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Rhinox Chapter

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Transformers: Beast Wars Diorama Story ep 9
BWDS 9.jpg
Please pretend my saw-flail thingy is a gun.
"Rhinox Chapter"
ライノックス編 ()
(Rhinox Hen)
Production company TakaraTomy
Airdate April 26, 2007
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Packaged with TM-09 Rhinox

Rhinox battles the mysterious new soldier, Wolfang.


Locked in battle with the mysterious new Predacon Wolfang, Rhinox attacks with his "Tail Blade" only to be fought off by Wolfang's "Crossbow Missile". Not to be outdone, Rhinox then hits him with the "Gatling Hammer".

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


  • This chapter was included on a DVD with the Japanese version of "The Web".
  • The accompanying Data File notes several facts about Rhinox, including his Tech Specs. His running speed is 40 kilometers per hour, his jump distance is 4 meters, and his maximum output is 900,000 horsepower. In robot mode, his weapons include the Tail Blade and the Gatling Hammer.
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