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Mirage (G1)/toys

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"The shelf was... full."

Mirage will need more than a four-car garage to hold all his toys!



The Transformers

I don't need to be street-legal; I'm rich.
Originally released in the Diaclone: Car Robot line, The Transformers Mirage was part of the original 1984 Autobot Cars assortment, transforming into a F-1 Ligier JS11 racer. His vehicle mode was specifically designed to work with the launcher mechanism contained in the Optimus Prime / Diaclone Battle Convoy trailer. He includes a spring-loaded missile launcher for use in robot mode; the launcher's spring was severely weakened for the Hasbro releases for safety reasons, while the later Takara release kept the mechanism fully-functional.
This toy is incredibly easily broken at the waist pivot, being just a thin metal rod (or sometimes even plastic post) connecting his rather weighty upper and lower halves.
In 1984, Mirage was the most common figure of his price point, since he was packaged two per case for the better part of the year. (There were originally only eleven different Autobot Cars figures in a case of twelve, with the extra Mirage used to fill up the case. Near the end of the year, the extra Mirage was replaced by Skids.) Like all his 1984 brethren, Mirage received a heat-activated rubsign in 1985, added to his spoiler; this version was the one released in Japan and various European markets. He was discontinued at retail in 1986, but continued to be available as a mail-away item for years, costing $8 and two Robot Points. The last of these offers, 1988's "The Autobots Are Under Attack!," marked the final release of the toy; the figure's mold was subsequently either lost or damaged, making him one of only two regular-retail 1984 toys to never be reissued in any capacity (the other being the enigmatic "Bumper"). He has, however, been knocked off to high heaven in a variety of colors.
The labels on the toy are references to several real-world companies. The largest name, Citanes, is a deliberate corruption of Gitanes, a French cigarette company. (Quite unusual for a child's toy, but not the only cigarette reference in Diaclone.) The toy included Gitanes' logo of a dancing woman on what ends up as Mirage's belt in robot form. "Ligier" is the name of the company that manufactured the JS11 chassis and fielded the team, Équipe Ligier, traditionally wearing 25 and 26 on the F1 grid, while "elf" is a reference to a French oil company that has since merged with TotalFina to become TotalFinaElf.
The Italian version of Mirage (called "Mistero") released by GiG covered the "Citanes" tampographs with factory-applied "Ligier" decals, and later outright replaced the "Citanes" tampos with actual "Ligier" tampos.

The box set was... full.
  • Good Bye Convoy (Multi-pack, 1986)
  • Accessories: "Rocket-dart hunting rifle", missile launcher, 3 missiles
Commemorating the death of Optimus Prime in The Transformers: The Movie, this set contains a special version of the original Optimus Prime figure with show-inspired translucent blue windows, packaged with unchanged versions of Mirage ("Ligier" in Japan) and Red Alert ("Alert"). It seems this was done in an apparent homage to the similar Diaclone "Powered Convoy DX" giftset, which packaged the "Powered Convoy" version of the Optimus mold with the Diaclone versions of the other two Autobots.

Generation 2

When is a Mirage not a Mirage? When is a Go-Bot not a GoBot?
Part of the third wave of Generation 2 Go-Bots, Mirage is a black and yellow redeco of wave 1's Double Clutch, transforming into a 1:64-scale Lola T94 Indy car. He features through-axle construction allowing for super-fast zipping along smooth surfaces, and his 1:64 scale makes him compatible with racing sets from the Hot Wheels and Matchbox toylines.
This mold was also used to make 2001 Robots in Disguise Mirage. The toy was later repurposed to be a "next-generation" clone of Mirage.
Generation 2 mold: Double Clutch
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
  • Sonokong:

  • Mirage (1995?)
    • Accessories: Presumably rifle, missile launcher, 3 missiles
Concept art for a green and pink redeco of Mirage's original toy (with alligator decals!) meant for the Generation 2 toyline surfaced in the 2011 Transformers Vault collector's book by Pablo Hidalgo. In an unusual coincidence, Transformers fan and rarities-hunter Maziar Shahsafdari unveiled a pictorial review of the mock-up done for this redeco on his website shortly after the book came out, entirely unaware of its inclusion in the tome.
Given that the previous G2 Jazz and Sideswipe toys were released with two fellow Diaclone-based wavemates, this Mirage figure would probably have been released alongside orange Jazz and yellow Sideswipe. Of the three, Mirage is the only one whose identity is somewhat clear as the physical art piece uncovered by Pablo Hidalgo had "Mirage" handwritten at the bottom in black marker, similar to the artwork which revealed names for Sandstorm and Blackout.
The color scheme went on to creep up in a few pieces of referential fiction, described here on the main Mirage page.
TFSquareOne article about pink and green G2 Mirage
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Machine Wars

Gah! I'm teal! Somebody recolor me, please!
  • Mirage (Basic Class, 1997)
    • Accessories: 2-part rifle
Machine Wars Mirage was originally designed for release during the Generation 2 toyline, but the line's cancellation resulted in the figure being held back. Consequently, unlike most of the Machine Wars toys, his head looks very similar to his Generation 1 form. He transforms into a blue and white Penske PC-18 Indycar, and like the other Machine Wars Basic-class figures, the toy is a "flipchanger" with a one-step, spring-loaded transformation. His rifle splits into two pieces, which store inside his legs while he is in vehicle mode.
This toy is gang-molded with the other three Basic molds in the line. Specifically, his shoulders and spine share plastic with Megaplex's inner robot parts, his head shares plastic with Skywarp's jet parts, his seat shares plastic with Hoist's truck parts, plus he shares the pearlescent-gray optics plastic with, well, everyone.
A redeco of the rifle (both pieces) was included in the Cyberverse Bumblebee vs Megatron two-pack.
Generation 2 mold: Lightspeed
  • Hasbro:
  • Robots in Disguise (2001) Skid-Z
  • Takara:
  • Robotmasters RM-03 Rijie

See also:


Phew. Thanks.
  • ID number: RM-03
  • Release date: July 15, 2004
  • Accessories: 2-part "Molecular Bonding Gun", "JS Laser Gun"
Part of the first wave of Takara's Robotmasters toys, "Rijie" uses the Machine Wars Basic Class Mirage mold, but in a much more Generation 1-based coloration and deco. He also came with an extra chrome-silver "JS Laser Gun" (like the other bonus weapons of Robotmasters, it is suspected to be a mold originally developed yet ultimately unused by the cut-short Microman LED Powers line; "JS" is a reference to the naming scheme Ligier uses for its race cars, standing for Jo Schlesser, a Formula One driver who was a friend of Guy Ligier and was killed at the 1968 French Grand Prix).
Because of legal reasons, "Ligier" could not be used for the name of the Robotmasters toy, so "Rijie", which has the same pronunciation in Japan, was used instead. Curiously, the toy's instructions still identify it as "Ligier".
Generation 2 mold: Lightspeed
  • Hasbro:
  • Robots in Disguise (2001) Skid-Z
  • Takara:
  • Robotmasters RM-03 Rijie

See also:


This toy is clearly black, red, and silver. You're just deluding yourself.
  • Mirage (Alternator, 2006)
    • ID number: 22
    • Accessories: Engine/tonfa weapons
Alternators Mirage transforms into a finely detailed 1:24 scale replica of a Ford GT, featuring opening doors, engine bay, and trunk, with a realistic interior. As with most Alternators, his car body is mostly unpainted, but the metallic-flake deep blue plastic makes this hard to see.
Featuring an innovative, different robot mode, Mirage is not a straight re-interpretation of the original Mirage's robot mode, due to the completely different types of vehicles. But coincidentally the Ford GT's hood features a shape that echoes an F1-type racing car's nose and front spoiler. His removable engine supercharger splits in two, becoming either a pair of small pistols or a pair of tonfa weapons.
Mirage was retooled into Hot Rodimus for the Kiss Players line, which was further redecoed into Alternators Rodimus. Later in 2007, he was redecoed in clear plastic colors to represent his 'invisibility mode' as an e-HOBBY exclusive in the Binaltech line.
There is an extensive amount of swirly plastic throughout the figure's entire car mode, however, no cases of traditional gold plastic syndrome-like crumbling have been reported so far. Some have documented frequent "hairline cracks" showing up in this figure, however, these are usually concentrated on one specific portion of the car mode (they often show up as lines between the windshield and the front wheelwell) [1], so it is possible that this could be chalked up to some stress applied on those specific portions of the plastic rather than the plastic itself.

Universe (2003)

I fail to see the point of this.
  • Accessories: Rifle
Released in the 2003 Universe toyline, "Spy Changer" Mirage is a re-release of the KB Toys exclusive redeco of 2001 Robots in Disguise Mirage, transforming into a translucent green Lola Indy car.
He was available only on an individual card from discount chains like The Dollar Store.
Generation 2 mold: Double Clutch
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
  • Sonokong:


Applied to Revoltech club; rejected for lacking thigh joints.
  • Mirage (Deluxe Class, 2006)
    • Accessories: Gun/front spoiler
Classics Mirage was released in November 2006 in wave 2, along with the shortpacked Grimlock. He transforms into a closed-canopy Formula racer concept car. Mirage's paint details contain a few Transformers in-jokes in the form of sponsor logos such as "Witwicky Sparkplugs" and "Lithonian Drivetrain". Additionally, his racing number is still 26, as it was on the original toy. Other logos, which include "Plasma Injection Energy" and "F.P. Racing", refer to "pie" and the initials of the deco artist's super-secret non-gay friendship cult, respectively.
The front detaches to become a handheld electro-disruptor weapon which is said to be able to create illusions and allow him to appear invisible. According to some of his production art, the weapon was partially styled after a crossbow. He is extremely poseable for his time, featuring double-jointed elbows and knees, ball-jointed spoiler "toes", and waist articulation, among others.
His stock photography (pictured at right) depicts almost all of his unpainted grey plastic as blue.
This mold was also used to make 2007 Transformers Fracture and Universe Drag Strip.
Classics mold: Mirage
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Henkei! Henkei! C-04 Ligier
  • Million Publishing:


I leave your toilets fresh and blue every time you flush!
  • Hologram Mirage (BotCon attendee freebie, 2007)
    • Accessories: Gun/front spoiler
A redeco of Classics Mirage in translucent and opaque blue, Mirage was available only as a "freebie" gift to attendees at BotCon 2007.
Classics mold: Mirage
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Henkei! Henkei! C-04 Ligier
  • Million Publishing:

Timelinestoy MWMirage.jpg
  • Mirage / Thundercracker (Souvenir pack, BotCon 2013)
    • Accessories: Gun/front spoiler
This redeco of Classics Mirage renders him in his Machine Wars color scheme. He was only available in a two-pack with Machine Wars Thundercracker at BotCon 2013.
This toy almost became Machine Wars Prowl before Mirage was ultimately decided on.[2] This souvenir set was a particularly poor seller, ending up on deep clearance online after the convention.
Classics mold: Mirage
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Henkei! Henkei! C-04 Ligier
  • Million Publishing:


Binaltechtoy rijie.jpg
  • Rijie feat. Ford GT Electro-Disrupter Mode [sic] (e-HOBBY exclusive, 2007)
    • ID number: BT-18
    • Accessories: Engine/tonfa weapons
Rijie is a redeco of Alternators Mirage using mostly transparent plastic. The toy was exclusively available from e-HOBBY in September 2007.
Even though Takara had briefly contemplated releasing a Hot Rodimus (Hot Rod) retool of Alternators Mirage as the next Binaltech toy after Ginrai (both toys would ultimately come out as part of the Kiss Players line instead), they apparently never created any die-cast molds for the Ford GT sculpt. To justify the absence of diecast parts from a Binaltech toy, Takara decided to use clear plastic parts to represent an "invisible" mode, officially called an "Electro-Disrupter Mode" [sic] on the packaging.

Henkei! Henkei!

Sculpted in 2006. Decoed in the late 70s.
  • Ligier (Deluxe, 2008)
  • ID number: C-04
  • Release date: March 13, 2008
  • Accessories: Gun/front spoiler
Henkei! Henkei! Transformers Ligier is a redeco of Classics Deluxe Class Mirage. In an effort to make him appear more accurate to Mirage's cartoon appearances, Ligier lacks most of the sponsorship tampographs that appeared on Classics Mirage. As with all Henkei toys, he lacks the heat-sensitive rubsign seen on the Classics version, but features vacuum-metallized parts: his rear spoiler and his front spoiler.
Classics mold: Mirage
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Henkei! Henkei! C-04 Ligier
  • Million Publishing:

Clear, black, and chrome? It's like he's a living embodiment of Takara itself!
  • Electro Disruptor Ligier (Deluxe, 2009)
  • Accessories: Gun/front spoiler
"Electro Disruptor Ligier" is a translucent plastic version of Henkei Ligier, based on his noticeably transparent invisibilities in The Ultimate Doom, Part 3, offered as a mail-away exclusive to those who bought the book Transformers Generations 2009 Volume 1.
This toy was repurposed as Shattered Glass Mirage.
Classics mold: Mirage
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Henkei! Henkei! C-04 Ligier
  • Million Publishing:


Humongous Interactive Presents "Mirage goes to the Races".
  • Mirage (2011)
    • Set number: 31145
    • Pieces: 119
    • Kreons: Mirage, Race Driver
    • Accessories: Small pistol
The Mirage kit can be rebuilt from a robot to a formula racing car, and has a head sculpt clearly based on Classics Mirage's head. It includes a Mirage and Race Driver Kreon to ride the car.

  • Kreon Figure Pack (2013)
    • Set number: A4642
    • Kreons: Bumblebee, Jazz, Mirage, Red Alert, Skywarp
    • Accessories: Small pistol
A boxed set of five Kreons, with Bumblebee, Red Alert, Mirage, Jazz and a fifth "mystery" Kreon (actually Skywarp). These toys are all identical to their prior releases.

KreO-Toy MirageC84.jpg
  • Kreon Class of 1984 (Kreon figure set, 2014)
    • Set number: B0090
    • Voted: Best Dressed
    • Accessories: Blaster
This version of Mirage, part of the Kreon Class of 1984, has much more detailed toy-based tampographs than his prior version, including a half-blue face.
He was only available in a San Diego Comic-Con 2014 exclusive pack of 30 Kreons dubbed the "Kreon Class of 1984". Remaining stock was to be sold at Hasbro Toy Shop online, only there was no remaining stock after the show.

Bot Shots

What do you mean "not accurate"?I've always turned into this!
  • Mirage (Bot Shot, 2012)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: B005
      • Fist strength: 210
      • Blaster strength: 840
      • Sword strength: 580
Part of the second wave of Bot Shots single-packs, Mirage is a teeny little sports car with a spring-loaded automatic transformation to robot mode triggered when his front bumper is pressed. He has a "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels. His head is based on the Classics version of Generation 1 Mirage but with a vehicle mode and chest reminiscent of his Dark of the Moon counterpart.
Mirage's main car body, arms, and legs are also used by Barricade, Bumblebee, Lockdown, Prowl, and Topspin.

It makes your whites whiter and your brights brighter!
  • Polar Assault Team (Multi-pack, 2013)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: T003
      • Fist strength: 670
      • Blaster strength: 190
      • Sword strength: 760
A redeco of the original Mirage mold in a darker blue with white windows. This version of Mirage was available in a five pack with new redecos of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, and Jetfire.

Mirage forgot to turn off his hologram's cheese wheel filter.
  • Red Alert / Ultra Magnus / Mirage (Multi-pack, 2013)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: Super Bot 009
      • Fist strength: 181
      • Blaster strength: 845
      • Sword strength: 594
Part of the third wave of Bot Shots Series 2 three-packs, Super Bot Mirage is a redeco of the original Mirage mold in translucent teal with yellow wheels. He comes in a three-pack with Jump Shot Red Alert and Jump Shot Ultra Magnus.


Better red than dead.
  • Red Sports Car (Mirage) (2012)
    • ID number: B08
BeCool "Red Sports Car" is a red redeco of the Bot Shots Mirage toy (presumably in homage to Dark of the Moon Dino/Mirage) with the power level stickers replaced by little drawings related to sports cars: a speedometer, a car with its hood open and... a rice ball. Don't ask us. It might be a joke about its similarity to the speedometer.


Generationstoy specialist mirage.jpg
  • Specialist: Autobots (Multi-pack, March 25, 2014)
    • Accessories: Gun/front spoiler
Classics Mirage was re-released in a three-pack with Universe Ironhide and Hound, available from Hasbro Asia and TakaraTomy Mall. All three Autobots feature new metallic paint decos, and the set's package art links up to the contemporaneously-released "Specialist: Decepticons" set to form a complete image. At selected stores in Asia, the set was available with a free Autobot insignia dangler.
Classics mold: Mirage
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Henkei! Henkei! C-04 Ligier
  • Million Publishing:

Combiner Wars

Are you sure I'm holding this right?
  • Mirage (Deluxe Class, 2015)
    • Accessories: Sword, double-barreled "rocket dart launcher"/fist/foot
Part of the fourth wave of Combiner Wars Deluxe Class toys, Mirage is a retool of Combiner Wars Decepticon Dragstrip, sporting a brand new head sculpt. The hand-foot-gun can be stored on top of his alt mode via 5 mm posts. Being a Combiner Wars figure, Mirage can transform into a limb for any Combiner Wars-style Voyager Class toy or into one of Legends Godbomber's legs, although he would usually be associated with Optimus Maximus or Betatron.
Mirage comes packaged with the comic book "The Sum and Its Parts". In Canada, Latin America, and Europe, he was available in different types of multilingual packaging including a character card featuring his comic book cover/package art instead. He and the last three waves of Combiner Wars Deluxe and Voyager figures later showed up at TJ Maxx in the U.S. at reduced prices with the collector card.
As a part of the third and fourth wave promotion in Hasbro's Asian markets, a free sticker sheet for the Protectobots and Optimus Maximus was given out when purchasing any four Deluxe Class toys from those waves. As such, Mirage was given Generation 1 toy-esque stickers for the owner to apply if they wanted.[3]

Unite Warriors

If you squint, it kinda looks like my rocket launcher.
  • Convoy Grand Prime (giftset, February 27, 2016)
    • ID number: UW-05
    • Accessories: Weapons, 4 Gun/Fist/Foots
Released as part of the TakaraTomy Mall exclusive Convoy Grand Prime set, Takara's iteration of Combiner Wars Optimus Maximus is sold in a gift set including all five Autobots (minus the Rodimus mold).
Compared to the Combiner Wars release, "Ligier" has numerous changes in deco to better match his look in the Generation 1 cartoon: his light blue plastic is now a darker shade, additional paint operations on the chest and his pair of fists, some omitted details on the legs, the "cheeks" on the head, and the Autobot insignia on his robot chest. The red paint details on the arms are swapped with white, and the patterns on the arms/side fairings are now replaced with a white border that surrounds the marking. His unpaintable combiner joint is now white.

War for Cybertron: Siege

"The voting polls were... full."
  • Autobot Mirage (Deluxe Class, 2019)
    • Hasbro ID number: WFC-S43
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SG-38
    • TakaraTomy release date: December 26, 2019
    • Hidden message code: TURBOFOX
    • Accessories: "C-20 Electro-Disruptor Cannon," "Distortion Missile," "W-15 Armor-Piercing Rocket-Dart Launcher"
In accordance with his victory in the 2018 War for Cybertron Trilogy Hasbro fan poll, Mirage got a new figure in Siege, released concurrently with Impactor. The figure is styled after Mirage's cartoon model, and transfoms into an F1 racer (a distinctly different model from his original toy) with Cybertronian elements—including a visual "26" written in Cybertronian numbers (however, the rest of the writing is in an unknown font, that likely spells "Citanes" or something to a similar effect). Mirage features extensive faux parts; the vehicle nose making up his chest actually stores in the back of his vehicle mode, while the actual nose of the vehicle folds into the back of his shins. He comes with 3 weapons compatible with the C.O.M.B.A.T. System, and features multiple 5 mm hardpoints to work with it. Unlike most Siege figures, Mirage is practically spotless, as no visible sign of battle damage paint applications can be seen anywhere on his body.
While the stock render shows his arms with black shoulders, grey biceps and white forearms, the final toy has grey forearms. The render also depicts him with opaque blue plastic, with a clear cockpit, while the final toy has the entire hood molded in unpainted translucent blue plastic. The hood pieces use small tabs to connect to the rear end of the alt mode, but many copies of the figure have the tabs sized slightly too large, necessitating a bit of effort to tab them into place. As these tabs are made of more brittle translucent plastic, care should be taken when dealing with them, although the tabs breaking off does not drastically hinder the stability of the car mode should it happen.
Siege mold: Mirage

Cybertronian vehicle mode:

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomySiege WFC-S43 Mirage

Earth vehicle mode:

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyKingdom WFC-K40 Mirage

I'm no longer a freebie, but you still want me.
  • Fan Vote Battle 3-Pack (Multi-pack)
    • ID number: WFC-S55
    • Accessories: "C-20 Electro-Disruptor Cannon," "W-15 Armor-Piercing Rocket-Dart Launcher," missile
Released as part of a three-pack with Powerdasher Aragon and Decepticon Impactor, "Holo Mirage" is a translucent redeco and retool of the figure above, featuring a new toy-accurate head and clear blue plastics that evokes his BotCon 2007 freebie toy. A few of the figure's parts are still molded in opaque plastic, such as the biceps inner armatures. The figure has a number of unique clear blue paint applications including the number "26", a reference to "Visages", and, of all things, the insignia of the Zarak Consortium.
Due to now being made almost entirely out of translucent plastic, Holo Mirage is susceptible to stress fractures at all points of articulation and tab-based transformation areas. Caution is suggested when handling the figure.
Oddly, his missile is not called out in the instructions.
The head of this version of Mirage was used with Mirage's Kingdom body to make Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection Decepticon Crasher.
This set was an Amazon exclusive in the United States and Europe, but was available at general retail in Hasbro's Asian markets such as Hong Kong.
Siege mold: Mirage

Cybertronian vehicle mode:

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomySiege WFC-S43 Mirage

Earth vehicle mode:

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyKingdom WFC-K40 Mirage

War for Cybertron Trilogy

Cliffjumper was right all along.
  • Decepticon Mirage (Deluxe Class, 2020)
    • TakaraTomy name: Mirage
    • TakaraTomy ID number: WFC-01
    • TakaraTomy release date: September 26, 2020
    • Accessories: "C-20 Electro-Disruptor Cannon," "W-15 Armor-Piercing Rocket-Dart Launcher," missile
Promoting the Siege season of the Netflix-original War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon, this redeco of Siege Mirage outfits the Autobot in a deco that matches his holographic Decepticon disguise as shown in the cartoon, along with an extensive paint wash coating to represent accumulated grime and battle scars. Mirage also sports base color differences, such as purple instead of blue and yellow eyes. Unlike his original Siege release, Decepticon Mirage does not use translucent plastic in any of his parts, greatly increasing his durability. This contained a portion of a cardstock background of Teletraan I. Mirage's part has slots G, I, J, and N.
As the Siege cartoon depicts numerous generic Decepticons with Mirage's body-type in this color scheme, Decepticon Mirage can be used as an easy army-builder for the Decepticon ranks if one chooses. Although rather coincidental, Mirage's color scheme and design also bear a striking resemblance to Barricade's in the original IDW comic series.
This release was exclusive to Walmart in the U.S. and Canada, and in Japan as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive.
Siege mold: Mirage

Cybertronian vehicle mode:

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomySiege WFC-S43 Mirage

Earth vehicle mode:

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyKingdom WFC-K40 Mirage

War for Cybertron: Kingdom

Forgive me on not being this opaque before... didn't feel like spending enough to get it at that point in time.
  • Autobot Mirage & Maximal Grimlock (2-pack, 2021)
    • Hasbro ID number: WFC-K40
    • TakaraTomy ID number: KD EX-13
    • TakaraTomy release date: January 29, 2022
    • Accessories: Cannon, shoulder-mounted launcher, missile
Kingdom Autobot Mirage is a significant retool of his Siege toy, with newly-molded robot and alternate mode parts as well as a tweaked upper-body transformation to better facilitate an earthen Formula One racecar vehicle mode, though still a different model from his animation design. Mirage's head, feet, waist, hands, wheels, accessories, and various structural parts are carried over from the Siege mold. His torso transformation joint can work as an ab-crunch. The new deco is missing most of the racing sponsor decals, but the "elf" decal from G1 has been replaced by "orc".
Unfortunately, this version of Mirage has lost the C.O.M.B.A.T. System ports on his shoulders and has therefore lost the ability to mount his missile launcher on either shoulder in a "natural" firing position. Many have taken to utilizing the shallow 5 mm ports on the backs of his shoulder armor to mount the missile launcher pointed upwards. He also now has a new set of 3 mm posts on the forearms, just behind his fists. The 5 mm port on his back is also too large to accommodate 5 mm pegs, causing items placed in it to fall out easily. This issue would be corrected when the mold was reused for Leadfoot (see below).
Revealed on #TransformersTuesday, Mirage was released with Maximal Grimlock as a part of the "Battle Across Time Collection". Though similar to the Siege "Final Strike Figure Series", being exclusive multi-packs with package art that combines into a larger piece, the "Battle Across Time Collection" label is printed on the box. The two-pack is exclusive to Amazon and Hasbro Pulse in the US, and in the UK on Hasbro Pulse and several online retailers. Initially set for a January 29, 2022 release by TakaraTomy, the 2-pack was delayed to March 2022.
This figure was retooled into Legacy Wreck N' Rule Collection Leadfoot, and then redecoed into Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection Decepticon Crasher using the head of the Siege Holo Mirage.
Siege mold: Mirage

Cybertronian vehicle mode:

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomySiege WFC-S43 Mirage

Earth vehicle mode:

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyKingdom WFC-K40 Mirage


I had no friends
No girls would hug me
’Til I got radioactive ugly!
  • G2 Universe Mirage (Deluxe Class, 2023)
  • Accessories: Cannon, shoulder-mounted launcher, missile
  • Known designers: Ken Christiansen (concept artist)
Legacy: Evolution Toxitron Collection "G2 Universe Mirage" is a redeco of Kingdom Mirage, based on the conceptual Generation 2 pink/green deco, albeit with a silver face not present on the original art.
The Toxitron Collection was exclusive to Walmart in the United States.
Siege mold: Mirage

Cybertronian vehicle mode:

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomySiege WFC-S43 Mirage

Earth vehicle mode:

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyKingdom WFC-K40 Mirage


TF Authentics Alpha Mirage.jpg
  • Autobot Mirage (Alpha, 2024)
Part of the seventh wave of Authentics Alpha Class line up, "Autobot Mirage" is a Voyager Class-sized figure based on his evergreen design, transforming into a race car in 7 steps.



Mirage decoy.jpg
  • Defeat Trypticon Strategy Game (board game, 1986)
  • Cybertron Hero Collection 22 (Decoy multi-pack, 1986)
Mirage was among the many characters rendered by Takara as part of their series of 1.5" soft rubber keshigomu figurines. Like all the figures in the series, Mirage featured a number sculpted into his back that was the sum total of his Tech Specs, for use in the various games that could be played with the figurines. He was one of the six red-rubber Autobot playing pieces included in the Defeat Trypticon Strategy Game, and was also available as part of a 22-piece box set of Autobot figures. He could be purchased in peach as part of various other randomly-packed box sets released by Takara subsidiary Seven, and in a wide variety of different colors in "gachapon" capsule machines.
  • Mirage (Decoy, 1987)
    • Decoy number: 20
The Mirage figurine was later brought over to Hasbro markets as part of the Decoy promotion, largely identical to the Japanese release except the number on his back was replaced with a simple "checklist" number. Like all Autobot Decoys, he was a randomly-chosen pack-in available with the carded Throttlebots, Aerialbots, Protectobots, and Technobots.


ChoroQ mirage.jpg
Choro-Q Ligier is a mostly translucent redeco of the Honda Jordan F1 toy from Takara's Choro-Q toyline of non-transforming super-deformed vehicles. He was an exclusive at BotCon Japan 2000, and features a pull-back motor and a rear license plate that reads "BotCon Japan 2000".
Along with Choro-Q Convoy and Megatron, Ligier was given out randomly to convention attendees. Each toy was limited to 1000 pieces.


  • Mirage (Booster, 2007)
Mirage was likely to have been one of several Transformers Attacktix Booster pieces. He was to be a 20-point Specialist-class piece. Though displayed as part of the Attacktix display at the Star Wars "Celebration IV" convention, Mirage was ultimately never released as the Attacktix line was put on ice.


Game over.
This Attacktix item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Robot Heroes

I'm too rich to be cute.
  • Mirage & Starscream (Two-pack, 2007)
Part of the first wave of Robot Heroes two-packs (sold under the live-action movie toyline branding), Mirage is a two-inch-tall robot sculpted in super deformed style, with swivel articulation at the head and shoulders.
He was only available in a two-pack with Starscream.

  • Mirage (Single-pack, 2008)
In some countries outside of North America, Mirage was released individually in a blindpack with no notable changes.

What he said.
  • Decepticon Sneak Attack (Multi-pack, 2007)
"Hologram Mirage" is a recolor of the two-pack Mirage, cast in transparent blue with slightly different paint details. Most notably, the Autobot symbols on his arms have been replaced with part of the word "Citanes", to evoke the original toy.
He was only available in a Walmart exclusive multi-pack, along with Cliffjumper, Skywarp, and "Supermetal Finish" versions of Optimus Prime and Megatron.

  • Hologram Mirage (Single-pack, 2008)
Hologram Mirage also saw release in a blindpack outside of North America.

The Loyal Subjects

Doesn't have to turn invisible to hide.
  • Mirage (2014)
The Loyal Subjects Mirage is a Wave 2 figure with standard articulation. He is based on the original toy and features a few references that replace his normal racing sponsor details. Mirage's right foot reads "The Loyal" and his left reads "Subjects". On both sides of his chest, "Pawtucket" can be seen, a reference to Hasbro's headquarters. Under the 26 on his chest, the name "les" is shown, a reference to the designer of The Loyal Subjects figures. For every 16 figures, there is 1 Mirage.

  • Mirage "Red" Ed. (2014)

Collect them all!

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  • Transparent Black Mirage (2014)

Collect them all!

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  • Autobots 3-Pack (2014)

Collect them all!

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Transformers Figure Collection

Not G1 Dino.
  • Ligier (01-2016)
Standing 42mm tall, Transformers Figure Collection Ligier is a non-poseable soft-rubber figure greatly based on a Decoy figure.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Autobot Mirage, Lone Wolf (2018)
    • Wave 1
    • Rarity: UT
    • Card Number: T05/T40
    • Stars: 9
Autobot Mirage, Lone Wolf is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.
The artwork on the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile card game, and is based on the Transformers: Classics Mirage toy.

  • Autobot Mirage, Counterintelligence (2019)
    • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
    • Rarity: UT
    • Card Number: T05/T46
    • Stars: 7
Autobot Mirage, Counterintelligence was released as part of the Transformers Trading Card Game Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners. Like all other members of combiner teams released in the set, Autobot Mirage, Counterintelligence is a folding card, with the Bot and Alt modes being depicted when the card is folded in half, and a holofoil portion of the the combined mode depicted when unfolded. The reverse of Autobot Mirage, Counterintelligence depicts the middle left portion of Optimus Maximus', of whom Mirage forms the left arm.
The artwork for Alt Mode is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game, and is based on the Transformers: Classics Mirage toy, while the Bot Mode artwork uses the Combiner Wars Mirage figure's packaging art.
Autobot Mirage, Counterintelligence can be used to form Optimus Maximus, Ultimate Defender with the use of the Action card Sentinel Enigma while he and the other Wave 2 Sentinels are in Bot mode on the battlefield and/or KO area.

  • Sergeant Mirage, Special Ops-Spy (2019)
    • Wave 4: War for Cybertron: Siege II
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T44/T52
    • Stars: 7
Sergeant Mirage, Special Ops-Spy is one of 52 character cards released in Wave 4 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege II.
The card's artwork is based on the Siege Mirage toy, with the Bot Mode art being reused from the toy's packaging art, and with original Alt Mode artwork (lines by Ken Christiansen).


  • Mirage (2020)
    • Accessories: Ion blaster
Released in the second wave of Super7's line of multi-property 3.75-inch "retro" action figures, ReAction Mirage is a non-converting 3 3/4-inch action figure based on his appearance in the original cartoon, with 5 points of articulation (swivel neck, shoulders, hips) and holes in his feet for use with some variety of stand. Unlike the first-wave figures, both of his hands are open and can grip his included "ion blaster" accessory; his shoulder-mounted missile launcher is permanently attached so no dual-wielding with that.
As with all releases in the ReAction toyline, Mirage comes packaged on a small cardback that emulates the nostalgic packaging style of Kenner's Star Wars action figures from the late 1970s to early '80s.

Jada Toys

  • Transformers Series 2 18-pack (4 cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
Released by Jada Toys, Nano Metalfigs Mirage is an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded holding his blaster. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
He comes in an impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.

Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Reflector and Mirage.jpg
Released as part of the tenth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of "Rijie" and "Refraktor" (in his traditional form of Spectro, Spyglass and Viewfinder) along with character profiles and tech specs.


  2. BotCon 2014 attendee report
  3. Protectobot and Optimus Maximus sticker promotion on TFW2005
  4. "With the new Countach announced today I thought it would be fun to show some concepts for Transformers character alt modes I worked on a few years back. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker."—Michael DiTullo, Twitter, 2021/08/12 (archive link)
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