadpan monotone (at least, when he's not impersonating someone else), his speech is that of a rave-club DJ, announcing loudly to "all the bots in the hizzouse" that he's here to "lay some science down on you all". Despite the appearance these mannerisms give off, he's actually a very serious-minded and focused robot, far more than his fellow Planet X agent Sideways. His mission is manipulating Autobot and Decepticon alike to get his revenge on the citizens of Gigantion.

His name is Soundwave, and he spins like the sun.Thunderblast, "Giant"



Cybertron comic

When the world of technological marauders known only as Planet X was at the zenith of its power, Soundwave served as an information specialist. He would infiltrate targeted planets and find important individuals and technologies to be dealt with. When his home planet was destroyed in a war with Gigantion, Soundwave was one of a small handful of survivors who became fixated solely on revenge against the Giant Planet. Immediately after that catastrophic event, Planet X's surviving scholars pooled their knowledge in a search for some force which might bring the same fate to their hated enemies. Lore of an ancient, planet-devouring being brought them hope, and they split up across the universe in their search for it. Soundwave would end up succeeding in the millennia-long quest, tracing the Gigantion Mini-Cons' origins to his quarry: Unicron. Soundwave struck a deal with the Chaos Bringer: one million years of servitude in return for the assured destruction of Gigantion. Soundwave's profile in Club magazine #9

Unfortunately for Soundwave, Unicron was destroyed just as the end date of his servitude approached. But he did not let this minor detail impede his loyalty; while Optimus Prime and Megatron's forces were busy searching for the Cyber Planet Keys, Soundwave and Laserbeak stole the fallen Nemesis Prime's Dead Matrix from the Archives on Cybertron and cast it into the Unicron Singularity, liberating the Chaos Bringer's essence. Unicron's lifeforce immediately sought out and entered the tiny planet Yst, which he perverted and destroyed from within, shaping it into his new body. Revelations Part 2 Revelations Part 3 Unicron (now the size of an average Transformer) returned to Cybertronian orbit and rejoined Soundwave. The two of them organized a Mini-Con civil war, spurring insurgents into attacking the Mini-Con Council of Sages, Revelations Part 4 then participated in the conflict itself when a few dimensional travelers joined the fray to put an end to it. Revelations Part 5 When Cybertron itself transformed into Primus' robot mode, both Soundwave and Unicron opted to flee rather than face the planet-god. Revelations Part 6

Galaxy Force

Soundwave was a Cybertronian Transformer who was absorbed by Unicron and integrated into his being. When the dark god's spark was absorbed by Megatron, the remaining body went awry in its regeneration functions in another space or universe. To compensate, the planet resurrected those who were absorbed by Unicron, including Soundwave. Rechristening Unicron's body as "Planet X", its denizens found Unicron's memories and copied them into a medium of their own invention, and Soundwave acted as an administrator to this data. After his homeworld was destroyed in the war against Gigantion, Soundwave discovered in Unicron's records the existence of Primus and his Cyber Planet Keys. As such, Soundwave resolved to nab the Cyber Planet Keys, restore Planet X to its former glory, and take revenge on Gigantion.[1]

Cybertron cartoon

Voice actor: Robert O. Smith (English), Garry Chalk (English, "Giant"), Taketora (Japanese), Taitem Kusunoki (Japanese, "Megalo Convoy of Gigalonia"), Ángel Amorós (Spain-Spanish), Luis Miguel Perez (Latin-American Spanish), Joonas Suominen (Finnish), Janusz Wituch (Polish), Sim Seung-han (Korean)
"Can I get a what what?"

The mighty Planet X ruled its universe with its advanced technology, only to meet its end at the hands of Gigantion when X's forces attempted to invade it. Two of the planet's survivors, Soundwave and Sideways, swore revenge henceforth. Challenge

Following Primus's transformation, the Autobots and Decepticons focused their efforts into locating the fourth and final Cyber Planet Key, which just so happened to be on Gigantion. With the Decepticons unable to voyage across time and space to the parallel dimension in which Gigantion was located, Soundwave seized upon another chance for revenge and opted to ally himself with the villains. Emerging before the Decepticons from a fiery portal in space, Soundwave performed a bit of dramatic posturing before revealing his name and informing them that he knew the way to the planet. Titans

Living up to his word, Soundwave led Megatron and his troops through another fiery portal, across the dimensions to the Giant Planet. Warp When the Decepticons clashed with Optimus Prime's Autobots not long afterwards, Soundwave shocked the amassed heroes with his talent for mimicry by flawlessly impersonating the Autobot leader's voice. Prime was flattered and merged with Wing Saber to battle Soundwave; the villain held his own in the fight, but when Megatron was thoroughly owned by Giant Planet leader Metroplex, he joined the Decepticons in fleeing. Giant Megatron proceeded to tap the power of Gigantion's Cyber Planet Key, and transformed himself into Galvatron, at which point Soundwave decided to "drop out of this session", and flew off to carry out his own agenda. He observed Galvatron's subsequent battle with Optimus Prime from afar with great interest. Fury

During a later battle between Optimus Prime and Soundwave's fellow Planet X-er Sideways over the starship Atlantis, Soundwave suddenly came streaking into the middle of the battlefield to yank Sideways out of the path of a blast from Prime. The pair retreated to safety, as Soundwave reminded Sideways not to forget the true reason they were there. City The duplicitous duo began searching for Gigantion's Cyber Planet Key, but when they were caught in the act by the Cybertron Defense Team, Soundwave didn't have any reservations about revealing his and Sideways's true history to the Autobot trio, as he intended to destroy them. As Laserbeak shrouded the area with a smokescreen, Soundwave used his imitative abilities to distract and disorient the three Autobots, until Scattorshot saw through his Hot Shot impersonation and blasted Laserbeak out of the air. After the smoke cleared, the trio unloaded their weapons on the two tricksters, collapsing a tower on top of them. Challenge

Following this defeat, Soundwave and Sideways dropped out of sight for a period of time, during which the Autobot successfully located Gigantion's Cyber Planet Key. Galvatron was able to steal all four keys and the Omega Lock from the heroes, but before he could make good his escape, Galvatron was confronted by his treacherous lieutenant, Starscream. As the two former allies engaged in battle over the keys, the Autobots prepared to intercede, only for Soundwave and Sideways to suddenly burst out of nowhere and stand in their path. The two Planet X-ers kept the Autobots occupied while Galvatron and Starscream's battle escalated until the two Decepticons were channelling so much raw energy that reality actually began to warp around them. Having failed to predict such a calamitous outcome, Soundwave was in favor of simply warping away to fight another day, but Sideways insisted on making one final play for the Cyber Planet Keys; while he pleaded for Soundwave to flee and save himself, Soundwave stuck by his "bro". The pair lunged for the Omega Lock, suspended between Galvatron and Starscream, just as their conflict reached a crescendo, resulting in a colossal explosion of energy. As the light from the blast dimmed, Starscream, Soundwave and Sideways had vanished, and although Vector Prime could not be certain, he believed that they had been blasted into yet another dimension. Showdown

Get down with the groove!

Precisely what had happened to Soundwave and Sideways was never clearly explained, but they did, at least survive the experience. When Galvatron had a vision of Starscream, seemingly reaching out across the dimensions via the fire dimension to mock him one last time, Soundwave and Sideways were seen standing at his side, Unfinished Later, the pair were shown to have found another Planet X, presumably in the dimension they had been blasted to, and seemed to be pretty dang happy there, given the way they were boogieing. Beginning

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Prime stated that the Planet X which attacked the Gigantion of Aurex 802.23 Alpha was the headquarters of the remnants of the Cybertronian Empire from Primax 994.0 Gamma. Ask Vector Prime, 5/6/2015 On the other hand, Vector Prime stated that the Planet X which attacked Gigalonia in Aurex 105.08 Alpha was half the body of Unicron from Primax 886.0 Gamma and that its denizens were Transformers consumed by Unicron and later resurrected by the planet. Ask Vector Prime, 8/6/2015


Voice actor: Garry Chalk (English)

Soundwave was hired by Megatron, along with Lugnut and Snapdragon, to enact his revenge on some yellow guy. Soundwave hacked the group's identification bolts so that when they got arrested by Stungun, he would send them to Planet X. Megatron wanted to use Soundwave and Blaster's sonic engines to have Megatron replace Bumblebee as the head of the franchise, but Optimus foiled the plot. After Bumblebee blew up some machines in Megatron's face, everyone agreed to not speak of the event again. Bee in the City 2: Electric Bugaloo



"Throw your hands up in the air, you can surrender but I just don't care."
  • Soundwave (Voyager Class, 2005)
  • Takara ID number: GX-02
  • Takara release date: August 22, 2005
  • Accessories: "Harmonic Wave Cannon"/bomb, "Subsonic Shocker"/bomb, Planet X Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: vmj8
  • Known designers: Takio Ejima (Takara)
Cybertron Voyager Class Soundwave transforms into a Cybertronic stealth bomber somewhat akin to a F-117A Nighthawk prototype, the Lockhead Have Blue. He comes with three hexagonal prism "bombs"; one converts into his Mini-Con partner Laserbeak, the other two unfold into non-firing blaster weapons. Any one of these "bombs" can be stored in his robot mode chest, which opens by plugging a Cyber Key into him. Inserting the key in vehicle mode allows whichever "bomb" is stored there to drop. The other two store in indents on the underside of his wings, though it's a little tricky to line them up correctly. Despite having a 5 mm port on his right shoulder, giving you the option to have a G1-styled orientation for his triple-barreled blaster, none of his fictional appearances show him using it in this way; both of his blasters are either in his hands, or stored on the back of his wings in robot mode.
The figure's instructions incorrectly show Soundwave's waist pointing straight forward in fighter mode, rather than down (the black flaps are supposed to tab into the bottom of the jet). The knees of the figure need to be bent, so that pegs on the body go into them, and so that pegs on the knees line up with holes on the bottom of the canopy. Additionally, the plate to which the head connects is not meant to just flap around awkwardly above the torso (such as in the Hasbro stock photo pictured), but hinge down and slot into the matching indent in the top of the chest. It should be slotted in during the transformation stage where the body is folded over into place against the wings; the gray plate ends up flush with top of the chest.
The Takara Galaxy Force release of Soundwave has more elaborate paint applications, particularly around the face and wings. This version also has vacuum-metallized plastic in other places on his body (other than the Hasbro versions' stained-glass cockpit detail), but lacks the Decepticon sigil. Many Soundwave figures in the initial Galaxy Force run had a serious misassembly issue preventing the toy from correctly transforming into fighter mode. The large hinge bar that connects the upper torso to the waist is bolted crookedly on one side, making it impossible for the legs and the canopy to properly form the front of the fighter. And of course, the Takara version's Cyber Key lacks a Cyber Key Code.
This mold was later used to make Galaxy Force Soundblaster and the 2008 Universe Autobot Blaster.

Of all the LOCs, this one gets served the most.
  • Soundwave (Legends of Cybertron, 2005)
This incredibly-simplified version of the original Soundwave toy was made available in the third wave of "Legends of Cybertron" product. His jet mode cockpit does not attach to his left arm, but rather just kind of hangs awkwardly off his left hip. The stock photo (at right), the picture on the toy's card, and the toy's instructions, show three different arrangements of Soundwave's hips and lower torso in vehicle mode. (They differ in whether the triangular pattern of stripes on his crotch points up or forward, and on whether the fronts of his thighs point up or out.) None of the arrangements work terribly well.
This mold was also used to make the 2008 Universe version of Air Raid.

Cybertrontoy LOCtarget4pack.jpg
  • Megatron / Soundwave / Jetfire / Optimus Prime (Multi-pack, 2007)
This four pack of Legend-class Optimus Prime, Megatron, Jetfire, and Soundwave was exclusive to Target stores. All of the toys were identical to their individual releases.


Class06-toy LOCCybSoundwave.jpg
  • Soundwave (Legends Class, 2007)
Bizarrely enough, Soundwave was one of three Cybertron Legends toys straight-released in Classics packaging, though with the modifier "Cybertron Collection" printed on the cardfront. The toy itself is identical to the Cybertron release.


  • According to the Galaxy Force Volume 13 DVD booklet, Soundwave's stats are:
    • Height: 4.1 meters
    • Weight: 4.1 tons
    • Speed: Oh oh! Guess what it is? It's Mach 4.1! Surprise!

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Soundwave (サウンドウェーブ Saundowēbu)
  • Armenian: Dzaynayin Aliq (Ձայնային Ալիք, "Sound Wave")
  • Hungarian: Hanghullám (1st dub, "Soundwave"), Fülelő (2nd dub, "Listener")
  • Korean: Soundwave (사운드웨이브 Saundeuweibeu)
  • Mandarin: Shēngbō (聲波, 声波, "Soundwave")


  1. Booklet included with Transformers: Galaxy Force vol. 13 DVD
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