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Safeguard Team

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The name or term "Safeguard" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Safeguard (disambiguation).
The Safeguard Team is a Mini-Con team from the Armada portion of the Unicron Trilogy continuity family (via the 2008 Universe toyline).
One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong! (Pictured from left to right: Makeshift, Heavytread, Flatfoot)

The Safeguard Team is a battlefield support team.[1]

The Safeguard Team consists of...



Universe (2008)

  • Mini-Con 12-Pack (Multi-pack, Kmart exclusive, 2008)
The Safeguard Team was bundled with the Overcast Team, the Ransack Team, and the Landslide Team.

In the UK, all twelve Mini-Cons from the original "Mini-Con Class 12 Pack" set were released in individual blind-packed bags with "energon fizzy sweets" candies, distributed by The Little Factory Ltd. These versions of the the Safeguard Team are actually new toolings with numerous tiny differences from the originals (and generally less crisp molding), but are functionally the same toys.


  • Makeshift was later sold individually at Big Lots! and other smaller discount stores.


  1. News from BotCon: MINI-CON 12-pack only at Kmart
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