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Rewind (SG)

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This article is about the evil Autobot. For his heroic counterpart, see Rewind (G1). For a list of other meanings, see Rewind (disambiguation).
Rewind is an evil Autobot from the Shattered Glass continuity family.
Voted "Most Likely To Be Scanned By An Enigmatic Sun Being."

Rewind is a renowned tracker and trainer of Cybertronic wildlife, such as his partner Ramhorn. Blaster hired the quiet hunter in order to be able to counter Sir Soundwave's menagerie of Recordicons, but Rewind is more interested in the fauna of Earth. Rewind's right rifle hypnotizes and stuns wild creatures, while his left rifle can melt together the components of their metal bodies.



Fun Publications Shattered Glass continuity

One more thing—one last thing—because I don't say it enough: I hate you.

When Blaster was marooned on Earth's moon, Rewind was trapped there as well. They eventually hitched a ride back to Earth in Solarbot's ship and sought revenge on Soundwave. Rewind got into a struggle with Batbot until Blaster ordered a retreat. Solar Requiem

At some point after the incident with the Underbase, Rewind stole Demolishor's Robot Master technology and used it to resuscitate Chromedome. Coalescence

During the assault on Decepticon City, Rewind and Chromedome were wrangling Weirdwolf when they heard the shots that ended the struggle between Optimus and Galvatron for good. The Autobots retreated aboard Sky Lynx after their leader's fall. Restoration When their ride announced they'd have to lighten their load, Rodimus promptly dumped Optimus Prime out the nearest hatch. Rewind gave a shrug when Rodimus asked if there were any objections to him being the new leader. Familiar Reflections

Back on Cybertron, Rodimus's rule was brief as Optimus returned as the newly enlightened Nova Prime. Rewind and his comrades were struck down fighting Nova's Autotroopers. Out of the One, Many As they were being rounded up, though, Cybertron turned against its inhabitants. While Primus changed to robot mode, Rodimus encouraged his troops to get to the ships, and Rewind presumably escaped to fight another day. The Future Buried...

e-HOBBY comics

Rewind and Blaster's battle against Solarbot was observed by Bludgeon. Cybertron Magna Convoy

IDW Shattered Glass comic

Before the war, Rewind and the other cassettes worked with Blaster during his time as a television presenter and, later, during his short-lived music career.

Many years later, after the Decepticons retook Gold City, Rewind joined Blaster as they infiltrated the city, with the illustrious duty of shining a spotlight for Blaster's grandiose speeches. Unlike the then-deceased Eject, Rewind misses his cues. The infiltration ended up being failure, and they were forced to retreat. Rewind and the cassettes returned to the base ahead of their master. This was unfortunate, however, because Rodimus killed them all as punishment for Blaster's repeated failures. Rewind's arm was visible under a tarp when Rodimus taunted Blaster over the deaths of his boys. Shattered Glass II #2


Shattered Glass

Does this mean Eject would be purple like G2 Frenzy?
  • SG Soundwave vs. SG Blaster (Multi-pack, 2013)
  • ID number: VSE
  • Accessories: 2 guns, cassette case
"SG Rewind" is a redeco of the original-series Rewind/Eject cassette mold, now in the colors of the unreleased Generation 2 Go-Bot Rumble. Provided stickers complete the homage, giving him leg details that resemble the sculpted detail of the Go-Bots Rumble toy, as well as a "Vinny's Motors" sticker to be applied to his cassette-details side. In cassette form he can fit into the tape compartments of any iteration of the original Soundwave and Blaster molds (and a few other toys of those characters to boot).
He was only available in an e-HOBBY exclusive multi-pack of SG Soundwave and SG Blaster, and fellow cassettes SG Ratbat, SG Slugfest, Ramhorn, and the Solarbot. Fun Publications imported this set as part of a "sharing exclusives" deal, with e-HOBBY offering the Shattered Glass-themed BotCon 2012 "Invasion" set to Japanese buyers.
This mold was also redecoed to make Flip Sides, Rosanna, and the aforementioned Solarbot.
The Transformers mold: Rewind/Eject
  • Hasbro:
  • Platinum Edition Eject
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers
    C-67 Rewind
  • C-118 Rewind (The Headmasters)

  • C-68 Eject
  • C-117 Eject (The Headmasters)
  • e-HOBBY:

Shattered Glass Collection

Wouldn't hold out hopes for a Shattered Glass Chromedome anytime soon kiddos.
  • Autobot Blaster – Autobot Rewind (Voyager Class, 2022)
Released as part of the Shattered Glass Collection subline, "Autobot Rewind" is included with his larger partner Autobot Blaster. Rewind is a translucent red, white, black, and teal redeco of Kingdom Eject, transforming from a robot to a mini-cassette designed to fit into Blaster's chest compartment. He is also compatible with the chest compartment of the Siege Soundwave mold and its retools. He features a hexagonal 5mm port on each of his forearms.
As he is primarily made of translucent plastic, his joints are prone to stress marks and fractures, so caution is advised when handling/transforming him.
This mold was also used to make Legacy: Evolution positive-universe Rewind.


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Rewind (リワインド Riwaindo)
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