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Seacons comic 2

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Generations Selects Special Comic
Generations Selects Gulf comic.jpg
Publisher TakaraTomy Mall
First published August 5, 2019
Manga Shin Sasaki
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity, Precursor World

Optimus Prime meets the Seacons.



Primus beckons Optimus Prime to gather Star Power within the Silver Matrix; with it, it possess power on par with that which creates universes, and the Matrix will protect this dimension's universe—"your collective future", as Primus cryptically describes.

In the dimension, Optimus Prime wonders about the eerie silence permeating it when he is shot at by the photon sailer's energy cannons. Riding upon it is Turtler, who simply threatens to make the Autobot food for the Seacons and sics a Gulf on the bemused Optimus. Gulf bites hard on Optimus's arm, but he summons the power of the Silver Matrix to become Star Convoy once again and easily defeats the Seacon in that form. Turtler realizes he erred in sending out a single Gulf, so he sics a pack of them on Star Convoy!

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)



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