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Ramjet (WFC)

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The name or term "Ramjet" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ramjet (disambiguation).
Ramjet is a Decepticon from the War for Cybertron portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Wait, do I still like toast?

Ramjet is one of Megatron's crazier and more brutal aerial warriors, even by Decepticon standards! He maintains his air supremacy by taking his name literally — there isn't room in the air for anyone else in his view, and anyone who tries to intrude in his airspace will find themselves knocked right out of the sky by his head. As on the air, so he is on the ground — Ramjet carries a massive hammer around with him which he uses to administer a blunt force trauma to anyone who gets in his way. However, he'd prefer he ramming-by-the-head thing over the use of his devastating arsenal of weaponry.

Looking forward to a good mid-air collision!Ramjet, War for Cybertron



Aligned novels

Ramjet left Cybertron aboard the Nemesis, and was among Starscream's Seekers sent to spring the Star Seekers' trap by Megatron. He was later captured by Quintesson forces when the ship came to the planet Aquatron. Found innocent of crimes against the Quintesson Imperium, Ramjet was fed to Piranhacons in the city of Hydratron's Hall of Justice. Retribution


Transformers: War for Cybertron (DS)

Voice actor: Brad Davidorf (English)
Ramjet is an unlockable character for the Nintendo DS version of War for Cybertron, and available to those who use the secret code 99871 from the official War for Cybertron page at or secret code 99871 from the Hunt for the Decepticons pack-in catalog. On the Decepticon version he can replace any of the other Decepticons in the campaign mode.

Transformers: War for Cybertron

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (3DS)

Ramjet appears in the Rise of the Dark Spark game for Nintendo 3DS as a support unit. Equipping him allows all Cybertron Decepticons to take initiative in head-to-head melee combat.

Rise of the Dark Spark


  • Ramjet is usable in both the Autobot and Decepticon versions of the War for Cybertron games for the DS. Used only for multiplayer, bonus missions and Arena mode in the Autobot version and used in multiplayer, Arena mode, and campaign in the Decepticon version.
  • Orthographic concept art of Ramjet, along with fellow conehead Dirge, can be found on Gary Freeman's website.
  • He can't swim.
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