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Optimus Maximus (G1)

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The name or term "Optimus Maximus" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Optimus Maximus (disambiguation).
Optimus Maximus is an Autobot Combiner from the Combiner Wars portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
"By your powers combined, I am Captain Cybertron!"

The mighty Optimus Maximus was Prowl's last-ditch attempt to protect the world of Caminus—and perhaps the entire galaxy—from Starscream's political machinations. Every Autobot involved in the combination process brings some of their own unique traits to the composite individual that is Optimus Maximus – the dependability of Ironhide, the strategic genius of Prowl, Mirage's cloaking powers, the courage of Optimus Prime and Sunstreaker's... good looks.

Optimus Maximus is the combined form of several Autobots, sometimes grouped together as the Sentinels, though the precise limb configuration is variable:

Rodimus is sometimes included as Optimus Maximus's chest piece. Optimus Prime can also form Ultra Prime by combining with a more random assortment of Transformers.

We are OPTIMUS MAXIMUS! We are the defender of all sentient beings!

—Optimus Maximus pulls himself together, "All That Remains"



2005 IDW continuity

'Til all are one.

After Prowl's first two attempts at stopping Starscream ended in his arrest, he fell back on his contingency plan: roping Rattrap into stealing the Enigma of Combination and delivering it to his cell—just as Ironhide, Mirage, and Sunstreaker arrived to meet with Optimus Prime. Although Optimus tried to stop Rattrap, he activated the Enigma. The five Autobots were exposed to its energy, merging them into a new, combined form. With Prowl in control, the new combiner headed through the unstable space bridge portal, vowing to end the conflict once and for all. You, Me, and the Universe

Devastator was not impressed with Prowl's "upgrade", and made his displeasure clear by clobbering him. Within, the other Autobots struggled against Prowl's analytical personality, weakening the combination and causing them to collapse. Superion and Defensor were forced to help the struggling gestalt against Devastator and Menasor's onslaught. Within the combiner's psyche, Optimus and Prowl finally reached a grudging understanding. As the brawling combiners bounced from world to world, the five separate minds united... causing the reinvigorated combiner to declare himself Optimus Maximus!

The three combiners managed to surround Devastator as they reappeared at Cybertron and tore him apart, reducing him to his components. With both combiners defeated, Optimus Maximus willingly separated himself so that Prowl could be arrested. Since Prowl was now in custody, a saddened Superion mused that Optimus Maximus might never form again. All That Remains

Prowl taunted Optimus Prime after his arrest, stating that their time together as Optimus Maximus meant that a part of Prowl would always exist in Prime's mind. Now and On Earth

Mirage also returned to the Lost Light along with the Protectobots, making any future formations of Optimus Maximus even more unlikely. The Transgressors His death later made any reformations even less likely. Journey's End

The brawl between Optimus Maximus and Devastator unfortunately led the inhabitants of the Titan Carcer to conclude that Cybertronians were conquerors only interested in exploiting other civilizations. The Will of the Few

After Optimus Prime had annexed Earth, Galvatron put forth the idea to Arcee that Optimus' recent shift in attitude was a result of Prowl's personality influencing him due to their time spent as Optimus Maximus. The Medium and the Message

Eventually, Optimus Prime and Ironhide both died in the final battle with Unicron, so Optimus Maximus would never form again. Ceremony

Unite Warriors/Legends

"Protect the environment, or I'll slagging kill you!"

Inspired by a previous incident in which several Autobots combined, Optimus Prime, Mirage, Sunstreaker, Ironhide, and Prowl initiated the "Masquerade Project" in the late 1980s, modifying their transformation cogs to adopt new combiner modes. Though the process was imperfect and unstable, they managed to combine into Optimus Maximus and defeat Slugslinger during the battle for the Transform Super Cog. The combiner was then split apart when hit by an energy shockwave emitted by Megatron. Slugslinger's Ambition

In 2021 on Cybertron, Optimus Prime was temporarily resurrected in a new body and joined with the other four to form Optimus Maximus in response to the intervention of Megaempress and her 4 Guards. Optimus Maximus proceeded to struggle against the mighty Decepticon combiner, whose onslaught prompted Optimus Maximus to shield Marissa Faireborn and Sue from falling debris. Megatronia Chapter Their duel was interrupted by the arrival of Unicron's head, prompting Optimus Maximus to disengage and separate into his components for the battle with Unicron's Combatrons. Ruination Chapter, Part OneWhen Unicron attempted to make Cybertron his new body, the Autobots reformed Optimus Maximus and fought the dark god directly until they were blown apart by his eye beams. Undaunted, Optimus Prime accepted Roller as his new right arm and became "Optimus Maximus Roller Edition", who punched Unicron's head so hard it was sent to the Triple Z Point. Ruination Chapter, Part Two


Angry Birds Transformers

Optimus Maximus appears as the fourth unlockable Combiner. His head is Red's. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Devastation

And just wait until you see all the add-ons!

After the incident with the Ferrotaxis, Optimus Prime mused to Wheeljack about ending the war once and for all. They then both looked at a set of Combiner schematics on a computer screen, depicting Optimus Maximus. Transformers: Devastation

Transformers: Battle Tactics

See! Optimus Maximus at max level. Genius.

Optimus Maximus participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He could be recruited if all six of his components were at max level. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Earth Wars

When Optimus was in need of a new combiner to ease the burden of Superion, he employed himself, and four other volunteers to help in the endeavour. Transformers: Earth Wars

When Optimus Maximus was first formed, Kup and Grimlock asked who was inside the combiner. Optimus Maximus replied that he fought for righteousness, and it was truly Optimus inside. Countdown to Combination Event

Optimus Maximus could be obtained once all five 3-4 star Maximus Bots were collected and combined.

  • Lowest Star Rating: 3 stars
  • Class: Combiner
  • Weapons: Optimus Maximus uses many weapons, including knuckle gun gauntlets, but he usually just smashes things with his fists.
  • Abilities:
    • Earth Shatter: Send a line of damage towards your target dealing damage! Deals 600% Damage to walls!
    • Righteous Rage: Gain an immense power boost, splash damage, and take less damage for ten seconds.
    • Shockfire Missiles: Fire off 4 missiles that lock onto key defenses, dealing damage, and stun the buildings for a set period of time. (4 Star only)

Transformers Roleplaying Game

While considering the applications of the Enigma of Combination, Vorath was concerned about what might happen if the Autobots combined their best and brightest into an unstoppable "Optimus Maximus" configuration. The Enigma of Combination


Combiner Wars

Voted "most likely to be customized into the Turbomasters".
  • Sunstreaker (Deluxe Class, 2015)
  • Mirage (Deluxe Class, 2015)
  • Battle Core Optimus Prime (Voyager Class, 2015)
  • Prowl (Deluxe Class, 2015)
  • Ironhide (Deluxe Class, 2015)
  • Rodimus (Legends Class, 2015)
Combiner Wars Optimus Maximus is a Combiner made up of four Deluxe Class figures (Sunstreaker, Mirage, Prowl, and Ironhide) as limbs, a Voyager Class figure (Battle Core Optimus Prime) as the torso, and the usual Legends Class figure (Rodimus) to complete the set, all as part of the Combiner Wars line. As with the other Combiners in the line, any deluxe toy can become an arm or a leg, and each Deluxe figure comes with weapons that can become hands or feet for the combined mode. Whether by coincidence or design, all of Optimus Maximus's components are retools of the Stunticons, essentially making him a retool of Menasor.
Battle Core Optimus Prime has the improved hip joints also featured on the second run of Motormaster. This allows for a more natural pose in robot mode, as well as a more stable combined mode. He also features improved pegs on the chest, allowing for a much more secure fit for Rodimus.
As a part of the third and fourth wave promotion in Hasbro's Asian markets, a free sticker sheet for the Protectobots and Optimus Maximus was given out when purchasing any four Deluxe Class toys from those waves. As such, Optimus Maximus was given Generation 1 toy-esque stickers for the owner to apply if they wanted.[1] These sticker sheets did not include stickers for Rodimus, however.

Unite Warriors

Energon fans, start customizing!
  • Convoy Grand Prime (giftset, February 27, 2016)
    • ID number: UW-05
    • Accessories Weapons, 4 Foot/Hand/Guns
Takara's Unite Warriors iteration is sold in a gift set including all five Autobots (minus the Rodimus mold). He has numerous changes in deco to better match the components' appearances in the Generation 1 cartoon. Like Unite Warriors Menasor, the set also features some minor improvements to the original sculpts, such as improved hip-ratchets for Convoy for increased stability.
Printed on his instructions is the fifth chapter of Unite Warriors Offshot. Undocumented in the instructions, Adventure Runabout (or his mold mates Blackjack and Rodimus) can be attached to Unite Warriors Convoy Grand Prime's combined mode chest.
Convoy Grand Prime was released as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive, with the preorders opened at September 24 afternoon till October 23. It shipped in late February 2016. The giftset also includes a collector coin when purchased in select retailers outside Japan.


Transformers Trading Card Game

One of the titular combiners from the Transformers Trading Card Game Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners, Optimus Maximus, Ultimate Defender can be formed by playing the Action card Sentinel Enigma while the Character cards for all six Sentinels are in Bot Mode while on the battlefield and/or the KO area.
Optimus Maximus, Ultimate Defender's artwork is reused from the Combiner Wars Optimus Maximus packaging art.


  • In his first comic appearance, Optimus Maximus appears with the red and blue torso colors of the original Combiner Wars Optimus Prime toy. The subsequent issue, meanwhile, swaps out the blue for Battle Core Optimus's white and gold parts whilst retaining all the red, presumably as a compromise to promote the new toy whilst not completely ignoring the previous installment.
  • Maximus's limbs call to mind Energon Optimus Prime's super-mode, with a white limb (Prowl), a yellow limb (Sunstreaker), a blue limb (Mirage), and an orange limb (Ironhide... kinda). TakaraTomy would take advantage of this when releasing their "Convoy Grand Prime" set, putting the limbs in the standard configuration of the Prime Force drones for art and stock photos.
  • Optimus Maximus also shares his limbs with Betatron.
  • Optimus Maximus reuses some of the Combaticons' hand/foot pieces in some of his appearances.
  • The difference between Ultra Prime and Optimus Maximus (one being any random combination that has Optimus Prime as its torso, whereas the other is a combination of Optimus with four very specific Autobots) is mirrored by the distinction between Elita-Infin1te and Orthia, and possibly also by the one between Betatron and Computron.
  • The Japanese name "Convoy Grand Prime" has also been mirrored by Scourge Grand Prime and White Convoy Grand Prime.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Convoy Grand Prime (コンボイグランドプライム Konboi Gurando Puraimu), Optimus Maximus (オプティマスマキシマス Oputimasu Makishimasu)
  • Mandarin: Chāojí Qíng Tiān Zhù (超级擎天柱, "Super Optimus Prime")


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