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Rebellion (Armada)

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This article is about the Armada episode. For the Prime episode, see Rebellion (Prime).
Transformers: Armada ep 23
One small step for schemers, one giant leap to overthrow a guy called Megatron.
謀反 (かくご)
"Rebellion: Resolution"
Production code TF: A-23
Production company TV Tokyo, NAS
Airdate January 26, 2003 (UK, English premiere)
January 28, 2003 (USA)
13 June 2003 (Japanese)
Writer Akira Okeya
Director Takashi Sano
Animation studio Actas Inc.
Continuity Unicron Trilogy

One fine day on the Moon. Sideways manipulates, Starscream evaluates. Cyclonus snores, Megatron roars. You'll always have Demolishor!



And the fangirls go WILD.

Alone on the Moon, Sideways notes that Megatron's poor leadership is the key to the Decepticons' recent string of losses—Sideways must do something if he wants to keep the conflict going. As he records, he gazes at the sky, a dark region of deep space without stars.

Soon afterward, Megatron and the other Decepticons return from battle, called back by Sideways, who claims to be suffering from damage in his leg. Megatron is unimpressed and annoyed, and even more annoyed when, practically in mid-sentence, Cyclonus takes a nap.

Man, the Cartoon Network reception up here is terrible.

When Starscream arrives, Megatron brutalizes and belittles him as punishment for failing during battle, even though he was only obediently operating under Megatron's direct orders. Demolishor blasts into the room and intervenes, possibly saving Starscream's life. Megatron leaves, and Starscream goes on his own soon after. After briefly questioning Demolishor about his unquestioning loyalty to Megatron, Sideways follows Starscream. When Cyclonus doesn't wake up, and even Megatron is napping on his throne, Demolishor concedes the Decepticons' morale is embarrassing.

Starscream, who accidentally fell down a hill, cries out in anguish. Nearby, Sideways sympathizes with Starscream about how Megatron is operating irrationally. Before leaving again, Sideways alludes to a familiar concept: Starscream commanding the Decepticons.

Megatron, hearing from Sideways a different perspective on his disciplinary actions, is manipulated. Sideways escalates the tension between Starscream and Megatron by suggesting Megatron's position is dependent on possessing the Star Saber.

Questioning his position, Starscream projects his doubt onto Demolishor and uses it as reassurance that they're both soldiers, even if he was born into a war and still doesn't know its ideology and purpose. Demolishor is confused by Starscream's rationalization and feels that the still-napping Cyclonus is the only Decepticon without issues.

Well, he still treats his troops better than G1 Galvatron.

In a hallway, Starscream has come to disregard his misgivings and continue to obey Megatron. But Sideways pushes Starscream over the edge with a falsified order he claims to be relaying directly from Megatron. As Starscream storms out to find Megatron, Demolishor wakes Cyclonus so they can prevent the confrontation, but Cyclonus is more interested in being an audience to the brawl.

Megatron wagers the Star Saber on his victory. When Cyclonus arrives to watch, Starscream loses his sword and gets a beatdown from Megatron. Megatron picks Starscream off the ground and re-states what's at stake: Everything. After Megatron's speech, Starscream delivers an uppercut and follows up with several sound blows, getting cheers from Cyclonus. But a hit from Megatron sends Starscream through the air.

Kiss me, you fool.

Megatron holds the Star Saber in Starscream's face, and despite his earlier promise, he lets Starscream live, flaunting that he knows Starscream's psychological weakness. Sideways muses that Megatron had victory but walked away from it. He saw weakness in Megatron through Starscream; he prophesies that one day the Decepticon leader will regret what happened here, and it will be his ruin.

The next time the Decepticons enter battle, they fight with recharged vigor; somehow, the conflict reaching its climax on the Moon re-established Megatron's leadership, which benefitted the rest of the team.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"There's gotta be a reason we fight. Because there's no point in continuing unless there is. This war is over ten million years old. In fact, I've been a warrior ever since my spark left the Iacon chamber, and I was merged into the army of Megatron. The only difference between me and an Autobot is the way we do battle and the code of the Decepticons. I guess I'm starting to get a little... confused. But you shouldn't be. We are soldiers sworn to obey Megatron; capture the Mini-Cons and return to Cybertron triumphant."

Starscream, in Dinobot rambling speech mode.

Demolishor: What is going on with everyone here? Ever since we lost that battle, everyone's gone loopy.
(glances at Cyclonus, who's still sleeping and snoring)
Well, at least some things never change around here. But Cyclonus is starting to look like the only sane one.

—You know the Decepticons are in deep doo-doo when the nutty guy's considered the 'only sane one.'

"This time, it's a fight to the finish, and I won't accept any of your lame excuses. Do you understand me, you worthless grunt? I hope to realize what is at stake here. The Star Saber and supreme command of the Decepticons go to the winner. Why, you could rule the universe if you were victorious. There is no greater prize, and this is your one chance to attain it, so don't blow it, dolt. But just remember this, Starscream, I won't show you mercy. You will be an example to my men, to prevent any further insubordination."

Megatron simultaneously insults Starscream's pride and incentivizes him to fight harder.

"You win, Megatron. Now just.. get it over with."
"You're giving up? I expected more of you! At least beg me to spare your worthless life! Or is your foolish pride getting in the way of even that, Starscream? Well, is it? Your problem is you have a conscience. You don't have the stomach to finish the fight because you play by the rules. Well, then, you'll never come out on top, Starscream."

Starscream asks for death, and Megatron gives him a complete evaluation instead.

"Ha, you had the upper hand, Megatron, and then you walked away before it was over. A true leader would never leave a fight half-fought. I see weakness and one day, it will come back to haunt you. And it will be your ruin."

Sideways, observing Megatron's refusal to finish off Starscream (with superb delivery by Paul Dobson)


Differences with Legends of the Microns

  • Sideways doesn't begin his report until the bird's-eye view shot of him. He says the Autobots are now the dominant faction rather than gaining the advantage. The Star Saber, Skyboom Shield, and Requiem Blaster will soon fall into their hands, making the Autobots overpowered in battle. Hence, he needs to act immediately to deal with this development. In Armada, Sideways points out the Decepticons' recent losing streak due to their disorganization and how it's about to change.
  • Megatron starts speaking to Sideways during the former's close-up shot. He asks why Sideways retreated; Sideways answers that his leg was damaged. Armada makes it seem like Sideways called Megatron back to base before Megatron asks if he's pulling a joke.
  • Cyclonus teases Sideways after returning from battle in Armada. Legends of the Microns has him rambling about the Decepticons' losing streak, with this one being their third in a row.
  • Starscream's first line is changed to reflect the dark mood in the base better. Megatron is also calm and collected when telling Starscream to follow him.
  • In Armada, Starscream stammers as he asks Megatron if something is wrong, and Megatron tells Starscream that he's terminated. Then Sideways says Megatron will exterminate Starscream and blames the latter for his failure. In Legends of the Microns, Starscream is silent as Megatron approaches, and the latter sternly asks Starscream what he just said. Then Demolishor asks what the sound heard was, and Sideways calls Megatron a hypocrite who abuses his men for his losses.
  • Rather than saying Starscream also fails at following orders, Megatron asks if Starscream can't do anything but what he's told and if he's even capable of using his head.
  • In Armada, Megatron says what he did to Starscream was a fitting punishment for insubordination. Legends of the Microns makes him crueler as he says it was a bore and that his men are all pitifully dull. Starscream later tells Demolishor that he has unfinished business in Armada but tells him to be quiet in Legends of the Microns.
  • Starscream doesn't say anything before he flies off. Sideways quips on how the former's departure is a fine example of teamwork among comrades. Then, after Sideways leaves, Demolishor asks what he means about why the latter is loyal to Megatron.
  • Legends of the Microns gives Sideways an extra line about it being time for him to make a gamble since the Decepticons will be over if things remain in their current state. He doesn't mention Megatron maiming the others.
  • The camera zooms closer to the Decepticon base as Cyclonus snores and Demolishor calls him a lazy jerk.
  • As Starscream repeatedly stabs his wing blade into the ground, Armada has him rant about Megatron humiliating him while he only swears in Legends of the Microns. Then, in Armada, Sideways asks Starscream if he will make a bet. In Legends of the Microns, he tells Starscream that he can beat Megatron with his sword.
  • In Armada, Sideways says Megatron has gone off the deep end, and Starscream agrees. When talking about who is better suited to be the leader, Sideways says Starscream knows who he's referring to but won't admit it. In Legends of the Microns, Sideways is more cryptic as he asks Starscream if he also believes someone else is more suitable to lead the Decepticons. Then he says sometimes it's best to welcome change per a situation's atmosphere.
  • When Sideways manipulates Megatron, Legends of the Microns goes right to the point with a calm Megatron not liking what Sideways says yet remaining confident Starscream could never rebel against him as the latter knows he would lose. Sideways says Megatron must do something; otherwise, Starscream's rebellious spirit will grow. However, Megatron then calls Starscream one of his most important subordinates, so Sideways doesn't know whether Megatron is more intelligent than he looks or a total idiot. Sideways says Megatron risks giving Starscream the upper hand unless he deals with him now, but Megatron says he'll use the Star Saber to crush Starscream. Then Sideways goads Megatron with how he believes the latter feels stronger while wielding the Star Saber, as Starscream can't compete with the weapon. This claim makes Megatron snap at Sideways, declaring he doesn't need the Star Saber to beat Starscream and can quickly kill him with his bare hands. With Megatron's response, Sideways determines him to be an idiot.
  • Compared to how cynical and bitter he is in Armada (as quoted above), Starscream is more reflective and tactful during his talk with Demolishor in Legends of the Microns; Starscream also periodically pauses speaking in the Japanese dub, whereas he talks almost nonstop in Armada. He goes through the ship's historical records on the Mini-Cons for clues on why the Transformers keep fighting. He tells Demolishor that despite only knowing to fight since birth, they're like the Autobots, who also fight without hesitation. Then Starscream says he and Demolishor wouldn't hesitate to battle Megatron if they were born as Autobots instead. Demolishor asks what Starscream is trying to say, and Starscream says Demolishor is probably right, but no one can do anything about it now.
  • The Star Saber is redrawn in the scene of Megatron asleep outside with it. In the next scene with Starscream and Demolishor, the latter says Megatron crossed the line by attacking Starscream in Armada. In Legends of the Microns, he says the Decepticons' losing streak is getting the better of Megatron since he's now more irritable than ever.
  • After Sideways gives Starscream the order from Megatron, Sideways says that Megatron said guarding the warp gate is a task befitting one who can only do as he's told. In Armada, Sideways claims Starscream is the only one Megatron trusts with the job. Immediately after this exchange, Starscream thinks about the order's absurdness in Armada. In Legends of the Microns, Starscream has no internal dialogue, and he's redrawn. After he throws Demolishor aside, Armada has Starscream say he's fed up with his unjust treatment, while the assignment being stated for one who can only do as he's told angers him in Legends of the Microns.
  • In the scene with Sideways in the throne room, Starscream surmises that Megatron is "waiting" for him outside. He doesn't come to that conclusion in Armada; instead, he says, "He's mine!"
  • In Armada, Demolishor tells Cyclonus if they don't stop Starscream, the Decepticons can kiss their morale goodbye. In Legends of the Microns, Demolishor says the group's unity is at stake instead.
  • Sideways tells Cyclonus he told Starscream he wasn't ready to face Megatron, but Starscream wouldn't listen in Armada. Sideways says he pities Starscream but doubts he will survive the fight in Legends of the Microns.
  • After decking Starscream with several blows, Megatron tells him to stand up since they're only getting started. After Megatron says the winner gets the Star Saber and command of the Decepticons, he says Starscream shouldn't blow his only chance to get such a grand prize in Armada. In Legends of the Microns, Megatron asks whether it's what Starscream always wanted or if he's already quit.
  • Immediately afterward, in Armada (as quoted above), Megatron says he won't hold back and will make an example of Starscream to quell future rebellion ideas. In Legends of the Microns, Megatron tells Starscream he wouldn't believe him if he said he never considered being the leader. He asks if Starscream's ambition has ended and demands he not delude himself with "pitiful self-righteousness."
  • Instead of saying Megatron never planning to use the Star Saber against Starscream will ruin everything, Sideways says there must be another reason since "Megatron's not the type to do that."
  • Megatron says Starscream will never beat him as long as the latter's pride holds back his ambition. In Armada, Megatron says he is the winner since he understands Starscream's weaknesses of having a conscience and playing by the rules.
  • Sideways says he now knows Megatron's weakness, but his naivety stopped him from killing Starscream. The following shots of Starscream lying defeated are silent.
  • During the final scenes of the Decepticons and Autobots fighting, Armada plays its "insert" version of the Transformers theme song, but Legends of the Microns plays "Invincible Power."
  • In Armada, Sideways's closing narration ties into the subplot of the Decepticons' low morale and lack of unity. He notes their boosted resolve despite his failed plan to take down Megatron, enjoying how the team fights as one again; however, there's still no clear winner in sight between the two factions. Legends of the Microns connects it to Sideways's subplot to balance the factions' power; it ends more ominously and feels less like a cliffhanger. Sideways says the strength between the Autobots and Decepticons suddenly became more balanced, and they're now one step closer to the day when their fight will lead to their destruction.
  • In the last shot, Starscream's yelling stops when the screen goes black, and the final musical sting from the opening theme's trance version plays after Sideways finishes speaking in Armada. Starscream's yell echoes as Sideways completes the narration in the Japanese dub, and Sideways's voice sounds disembodied.

Animation and technical errors

Some animation differences between Armada (left) and Legends of the Microns (right). It's like night and day, right?
  • The episode's animation shifts from high quality (particularly for close-ups and specific sequences) to average, mainly as Megatron defeats Starscream, going from a high-quality shot of Starscream slowly falling to the ground to a lower-quality shot of him landing (see right). Different lower-quality shots at the end of Megatron and Starscream's duel are redrawn to provide more consistent animation quality in the Japanese dub. However, several quick shots of the two seen in the Japanese cut of the fight are reused from the unfinished animation seen in the American cut.
  • As Megatron turns away after this scene, his Decepticon symbols are missing from his shoulders, and he seriously lacks in-drawn detail. Legends of the Microns replaces Megatron's low-quality model with a redrawn one, complete with the symbols on his shoulders.
  • The background doesn't match the previous shot during Sideways's close-up after the other Decepticons warp back to base.
  • When Demolishor tells Megatron that Cyclonus has fallen asleep, Cyclonus doesn't have a face, but we can still hear him snoring.
  • As Megatron walks toward Starscream before brutalizing him, Megatron's walking animation stops after the first step, but the walking sound effect is still audible. Legends of the Microns reanimates Megatron as walking, but his arms are now stationary.
  • When Starscream tries reasoning with Megatron that he followed his orders, parts of his body, like between his arms and the top of his chest, are heavily shadowed. The Japanese dub either removes the unnecessary shadows or lessens them; however, for some reason, Legends of the Microns removes the shadow above Starscream's eyes, though it's present in Armada.
  • After trying to open the doors, Demolishor says Megatron "locked us in here" (referring to himself and Sideways) when really, Megatron locked himself and Starscream in the room. Legends of the Microns changes Demolishor's line to saying a key is needed to open the doors.
  • After Starscream passes Demolishor and leaves the room, Demolishor's Decepticon insignia is a plain purple shape.
  • In the next shot of Starscream from behind, he is a bit off-model, and some of the lightning on him is wrong. Legends of the Microns corrects this (see right).
  • After Starscream flies off, the right side of Demolishor's face is yellow, like his head.
  • After the shot of Starscream raising his wing blade, the background resembles the inside of the base, although he's outside.
  • In the wide shot of Sideways and Starscream talking, Sideways's sides are blue rather than yellow.
  • When Sideways tells Starscream that Megatron is afraid of him, Starscream doesn't move and looks shocked throughout the shot.
  • Starscream lacks the shadow above his eyes in some shots.
  • In another shot during the same scene, the Decepticon symbols on Starscream's wings have circles around them.
  • When Starscream responds to Sideways in the corridor after Sideways says Megatron only depends on Starscream to carry out his order, Starscream's body moves, but his shoulder thrusters don't.
  • In the scene of Starscream and Demolishor fighting in the corridor, they are both off-model, and Sideways has vanished. Legends of the Microns adds Sideways back into the scene; Starscream and Demolishor are entirely redrawn, and the background is slightly shifted to the right (see right).
  • In two shots where Demolishor and Cyclonus watch Megatron and Starscream fight in the distance, the top of Megatron's body just below his neck is miscolored red.
  • In the close-ups of Demolishor, after Cyclonus drops him, the lighting effect of his left eye is miscolored black.
  • During the last scene, there's an awkward silence after Megatron speaks to Demolishor. The Japanese dub removes it as Megatron doesn't immediately say his line after the scene cuts. Also, Megatron commands Demolishor to look after the Mini-Cons. In Legends of the Microns, his command is for Demolishor to find the Mini-Con panel.

Continuity notes

  • The opening scene, where Sideways gazes up at a dark, starless region of space, is a clue to his true allegiance, which the following episode reveals.
  • Sideways's log also reveals that the Cybertronian date in this episode is "Astrodate Nimbus 3391," and his ID code is "002348".
  • This episode is the first to mention the Requiem Blaster (though by its Japanese name, as explained below).
  • According to the Legends of the Microns Year Book 2003, Sideways aims to destroy both factions.
  • Since the Autobots gained a fair chunk of the Decepticons' Mini-Cons in the last episode, the Decepticons appear to be losing every recent battle, something that Megatron is very displeased with and takes his frustrations out on Starscream.
  • The Legends of the Microns Year Book 2003 calls this episode the second in the "Starscream saga."
  • Starscream's loyalty to the Decepticon cause starts wavering more in this episode.
  • Demolishor is once again left to fix the Decepticon team alone.
  • According to Starscream in the English dub, the Transformers war is over 10 million years old.
  • This episode is the only one in the series without any humans and barely any Autobots.
  • The part about Starscream wondering why the Transformers fight comes up again in the Japanese version of "Sacrifice."
  • This episode has the show's first fight between Starscream and Megatron, although Sideways caused it through his manipulations.
  • During their fight, the Japanese dub has Megatron scold Starscream for lacking ambition; Megatron brings up Starscream's ambition again in "Cramp."
  • The Legends of the Microns Year Book 2003 states the main difference between Megatron and Starscream becomes clear in this episode, arguably that Starscream is more "human" than Megatron, which will lead to fascinating developments for Starscream in the future.
  • Gadgets and powers:
    • Sideways's arm cannons aren't attached in this episode. Since he isn't participating in any battles, he seems to have removed them. The toy's arm cannons are pressure-fire missiles and are easily removable.
    • Cyclonus carries Demolishor in vehicle mode, a practice he repeats in Energon.
  • Powerlinx forms:
    • Blurr Powerlinx with the Skyboom Shield for the first time.

Continuity errors

  • Sideways says the Autobots possess the Star Saber, Skyboom Shield, and Astro Blaster (the Requiem Blaster's Japanese name) in his opening log entry. However, the Decepticons still have the sword, the Autobots have the shield, while the show won't introduce the Requiem Blaster until "Desperate." He also says the Decepticons don't have the necessary organization to keep the weapons in their possession, but they never had all the weapons in the first place. Legends of the Microns fixes these glaring errors; Sideways says the Autobots will soon possess all three weapons and become too strong, removing the mention of the Decepticons ever having the weapons beforehand.
  • Somehow, Sideways knows that Megatron plans to exterminate Starscream, but how could he have possibly heard Megatron say that? The Japanese dub instead has Sideways calling Megatron a hypocrite who takes his losses out on his men.
  • The background changes between the scenes of Starscream flying off and Sideways talking to Demolishor. Legends of the Microns switches it in Starscream's shot to match that of Sideways and Demolishor; however, the background of the Armada version of Starscream's scene is correct in this case (see above).
  • Starscream claims Demolishor has beef with Megatron and should get over it, but it's more like Starscream's talking about himself. The Japanese dub doesn't have this issue since the point of their talk is entirely different.
  • After this, Demolishor grumbles about everyone going "loopy" after losing the previous battle, despite the Decepticons already noted as suffering their third loss in a row at the episode's start. Legends of the Microns corrects this as Demolishor mentions the recent string of losses making everyone go least, everyone except Cyclonus.
  • Megatron refers to the Transformers as "Cybertronians," a term for their race that isn't often used through most Transformers fiction.

Real-world references

  • Sideways's log entry sequence is based on the Star Trek characters' logs that provide exposition for the ongoing plot.
  • Megatron's line that incompetent morons surround him is a version of Scar's "I'm surrounded by idiots" line from The Lion King.
  • Megatron says before pounding Starscream, "You're terminated." It's an apparent reference to The Terminator; even the music that plays during Starscream's second Megatron apparition sounds like a dead ringer for the Terminator theme.


  • The kanji 謀反 would be pronounced as "muhon" or "bouhan," while "kakugo" uses 覚悟.
  • "Rebellion" first aired in the United States on January 28, 2003.
  • Cyclonus is briefly shown drooling after he falls asleep.
  • Few other Transformers episodes focus exclusively on the Decepticons, with some Autobots only having brief appearances at the end.
  • This episode marks the first time in the series that a Transformer gives the opening and ending narrations instead of one of the kids, a given since this is a human-less episode.
  • Surprisingly, this episode's English dub doesn't spam the transformation sound effect and only uses it once after Cyclonus drops off Demolishor. Legends of the Microns doesn't use it at all here. This episode's Armada dub has no drastic musical changes except the last scene with the Autobots.
  • Starscream's discussion with Demolishor in the Japanese dub about wanting answers for why the Transformers keep fighting later becomes a lyric in the second opening song, "Transformers: Kōtetsu no Yūki."
  • The Legends of the Microns Year Book 2003 claims that Megatron can never win, regardless of whether or not Starscream is stronger than him. Interesting.
    • It even calls Megatron "an attractive killer"; well, let's face it, there's no disputing the guy has some charisma.
  • The Legends of the Microns Year Book 2003 reveals that Yūjin Ishikawa wanted to try a new take on Starscream's betrayal and Optimus Prime's death in the series. He felt a Starscream who doesn't betray wouldn't please Transformers fans, so there are glimpses of him backstabbing Megatron for his self-interests in "Soldier" and "Jungle," similar to past Starscreams. However, Starscream slowly grows and evolves, like Hot Shot; the producers' treatment of Starscream changed after realizing he'd be the only Decepticon with character development.

Foreign localization


  • Title: "Rébellion" ("Rebellion")


  • Title: "Lázadás" ("Rebellion")


  • Title: "Ribellione" ("Rebellion")
  • For some reasons, in Sideways's first line, the terms "log" and "astral date" are left in English.


  • Title: "스크림의 반란" ("Scream's Rebellion")


  • Title: "Rebelia" ("Rebellion")


  • Title: "Rebelião" ("Rebellion")

Home video releases

All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted.

Japan 2003 — Transformers: Legends of the Microns — Volume 6 (Columbia Music Entertainment) — Japanese audio only.
United States of America 2004 — Transformers: Armada — Season One: Part One (Rhino Entertainment)
Germany 2008 — Transformers: Armada — Volume One (New KSM) — English and German audio.
United States of America 2014 — Transformers: Armada — The Complete Series (Shout! Factory)

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