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Radar is a Decepticon from the IDW portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
I don't think that this place is turning out to be that great an experience for me. I mean, I work under terrible pressure, and there's lots of death and destruction and stuff, but other than that I don't think I'm getting much out of it.

Transforming into a portable telecoms system, Radar is a decent fellow for a Decepticon.


2005 IDW continuity

During the war, Radar was part of a squad that also included Krok and Gatoraider. They ended up facing the Wreckers and Radar stood no chance at all as Roadbuster, high on Syk, tore out his spine and made him eat it. Afterwards, the grieving Krok gathered up Radar's remains and became particularly attached to his finger, which retained its ability to detect Decepticon sparks in the vicinity when clicked. Animals

Even after the war ended, Krok kept Radar's finger with him, though he hid its true nature from his new squadmates. Rules of Disengagement Tiring of Krok's habit of clicking his "communicator", Misfire attempted to challenge him over it but was talked down by Fulcrum. Some Of My Best Friends Are Autobots While being hunted by the Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord Fortress Maximus on Tebris VII, Krok eventually came clean and showed Radar's finger to Misfire and Fulcrum. After using it as part of an elaborate bluff to escape Fortress Maximus, Krok inserted Radar's finger into the Weak Anthropic Principle's navigation system to locate former Decepticons in the vicinity who might need their help. Animals

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