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Morrie is a human from the Marvel portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
King Con! hunting group.jpg

Morrie is a hunter from New Jersey.


Marvel The Transformers comics

Morrie and his fellow hunters Juan and Gus had spotted a large creature in the New Jersey meadowlands, but when they reported this to the police, the cops didn't take any action whatsoever. So the three decided to enter the swamps themselves and kill or capture the creature before it would reach populated areas. Morrie was convinced it was just a bear from the Ramapo Mountains, but was proven wrong when their dog found something: Iguanus. The hunters fired at the creature, but the bullets just bounced off. It only took a salvo from Iguanus's hurricane air blaster more before they made a run for it.

Two days later, the three were guests at Cecilia Santiago's show New York Talks to tell about the creature they had encountered. King Con!

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